What is periarticular osteoporosis? The consequences of the disease are quite serious - the joints are gradually destroyed, their surfaces
Pharmacological properties of the drug Theraflex Advance Chondroitin sulfate is a high molecular weight mucopolysaccharide that takes part in the construction
Healing of bones after a fracture Symptoms of a bone fracture - acute pain, tissue swelling, atypical mobility
Intervertebral hernia is a common pathology of the spine. It is a protrusion of the disc nucleus located in the
Types Depending on the course of development and clinical signs, three different forms of pigmentation are distinguished
Many scientific works have already been written about the healing properties of the bath. They look into the steam room to lose weight,
All radiological examinations must be justified and have goals and diagnostic objectives. The knee is
Pregnancy is a huge stress for the entire female body, and childbirth is often for a woman
The leading symptoms of osteochondrosis of any localization are pain and limitation of movement. Taking pharmacological drugs is not
In vertebrology, vertebral lumbarization is relatively rare. This is a skeletal malformation that can