Is it possible to do massage for gout: indications and contraindications

The accumulation of uric acid crystals in joint tissues leads to the development of severe arthritis, which requires long-term treatment . Massage for gout is one of the most effective methods of auxiliary therapy. Regular procedures will help reduce the severity of painful manifestations and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Competent massage requires knowledge of human anatomy and physiology.

What is gout, symptoms of the disease

Gout is a fairly serious disease that leads to the destruction of joints and bones. The pathology develops against the background of impaired metabolism, which leads to the accumulation of uric acid salts in the tissues. Urates accumulate not only in joints, but also in cartilage and tendons. According to medical statistics, men are more susceptible to the disease than women. The victims are men over 40 years of age.

Acute inflammation of the joints as a disease is more often diagnosed in the legs and arms. The peripheral joints are first affected, but without treatment the disease progresses to the knees and elbows.

The causes of gout are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • taking certain medications (thiazide diuretics, acetylsalicylic acid).

Gout is a severe form of rheumatic disease that affects the joints and some internal organs.
However, the development of the disease can also be triggered by:

  • excess weight;
  • excessive stress on joints;
  • alcohol abuse.

The number of people suffering from gout is increasing every year. This is due to the fact that people are increasingly consuming alcohol and foods rich in purines.

Gout has four stages of development:

  • asymptomatic period;
  • acute period;
  • intercritical period;
  • chronic period.

If the pathology has reached the chronic stage, then partial or complete deformation of the joints is possible.

The disease can be recognized by:

  • Pronounced pain syndrome. The pain worsens at night. Due to severe pain, a person cannot fully move his arm or foot. Painkillers do not provide relief.
  • Inflammation. Leukocytes actively fight urates, but often they cannot cope, which leads to their accumulation. Against this background, an inflammatory process develops. The affected joint swells.
  • High body temperature.

A gout attack lasts no more than 4 days. Then the symptoms subside. But this relief is temporary. If one or more signs of gout appear, you should consult a doctor. Which doctor treats gout on the legs and arms? This pathology is treated by a rheumatologist.

The main symptoms of gout of the foot are considered to be severe pain in the joint cavity.

Effective massage treatment

Massage for gout is carried out for therapeutic and preventive purposes. The procedure itself, if the technique is followed, has a number of effects:

  • increases lymph and blood flow;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • increases muscle tone;
  • improves the functioning of the skin glands;
  • resolves the accumulation of urates in tissues;
  • gives elasticity to ligaments and muscles;
  • relieves tension from muscles.

The treatment regimen for gout includes exercise therapy as an obligatory element of the complex. Complex therapy increases the chance of recovery.

Goals and benefits of therapeutic massage

Massage is considered essential to improve the quality of life of a patient suffering from gout. It is used as treatment and prevention. A properly performed massage for gout has the following goals:

  • improvement of lymph circulation in the affected limbs;
  • increased blood supply to the diseased joint and nearby tissues;
  • elimination of muscle and joint pain;
  • activation of the removal of uric acid from body tissues;
  • prevention of new attacks of pain;
  • relaxation of the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • elimination of tension, stiffness of movements;
  • improving the tone of the muscle fibers of the legs and arms;
  • stimulation of metabolism;
  • acceleration of resorption of tophi;
  • healing of the whole body;
  • preparation for special exercises, which are an integral part of the complex therapy of gout.


Is it possible to have a massage?

In all cases, is it possible to do massage for gout? Despite the benefits of the procedure, sessions are not always possible. The nature and intensity of the impact depend on the severity of the pathology. If the disease is in the second stage, the affected joint is limited in movement, and there is redness and swelling of the skin, then any exposure is prohibited. We need to wait until the acute stage is over.

Massaging yourself is inconvenient and dangerous. Without the necessary skills, you can harm yourself. To avoid serious complications, it is better to consult a specialist in this field.

Reduces pain and stiffness of the joint, and also accelerates the process of resorption of exudate

The procedure will be beneficial if the following rules are followed:

  1. Before the session begins, the muscles are relaxed with smooth and light movements.
  2. First, the area around the affected joint is warmed up, then the source of inflammation.
  3. It is prohibited to carry out any influence on the lymph nodes.
  4. When the joints of the hands are inflamed, the back, arms and neck are massaged.
  5. If the leg joints are inflamed, the back, pelvic area and legs are massaged.

The course of treatment also depends on the severity of the disease. On average, the course consists of 10-15 sessions. Each session lasts 20-35 minutes.

Reviews and effectiveness

Patients who have undergone a course of massage in the complex therapy of gout report significant relief. The pain goes away after 2–3 sessions. Swelling and inflammation are relieved.

Massage is considered very effective in treating gout and other joint pathologies. It stimulates a reduction in pain, eliminates the feeling of joint stiffness, activates blood circulation in the affected area, calms the nervous system, increases muscle tone, and relieves muscle tension. The main thing is to perform the massage correctly or trust an experienced specialist.

How to massage a foot bone:

Execution technique

The area to be massaged depends on the location of the inflammation. If it is located on the arms, then the following parts of the body are massaged:

  • upper back;
  • neck;
  • hands.

The session begins with the collar area of ​​the ridge, then smoothly moves to the shoulders, forearms and hands, including fingers. Massage of joints for gout of the legs begins with the lumbar spine, gradually moving to the hip, knee and ankle joints. The ankle, heel and toes are also massaged.

Manipulations are carried out in a sitting or lying position. To relieve muscle tension and relieve pain, you need to warm up and relax your muscles.

Helps restore healthy joint function

The following technologies are used for this:

  1. Stroking. The most gentle method. Stroking has a good effect on the functioning of blood vessels and the central nervous system. Palm movements should be smooth with little pressure. There are two types of techniques: straight and zigzag.
  2. Trituration. This is a rhythmic impact with a certain pressure that does not cause pain. This technique improves blood circulation, due to which more oxygen and nutrients begin to flow into the tissues.
  3. Kneading. The fingertips take part in the kneading process. The movements are smooth, but quite strong. Kneading improves blood flow in the massaged area.
  4. Vibration. The vibration technique is carried out through tapping and effleurage. These techniques enhance metabolic and recovery processes, promote blood flow and improve tissue trophism. Vibromassage has an analgesic effect.

When acting on the affected joint, only stroking and rubbing techniques are used. The movements are gentle. If during the procedure you feel acute pain, stop the session.

The first sessions help eliminate stiffness in movements and relieve pain. Subsequent procedures will be aimed at developing muscle strength and reducing wasting. Thanks to this technology, the effectiveness of the treatment procedure increases.

Hand massage

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

It is interesting that if the joints of the hands are affected, massage should be carried out not only for the hands, but also for the back and neck

  1. Kneading, rubbing the upper back.
  2. Stroking, twisting and kneading the shoulder joint. Movements should be made in the direction from the elbow to the shoulder. Each technique should be repeated up to 7 times.
  3. Brushes are massaged.
  4. Rubbing the area from the wrist to the fingertips. The techniques are performed from the fingertips to the knuckles.

This technology is most effective after thermal procedures. To eliminate joint stiffness, it is useful to carry out the procedure in conjunction with exercise therapy.

Foot massage

The lower limbs are massaged while lying on the stomach, side and back. This is done like this:

  1. The muscles along the spine are rubbed and warmed up.
  2. Circular stroking and kneading of the lumbar spine is performed.
  3. The hip and knee joints are rubbed and shaken.
  4. Ankle massage for gout is distinguished by a variety of techniques: stroking, shaking, kneading, tapping, squeezing, twisting. Movements are performed along the entire length of the tendon, starting from the heel to the calf muscle.
  5. Massage for gout of the foot is performed lying on your back or sitting. Acceptable techniques include kneading, tapping and rubbing.


Acupressure has proven itself well for gout. Its benefits are:

The massage should begin smoothly and without fuss, using rubbing and grasping strokes of the affected area

  • improving metabolism;
  • relief of pain;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • eliminating swelling;
  • relieving muscle tension.

The foot contains the most nerve endings. By correctly influencing the active points, you can cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. When palpating these points, you may feel warmth, numbness, bloating or pain.

Acupressure for gout of the foot begins with circular and longitudinal kneading. For this purpose, the thumbs, ribs of the palms and finger bones are used. The lateral and upper parts of the foot are also massaged. Then the fingers are stretched in the direction from the nail to the base. Finally, flexion movements of the foot are performed in different directions.

Contraindications for implementation

Massage, like any medical procedure, has a therapeutic effect. It helps relieve pain, normalize tissue metabolism, and prevent new attacks of gouty arthritis. But, like any medical procedure, massage has its contraindications.

The procedure is prohibited if the patient:

  • cancer;
  • decompensated and subcompensated forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • scurvy;
  • leukemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • high body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • skin dermatosis.

An absolute contraindication is the acute stage. Even a slight impact on the affected area will cause unbearable pain to the patient and aggravate the attack.

With particular caution, sessions are prescribed for older people, as well as patients in a state of general fatigue or agitation.

Massaging the legs or arms for gout is not an independent method of treatment. It is carried out in conjunction with drug therapy, exercise therapy, and diet. Only with complex treatment can pain be relieved, tissue metabolism improved, and accelerated resorption of accumulated urates in the joint. The main rule is continuity, consistency and diligence in implementation. By observing these postulates, positive dynamics of the disease can be achieved.

Answers on questions

Is it possible to do without the help of a professional if you look at acupressure lessons on the Internet?

Self-medication is dangerous. An experienced massage therapist who has mastered the technique of the procedure is required.

Is it possible to do a honey massage if you have gout?

Yes, this is a universal health remedy.

Is it allowed to use the Ermakov massager for gout? Will my joints hurt?

The device can be used to massage the collar area and soft tissues adjacent to the affected joint.

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