What to do if your knees and hip joints hurt and ache

Causes of joint pain

Destruction of the knee and hip joints develops due to many factors. Due to poor blood circulation, joint tissues do not receive the required amount of nutrients, therefore their functioning is disrupted and regeneration slows down. The accumulation of toxins and activation of enzymes lead to the destruction of cartilage.

Causes of joint pain:

  1. Constant overload due to vigorous activity.
  2. Excess weight puts extra stress on joint elements. In addition, a slowdown in metabolic processes leads to degenerative changes.
  3. Hormonal imbalances.
  4. Frequent injuries: fractures, bruises and dislocations.
  5. An inflammatory process caused by infection.
  6. Pathological structure of the spine, legs, knees.
  7. Hip dysplasia.
  8. Hereditary disorders: weak ligaments and muscles, increased fragility of bones, pathologies of the circulatory system.
  9. Age-related changes.

The risk group includes athletes, dancers, and overweight people.

General recommendations for cooking

A small plate visually increases the portion size
. For the diet to be effective, you need not only to change the menu, but also to reduce the amount of food. It is also important to pay attention to the quality of the products consumed. Experts recommend:

  • refuse fried foods, preferring baked, stewed or steamed;
  • eat food in frequent, fractional portions;
  • chew everything slowly and thoroughly;
  • Serve dishes in small plates, which will visually increase the quantity.

It is important to sit down at the table not “for company,” but only when you really want to eat.

After a meal, a leisurely walk in the fresh air will be beneficial.

How symptoms develop

Pain in the hip joint intensifies after a long walk.
Joint diseases progress gradually, almost according to the same scenario.

Pain appears in the hip joint, radiating to the knee. This occurs under increased loads, long walks, walking up stairs with heavy bags, or running. A short rest improves your well-being; at rest, nothing hurts. The shape of the joint remains natural, motor function is not impaired.

Gradually, pain begins to radiate to the groin, thighs and down to the knee. Discomfort occurs with normal activity and goes away with rest. After a long walk, a slight lameness appears. The rotational movements of the legs are disrupted: the limb falls inward and is moved to the side. The tone and strength of the thigh and gluteal muscles decreases.

In the advanced stage, the pain excruciates even at night. Severe lameness is noted. Pathological processes threaten atrophy of the gluteal and thigh muscles and shortening of the diseased limb. At this stage, complete recovery is impossible.

If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, irreversible consequences can be avoided. Don't wait for improvement, get tested.

What should you exclude from your diet?

The diet for diseases of the knees and hips is aimed at normalizing weight, so you should immediately remove fried and smoked foods from the diet, limit the consumption of baked goods, and reduce the amount of fatty foods.

It is harmful to eat the following foods:

  • cream and dairy desserts;
  • chocolate;
  • ready-made breakfasts, snacks and instant noodles;
  • alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
  • hot seasonings, pickles and marinades;
  • fast food and semi-finished products;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup.

It is necessary to exclude synthetic food additives that increase appetite.

If you can’t suddenly give up your usual diet, you can switch to proper nutrition gradually.

Diagnosis of joint diseases

X-ray of the hip joint
When the knees and hip joints hurt, the cause can often be found out only through a comprehensive diagnosis.

  • Causes of aching pain in the knee joint at rest. What to do if your knees ache
  1. Blood tests determine signs of inflammation and dysfunction of internal organs.
  2. X-ray, CT, MRI determine the structure of the knee joint.
  3. Bone scintigraphy – detects bone and joint abnormalities. Special radionuclides are used to carry out the procedure.
  4. Ultrasound examination determines changes in joints.
  5. Densitometry determines the density and strength of bone tissue.

The examination gives a complete picture of the condition of the joints and allows you to begin therapy.

Basic Tips

Despite the fact that in each case a specific diet is selected for arthrosis of the hip joint, there are a considerable number of different methods through which nutrition-only therapy is used. They include general advice that follows in any diet and has no fundamental differences.

Complete nutrition with optimal ratio and quantity of food

Diet therapy for hip arthrosis is based on the intake of all essential substances into the body and on foods that help slow down the destructive processes of cartilage tissue. At the initial stage, a diet for arthrosis of the hip joint helps tissue regeneration. The most important conditions are a rational balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, which helps to achieve favorable results and improve the flexibility of the pelvic joint.

Protein component

Protein-rich foods take part in the restoration process of cartilage, which is responsible for motor mobility. The lack of protein compounds is the basis for a slow metabolic process, which contributes to obesity. The best option for getting protein of animal origin is lean meat and fish. Fish contains acids that are desirable for the regeneration of cartilage tissue - this is Omega - 3. Cereals (millet, buckwheat, etc.) contain the necessary protein of plant origin. Food containing large amounts of connective tissue protein (collagen) is needed for tissue regeneration. It is one of the important components that contributes to a positive result in therapy. Such foods include: jellied meat (best made from poultry meat), aspic made from bone broth or gelatin.


They serve as a source of energy, maintain and enhance metabolic processes to maintain normal weight and provide the joint with the necessary substances. The diet for hip arthrosis excludes carbohydrates, which are quickly and easily digested and have the ability to turn into excess fat. They are found in carbonated water, products containing alcohol, pastry products and sweets. Patients whose diet for arthrosis of the hip joint is the main way to eliminate pain and inconvenience actually need to give up bad habits and sweets. A diet for arthrosis of the hip joint helps compensate for the healing compounds. A menu that includes various vegetables, berries and fruits containing healthy carbohydrates. Dietary food contains freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, which contain antioxidants that prevent wear of tissues and movable joints and improve the removal of harmful deposits.

Dietary adherence to the diet for arthrosis allows for regulated consumption of fats, since a small amount of them inhibits metabolic processes and normal nutrition of the mobile joint. A favorable result for the condition of the moving joint is guaranteed exclusively by fats of vegetable origin and real butter based on cream. Fish oil is like a panacea for the inflammatory process of the hip joint. It not only softens, but also leads to an improvement in the condition of cartilage tissue. Fish oil contains microelements necessary to maintain the elasticity, flexibility and youth of the pelvic joint. Olive and flax seed oils have anti-inflammatory effects among their properties. When taking several tablespoons every day, pain and recurrence of exacerbations are reduced.

Vitamins and minerals

These useful compounds take a dynamic part in all processes. Regeneration and preservation of a normal pelvic joint is no exception. For the desired balance, when using dietary nutrition, garlic is included in the diet. In addition to the fact that it contains large quantities of trace elements, it also has a distinctive feature in the form of an analgesic effect. To obtain virtually all the necessary substances, it is necessary to consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals. These include: pineapple, pomegranate, orange, baked potato and others. If there is a severe deficiency of vitamins, doctors prescribe medications (complevit, etc.).

Products not recommended for consumption

There are foods that the diet for stage 2 arthrosis of the hip joint completely excludes from the diet. Only with the strictest adherence to these tips will a positive result appear.

  • Any drinks containing alcohol, including medications;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Instant food;
  • Meat processing products: sausages, sausages and others;
  • Smoked products; Pickles and marinades;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Canned foods;
  • Spices and herbs;
  • Mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • Refined sunflower oil.

Although almost all of the above products are familiar to us, a diet for hip arthrosis completely excludes their use. In patients in whom any physical activity causes inconvenience (at best) and pain, restrictions on food intake will not be a big price for a positive result in the treatment of the joint. It is appropriate to minimize the use of salt, which tends to accumulate in large quantities in the body and cause fluid retention. As a result, swelling and increased inflammation appear.


A diet for grade 2 arthrosis of the hip joint that meets the basic requirements includes not only the menu and rules for eating. The application of these recommendations in practice enhances the positive effects on the joint that come from dietary nutrition:

  • The total calorie content should not be higher than 2000;
  • Small portions, but frequent meals;
  • While eating food, you need to take short breaks;
  • Thorough, leisurely chewing of food is necessary;
  • It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • Avoid excess food consumption.

Treatment methods

Treatment of joint diseases can be medicinal and surgical. Surgery is required if other methods have not helped.

To begin with, complex conservative treatment is carried out:

  1. Drug therapy.
  2. Manual therapy. The goal is to restore knee mobility and eliminate pain.
  3. Massotherapy.
  4. Exercise therapy.

Each method of therapy must be supervised by a specialist. You cannot prescribe treatment for yourself.

Tinctures and decoctions according to folk recipes

Traditional medicine methods help relieve pain and promote the restoration of cartilage tissue.

The following recipes are widely popular:

  1. A glass of rice is filled with water and left overnight. Then rinse and consume a third of a glass during the day before meals.
  2. Chestnut fruits are crushed and filled with alcohol. After this, the mixture is boiled and used as an ointment.
  3. Gelatin is poured with water (1 tsp per 0.5 l of liquid) and left overnight. In the morning, the resulting jelly mass is taken on an empty stomach.
  4. Birch leaves, willow bark and elderberry blossom are taken in equal quantities. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave. Used as a compress.

Despite a lot of positive reviews about these recipes, you should not get carried away with self-medication. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Research by scientists

Scientists around the world have been studying for many years how diet for arthrosis of the shoulder, hip, and arthrosis of the knee joints affects the development of the disease. Previously, it was believed that foods such as tomatoes and salt provoked illness. These theories were not confirmed.

It was found that arthrosis of the ankle and knee joints is most often caused by obesity, and the joints of the arms and shoulders are most often caused by injuries and the type of human activity.

Vegetables, meat, and fruits that are now on sale are significantly different from those in the past. At the same time, the human body does not receive enough substances that are important for it. But along with food, various preservatives and synthetic additives get into it.

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Therefore, the diet for arthrosis of the arms, shoulder, and knee joints consists of natural ingredients.

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