Treatment of inflammation of the joint capsule of the shoulder joint

Fluid in the shoulder joint - this symptom refers to common occupational diseases that arise as a result of systematic stress on the bone joint and the inflammatory process in this area. The disease that is associated with this clinical symptom is called bursitis (from “bursa” - bag, understood as “joint capsule”). If you want to understand and get rid of this disease, read on - we’ll tell you a lot of interesting things.

The accumulation of fluid in the shoulder is associated with an acute inflammatory process occurring in the area of ​​​​the articular joint, hermetically closed by the articular capsule. The inner lining of this dense fibrous tissue is lined with a synovial membrane that produces physiological fluid - synovial lubricant. During inflammation, it is released in excessively large quantities.

The release of synovitis is in nature an autoimmune process associated with the body’s attempt to independently eliminate damage. In some cases, in the presence of an infectious process, an abscess forms in the joint area, causing severe suffering to the patient, since the synovial membrane is the most innervated area, and inflammation causes acute pain.

How to deal with the problem if you have personal experience with inflammation in the joint cavity? The causes and treatment listed below, which are used in the protocols of leading clinics by experienced traumatologists and orthopedists, will help you independently develop the correct measures to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Fluid in the shoulder joint is a consequence of the inflammatory process, which can grow at lightning speed and cause severe pain. The most effective and affordable option for alleviating the condition within the first minutes is an aqueous solution of dimexide. This drug eliminates inflammation, relieves pain and relieves swelling. The compress is made from a solution of water (200 ml) and 15–30% of the pharmaceutical drug Dimexide (30–60 ml). If there is a suspicion of a purulent process, you can add crushed streptocide (1 plate).

Treatment of shoulder bursitis after injuries

The most common type of shoulder bursitis is a consequence of occupational injuries - at work, in sports, as well as during any activity that involves constant mechanical load on the shoulder joint.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of primary symptoms:

  • violation of water-salt metabolism. As a result, thinning of the cartilage occurs; excessive load causes microtraumas arising from increased friction of bones against each other;
  • insufficient bone density and the occurrence of microcracks during physical activity, the immune reaction contributes to the accumulation of physiological fluid necessary for bone regeneration;
  • repeated injuries;
  • primary inflammation of the synovial membrane, which occurs due to insufficient nutrition and impaired synthesis of glycosaminoglycans involved in the restoration of epithelial tissue of the inner lining of the joint capsule;
  • sluggish, chronic local and systemic infections;
  • adrenal insufficiency.

A fairly large list of causes of inflammation of the joint implies that even with severe injuries, the process accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the area of ​​the shoulder joint has its own prerequisites. This is due to the special anatomical structure of the articular joint.

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The structure of the joint - looking for the causes of shoulder bursitis

The joint is a movable joint of the epiphyses of bones, covered with elastic spongy cartilage tissue, which absorbs any impact and eliminates bone friction. The joint is immersed in a jelly-like articular or synovial fluid and is hermetically sealed from the periarticular tissues by a dense fibrous bursa. Tendons and muscles are attached to the bursa. In addition, the joint capsule is lined with a membrane that produces synovial lubricant.

With physical exercise and increased mechanical load on the shoulder joint, the active production of synovial fluid is stimulated, which is released through the pores of the cartilage. This gel-like lubricant accumulates inside the joint and creates a shock-absorbing cushion, compensating for mechanical pressure. After its completion, it is gradually removed from the joint capsule.

Synovia or synovial lubricant is blood plasma and a physiological mixture of polysaccharides - mainly chondroitin and hyaluronate. Chondroitin is involved in the restoration of connective and bone tissue; its deficiency leads to loss of bone density and thinning of cartilage. Hyaluronate moisturizes and nourishes bone joints, creating a shock-absorbing “cushion” during stress, creating gel-like microcavities in the thickness of the cartilage, nourishing the surrounding cells.

The normal composition of synovium depends on nutrition; insufficient production is observed in women who practice diets low in organic sugars and are actively involved in fitness. This combination without active food additives leads to disruption of the function of cartilage and the composition of synovial lubrication, and constant physical activity can cause an inflammatory reaction. As a result, causeless bursitis may occur.

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The appearance of pathological fluid is accompanied by the following complaints:

  • Pain. Of varying intensity, it can bother you constantly or appear under certain conditions (after or during exercise, at night or in the morning).
  • Swelling of the joint leads to its increase in volume and smoothing of its contours.
  • Limited mobility. The range of motion decreases, and morning stiffness may occur, which goes away during the day.
  • Redness of the skin and local increase in temperature.
  • Increased general temperature, weakness, headaches. Characteristic of diseases of an infectious nature.

A small amount of effusion in the joint cavity may be accompanied by slight swelling without the appearance of other symptoms, but you should not leave everything to chance. This symptom may be the first sign of a serious illness.

Synovial fluid is always present in a healthy joint. It is necessary to lubricate joint elements, provides nutrition to cartilage tissue, and has shock-absorbing properties. Symptoms of a lack of synovial fluid in the joints include:

  • tight mobility and stiffness;
  • pain at rest or with movement;
  • crunching and clicking in the joint;

How to restore an injured joint

In the process of restoring an injured articular joint, it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to regenerate tissue, balance the diet to provide the “building” materials to repair the damage, and limit physical activity. Typical treatment recommendations that are used in treatment protocols are summarized in a table for convenience. This reminder will help to achieve complete restoration of the bone corset during active physical activity.

In case of injuries, similar clinical symptoms usually occur; the table provides recommendations to help quickly provide assistance and relieve pain. Before this, try to move your shoulder; if there is no shooting pain, it means that you managed to avoid a fracture. However, a severe bruise can lead to both inflammation and rapidly developing bursitis of the fibrous bursa.

Providing first aid after injury and acute inflammation in the joint cavity

Table 1. First aid for shoulder injury and acute inflammation

SymptomRemedyExpected effect
Swelling, sharp painConstant compresses of a 30% dimexide solution on the shoulder area.Relieves severe pain and swelling within 1–2 days. The product is effective for all types of inflammation of bones and soft tissues.
In the absence of dimexide, you can use a cabbage leaf as an “ambulance” - pour boiling water over it and beat it with a hammer.Cabbage leaf perfectly relieves pain and feverish discomfort characteristic of bone damage.
Heparin ointment or any other remedy that eliminates congestion in small vesselsRestores blood circulation in the shoulder joint area, accelerating healing
Balm “Star”.Eliminates pain, helps relieve inflammation in the joint area. Provides prevention of bacterial infection.
Fir essential oil - rub generously, up to 10 ml at a time.Quickly relieves pain, localizes swelling, eliminates all types of inflammation, and stops associated bacterial and viral infections.
Fluid accumulationThe accumulation of fluid indicates an acute inflammatory process in the joint capsule. To relieve swelling of any nature, the homeopathic drug Lymphomyosot is effective. It is administered intramuscularly 2 times a day, 1 ml, for 5–10 days. Effectively relieves all types of edema, including normalizing the adsorbing function of the membrane and removing excess synovial fluid.

Don't miss: Using Dimexide to treat joints. Compresses and dressings for the treatment of injuries and arthritis

Treatment of injured joint joint and shoulder bursitis with physiotherapy

Table 2. Restoration of the shoulder joint after injury using physiotherapeutic procedures

PhysiotherapyTherapeutic laser therapy. The laser beam is directed to the damaged point. For efficiency, several positions are used. 5–10 procedures are performed. Regenerates bone and cartilage tissue damaged by injury.
Iontophoresis and electrophoresis with hydrocartisonePromotes tissue restoration through local administration of a stimulating hormone.
Electrophoresis and iontophoresis with calcium.Calcium injection is used when the cartilage is thinning and microcracks are suspected. The therapeutic effect is associated with the binding of calcium to chondroitin in the synovial fluid, transfer to the bones and natural adsorption.
Amplipulse.Microcurrent therapy is effective for pain relief, inflammation relief, and anti-edematous effect.
Electrophoresis with lidase and calcium.When thinning cartilage, it helps restore the elastic structure through the local administration of hyaluronidase and calcium.

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Treatment of shoulder bursitis with homeopathic remedies

Table 3. The use of homeopathy for damage to the bones and articular area of ​​the shoulder

Homeopathic medicines Cel T (HEEL), a complex preparation for bone restoration, is administered intramuscularly 1 ml 2 times a day, 10–20 days. Allows to improve the condition of articular cartilage.
Arnica-Salbe-Heel, oral drops.Quickly restores the condition in case of bruises and severe pain.
Symphytum officinale (RUS RPO), a dragee, is contained in Traumeel T and Tsel T (Heel).Based on comfrey, it is necessary for primary manifestations of arthrosis and microcracks on the epiphysis of the humerus.
Eupatorium – contained in homeopathic drops VertigoHel (Heel), in Barberry granules (Talion-A).The popular name of the herb is “chiropractor”; it helps with constant aching pain in the shoulder area.
Calcium phosphoricum.It is a source of calcium and phosphorus, allowing the binding of excess chondroitin contained in the accumulated synovial fluid in the fibrous bursa of the shoulder.
Ruta – is part of Exculus compositum drops (HEEL).Helps restore peripheral blood circulation in the affected area, reduces swelling. Helps with severe injuries of the periosteum and tendons. Promotes the healing of microcracks and damaged cartilage.

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Synovitis of the shoulder joint

Synovitis of the shoulder joint is an inflammation of the membrane lining the inside of the joint cavity. Pain appears when you try to raise your arm, the shoulder swells and rounds; when palpating the joint, the pain intensifies and can radiate to the neck and head, or to the arm.

The cause of the development of synovitis is usually injuries, severe stress on the joints, as well as allergies, metabolic disorders, neurological, infectious, and endocrine diseases.

When a patient presents with such symptoms, doctors usually recommend rest, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy. All this temporarily relieves discomfort and pain. But you should not assume that this is the cure for the disease. Synovitis should be treated not with rest and medications, but with proper movements.

As a rule, in everyday life, a person moves very little. This is due to the modern rhythm and sedentary work. And if some irritating factor appears, for example pain, then he tries to reduce physical activity to a minimum.

This strategy leads to even bigger problems. Muscle wasting increases, blood microcirculation worsens, and tissue nutrition is disrupted. Inflammatory processes do not fade away, but, on the contrary, progress, provoking an increase in the area of ​​inflammation and spreading it to neighboring muscle, connective tissue and bone structures. The pain becomes stronger, synovitis from the acute stage, when it is still very treatable, can develop into a chronic form.

In addition, due to impaired blood circulation in the muscles of the shoulder girdle and cervical-collar area, the nutrition of the brain may also be disrupted. And, as a result, headaches and pressure surges are added to shoulder pain.

You should not delay treatment, especially since everything can be corrected with the help of kinesitherapy according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method. The method involves treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system with the help of correct, consistent movement exercises that strengthen muscles, restore joint mobility and relieve pain.

At the kinesiology center, the doctor will diagnose the mobility of the shoulder joint and the condition of the muscles of the whole body using special motor tests on the Bubnovsky multifunctional simulator. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor creates a set of health-improving exercises taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

The methods developed by Dr. Bubnovsky for activating muscles and strengthening the shoulder girdle affect deep muscle layers that are difficult to activate with manual massage, restore blood circulation in them, helping the body cope with inflammation using its internal reserves.

The exercises are performed on Bubnovsky’s original simulator, the design of which allows movement with any degree of pathological processes in the joint due to the counterweight and avoiding axial load on the spine. MTB exercises help activate skeletal muscles, stretch stiff muscles and restore their elasticity.

The center's instructors help you master the biomechanics of performing exercises. The patient is also taught the technique of diaphragmatic breathing, which promotes additional muscle relaxation and relieves pain. As you recover, the kinesiotherapist conducts repeated examinations and makes changes to the exercise program.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the doctor can prescribe saunocryotherapy (sauna + cold water dousing) to patients, which restores blood microcirculation, relieves muscle pain after exercise and strengthens the immune system.

Dr. Bubnovsky's center has many years of experience in treating joint diseases without drugs or surgery.

Treatment of synovitis of the shoulder joint must be started on time to prevent the development of arthritis and arthrosis.

After treatment: diet and additional examination

Even if you are confident that traumatic bursitis will be completely cured after the above therapy, you need to pay attention to the health of your joints. Even under heavy load, articular joints are able to withstand mechanical damage with almost no consequences.

If bursitis occurs after a minor injury, you must:

  • drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water containing sodium chlorine (salt) to restore the volume of physiological fluids, including intra-articular fluids;
  • the diet should contain a sufficient amount of organic sugars (polysaccharides) to support the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin, which are included in the synovial fluid and protect bone joints from destruction;
  • The use of hydrolyzed collagen helps in the restoration of cartilage; an inexpensive analogue is collagen milk. You can make it yourself by diluting 15 g of gelatin in 200 g of milk. It is a natural source of calcium and collagen hydrolysates resulting from enzymatic reactions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • consume 2-3 cloves of garlic as a source of sulfur, and also do not forget about fish as a source of phosphorus.

In addition to restoring the diet for normal regeneration of cartilage and bones, we also recommend that you undergo a blood test using ELISA for the presence of pathogens of Lyme disease, rubella, brucellosis, and also be tested for tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases. In some cases, repeated serous and purulent bursitis may indicate the presence of a chronic infection in the body.

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