Ointment for hygroma: how effective is treatment and how to choose a drug

What it is

Hygroma (synovial cyst or ganglion) is a formation that is a capsule filled with thick liquid.
This is a benign cyst that mainly forms in the joint area. Most often these tumors appear on the hands. More than half of all neoplasms on the hands are hygromas. The size of the hygroma varies from 0.5 to 6 cm in diameter. Small tumors, as a rule, do not cause discomfort other than aesthetic ones. Large hygromas can be difficult. This is due to pressure on nearby nerve fibers. This leads to pain, which requires prompt medical intervention. Moreover, in approximately 50% of cases, hygromas go away on their own¹.

According to one epidemiological study, hygromas are formed annually in 3 people for every 10 thousand population². In the vast majority of cases, these are persons aged 20-30 years. Hygromas are extremely rare in older people and children. In women, such tumors appear 2-3 times more often than in men.

"Professional" hygromas

Most often, hygromas are formed in athletes who use sports equipment. These are tennis players, hockey players, golfers, weightlifters and others. Musicians, typesetters, painters and turners also often encounter hygroma. Any work associated with high load on a joint (or group of joints) increases the risk of synovial cysts.

Folk remedies for hygroma

In the initial stages of the disease, you can try therapy using various traditional methods. There are recipes for preparing medicines that can cope with the disease.


  • Propolis ointment. It is the most popular remedy. Propolis has many beneficial properties that help normalize human health. You need to prepare such an ointment for hygroma by strictly following the instructions. A small amount of propolis is mixed with two large spoons of butter. The mixture is then heated for sixty minutes. The medicine is cooled and transferred to a sterilized glass container. Apply to the hygroma twice a day after the same period of time. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery.
  • An ointment with the addition of analgin is used for therapy. To prepare, you need to crush ten analgin tablets into powder. Mix with 200 ml of iodine. This composition is applied to the hygroma up to three times a day. It is necessary to monitor the reaction to avoid allergies and irritation.
  • The next remedy requires longer preparation. The egg is poured with vinegar in an amount of 100 ml and left in a dark place for four days. After this period, the shell will dissolve, you need to remove the yolk from what is left. Beat the yolk, mix with the rest of the shell, add a small amount of vinegar. Add turpentine and mix. Store in dark glass containers. Apply to the tumor every day until complete healing.
  • Cahors, honey and aloe juice are mixed in equal quantities. Apply to inflammation before bed.
  • Grate the beets on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. One large spoon of cake is mixed with the same amount of honey. The mixture is applied to the sore spot before bedtime and secured with a bandage. Repeat every day.
  • A spoonful of red clay is diluted with a solution of sea salt to a paste. The resulting ointment is applied to the tumor overnight every day.

On the Internet you can find other recipes for ointments for the treatment of cystic formations. We should not forget to be careful to avoid side effects and allergic reactions.

Hygroma symptoms

In 30-40% of cases, hygromas are asymptomatic. The only manifestation that worries a person is a compacted lump near the joint. Most often this is the wrist joint or fingers. In other places, synovial cysts appear much less frequently.

Hygromas are rarely large. They grow very slowly and simply do not have time to reach large sizes.

A doctor examines a hygroma. Photo: familylifestyle / Depositphotos

In addition to the pineal formation, other symptoms are also observed with a synovial cyst:

  • limited mobility of the affected joint;
  • pain in the area of ​​the cyst (usually aching pain);
  • decreased or increased sensitivity of the skin (possible slight numbness in the area of ​​the hygroma);
  • burning sensation, tingling, crawling and other sensations (arise due to pressure on nerve fibers).

More pronounced symptoms are observed when the hygroma is located under the joint ligament. In this case, a lump above the skin may not form. In this case, the skin over the cyst becomes rough and peels off. Subglottic hygromas often lead to dull and pressing pain. Sometimes the pain spreads to other parts of the limb.

How to distinguish a hygroma from a cancerous tumor

Only a doctor can do this, so if any formations (bumps, bumps, etc.) appear, you need to go to the clinic. Unlike malignant tumors, hygromas can increase and decrease in size. Typically, a synovial cyst shrinks with rest. After exercise, it noticeably increases in volume.

A characteristic feature of hygroma is that the skin above it retains all its properties (color, structure, elasticity). The exception is hygroma growing under the ligament. In most cases, hygromas on the arm remain painless on palpation.

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor if a characteristic lump or lump appears.

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StopRodinkam.ru » All about neoplasms » Hygromas


The main danger of hygroma is that it can compress nerve fibers, blood vessels and soft tissues. This occurs when the size of the synovial cyst increases.

When nerve endings are compressed, pain occurs. In most cases it is aching or pressing pain. But there are also cases of acute unbearable pain (it all depends on the affected nerve endings).

When vessels are compressed, trophic disorders develop. In this case, the tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. In the most severe cases, this causes tissue necrosis (death).

In rare cases, a synovial cyst leads to the following serious complications:

  • Thrombophlebitis is inflammation of the vein walls with the formation of blood clots. In this case, swelling forms near the hygroma, and the skin acquires a bluish tint.
  • Damage to nerves with their further replacement. In this case, innervation is disrupted. The person experiences various sensations, often tingling or numbness.
  • Contractures are a violation of joint mobility.
  • Inflammatory joint diseases - bursitis and tendovaginitis.
  • Suppuration and sepsis. Such complications arise when the hygroma bursts.

If the hygroma is damaged

This often happens with cysts located on the palmar surface. When performing household work, the hygroma can be damaged. In this case, there is no need to squeeze out the contents of the cyst. Treat the affected area with an antiseptic and apply a sterile bandage. Try to see a surgeon within a few hours.

Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures

One of the methods of treating hygroma is physiotherapy. The following procedures are carried out:

  1. Warming up with UV rays;
  2. Mud wraps;
  3. Application of paraffin masks;
  4. Electrophoresis.

Warming up with UV rays has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates the tissue healing process. When using ultrasound in the treatment of hygroma, blood microcirculation in the body improves, inflammation decreases, and tissues are enriched with oxygen.

The corresponding procedures are prohibited in the presence of acute inflammation. Physiotherapy can provoke rupture of the walls of the hygroma and leakage of pus into the arm cavity.

Treatment of hygroma

If the hygroma is small in size and does not cause problems, then you can do without special treatment. The only thing a person needs to do is get tested. You should make sure that it is really a hygroma and not another tumor.

As statistics show, in approximately 33% of cases, hygroma goes away on its own within several months or years (usually up to 6 years). And in 50% of cases, the period of spontaneous resorption of the cyst is 10 years³.

If the hygroma has many chambers, grows relatively quickly, or is a source of pain and inflammation, then it needs to be treated. The most effective way to treat hygroma is surgery. In 8-9 cases out of 10, after removal of the hygroma, no relapse occurs. With conservative treatment, hygromas reappear in 80-90% of cases.

Despite the obvious effectiveness of surgical treatment, doctors did not abandon conservative therapy. Let's look at these methods in more detail.

Conservative treatment

The main non-surgical method of treating hygroma is aspiration puncture. A small puncture is made in the cyst, from which the contents are sucked out using an aspirator or syringe. After this procedure, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs and sclerosants are injected into the cyst cavity. The latter lead to gluing of the cyst walls and scarring (instead of liquid, the capsule is filled with connective tissue). If the hygroma contains pathogenic bacteria, then antibiotics are also introduced into the cavity.

Some clinics practice physiotherapeutic methods of treating hygroma. These are electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, mud therapy, paraffin baths and others. However, such methods of therapy are ineffective. If you decide to undergo such treatment, be prepared for the fact that it will be ineffective.


As a rule, indications for surgical treatment of hygroma are:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • contractures;
  • rapid growth of the tumor;
  • unaesthetic appearance.

If you notice rapid growth of a cyst, contact your surgeon as soon as possible. The larger the size of the hygroma, the more difficult it is to remove. This is due to compression of blood vessels and nerve fibers - it will be more difficult for the surgeon to separate the cyst.

Hygroma removal is a simple operation that is performed under local anesthesia. In case of complex localization of hygroma and/or its large size, general or conduction anesthesia (complete anesthesia of the desired area) is allowed.

Surgical removal of hygroma. Photo: familylifestyle / Depositphotos

When removing a joint hygroma, it is important to remove all cyst cells. Otherwise, there is a high probability of relapse of the disease. After removing the tumor and washing the capsule, a drainage tube is installed to drain the fluid. As a rule, after 1-2 days the tube is removed. A pressure bandage is applied to the patient's wound, and the limb is fixed with a plaster splint. Already on days 7-10, the postoperative wound heals and the patient’s stitches are removed.


For hygroma, treatment with folk remedies includes compresses with sea salt, ointments based on yolk and vinegar, as well as rubbing the cyst with alcohol tinctures. This treatment is ineffective. This way you will only waste time. This is strictly forbidden, especially if the hygroma increases in size.

Absorbable ointments

The use of absorbable ointments for hygroma is based on their effect on the lymphatic system. Such drugs stimulate the process of lymph flow, thereby reducing swelling of the tissue at the site of the tumor.

The most popular is heparin ointment for hygroma. This drug is used in the treatment of varicose veins. It is a direct anticoagulant and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The ointment has many indications for use, including local swelling and congestive processes, which in essence is hygroma. Thus, this drug can be safely used to treat a tumor on the joint.

Heparin ointment is applied to the affected area twice a day. Additionally, you can use a bandage. The drug must be used for two weeks. Advantages of the medicine:

  • affordable price;
  • fast action;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • pronounced therapeutic effect.

Children can use this medicine, but without bandages. It is recommended to consult your doctor first.

In addition to heparin ointment, there are several time-tested drugs that help reduce swelling in the joint.

Liniment Vishnevsky

You can smear the affected area no more than twice a day

Vishnevsky's liniment is considered an outdated remedy, and today it is used more in folk than in official medicine.

The use of Vishnevsky ointment for hygroma became widespread in Soviet times, not because of the effectiveness of this drug, but simply due to the lack of other alternatives.

Vishnevsky ointment for hygroma of the wrist or other joint is used under a bandage. A balm with a specific odor is applied in a thick layer to the tumor and then fixed with a bandage or gauze. You need to keep the compress with ointment all night.

Many people believe that this liniment has a resolving effect, but this is not entirely true. First of all, this ointment with antiseptic properties is used to treat ulcers and boils. It cannot resolve an existing hygroma, but it does slightly reduce the size of the tumor due to its pronounced irritating effect.

In addition, such an ointment for hygroma on the wrist helps prevent infection of the cavity in the event of a cyst rupture. Despite the fact that the ointment is proposed to be used for lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, long-term use is not recommended due to the increased risks of developing hematological diseases. The drug can be used daily for 10-14 days.


Restores tissue well and relieves pain

Homeopathic gel for various skin diseases - Traumeel S. Contains several homeopathic dilutions in the composition, is safe and has virtually no contraindications.

This drug is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the joints and tendons; it is used to treat tenosynovitis and bursitis, which often lead to the formation of hygromas. The drug is available in gel form, is quickly absorbed and convenient to use. A wide range of actions and a list of indications for use deserve attention. The medicine helps:

  • increasing local immunity;
  • stimulation of lymph flow and blood circulation;
  • relief of inflammatory reactions;
  • reducing pain and itching;
  • tissue regeneration;
  • elimination of edema.

Absorbable ointment for hygroma on the arm contains small doses of active substances, so it should be used frequently. The gel is applied to the tumor area up to five times a day; additionally, bandages can be used.

The disadvantage of the drug is its slow action. The gel will have to be used for at least three weeks, 4-5 times a day.

Considering the high cost, reviews warn that you will have to spend a lot on this ointment for hygroma in order to complete the entire course of treatment.


A popular drug intended for removing wen or lipomas. The indications for use also include hygromas and other skin growths. Thus, this is the only ointment that is truly intended to treat hand hygroma.

The main disadvantage of the drug is its high cost. A tube of cream in the smallest volume will cost about 1,900 rubles. The medicine must be used morning and evening. The cream is simply applied to the hygroma, then gently rubbed in. There is no need to use bandages; the drug should be completely absorbed.

The properties of the ointment are absorbable and decongestant, stimulation of metabolic processes, improvement of local lymph flow.


The drug is hormonal and has contraindications

Hygromas on the joints are often treated with hormonal ointments, and Sinaflan cream is one of them. This drug contains a potent glucocorticosteroid, a synthetic analogue of hormones produced by the adrenal glands. Has a lot of medicinal properties:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • relieves allergic reactions;
  • accelerates skin regeneration;
  • reduces local pain syndrome.

The main disadvantage of the drug is the presence of contraindications. With prolonged use, the active component penetrates into the general bloodstream and can cause systemic side effects. The drug should be used with caution; it is recommended to consult a doctor first.

Ointment for hygroma on the finger is applied in a thin layer once a day. Children should not use the drug.

Important! Hormonal ointments should not be applied under a bandage.

You can replace the remedy for hygroma with Hydrocortisone, Mometasone, Dermovate ointments.


A remedy widely used in sports medicine. The ointment contains camphor and bee venom, has a powerful analgesic and irritant effect, increases blood circulation at the site of application, and eliminates congestion. Used to treat muscle and joint injuries. The product should not be applied under a bandage, as the drug stings noticeably and causes redness of the skin. You can use the ointment twice a day.

It has one absolute contraindication - intolerance to bee venom and other bee products. It can be used to treat hygroma in children, but only after consulting a doctor.

A drug with similar properties is Vipratox, an ointment based on viper venom.

Types of hygroma

Hygromas can be single or multiple. There are cases when several synovial cysts form in a limited area of ​​the body and then grow together.

Hygromas are classified according to their location on the body. Hygromas of the wrist, hand and fingers are most common. They account for about 90% of all cases. Much less often, such cysts form in the knee (Becker cyst) or ankle joints. Let's take a closer look at these varieties of hygroma.

Figure 1. Localization of hygroma. Image: kjpargeter/freepik.com

Hygroma of the wrist

This is the most common location of a synovial cyst. It is especially noticeable if the wrist joint is flexed. In most cases, such a cyst appears on the back of the joint. But sometimes a hygroma forms on the side or at the base of the palm.

This bump feels like rubber to the touch. On palpation, a springing effect is felt.

Hygroma of the hand

Most often, such tumors occur on the finger or palm. Hygroma of the hand is rarely a cause of concern. In most cases, it is small in size (up to 1 cm). Large hand hygromas can make themselves felt when performing household work.

Hygroma on the finger

In most cases, such hygromas form on the back of the finger near the nail. Such cysts are hard, so they can be mistakenly perceived as bone or cartilage growths.

Hygromas on the palmar side of the fingers are usually larger than those on the back. Because there are nerve fibers running along the sides of this side of the finger, these synovial cysts can be painful.

Hygromas of the lower extremities

Hygromas occur much less frequently on the legs. This most often occurs on the back of the fingers or feet, as well as in the ankle area. If the hygroma is large or located next to nerve fibers, then serious problems arise with wearing shoes.

What is hygroma and what does it look like?

Hygroma is one of the types of cysts. It is filled with a serous fluid that looks like a clear gel. The neoplasm is dense and immobile. A single cone has a round shape. The size in the early stages is about 1 centimeter. As it grows, several small cysts may appear. Palpation causes discomfort. Pain syndrome appears when the hygroma grows, when its body touches connective tissue, nerve endings or blood vessels. Often the lump is located on the arm. The cause is considered to be cyclic loads of the affected area or joint injuries. The risk group includes programmers, computer operators, seamstresses, and musicians. Hygromas of the hand are a common disease among representatives of these professions.



The exact causes of hygroma are unknown. There may be a hereditary component, since cysts form more often in blood relatives. This is due to the congenital weakness of the tissues that form the joint capsule. It is also noted that the cause may be inflammatory diseases of the joints - tenosynovitis, bursitis and others.

Among the factors contributing to the development of hygroma are the following:

  • High physical activity. Hygromas often appear in people who work out in the gym.
  • Performing monotonous movements. As a rule, these are high loads on the joint associated with a person’s professional activities. For example, typists, assembly line workers and others are affected by the disease.
  • Inflammatory diseases. In addition to inflammatory diseases of the joints, these are metabolic disorders, autoimmune and infectious pathologies that affect the joints.
  • Injuries and previous surgeries. Hygromas often form after injuries or operations on the hand.

Work associated with increased stress on the joints increases the risk of hygroma. Photo: undrey/freepik.com


Therapy with this conservative method is painless. Typically, wrist hygroma develops as a result of injury or monotonous constant loads on the articular area. Creams, ointments, and other local medications help remove the entire contents of the capsule without surgery. The course of treatment gives long-lasting results. However, undesirable consequences in the form of complications and scars will not bother you.

The medicine is squeezed out of the tube onto gauze and secured to the affected area with a bandage. Treatment of hygroma on the wrist and other areas should be carried out regularly - before bedtime every day

It is important to understand that you can use ointment, cream or other therapeutic methods after consulting with your doctor, since the compositions of certain medications contain components that cause an allergic reaction. Efficacy of ointments:

  • the inflammatory process is stopped;
  • pain is relieved;
  • swelling decreases;
  • seals dissolve;
  • has a protective and regenerative effect.

Prognosis and prevention

No one is safe from hygroma. This tumor can appear even in the absence of the above factors. No specific methods of prevention have been developed for synovial cysts. At the same time, some recommendations can reduce the likelihood of hygroma. These include:

  • avoiding injuries and hypothermia of joints;
  • timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system (in particular, arthritis, arthrosis and others);
  • compliance with safety precautions when playing sports (never neglect warming up before the main workout);
  • give your joints rest while working;
  • follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle.


It is best seen on an ultrasound. This is the most accessible and effective way for objective visualization of a tumor.

X-rays of hygroma do not show any changes. The exception is specific mucoid cysts, which may be associated with arthrosis and exostoses of the distal interphalangeal joints.

In rare cases, MRI may be used, especially to look for very small hygromas on the dorsum of the wrist and differentiate them from Kienböck's disease.

Recovery period

Rehabilitation after removal of a hygroma takes up to ten days. This formation is not classified as particularly severe, so hospitalization is not required, and the patient can go home immediately after the operation. In the future, he will only have to visit the doctor a couple more times to evaluate how successful the removal of the hygroma was and to remove the stitches (if any were applied). There are no special restrictions on the wound healing period. The only thing is that if the patient does not want to face a relapse or the appearance of new formations, he will need to exclude from his life what leads to their appearance. For example, change jobs, reduce training load, etc.

The medical department has everything you need for safe and low-traumatic removal of hygromas of different locations. Also, with us you can undergo all the necessary tests and studies prior to the main treatment. The clinic's doctors are experts in their field. Make an appointment and you will soon forget about hygroma forever.

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