Sometimes people turn to doctors for help who complain that their knees are constantly freezing. At the same time, the feeling of cold does not go away even in hot weather. It is worth noting that seeking medical advice in this case is completely justified. Of course, the reason may be extremely insignificant, but in some cases, constantly freezing feet can signal the development of very unpleasant problems in the body. It is to prevent the consequences of such diseases that it is worth visiting a doctor, establishing a diagnosis and starting timely treatment.
Knees can constantly freeze simply due to some characteristics of a particular organism. In the area of the knees and below, the amount of muscle mass is usually much less than throughout the body on average, so heat is retained there less efficiently. That is why just a slight drop in temperature is enough for your feet to start feeling cold. That is why it is necessary to establish exactly what is the cause of cold knees, and begin treatment only after that. An experienced doctor will carefully examine all the conditions, and only if he is convinced of the pathological cause of the phenomenon and the presence of the disease, will he begin treatment.
Main reasons
The cause of short-term freezing of the extremities can be simple hypothermia, wet feet, tight shoes that impair blood circulation, and unfavorable weather conditions.
If, even in hot weather and in the absence of external factors, your knees freeze, the reasons can be very different and lie in the following diseases and disorders in the body:
- vascular diseases;
- vegetative-vascular dystonia;
- hypotension;
- thyroid hypothyroidism;
- excessive thinness;
- lack of iron in the body;
- infection by parasites and pathogenic microflora;
- smoking and alcohol abuse;
- pinched nerve endings, for example, as a result of osteochondrosis;
- spasm of peripheral vessels.
Vascular disease is the most common cause of this disorder. These include varicose veins. Diabetes mellitus or intense physical activity due to impaired heart function can also cause a feeling of coldness in the knees.
My feet are constantly cold. Why?
With age, blood circulation in the human body deteriorates and even in warm conditions the lower limbs become cold and numb. This condition cannot be ignored; the doctor will definitely determine the cause of poor health. There are many of them:
In diabetes, blood clots form in fragile blood vessels, preventing free blood flow. The lower extremities develop “diabetic foot” over time. The tissues receive poor nutrition, gangrene sets in, and limbs are amputated.
With anemia, the nervous sensitivity of the limbs is impaired . Hemoglobin serves as an oxygen supplier to all organs and tissues of the human body. With a reduced content of this protein in the body, heat exchange worsens. Patients with anemia are strictly prohibited from smoking, as nicotine causes vascular spasms . You should not abuse tea, coffee, or alcohol. It is beneficial to eat sprouted wheat sprouts. It is advisable to eat foods high in iron. It is necessary to move actively . A contrast shower will improve heat exchange.
Venous stagnation
The shape of the vessels in the veins changes during venous stagnation. The limbs are cold, swelling appears after exercise, especially at night. As a continuation, inflammation of the veins and their blockage occur, which are eliminated by surgery.
With varicose veins, swelling forms on the lower leg. Capillary stars and blue discoloration are visible on the skin. Blood circulation is disrupted. It is painful for the patient to move. The pain subsides with rest.
Obliterating endarteritis
Usually found in heavy smokers. Under the influence of nicotine, arteries narrow, arterial blood flow noticeably slows down, and blood clots form. I have pain in my legs. The disease can progress, resulting in tissue death. The disease ends with amputation of fingers, feet, and legs.
When to see a doctor?
Not in all cases, discomfort in the legs is caused by serious disorders. Most often, this phenomenon is transient, caused either by external factors or temporary reasons such as a sharp change in physical activity (they began to move a lot or, conversely, stopped), a poor diet and, as a consequence, vitamin deficiency, weather fluctuations.
If the symptom does not go away for a long time, and folk methods such as rubbing, hardening procedures do not help, or other symptoms are added to the feeling of cold - numbness of the toes, crawling, shortness of breath, fatigue, pain in the veins, swelling - this reason to see a doctor.
Initially, to a general practitioner who will refer, depending on the suspected cause, to a surgeon, phlebologist, cardiologist or orthopedist.
Read about how to choose orthopedic insoles for flat feet.
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Follow the link for information on how to realign the hip joint.
It is necessary to treat chilliness in the legs taking into account a differentiated approach to each disease. The best results are shown by combination therapy: a combination of methods of etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic effects in conditions of individual focus. If the lower extremities are cold, depending on the identified pathology, the following measures can be recommended:
- Drug treatment.
- Physiotherapy.
- Massage.
- Surgical treatment.
The final decision on the need for certain methods is made by the doctor based on all the data about the disease and condition of the patient.
General recommendations
To eliminate chilliness, you first need to use simple and accessible means that are understandable to every patient. It is recommended to adhere to the norms of proper nutrition, which include: a balanced content of all food nutrients, compliance of the diet with the energy needs of the body, and proper diet.
It is necessary to eat fortified foods (fruits, vegetables, herbs). If you have iron deficiency, you need to eat a sufficient amount of meat dishes (beef, liver), nuts, dried fruits.
It is important to take a contrast shower, walk barefoot, and if there are no contraindications, you can douse yourself with water and visit the bathhouse.
This will be a good training for the vascular system in case of arterial hypotension and autonomic dysfunction. It is especially important to categorically stop smoking, since this addiction stimulates arterial spasm.
These simple recommendations will also be a good prevention of chilliness of the lower extremities in people with risk factors.
Drug treatment
Medicines are the mainstay of treatment for many conditions that cause cold feet. They are used according to indications, as well as in accordance with accepted recommendations and standards of therapy. Any disease requires an adequate dosage and course of taking the drug, since this is the only way to achieve the desired result:
- In many cases, doctors may recommend drugs that improve microcirculation (pentoxifylline) and B vitamins.
- Vascular diseases require the prescription of antispasmodics, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents.
- For deficiency anemia, iron supplements are used.
- In the case of diabetes mellitus - hypoglycemic agents.
- For hypothyroidism - thyroid hormones.
- If a helminthic infestation is diagnosed, it is necessary to take anthelmintic drugs.
- Various ointments with a warming effect (Apizartron, Efkamon) are used as local treatment.
The use of physical methods of influence can improve blood circulation in the affected area and nerve trophism. In case of vascular diseases of the lower extremities, this also helps to reduce arterial spasm. For chilly feet, you can use procedures that have a thermal effect:
- Electro- and phonophoresis of drugs.
- UHF therapy.
- UV irradiation.
- Paraffin and mud therapy.
- Balneotherapy.
Each of the methods has its own contraindications, which must be taken into account in case of concomitant pathology in the patient.
Using various massage techniques will help warm the lower extremities, activate blood flow, stretch muscles and improve metabolic processes in tissues.
However, it is necessary to be careful in case of vascular pathology, which is accompanied by thrombosis, so as not to provoke the rupture of a fibrinous clot.
In all other cases, massage has only a positive effect. In this case, elements of stroking, rubbing and kneading are used. You can also recommend self-massage at home.
Surgical treatment
The benefit of the operation can be obtained in cases of severe arterial obstruction in the case of obliterating atherosclerosis or endarteritis. Then the patency of the vessel is restored by removing thrombotic formations, bypass surgery, installing a stent or vascular grafting. If diabetes mellitus is complicated by diabetic foot syndrome, surgical removal of necrotic tissue is required.
When complaining of chilly feet, you must first find out why such a symptom occurs, and then carry out strictly differentiated treatment. This is the only way to achieve a positive effect.
My feet are cold
How to get rid of frozen knees
If the symptom of cold knees is observed due to ailments with blood vessels, then care must be taken to strengthen them. To expand them and normalize blood flow, take a contrast shower every day.
Try to visit the sauna more often, after which you immediately plunge into a cold pool. Unpleasant sensations in the legs will no longer bother you, and the blood vessels will return to normal.
Cold knees will bother you if your hemoglobin is low. To increase it, you need to supplement your diet with oatmeal, dried apricots, almonds, dried grapes and fresh pumpkin. To avoid vascular spasms, eat fish more often.
Avoid coffee and alcohol, which have an adverse effect on blood vessels. Drink teas with ginger, they improve blood flow and strengthen the body's immune system.
In winter and autumn, wear cotton thermal underwear . It will help you stay warm and avoid freezing.
Do morning and evening foot massages and try to walk barefoot as much as possible.
Traditional medicine tips
The problem of constantly freezing feet has been troubling older people for a very long time, so traditional healers have managed to develop and test many recipes to help resolve this issue. The most common, simple and inexpensive tips include the following.
- It is recommended to treat the knees or other areas of the legs that suffer from cold with an alcohol compress. It is best to carry out the procedure in the evening, before bedtime. After taking a hot shower, your knees should be thoroughly rubbed with alcohol (vodka), then wrapped in a cloth or put on pants. A comfortable state will occur no later than five minutes after the procedure.
- Salt baths are extremely useful, which can be replaced with simple salt foot baths. You need to add sea salt, a dozen drops of rosemary and about thirty grams of milk to hot water. This solution saturates the skin with nutrients and helps warm the knees.
- The simplest thing you can do to warm up cold feet is to sprinkle some ground hot red pepper into your socks.
- If you lubricate your feet with badger fat, it will help keep you warm after going outside. You can also use nutria or mink fat.
- Massaging the spine using a tincture of the roots of clematis kirkazon helps improve blood circulation in the legs. To prepare the tincture, take three tablespoons of crushed roots for one bottle of triple cologne. In addition to rubbing the spine, you can rub the tincture on your legs from the legs to the feet. After this, it is recommended to perform several simple exercises consisting of bending and extending the legs. The combination of rubbing and exercise can improve blood flow and relieve vascular spasm.
It should be remembered that folk recipes can only help in the early stages of the disease, and even then not always. The optimal solution would be to determine the cause of freezing knees, obtain doctor's recommendations and combine drug treatment with traditional medicine.
Diagnostic methods
Coldness in the leg below the knee or in the knee, as mentioned above, can be caused by various diseases, therefore, in order to identify the true cause, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations. These include:
- angiography to determine the condition of blood vessels;
- electrocardiogram;
- Ultrasound of blood vessels and thyroid gland;
- skin thermography (measurements of body temperature in various areas);
- echocardiogram.
Donating blood for analysis is required.
Important! Without fail, the doctor asks the patient in detail about his lifestyle: is he sedentary or active, are there any chronic diseases and bad habits, what is his diet - all this will help in establishing the causes of problems with the lower extremities.
The main prevention of those diseases that can lead to unpleasant sensations of cold in the legs is to regularly follow simple actions:
- Rejection of bad habits. Smoking and alcoholism are enemies of blood vessels and the heart, hence varicose veins, VSD, hypotension, and many other problems.
- Physical activity. It should be feasible, enjoyable and appropriate to your age and health conditions, but it should be regular, especially when working sedentarily. For some, strength training is suitable, for others - running, swimming or walking.
- Hardening . Vessels love contrast showers and cold water. But it is better to avoid hot water if problems begin with them.
- Proper nutrition. The enemies of blood vessels and joints are excess weight and obesity. You should also limit cholesterol and fast carbohydrates. The diet should be balanced.
- Comfortable position. You should not sit cross-legged or tuck your limbs under you - this will compress the blood vessels. For the same reason, you should avoid shoes and clothes that are too tight.
- Sufficient amount of water. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure liquid per day. This will improve blood circulation and help cleanse the body.
And, of course, you should be regularly examined by a doctor - especially if problems have already begun or you are predisposed to them.
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Interesting article “What to do if your calf muscle is cramped.”
My knees are frozen! Let's save ourselves
To get rid of the problem of constant freezing of the legs and knees, it is necessary to determine the source of development of this disease. If this is not done, no matter how much you warm up, the unpleasant sensations will return to you again after a while.
For medical advice, you can contact an orthopedist or surgeon. Most likely, the matter will not end with one examination; you will need to take a blood test, undergo an ultrasound examination and a cardiogram. However, if there are additional symptoms, it will be easier for the doctor to navigate and prescribe the necessary research in a particular case.
If freezing knees are not associated with illness, pay attention to the following points:
- In winter, loose shoes should be worn. This promotes unhindered blood circulation and normal functioning of blood vessels. Clothes that are too tight are also an enemy to the circulation of heat throughout the body in cold weather;
- give up bad habits or significantly limit them (smoking, alcohol);
- try to avoid stress (as strange as it may seem, under stress your knees can also freeze);
- With an inactive way of life, the process of blood circulation and nutrient metabolism in the body is disrupted, muscles atrophy, and the walls of blood vessels weaken. Therefore, with the slightest cold snap and a sharp change in temperature, the circulatory and vascular systems no longer cope so well, blood flows to the organs more slowly. Here is one of the common answers to the question “Why are my knees frozen?” Morning exercises, water treatments, active recreation, sports - this is what will come to the rescue in such cases;
- In older people, the body, including the knees, is very sensitive to temperature changes. My legs seem to be twisted, my knees hurt and are cold. In addition, with age, biological and physical processes in the body slow down, and the volume of muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue decreases. All this leads to deterioration of blood circulation and heat exchange. In this case, exercise, daily walking, a healthy and wholesome diet, and foot massage will be very useful. In some cases, doctors prescribe chondroprotectors - drugs that improve blood flow and metabolism in the joints, as well as prevent the destruction of articular cartilage.
If your knees are cold, special warming knee pads will help you warm up.
Vascular diseases
If the knees freeze as a result of problems with blood vessels, which happens most often, they need to be strengthened. Hardening procedures, morning exercises, proper nutrition, and massage treatments will help with this.
Please note that contrast douches should not be started in winter and cold weather. Also, don't start with ice water. This will harm your health. An alternative to dousing can be taking a contrast shower.
Morning exercises are the most important element of the complex for improving the functioning of blood vessels and blood circulation. The following exercises are very useful:
- circular rotations of the foot;
- alternating flexion and extension of legs;
- circular rotations of the limbs;
- "bike";
- "scissors";
- squats.
Climbing up and down stairs and riding a bicycle are also very useful. To improve the functioning of blood vessels, such exercises are even much better than running. If a person is elderly and does not have the opportunity for active physical activity, it will be enough to do regular walking in the mornings and evenings, gradually increasing the area covered.
In addition, if you have a “sedentary” job, you need to do exercises for your legs throughout the day (clenching/unclenching your toes, turning your foot to the right and left, bending and straightening the limb at the knee, rubbing the knee and lightly tapping your fist). This helps improve blood circulation, tissue metabolism, and improves vascular and muscle tone.
Regarding nutrition, you should avoid fatty and fried foods. Fish, chicken, dairy products, blueberries, cranberries, rice porridge, rose hips, currants, citrus fruits, liver, bran, beans, peas, onions, garlic, cucumbers must be included in your diet. Confectionery and flour products should be excluded from the menu; it is better to eat honey, candied fruits and nuts instead, and coffee should be replaced with green or herbal tea. The most useful fruits in the fight against vascular diseases are currants, grapefruit, and chokeberry.
And remember that cholesterol is the number one enemy of blood vessels.
Pharmaceutical drugs that improve vascular tone include:
- Ascorbic acid;
- Ascorutin contains vitamins P and C, which help strengthen the walls of arteries, veins and capillaries;
- Troxerutin – has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces vascular fragility;
- Piracetam – helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
- Neuromultivitis – strengthens veins and small capillaries, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
It is also useful to massage with essential oils or using a massage mat.
Vascular diseases very often become the cause of constantly freezing feet and knees
Low pressure
Hypotension is often accompanied by frozen knees. Thus, to get rid of this symptom, it is necessary to treat low blood pressure.
You can increase your blood pressure using the following means:
- Black chocolate;
- Cranberry juice;
- Birch juice;
- Pomegranate;
- Black tea with sugar;
- Cold and hot shower;
- Morning work-out;
- Playing sports;
- Walks in the open air;
- Healthy sleep;
- Taking herbal infusions of hawthorn and mistletoe;
- Visit to the swimming pool.
Reduced hemoglobin
Iron deficiency in the blood, resulting in a decrease in hemoglobin, is also a fairly common factor in freezing knees.
The following remedies will help increase hemoglobin in the blood:
- Dried apricots;
- Raisin;
- Walnuts;
- Pomegranate, pomegranate juice;
- Cranberry;
- Honey;
- Chocolate;
- Rosehip infusion;
- Pumpkin juice;
- Apples;
- Fish;
- Dairy products;
- Whole grains.
These products are number one in raising hemoglobin and iron levels in the blood
Thyroid diseases
Diseases of the thyroid gland are very often accompanied by the symptom of cold knees.
In addition, damage to the thyroid is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- Nausea;
- Frequent seizures;
- Severe drowsiness;
- High pressure;
- Dry skin and hair;
- Chilliness;
- Increased fatigue;
- Constipation;
- Irritability;
- High cholesterol;
- Unexplained weight gain.
If you identify such symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor, since thyroid disease is a fairly serious disease that leads to dysfunction of the entire body and hormonal levels.
Thyroid diseases, along with vascular dysfunctions, are the most common cause of frozen knees