The healing power of copper - what it treats and how to use it

Myth 5. Compression hosiery can get rid of varicose veins.

Currently, the treatment of varicose veins really involves wearing compression stockings. And for deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, this is generally one of the main medical recommendations. After removal of varicose veins, wearing special jersey is necessary, but this is still not the main component of the treatment. Wearing elastic knitwear can relieve symptoms of varicose veins such as swelling, a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs. In addition, the use of compression can slow down the development of existing varicose veins.

What are they needed for?

Dentists recommend using plates in the following cases:

  • Gingivitis.
  • Periodontitis.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Periodontal disease.
  • Injuries and damage to gums.
  • Recent surgery, such as tooth extraction or implantation. Active components allow you to speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

The only contraindications can be identified as an allergic reaction. It is manifested by severe itching and increased swelling. In this case, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution and stop treatment with Farmadont. Carefully study the composition before using the plates. Before use, consultation with a specialist is recommended.

Myth 6. Apitherapy (treatment with bees) will relieve varicose veins.

The healing properties of bee venom, which can activate physiological processes in the human body, have been known for a long time. Beekeeping specialists claim that the components of bee venom, in particular hirudin, can dissolve blood clots in the veins, relieve pain and venous network. In fact, as a result of a bee sting at the location of varicose nodes, you can easily damage the walls of the veins and get thrombophlebitis. Therefore, if you are planning to be treated with apitherapy, measure seven times!

Method of treatment with copper coins

It must be remembered that coppers are only held on the body by the sore spot. Therefore, everything that accepts metal as a deliverer is subject to treatment.

For heart disease, one disc is placed under the center of the left collarbone. The point is found by the pain caused by sharp pressure with a finger when moving along the collarbone. Another disc is placed on the back between the spine and the obtuse (upper) angle of the scapula. It is advisable to hold the coin at this point more often for those people who are concerned about the behavior of their heart. While here, the disc simultaneously stabilizes blood pressure.

Copper coin - treatment

Frequent, boring headaches (on one side or the other) can be cured by wearing a hat with copper coins sewn into the lining (using a bandage). The cap is placed on the sore side; if the crown of the head hurts, it is placed on the forehead.

Ear disease is removed by two coppers: one is placed on the tragus, the other on the behind-the-ear bone. Moreover, this way they restore hearing and cure tinnitus.

If the veins are swollen and nodes appear on them, coins are placed near them (they cannot be used directly on the veins and nodes). They will remove inflammation, the veins will take their original places.

For glaucoma and eye cataracts, the disc is placed on the groove directed to the temple (not to be confused with the temporal fossa) and secured with an adhesive plaster. The coin is held until it comes off on its own. If a black circle forms under it, you should be happy - it did a good job. By the way, you can check the result by reading. As a rule, the text appears much better after treatment.

A serious problem is intestinal disease, which is constantly abnormal in every second person. Cases have been recorded when discs installed on the abdomen of patients without a patch “moved” themselves to diseased areas (pancreas, liver) and “clung” to the skin so that there was no need to hold them. They effectively fight colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis.

There is a known method of treating the intestines by American healers, who place the patient on a copper sheet, which has a detrimental effect even on cancer with metastases.

By the way, if your eyes begin to itch and become cloudy, then you need to start treating the original source, located inside the abdomen. Physiologist Mechnikov said that eye diseases are caused by faulty intestines. Therefore, you need to clean it with coins.

For hemorrhoids, one piece of copper is placed edgewise to the anus, the other is placed between the buttocks (touching the discs is not allowed). The coins will not fall, because the inflammation will grab onto them on its own, like a magic wand.

A formidable male disease - prostate adenoma - can also be treated with copper disks. One is applied to the anus, the other a little higher. The duration of wearing them is determined by the severity of the disease and can be several months.

With tracheitis, bronchitis, and asthma, discs will definitely help: they are placed (in large quantities) in the projection of the indicated systems and organs. If the metal is applied on time, then pneumonia will subside quickly and will not become chronic.

Injuries, bruises, and fractures can be restored effectively with metal. It relieves swelling, makes bones heal faster, removes and straightens unsightly seams.

Metal therapy can treat the most serious kidney diseases. She successfully corrects surgeons’ mistakes and actively fights the effects of radiation. It is surprising that copper is able to “reach” inflammation at any depth. It gets rid of women's diseases quite quickly. The main thing is not to be lazy and place coins on your lower abdomen at night. Metal saved many women's breasts from surgery. He restored a huge number of nasopharynxes, which are extremely necessary to keep in order, because Americans consider nasal mucus to be the cause of many diseases, even cancer. Copper is bactericidal, therefore it combats infectious arthritis of the joints.

Myth 14. In summer, treatment of varicose veins should be postponed until autumn.

For some reason, it is in Russia that there is an opinion that you should not undergo treatment in the summer. In hot countries, they are of the opinion that if a problem has appeared, there is no point in delaying its treatment.

Indeed, some people decide to have surgery during a more comfortable cool period. But here everyone makes a choice for themselves - to postpone solving a problem that is dangerous due to possible complications, or to get rid of the disease in a few days and enjoy the summer without varicose veins. In fact, modern phlebology does not depend on the seasons.


Copper heals quickly, but does not help everyone. To determine whether treatment with this metal is right for you, you need to apply a copper coin or disk to the skin. If the disc or coin adheres well to the skin and stays on it for a long time, then copper treatment is right for you. If there is no adhesion, then this metal is not suitable for you as a healing agent.

If in one area of ​​the body the adhesion of copper to the skin is good, but in another it is not. Then it is advisable to treat with its help only those sore spots or diseased organs in the area of ​​which adhesion is observed. Treatment of sore throat with copper. At night, place coins or discs on the tonsil area. Wrap a warm scarf or handkerchief around your throat. Keep the coins on your neck for 9 - 12 hours. Copper treatment for arthritis. Apply a compress soaked in copper water to the sore spots for 3-4 hours. Treatment of varicose veins with copper. Copper treats this disease well. Place the coins or plates on your leg; they should “stick.” You need to wear coins or plates until they begin to roll under your heel. Treatment of sinusitis with copper. Apply coins at night to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses to the right and left of the nose, below the eyes. Treatment of hemorrhoids with copper. Unadvanced forms can be easily cured with applications of copper disks or coins, which strengthen blood vessels and capillaries and thereby help eliminate bleeding and further inflammation of hemorrhoids. Place one coin with its edge directly on the anus, and the second - also with its edge - a little higher between the gluteal muscles. The coins should not touch each other. They will not fall because the inflammation will grab onto them on its own. Treatment of headaches with copper. Lie on your back and place five-kopeck coins or copper disks on your forehead, temples and back of your head. Lie quietly, without moving. Usually half an hour is enough for the pain to go away. Copper normalizes blood pressure and has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries in the brain. Treatment of benign neoplasms with copper. Copper applications help stop their growth, and in some cases, in the initial stages, the tumor disappears completely. Attach copper disks to the skin in the area of ​​projection of the benign formation, secure with a bandage and wear around the clock for at least 7 days. Repeat the course after 3 - 4 days of rest. But besides this, be sure to get examined at an oncology clinic. Start treatment only if the diagnosis of a benign tumor is confirmed. Treatment of female diseases with copper (painful menstruation, fibroids). Place the coins on your lower abdomen and lie quietly for 30 minutes. Copper treatment for knee pain. Place coins around your knee. Tie the top with woolen cloth. Treatment lasts 3 - 7 days. Treatment of cataracts and glaucoma with copper. We apply a penny (plate) to the groove that runs from the corner of the eye to the temple. They seem to stick to the skin. For reliability, we attach it to the face with an adhesive plaster. After the copper heals, the coin will fall off on its own. If a black circle appears under it, this is a good sign. Treatment of bone fractures and bruises with copper. For treatment, use applications made of copper plates. Find the point where the attraction is strongest, place plates on it and secure them with a bandage. After a week, if the pain has not completely subsided, simply change the location of the plates and leave for another week. At first, it is quite possible that you will feel that the pain has intensified and the swelling has increased. But if you do not feel other symptoms, such as a metallic taste in the mouth, then continue therapy - these unpleasant sensations should disappear soon. Treatment of postoperative scars and adhesions with copper. Apply copper coins or plates directly to the suture site, secure with a bandage and hold until the postoperative scars heal. But at the same time, monitor your own well-being very carefully and check the condition of the skin in this area daily. Treatment of diabetes mellitus with copper. Drink 2 - 3 tablespoons of copper water every day before meals for a month. Several courses of treatment must be carried out per year. Treatment of heart pain with copper. Place a copper coin or disk in the subclavian fossa. If the coin adheres to the skin, wear it for 10 days, securing it with a band-aid and not removing it even at night. The same treatment method is used to alleviate the post-infarction condition. For coronary heart disease, coins or discs should be placed on the collar area and kept for 4 days. Treatment of hearing loss with copper. One two-kopeck coin needs to be stuck on the convex bone behind the ear, the other on the tragus, so that they look as if at each other. When there is pounding in the ears, a coin is placed on the back of the neck.

In large quantities, copper is very dangerous for the body. Poisoning with it leads to severe illness. Therefore, before carrying out copper treatment, you should consult your doctor.


Copper is related to approximately 90% of suffering humanity, and for 10%, on the contrary, it is a noticeable accelerator of the diseases that they tried to get rid of with its help. For this part of humanity, the best way to get rid of such misfortunes as infections, bruises, and radicular pain is a metal such as silver.

For copper treatment, it is necessary to use a copper bracelet or copper plates of such a size that they cover exactly the diseased area. The bracelet should fit very close to your hand and not dangle on your wrist. The plates must be fixed on the sore spot with canvas bandages or cotton cloth.

To increase the effectiveness of copper treatment, it is necessary to remove it and cleanse it every two days. To do this, the removed copper object is placed in a 6% or 9% vinegar solution and left for 2 hours. Then you need to rinse them with running water, wipe with alcohol, and they are ready for use again.

One day, among many archival materials, documents were found in French telling about the rampage of cholera in Paris and its environs, when a terrible pestilence destroyed more than half the population. Only in the area near the copper smelting workshops did this disease (for an unknown reason) not affect a single person. Historians were surprised, but did not find an explanation for the fact. Only many years later did people learn about the wonderful healing properties of copper.

Healers in Russian villages have long used copper treatment. However, classical medicine and the long-term government persecution of “quackery” have had their detrimental effect. The majority of sorcerers and healers disappeared, and they had no written works. So the secrets of this treatment have been almost completely lost. Doctors of the next generation had to revive metal therapy almost from scratch.

In the 80s of the last century, medicine and the press began noisily talking about the extraordinary healing abilities of copper. Numerous lectures by medical workers began to bear fruit - the “authority” of wearable souvenirs and bracelets made of this metal sharply increased. Judging by the reviews, their positive effect was significant.

But traditional medicine has assessed this in its own way: those who buy various copper bracelets and hang them on their wrists for healing are deeply mistaken. Every person needs to find a metal souvenir that suits only them. Traditional healers carry out this test using a special indicator - a nut on a string. In short, take an ordinary small nut. A thread (also ordinary) up to 10 cm long is tied to it. By the edge of the thread, the nut rises above the souvenir. The question is asked (preferably out loud): “Is there any benefit to it?” If the nut begins to fluctuate from person to piece of jewelry, it means that it suits the body and will benefit it. If there are fluctuations on the sides, the decoration will only do harm. Well, when the magic weight hangs without hesitation, the souvenir will not have any positive or negative effects.

To prevent readers from asking unnecessary questions about the characteristics of the nut, the thickness and material of the thread, the author of the article found out the essence of this method from the healer. The fact is that a person, looking fascinated at the indicator, “breaks away” from everything around him. He is left alone with his intuition, which God has awarded him. It is she who tells him the truth about the subject, which is beyond doubt. The healer additionally told how many bracelets, earrings, rings, brooches, hairpins, combs, and other fashion attributes he offered to remove to his patients, who still only say words of gratitude because they felt improved health.

However, it is necessary to return to copper. Aristotle also wrote about the good treatment of swelling and ulcers with this metal. In France, she is still treated for inflamed tonsils and deafness. Metal applications reduce temperature, relieve pain, normalize blood circulation, restore insulin levels, strengthen sleep, stabilize the nervous system, and balance water metabolism.

In Rus', it has long been customary to treat with copper coins. But looking for antiques now is an expensive pleasure. The use of modern coppers is undesirable due to their low efficiency. Traditional medicine suggests using copper coins (kopecks, kopecks, treshki, piglets) issued in Soviet times before 1961 for medicinal purposes. It is they, made from vacuum copper number one (grade MV-1), that have the greatest healing properties. They must be looked for, saved, protected, because at the right moment they will provide help and relieve various ailments.

Experience has shown that the metal is attracted to the sore spot, that is, it adheres to the skin, reminiscent of the physical effect of adhesion. Often there is no need to use a fixing patch. Every time when treating, you need to adhere to the rule: if you get adhesion, that means the metal will heal. The duration of adhesion depends on the severity of the disease, the possibilities of its cure and varies widely (hours, days, weeks). When cured, the coins fall off on their own, as if to say that they have done their job. Their immediate rejection often indicates an incorrect placement or lack of need for it, although in many cases an adhesive plaster is necessary to stabilize the coin disk.

Manufacturing and design features

Making plates to correct a bite is not an easy process, requiring a preliminary x-ray examination of the dentition. In addition, it is preceded by taking impressions and making control models. By conducting a preliminary assessment using them, the orthodontist decides how accurate the model is and whether it is suitable for the patient. If necessary, correction and re-fitting are carried out.

Plastic is used to make the base of the plate. The shape of the base exactly repeats the relief of the dental contour and gum surface. The base itself is durable and moderately rigid. The arc of the plate is made of steel wire and has hooks that are fixed on the cutters. As the position of the teeth changes and the jaw grows (when it comes to a child), the system is corrected.

Installation of plates

Installing the plates is a fairly quick, painless process that takes no more than 10 minutes. Most of the time is spent on final adjustment of the system. That is why the first installation of removable plates is carried out in the presence of the attending physician. The doctor will give detailed instructions on the rules for its use, care and how to properly regulate the tension of the arc. The first correction is carried out after the appearance of a visible result - it is this that determines the subsequent course of treatment and its duration. It is important to understand that at first the plate will be perceived as a foreign body in the mouth, which can cause discomfort, impaired diction and increased salivation. The adjustment period averages up to one week; after this the structure ceases to be felt.

Dental plates for children

Having looked at the photos before and after wearing dental plates on children’s teeth, you will conclude that they are very effective - and you will be right. With the right approach, they can be called the best way to correct a number of malocclusions. Their use is advisable under the age of 12 years during active jaw growth. To correct serious anomalies, non-removable structures are used. If there is a slight curvature or prevention is required, removable plates are ideal. As already mentioned, the production of plates is carried out on an individual basis and requires taking impressions and making plaster models. It is very important that the surface relief of the gums and palate coincide exactly. To do this, a special adjustment is carried out, which takes no more than 10 minutes.

How to care for the plates?

In order for the plate to serve the required time and not break, it is necessary to provide it with appropriate care. It is as follows:

  • brushing with toothpaste every day;
  • disinfection every week;
  • storage in a special container, closed;
  • oiling the screw;
  • removing the plate while eating, brushing teeth, practicing martial arts, boxing and water sports.

Do you dream of beautiful teeth? Contact the orthodontists of the multidisciplinary clinic CELT!

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

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