Tincture of lilac flowers for home treatment

Lilac tincture for the treatment of joints, the recipe for which has been verified by the centuries-old practice of traditional healers, is often used for local treatment. All varieties of shrubs are suitable for treatment, despite the fact that some healers recommend white lilac for joints. This ornamental plant of the olive family contains a large number of essential compounds that are beneficial for the human body. They are found in the flowers, leaves, bark, wood and buds of the plant. Lilac contains glycosides that have medicinal properties if used in small quantities. The composition contains farnesol, phenoglycoside, sinigrin, syrignopicrin.

Sinigrin has warming and anti-inflammatory properties. Its presence in large quantities in the plant makes lilac tincture useful for treating joints. The same active substance is found in mustard seeds and horseradish roots, which are used in medicine as a local warming agent for the treatment of diseases of skeletal bones. Syringin is a glycoside, and all substances belonging to this group cause intoxication of the body in large doses. Therefore, you should use medications prepared at home with caution.

Fresh flowers of the plant are often used to prepare medicine.

What does lilac look like and where does it grow?

Lilac is a bush of the olive family, reaching a height of 7 m. As a rule, it is formed with a large number of branches, branches looking upward, generously covered with rounded or elongated leaves. In early May, the bush blooms profusely with pink, blue, purple or white inflorescences, emitting a sweet aroma with soothing accents.

In the wild, lilac grows in the Balkans - in Romania, Greece, Albania and Yugoslavia, in forests and on mountain slopes. This bush is cultivated throughout the middle zone, including in Russia - in the Central region, in the southern part of Western and Eastern Siberia, in the south of the Far East, in the steppe zones.

Lilac harvest time and raw material procurement

In order for the product to give the expected effect, it is necessary to use herbs and plants collected at a certain time. This also applies to lilacs. It is also necessary to collect and prepare these raw materials on time. This stage plays an extremely important role. High quality of a useful product can only be achieved when it is prepared from high-quality raw materials.

Lilacs are harvested during the full opening of the lilac buds, during the appearance of flower buds. Herbalists recommend this particular time for collection, since during budding the lilac concentrates a large amount of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Most people interested in alternative medicine use common lilac, which has purple flowers. It is generally accepted that lilac flowers are more beneficial. However, due to the fact that they contain a large amount of the glycoside syringin, white flowers are sometimes used to make a tincture of white lilac. It is not used so often, but it also has extraordinary positive effects. Its properties are almost similar to those present in medicines obtained from shrubs with lilac flowers.

The lower popularity of white lilac tincture is explained by the fact that it does not have the same prevalence as ordinary lilac. Meanwhile, white flowers are good for many ailments, including heel spurs.

How the collection and preparation take place:

  1. When cutting lilac branches with inflorescences, use either a garden knife or pruning shears. The cutting is done very carefully.
  2. Cut lilacs are divided and tied into bunches (from three to five branches in one bunch).
  3. The formed bundles are suspended on a cord, with a small distance from each other.

Drying lasts one or two weeks, depending on the conditions under which it is performed. The finished raw materials can be placed in a glass container with a lid or in special bags. In this case, it can be stored for about two years.

Chemical composition of leaves and flowers

The benefits and harms of lilac for the body are actively discussed; these factors are determined by the internal composition of the leaves and the flowering part.


  • resins and tannins;
  • coumarin derivatives;
  • Vitamin C;
  • flavonoids and volatile substances;
  • syringin;
  • alkaloids;
  • farnesin and farnesol;
  • essential oils.

The healing characteristics of the green part of the plant have not been thoroughly studied and identified. But, even based on the available data, lilac can be considered very valuable for the body.

Medicinal properties

Often used in medicine. It is used as a raw material for tinctures, extracts, and ointments. All parts of the lilac bush are used: roots, leaves, bark, flowers. The inflorescence of the bush is brewed as tea and drunk for fever, digestive disorders, pancreatic ulcers, and whooping cough.

The decoction is taken for colds, lilac is infused in kerosene, applied to the affected area of ​​painful joints, and used as a rub. Brewed lilac leaves are used to wash purulent wounds and make compresses for migraines.

Also used for the treatment of dermatological diseases in children aged 5 years and older, alcohol tincture of lilac is used as an external remedy. Lilac flowers are not only beauty and aroma, but also the composition of valuable components, such as:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • phytoncide;
  • essential oils;
  • syringin;
  • resins and others.

Due to its biochemical composition, it is used both in classical pharmacology and in folk medicine. Alcohol tinctures are used against many diseases, as this medicine has a number of healing properties:

  • diaphoretic effect;
  • diuretic effect;
  • anesthetic;
  • antiseptic;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial.


As practice shows, when we sweat, we not only lose water or cool down, but also release a lot of toxic substances. In this regard, the colors of lilac have a positive effect.


This is true: the substances contained in the flower of the plant are mobile and easy to cope with pain of various etiologies. This quality was widely used in times when there were no strong painkillers.


By using lilac internally or externally, you can protect yourself from infections, suppuration from cuts, abscess formation, and much more. The disinfectant effect is quite pronounced.


For wet and dry coughs, lilac has a positive effect on the respiratory system, immediately thinning mucus (if necessary) and facilitating its elimination.

Complex compositions for preparing tinctures

To enhance the effect of the finished product, lilac is often mixed with other ingredients of plant origin and beekeeping products.

Lilac tincture for treating joints may contain several ingredients. The recipe for such a product includes the following components:

  • 3 tbsp. spoons of lilac leaves;
  • 0.3 l radish juice;
  • 0.2 l honey;
  • 0.1 l of vodka.

All components must be mixed and left for 24 hours in a warm, dark place. Before using as an external agent, the resulting mixture should be shaken.

Mixing several active substances increases the medicinal properties of the plant

Mixing several active substances increases the medicinal properties of the plant. Lilac, which helps treat joints, is mixed with other biologically active products; Here is a recipe that is popular among healers. You need to take dry raw materials in equal parts:

  • lilac leaves and flowers;
  • burdock leaves and roots;
  • dandelion leaves and roots;
  • roots and rhizomes of elecampane;
  • common juniper fruits;
  • St. John's wort herb;
  • calendula flowers;
  • Eucalyptus perforatum leaves.

Place all this in a jar so that the raw materials occupy 2/3 of the volume. Then fill it to the top with alcohol and leave for two weeks. After this, drain the resulting tincture and use it in its pure form to rub joints. If irritation occurs, it can be diluted 1:1 with water.


For compresses during periods of exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the joints, you can create a tincture, which includes in equal parts:

  • lilac flowers;
  • willow bark;
  • leaf of noble laurel.

The dry mixture is poured with vodka so that the liquid covers all the raw materials, and infused for 3 weeks. This remedy relieves pain well and significantly reduces the inflammatory process that begins in the joints.

Willow bark with lilac can be used for compresses

Indications and contraindications for use

Healing products made from this plant can be successfully used to treat and cure many diseases.

A list of useful properties that distinguish the product from others:

  1. They relieve inflammatory processes, help fight various viruses, infectious and skin diseases.
  2. It is used externally to treat wounds, bruises and suppurations.
  3. It is used for all types of cough and respiratory diseases, thins and removes phlegm, and helps in the treatment of tuberculosis.
  4. They cope with nervous system disorders, relieving migraine attacks.
  5. Relieve pain, reduce muscle spasms, help with healing of joints, ligaments and much more.
  6. Cope with arthritis, gout, polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis.
  7. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure.

Like any other plant, it not only has medicinal properties, but also has a number of contraindications for use, as it belongs to the level of poisonous plants. Therefore, caution should be exercised when prescribing alcohol tinctures for oral use:

  1. In case of intolerance to the ingredient.
  2. For diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  3. In case of renal failure.
  4. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Children under 12 years old.
  6. If there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle in women.

It is necessary to follow the prescribed dosages when developing the product and not exceed the established value when used orally.

What does this alcohol tincture treat?

The tool will be useful in a number of cases:

  1. In the treatment of kidney diseases, including kidney stones.
  2. Lilac tincture is taken for colds, coughs, and pulmonary tuberculosis.
  3. The tincture is considered an effective antipyretic
  4. If a person has poor heart function, the tincture will be an effective means of restoring it.
  5. Lilac treats headaches and migraines.
  6. The composition of lilac helps with injuries and bruises (for example, the knee joint).
  7. The drug is effective in the treatment of arthritis and gout. In addition, polyarthritis and rheumatism can be treated with lilac tincture.

Procurement and storage of raw materials

Lilacs for pharmaceuticals are harvested in late spring or early summer. For these purposes, it is best to collect bushes that grow away from road dust. Lilacs blooming in your own garden are the best.

Leaves are collected during the period of active flowering. Flowers are collected when the buds are not yet open. The collected bouquets are folded in the form of small bunches. The bark is removed only from young branches and roots.

Lilacs are dried in dry weather under a canopy or in a well-ventilated attic, turning regularly. Store the prepared tincture in an airtight container without water for 2 years.

Tincture recipe

Once you have decided to start treatment with tincture, it’s time to move from talk to action. It is advisable to collect pharmaceutical raw materials (flowers and leaves) from lilacs growing away from roads and factories. It is best to start picking lilacs in dry weather.

We still haven’t come to a conclusion which color of lilac is more beneficial and valuable for the body. Some recipes specify the color, others ask you to make your own choice. However, the vast majority of researchers believe that it is better to give preference to white flowers.

Traditional alcohol tincture recipe

Place fresh lilac flowers (leaves) (100 g) in a liter glass jar, fill with alcohol to the very top (1 liter is required). Close with a regular lid and place in a dark place for 10 days.

Strain through cheesecloth four times and take as directed. Homemade lilac-based tincture is prepared according to exactly the same recipe. From time to time, depending on the disease, the infusion is used in larger or smaller quantities.

In fact, there are a lot of recipes, but most often they use the traditional recipe: this tincture is universal and is useful for treating various diseases.

Since ancient times, lilac has been used in folk medicine: the healing properties of this bush have been confirmed by modern research.

Tincture in the fight against joint diseases

Often, alcohol tincture of lilac is used to treat various joint diseases, which are accompanied by local tissue inflammation, various types of pain, limited mobility and severe swelling.

To create such a remedy you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of dried lilac;
  • 3 tablespoons of chopped willow bark;
  • several bay leaves;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Alcohol tincture of lilac is widely used in joint healing

Place all ingredients in a liter jar and fill with vodka. After this, close the jar tightly with a silicone lid and leave it in a dark place to infuse for 3-4 weeks. Treatment with lilac tincture based on vodka for the treatment of joints should be started only after it has been filtered.

The product is usually used in the form of compresses and lotions for a sore joint. Since the medicine is alcohol-based, it is not recommended to keep it on the skin for more than 2 hours, as this may cause a chemical burn or an allergic reaction.

Tincture for heel spurs

This drug is very effective for those who suffer from this disease. Lilac tincture for the treatment of spurs should be used according to the following scheme:

  1. As a compress , it is advisable to apply the lotion to the affected areas for 20-30 minutes. It is preferable to do this before bed. The recommended course is 3 weeks.
  2. Oral administration - 20 drops two or three times over the next 2-3 weeks. It is advisable to consume before meals.

Tincture for bruises

This infusion promotes rapid healing of wounds, abrasions and scratches. A tincture prepared from lilac flowers is used as a lotion or compress. To do this, the elixir is applied to the damaged area for 20-30 minutes. To relieve pain, you can additionally take the drug 20 drops twice or thrice a day.

Tincture for varicose veins

The drug is highly effective at the initial stage of the disease. The effect can be observed after a short healing time. If the disease is advanced, an infusion of lilac flowers with vodka is used as an additional tool to general therapy.

Based on this drug, compresses are made for affected areas of the body. You can leave these compresses on for up to 30 minutes.

Lilac tincture against cough

A folk remedy helps get rid of suffocating attacks. Using white lilac, you can prepare an alcohol tincture to treat a severe cough. The tincture is used as follows:

  1. For rubbing - you need to rub your back, chest and soles with this preparation. It is recommended to perform this procedure before going to bed to wrap yourself well in the blanket. As a rule, the cough disappears after 3-4 days.
  2. Oral use - take 20 drops with 250 ml of warm tea. It is recommended to take the medicine before going to bed. The course of treatment lasts about a week.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia

The tincture is prepared observing the following proportions:

  • 1 cup plant
  • 500 ml vodka.

Leave for 10 days. Used as rubs and compresses. It is recommended to take no more than 25-30 drops at once, 2-3 times a day before meals.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

The tincture is prepared using 1 part of the plant to 10 parts of vodka (for example, 10 g of raw materials and 100 g of alcohol). You need to leave for 2 weeks, then strain and can be used. Use for rubbing. The finished tincture can be used for rheumatic pain.

Composition and properties of lilac

The range of substances identified in lilac flowers during laboratory research is incredibly wide.

The presence of vitamins, minerals, and essential oils was revealed. The plant also contains elements of phenoglycosides, phytoncides, farnesin, sinigrin, resins and other substances.

The healing effects of lilac flower tincture are easily explained by the unique biochemical composition.

Its main properties are divided into the following types:


After taking the tincture, during the subsequent internal impact on the body, moisture begins to come out of it along with sweat, and cooling occurs. Along with moisture, various toxic substances are removed. There are many of them, dozens of species. Based on this effect, the composition of lilac is considered an excellent diaphoretic that has a positive, healing effect.


The substances contained in the flower of the plant are credited with the property of effectively relieving pain to varying degrees. This is indeed true. This property of the plant has been known for a long time. Since those times when powerful pharmaceutical painkillers were not widely used due to small production. The traditional pain reliever had more benefits. Lilac has always been available to everyone.


The use of a prescription lilac composition either internally or externally creates an antiseptic effect. The product can protect the body from many obvious negative manifestations on the skin. Here we can mention infections and suppuration after receiving cuts. The product helps prevent the appearance of abscesses and other skin reactions. The antiseptic effect of lilac is highly pronounced.


When a person has a wet or dry cough, taking lilac tincture can have a healing effect on the functioning of the respiratory system. The sputum accumulated in the body is liquefied, which facilitates its further easy removal.

Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial

This property of lilac is widely used when it comes to treating colds. The tincture is taken by adults. As a result of treatment in this way, recovery occurs very quickly.

Lilac tincture with vodka for external use

Tinctures for the treatment of various joint diseases are of extraordinary value. Due to their ability to relieve inflammatory reactions and relieve pain, they are successfully used to treat a number of diseases:

  • Varicose veins The alcohol-based tincture is kept for at least 20 days. Fabric bandages soaked in the product are applied to the affected areas of the legs at night.
  • Rheumatism. Sore spots are rubbed with vodka tincture for 10 days or triple cologne with white lilac extract.
  • Osteochondrosis. A glass of radish juice and half a glass of honey are added to the alcohol infusion of lilac. This solution is used as a rub for a week.
  • Lichen. To get rid of ringworm, prepare an infusion of 100 g of blue lilac leaves and plants, add half a liter of triple cologne or vodka. Lotions are applied to the sore spot 6 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Headache. Soak cotton napkins with a rich infusion of vodka or triple cologne and wipe the eyebrows and temples. With this procedure you can get rid of migraines in a few minutes.
  • Spur. Compresses are applied to the affected area four times a day. In addition, lilac infusion is consumed 20 minutes before meals, 30 drops each. The infusion should be consumed three times a day.
  • Laryngitis and tonsillitis. Two tablespoons of alcohol infusion are diluted in a glass of water. Rinse the larynx with this substance at least 4 times a day.
  • Salts in joints. It is advisable to take a mixture of lilac with vodka prepared for internal use orally, 20 drops diluted in water before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The course of such therapy is two and a half months.
  • Skin inflammation. 10 drops of tincture are diluted in 100 g of water. This water should be used to wipe the inflamed areas of the skin several times a day.

Lilac tincture is an excellent therapeutic agent for normalizing the musculoskeletal system. However, using this therapy, skin rashes may appear.

Hair treatment

Lilac vodka tincture has a huge number of healing properties that help strengthen hair, make it strong, shiny and healthy. To prepare the tincture, you need to use 1 glass of dry leaves and 500 ml of vodka. The product must be infused for 2 weeks.

After the specified period, the filtered tincture can be used for various purposes. Lilac is used as a hair conditioner, as the essential oils contained in the flowers enrich the hair with a vitamin complex and give it visible thickness.

Dilute the lilac tincture with water in proportions of 1/3 and wash your hair with this infusion several times a week.

The following recipe helps to cope with dandruff. Two tablespoons of cosmetic clay (preferably green, as it has antiseptic properties) are poured with lilac tincture, previously diluted in equal proportions with water. Add castor oil and stir all ingredients.

It is advisable to leave the resulting solution for about 20 minutes. Apply the mixture, then wash with plenty of shampoo. It should be noted that prolonged use of such a mask can lead to dry scalp. After completing the course and receiving the effect, you must evaluate the result.

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