Treatment of protrusion of the lumbar and sacral regions

Protrusion of the lumbosacral region becomes a consequence of osteochondrosis, which progresses due to improper therapy. This pathology is a protrusion of the intervertebral disc towards the spinal canal. Its size can reach up to 9 mm.

Are you worried about constant pain in the sacrum and lower back, or are you tormented by a feeling of discomfort in your legs? We offer effective therapy for protrusion of the lumbar spine using the complex methodology of the center using kinesi training on decompression machines, shock wave therapy, massage and manual influence, and the development of individual kinesi training complexes for home exercises. This helps achieve recovery without the use of medications or surgery!

Signs of protrusion of the lumbosacral spine

  • feeling of tension in the back;
  • aching dull pain radiating to the calf muscles;
  • cramps in the lower back;
  • numbness of hands and feet;
  • distorted sensitivity;
  • limitation in movements and changes in gait.

  • degenerative processes in the vertebrae, cartilage, ligaments;
  • low application capacity of the muscles around the spine;
  • lack of moisture and nutrients that preserve the shock absorption and structure of the discs;
  • insufficient blood supply to the intervertebral discs.

Remember! In 90% of cases, protrusion develops against the background of osteochondrosis, and if left untreated, it can transform into an intervertebral hernia. That is why, at the first suspicion of a problem, you should not delay treatment.

Set of exercises

Classes are carried out strictly with certain requirements. The predominant movements are flexion and extension of the back, extension of the spinal column.

What exercises are recommended:

  1. Run. Jogging is carried out in high-quality shoes with shock-absorbing soles. The best place is dirt paths. Jogging is preferable to running.
  2. Walking. They start with a minimum distance of 500 m, gradually increasing the distance to 5-10 km.
  3. Push-ups. Doctors do not always introduce this element into classes. The movements are complex and are best done with an instructor. It is optimal to do push-ups from elevated surfaces - benches, chairs, sofas. It should be performed smoothly and easily; sudden movements are undesirable.
  4. Swimming and water aerobics. Some of the most useful activities. At the same time, all muscle groups are strengthened, the muscle corset is formed into a single and powerful skeleton.

Why should you contact the Innovative Medical Center?

If you notice one of the symptoms of the pathology, immediately contact our clinic! You will receive pain relief in just one or two procedures using one of the methods of modern pain therapy and will be able to get rid of limited mobility, lumbago, and other associated symptoms. Our clinic guarantees:

  1. Consultation and treatment with highly qualified doctors, including doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category, who have already helped thousands of patients cope with protrusion.
  2. An integrated approach providing non-surgical, painless treatment.
  3. Thorough diagnostics using a modern ultrasound machine, which allows you to identify the disease without expensive examination methods.
  4. A clear study of the cause that caused protrusion in the lumbosacral spine and its elimination.
  5. Kinesitherapy classes on innovative simulators that allow you to relieve compression from the lumbosacral spine, prevent the abrasion of cartilage, strengthen the muscles around the affected vertebra and prevent the protrusion from turning into a herniated disc.
  6. The use of high-tech physio-equipments: shock wave therapy Khivamat-200 and shock wave therapy installations of the latest generation BTL-6000 SWT TOPLINE (UK) from the first sessions significantly reduces pain and also reduces the number of treatment procedures.
  7. Attention and individual approach to each patient.

Don't put off visiting a doctor if you don't want to constantly suffer from lower back pain!

Execution technique

Classes begin with warm-up exercises. To do this choose:

  • joint gymnastics,
  • squats,
  • tilts,
  • exercise bike.

The next stage is working the pectoral muscles on the simulator. Adjustable to suit your own height. Perform presses in a lying position. Then move on to strength exercises to strengthen the deltoid muscles. Perform T-bar rows with the front surface resting on the bench. Do bench presses with your legs.

Completion of classes - abdominal exercises, flexion of the lower extremities.

Orthopedic doctor, 12 years of experience. During classes, in agreement with the doctor, a hyperextension corset is worn.

What methods are used?

The method of our center is effective in the treatment of protrusion of the lumbosacral region, because uses a whole range of procedures and directions:

  • modern pain therapy using blockades, injection of hyaluronic acids and platelet-rich plasma into the affected disc is effective at the first stage, when it is necessary to relieve pain and inflammation;
  • A key component in the treatment program for lumbosacral protrusion in our clinic is kinesitherapy, a method that is based on movement treatment. During kinesi training, patients perform special exercises aimed at strengthening the lumbosacral spine on decompression machines under the supervision of a doctor or instructor. The complex is selected individually for each patient and allows for: strengthening of the back muscles;
  • prevention of cartilage abrasion;
  • improving spinal mobility;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • maintaining disc trophism and blood supply.
  • manual therapy – allows you to eliminate pain and significantly reduce medication intake;
  • reflexology – at the initial stage of treatment normalizes blood supply to the affected area, accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • medical massage – has a general strengthening effect, allows you to strengthen weakened muscles and normalize the condition of tissues at the final stage of therapy;
  • UVT and Khivamat therapy - used to reduce the load on the nerve roots, restore normal muscle tone, normalize the condition of the muscles of the lumbosacral region, relieve swelling and pain.
  • The treatment plan is selected by our doctors taking into account the stage of development of the disease and other characteristics of the patient.

    The essence of the exercise and the muscles trained

    During classes, 2 main movements are performed - flexion and extension. To do this, lie on the machine, palms behind your head or on your chest. The body is a straight line. Bend 60 degrees, smoothly bend the lumbar region.

    Which muscle groups are involved in training and strengthened accordingly:

    • back straighteners,
    • abdominal Press,
    • gluteal – large,
    • calf,
    • two-headed,
    • the muscles of the thigh on the back surface,
    • semi-membranous and semi-continuous.

    Orthopedic doctor, 12 years of experience. Small spinal muscles are used, which are difficult to strengthen with other exercises. A durable corset is created for the spinal column.

    How does the treatment process work?

    We treat lumbosacral protrusion in several stages:

    • the patient is examined to determine the level of sensitivity of the limbs, motor and neurological tests are performed;
    • collect anamnesis;
    • ultrasound diagnostics are prescribed, with the help of which you can determine the size and location of the protrusion in the tissues of the sacral spine, and, if necessary, MRI or CT scan of the spine (the condition of the vascular network and the degree of muscle atrophy are determined).

    Therapy for lumbar protrusion using kinesitherapy and other methods in our Center helps:

    • eliminate axial load on the spine and joints when exercising on multifunctional exercise machines;
    • safe range of motion and optimal load allow treatment to be prescribed for people of any age;
    • activation of the body's internal reserves through gentle movements.

    After completing the course of treatment, our doctors will definitely recommend a program of supportive home exercises and give recommendations to help prevent exacerbations of the disease and not give up an active life and playing your favorite sport.

    The innovative medical center will help in the treatment of protrusion of the lumbosacral and other parts of the spine painlessly and without surgery!

    We are waiting for your calls at 8 and will be happy to help in any situation! We will return your motor activity and joy from every step!

    What it is?

    Hyperextension is an exercise program for patients with spinal hernias, as well as problems such as osteochondrosis and pathological curvatures. The set of classes is specially designed and thought out to the smallest detail specifically for patients with back diseases and hernial protrusions. All movements are adapted for performance on simulators.

    Orthopedic doctor, 12 years of work experience. You can exercise at home without special equipment; it is enough to have any flat surface, floor or furniture attributes.

    Cost of treatment for Protrusion

    Services listPrice, rub
    Appointment (examination, consultation) with an orthopedist - traumatologist, chiropractor, osteopath, kinesiotherapist, test session1 600
    Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences2 200
    Kinesi taping 1 zone1 100
    Magnetic Vacuum Acupuncture1 700
    Intra-articular Injection (diprospan)4 000
    Intra-Articular PRP Injection6 500
    PRP therapy for tendonitis, ligamentitis, contractures6 500
    Individual lesson with an instructor2 700
    Individual lesson with a doctor3 900
    HIVAMAT session up to 15 min, 1 unit. body 2 200
    HIVAMAT session up to 15 min, 2 units. body 3 200
    Manual therapy 1 department (15 min.)2 700
    Soft manual techniques (45-60 min.)7 500
    Osteopathic techniques (30-75 min.)7 500

    Training mistakes

    Patients with a hernia in the lumbar region are prohibited from placing heavy loads on their back. The most common mistakes during training are discussed in advance by the trainer and the patient. Among the most common are:

    1. Deep body bends . If the patient’s posture is normal, then he can make deep bends - over 60 degrees. In case of lumbar pathology, it is dangerous to do such bends.
    2. Strong deflection . Completing the exercise and performing a deflection, getting into the starting position, the load moves from the back to the shoulders. Strong deflection does not give the desired effect, which worsens the quality of classes.
    3. Pendulum movements . Raising and lowering the torso should only be done from a vertical position. While doing turns, bends, turns and other elements, you can lose the results of your studies. The spine does not receive proper treatment, and the pathology may simply get worse.
    4. Improper fixation of limbs . If you fix the limbs correctly, the body stretches and the vertebrae return to their original places. Hands must be fixed, pressed to the chest or bent at the elbows.
    5. Heavy weight at the beginning of training . Increasing weight on exercise machines must be done gradually.

    At the beginning of training, you should learn the exact technique of movements, then increase the number of approaches and only then increase the load on the lower back. This disease requires compliance with restrictions during training, running and jumping, and exercise on the steppes are excluded. Elements in a standing position are not included in the set of exercises, because they increase the load on the lower back.


    Compliance with preventive measures is important both for people who have already identified protrusions, and for those who do not want to allow them to appear. Rules include:

    • compliance with the work and rest regime, avoiding physical overload;
    • regular exercise (without striving for records), walks in the fresh air;
    • exclusion of sports associated with jumping, vibration, lifting weights (equestrianism, weightlifting, etc.);
    • correct posture when sitting and walking;
    • nutritious nutrition with sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and collagen;
    • normalization of body weight if it is excess;
    • sleep on a high-quality orthopedic mattress and comfortable pillow;
    • regular examinations by a doctor, elimination of chronic diseases.


    Spinal disc protrusions are classified depending on the direction of the protrusion. The following options are available:

    • median: the protrusion area is located in the central part of the spinal canal; often accompanied by neurological disorders;
    • paramedian: a protrusion forms on the right or left relative to the spinal canal, often causing pinching of the nerve roots and severe pain;
    • foraminal: the formation is located in the natural openings between the vertebrae, where the nerve roots pass; even with a small defect volume they cause significant neurological impairment and pain;
    • diffuse: evenly distributed over the entire back side of the disc.
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