Massage for varus deformity of the legs in children. Children's massage for tibial varus in a child
Treatment of varus deformity in children is a long and painstaking process, which consists of a complex
Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint
Bursitis of the elbow joint INSTRUCTIONS for the use of the drug for medical use Nise® Registration number:
Treatment of hand joints with folk remedies
Epicondylitis of the elbow joint - traditional methods of treatment
Young, active people who are constantly on the move have more problems with their joints.
Symptoms of post-traumatic arthritis
Post-traumatic arthritis, as a result of injury
In addition to pain, TMJ arthritis can manifest itself as: swelling and redness of the skin over the joint;
Features of a bandage for the hip joint for coxarthrosis
People who are concerned about pain in the area often come to the ArthroMedCenter joint and spine clinic.
Opinion about hip dysplasia + survey
According to statistics, parents of three out of a hundred babies experience hip dysplasia in a newborn.
Warm-up is the key to success in any workout
Doing the warm-up correctly - three mandatory stages
Warm-up before starting a workout - a set of exercises with which the body is prepared for intense
Bee cream wax is healthy and its uses
ZDOROV beeswax cream with Sabelnik extract 30g Zdorov/Russia
Cream-wax “Zdorov” is capable of having the most beneficial effects on the human body, thanks to its unique composition.
Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis
Therapeutic effect of the collar The support provided by the collar is not the only advantage of the orthopedic product. Tire renders
Arthrolight cream for joints 100ml NVC Agrovetzashchita/Russia
Manufacturer: MiraxBioPharma Active ingredients Not specified. See instructions Pharmacological actions Not specified. See instructions
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