Why do my ankles swell?

  • Why does swelling occur?
  • Types of edema
  • Diagnostics
  • Diseases
  • Treatment
  • Our doctors

Swelling of the leg in the ankle is not a separate disease, but a clinical manifestation of it. The underlying disorder, which causes fluid to accumulate within the soft tissues of the lower extremities, may progress insidiously. Swelling of the ankles occurs in people of different genders and ages. Children should make an appointment with a pediatrician, adults should visit a therapist. The type of doctor who will treat the patient in the future depends on the type of pathology identified.


When the legs swell at the ankles, the cause of the condition may be related to factors such as:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Having excess weight.
  • Increased permeability of blood vessels.
  • Chaotic use of medications (antidepressants, hormonal drugs).
  • Impaired drainage of lymphatic fluid from tissues.

Other factors that cause swelling of the ankles are significant physical activity, wearing uncomfortable shoes, and the presence of a purulent tumor on the lower limb. The symptom also occurs against the background of increased blood pressure.

Read also: Swollen legs: causes and treatment

Legs swell in the evening: reasons, what to do

Swelling of the legs in the evening, the reasons may be different, it is a common phenomenon. Swelling of the legs can occur from time to time, sometimes or often; in some people, swelling of the legs is a permanent condition of the tissues of the limbs. Occasional swelling indicates a temporary disorder:

  • Excess fluid can enter the intercellular space, causing swelling of the legs. This condition is associated with high consumption of water and drinks.
  • Impaired blood flow in the legs leads to swelling of the extremities. The outflow of blood is disrupted when sitting for long periods of time in certain positions.
  • Swelling of the legs can occur when sitting on a low chair for a long time.
  • Active sports, high loads on the lower extremities in the workplace, and prolonged physical activity lead to the development of edema of the extremities.
  • Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes can lead to the development of swelling due to the unnatural position of the feet and increased stress on the joints and blood vessels. Narrow shoes that do not fit the size or fullness of the foot have the same effect.

If your legs swell in the evening, the cause may be metabolic disorders, various diseases, or a leg injury may cause the swelling. Diseases that cause swelling of the legs:

  • If one limb swells, the legs swell in the evening, and by the morning the swelling subsides - this is most often a sign of vascular disease. This is how diseases of the lymphatic system and varicose veins manifest themselves (another sign of the disease is nodular formations on the veins of the extremities). Most often, varicose edema appears in the summer.
  • Heart disease is a common cause of limb swelling.
  • Hypertension is a disease closely related to vascular disorders, heart disease, and one of the causes of swelling of the extremities.
  • Diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands cause stagnation of fluid in the body, leading to the development of edema in the face, abdomen, arms, and legs. Most often, swelling appears in the morning; swelling may increase in the evening.
  • Obesity. Metabolic disorders and excess body weight have a negative impact on the vascular system of the lower extremities. Swelling in obesity often appears in the afternoon; in the evening the swelling intensifies due to the high load on the vessels and tissues of the limb.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland - an endocrine organ that regulates the functioning of the entire body and affects metabolism. Disruption of the thyroid gland leads to swelling on the face, body, and limbs.
  • Pregnancy becomes the cause of the development of edema - hormonal changes occur in the body, the load on organs and systems increases, in the second half of pregnancy, if the face and hands swell, in the evening the legs swell and hurt - this is an indicator of the development of vascular pathology, various complications of pregnancy.
  • A leg injury is also accompanied by swelling, which may appear immediately or some time after the injury. If the injured limb experiences stress during the day, by the evening the leg swells greatly.

If your legs swell significantly in the evening, a phlebologist can determine the cause of the pathology. Swelling of the feet in the evening is a symptom that appears when wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, obesity, prolonged physical activity, physical inactivity, injury, and flat feet. Such swelling appears when working in an office, when working as a hairdresser, or as a salesperson. Venous and lymphatic drainage is disrupted, resulting in bilateral swelling of the feet. Often such swelling is accompanied by severe pain due to the heavy load on the joints of the foot.

The ankles of the legs swell in the evening - this can be a symptom of various vascular disorders, trauma, leg fatigue, and other factors affecting the condition of the tissues of the extremities. In some cases, the cause of leg swelling is the medications the patient is taking.


Depends on the type of violation detected. In 90% of cases, the pathological condition that caused swelling of the ankles is eliminated conservatively. For this use:

  1. Medicinal influence. If a patient has swollen legs at the ankles, he is prescribed diuretics (Furosemide, Lasix) and rutin, a vitamin that strengthens the walls of the veins. If problems with heart activity are detected, Veroshpiron or its analogues are prescribed. When the root cause of swelling of the legs is inflammation of the joints, the patient is advised to administer Diclofenac, chondroprotectors (Glucosamine, Chondroitin), and hormonal agents.
  2. Massage. Manual treatment is aimed at restoring blood supply to the lower extremities.
  3. Nutrition correction. Salty, spicy, sour, fatty, fried foods and dishes should be excluded from the diet, and water balance should be limited. Drinking coffee and alcohol is strictly contraindicated.
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures. Aimed at reducing swelling, restoring mobility, reducing pain, and relieving inflammation.

It is also necessary to avoid using excessively tight, uncomfortable shoes; avoid excessive stress on the ankle joints.

Depending on the nature of the identified disorder, therapy is carried out in a hospital department or on an outpatient basis.

Dear patients! Remember that only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, determine the causes and nature of the disease, and prescribe effective treatment. You can make an appointment with our specialists or call a doctor at home by calling 8-(4822)-33-00-33

Be healthy and happy!

What are swelling of the legs

The development of edema occurs due to the entry and accumulation of fluid in the extracellular tissue spaces of the body. The fluid is removed from the body through small capillaries, enters the veins and is then excreted by the kidneys. The process of fluid removal is regulated by venous pressure, the concentration of sodium and proteins in the body, and the permeability of the vascular wall. A large number of different factors influence the disruption of the process of fluid removal:

  • Hot time of year.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Consuming large amounts of fluid.
  • Fried, smoked and salted foods.
  • Great physical activity.
  • Prolonged standing.

The occurrence of swelling of the extremities is influenced by a decrease in blood circulation in the abdominal cavity during certain postures, pregnancy, and flat feet. You should immediately contact a phlebologist if swelling of the legs is not symmetrical, does not subside for a long time, becomes permanent, the swelling is dense, the color of the skin or blood vessels changes, or vascular nodules appear.

Why does one leg swell?

You can often hear the complaint that only one leg is swollen at the ankle. There may be several reasons for this.

Injury . Sometimes a person can get injured in the ankle joint and not even pay attention to it (what we commonly call “twisted his ankle”). And only when the ankle in the area of ​​the injured one begins to swell, do we remember that there really was an injury.

Joint damage, including arthrosis. If you have a serious ankle condition, such as osteoarthritis, circulation may be impaired, leading to swelling of the foot and ankle.

Insect bite or allergic reaction. Swelling of one ankle, especially in the warm season, can often be associated with an allergic reaction.

Infection . If you injure your leg and do not treat the wound, it may become infected and subsequently develop unilateral edema.

Thrombosis. This is a very dangerous condition, and if you notice any signs of it, we recommend that you consult a doctor immediately. Unilateral swelling may indicate blockage of the vessel by a thrombus. Self-treatment in this case is impossible; only specialists can cope with this condition. Also, with thrombosis, redness may be observed on the skin, which spreads along the course of the vessel.

Varicose veins In addition to the listed conditions, complaints about swelling of the right or left leg at the ankle may be associated with the development of varicose veins. Swelling is one of the first signs of this disease. In the early stages, this is not constant swelling that goes away after a night's sleep, rest or some exercise. At a later stage, they begin to spread from the ankle higher and become permanent.

Lymphedema. Another dangerous disease for the body, in which only one ankle may swell, is lymphedema, a violation of the outflow of lymph. When the disease first begins, lymphedema is mild. As lymphedema progresses, the swelling becomes firm and you can no longer apply pressure to the area of ​​swelling with your finger. If you notice that the nature of the swelling is changing, be sure to consult a doctor - lymphatic swelling can only be removed with the participation of a specialist and with constant treatment.

Causes of swelling of the ankles (ankles)

There can be many reasons why ankles (ankles) swell. Here is an example of just a few of them:

  • Injuries to the foot or ankle
  • Side effect of some medications
  • Inflammation of subcutaneous fat (cellulite)
  • Varicose veins complicated by chronic venous insufficiency
  • Venous thrombosis
  • Pregnancy
  • Preeclampsia
  • Pathology of the kidneys or liver
  • Hypothyroidism

One of the main reasons why ankles (ankles) swell is varicose veins. With varicose veins, swelling is caused by disruption of the valves of the venous vessels of the lower extremities. These valves provide physiological return of blood to the heart. It is this mechanism that is damaged in varicose veins, resulting in reverse blood flow and blood stagnation in the distal parts of the lower extremities.

Ankle swelling at the end of the day

Decompensation of the condition leads to swelling of the ankles.

Causes of ankle swelling

Pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs, swelling of the ankles and feet occurs. Sudden or excessive swelling, however, can be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition in which high blood pressure and protein in the urine develop starting in the twentieth week of pregnancy. If you experience severe swelling or it is accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, headaches, infrequent bladder emptying, nausea and vomiting, or blurred vision, you should see a doctor.

Damage to the foot or ankle. An injury to the foot or ankle may cause swelling. The most common case is a sprained ankle, which occurs when the injury sprains the ligaments and places the leg in an unnatural position. To reduce swelling from a foot or ankle injury, rest. Avoid walking on a swollen ankle or leg, use ice packs, wrap your leg or ankle in a compression bandage and elevate your leg on a stool or cushion. If swelling and pain do not go away with home treatment, seek medical help.

Side effect of the drug. Many medications cause swelling in the feet and ankles as a possible side effect. It can be:

  • hormones such as estrogen (found in oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy) and testosterone;
  • calcium channel blockers, a type of drug used to treat high blood pressure that includes nifedipine, amlodipine, diltiazem, felodipine, and verapamil;
  • steroids, including androgenic and anabolic steroids and corticosteroids such as prednisolone;
  • antidepressants, including: tricyclics such as nortriptyline, desipramine and amitriptyline (Elavil, Endep, Vanatrip); and monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors such as phenelzine and tranylcypromine;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • diabetic drugs.

If you suspect that your swelling may be related to a drug you are taking, contact your doctor. Although the benefits of the drug may justify the swelling, more severe swelling may indicate that the drug or dosage needs to be changed.

Lymphedema. This is the stagnation of lymphatic fluid in tissues, which can occur due to problems with the lymphatic vessels or after surgery to remove lymph nodes. Lymph is a protein-rich fluid that is transported through an extensive network of vessels and capillaries. It is cleared through the lymph nodes, which trap and destroy unwanted substances (such as bacteria). However, if the patient has problems with the lymph nodes, the normal circulation of lymphatic fluid stops. Stagnation of lymph impairs wound healing and can cause infectious diseases in the body. Lymphedema is common after radiation therapy or surgery to remove lymph nodes. If you have been treated for cancer and are experiencing lymph accumulation, you should consult a doctor.

Venous insufficiency. Swelling of the ankles and feet is often the first sign of venous insufficiency - a condition where blood moves chaotically through the veins from the legs to the heart. Typically, the veins maintain the direction of blood circulation upward with one-way valves. When they become damaged or weakened, some of the blood flows back down the vessels and the interstitial fluid remains in the soft tissue of the legs, especially the ankles. Chronic venous insufficiency leads to skin changes, skin ulcers and infections. If you are experiencing symptoms of venous insufficiency, you should visit a vascular surgeon.

Infection. Swelling in the feet and ankles may be a symptom of infection. People diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy and any other nerve conditions of the feet are at higher risk of developing foot infections. If you have diabetes, it's important to check your feet every day for blisters and sores because nerve damage can lead to decreased pain and foot problems can quickly develop. If you notice swelling in your leg, contact your doctor immediately.

Blood clot. Blood clots that form in the veins of the legs can cause blood to flow back from the legs to the heart and cause swelling in the ankles and legs. Blood clots can be either superficial (occurring in the veins under the skin) or deep (a condition called deep vein thrombosis). Large clots can block one or more major veins in the legs. These blood clots can be life-threatening if they break off and travel to the heart and lungs. If you have swelling in one leg, accompanied by pain, fever, and possibly discoloration of the affected area of ​​the leg, see a doctor immediately. Antiplatelet medications and blood thinners may be needed.

Heart, liver and kidney disease. Sometimes swelling is a symptom of heart, kidney or liver disease. Ankles that swell towards night (evening) are a sure sign of salt and water retention due to heart failure. Kidney disease can also cause swelling in the feet and ankles. When the kidneys do not function normally, fluid accumulates in the body.

Liver disease can affect the liver's production of a protein called albumin, which keeps blood from leaking from blood vessels into tissues. Irregular release of albumin can cause fluid to leak. Gravity causes fluid to stagnate more in the legs and ankles, but it can also be found in the abdomen and chest. If your swelling is accompanied by other symptoms, including fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight gain, contact your doctor right away. If you feel short of breath or chest pain, pressure or tightness, call an ambulance.

What is puffiness

In medical terms, edema is a transient abnormal enlargement of a body part or area not caused by cell proliferation. This is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Swelling may occur throughout the body (general edema), or a specific part or organ may be affected by the problem. Swelling is usually not dangerous and is a common reaction to inflammation or bruising.

Edema is considered one of the five characteristics of inflammation; along with pain, warmth, redness and loss of function. A part of the body may swell in response to injury, infection, or illness. Swelling, especially in the ankles, can occur if blood circulation is poor. If water retention progresses to a symptomatic degree, the result is edema. Generalized swelling or massive edema (also called anasarca) is a common symptom in seriously ill people. Although mild swelling may be difficult to detect, especially in an overweight person. In contrast, massive swelling is very obvious.


  • What is puffiness
  • Causes of ankle swelling
  • Diagnosis of swelling

Causes of swelling that can be eliminated

The causes of edema can be very diverse.

  • One of the most common causes of edema in healthy people is drinking a lot of fluid before bed.
  • Swelling on the face can occur if a person slept in an uncomfortable position, with the head lying lower than the feet.
  • Often, swelling of the face is the result of an allergic reaction to foods: honey, citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, fish and others.

Sometimes even frequently used, well-known medications act as allergens, which, by the way, should be taken into account once again by those who like to take medications without a doctor’s prescription. Finally, swelling can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction to grass and tree pollen, house dust, household chemicals and cosmetics.

Therefore, if swelling on your face has recently appeared, think about what has changed in your environment. A new carpet appeared or the bed was moved next to a bookcase with old books. Or bought another toothpaste, or maybe some other cosmetic product.

Or have you finally decided to read the latest evening newspapers at night? And undried printing ink can also be an allergen.

Treatment of swelling

If swelling regularly appears in the lower extremities, accompanied by pain, increased temperature of the affected area or the whole body, redness of the skin and other alarming symptoms, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. Qualified phlebologists at the Phlebology Department of the Yusupov Hospital provide services for the diagnosis and treatment of edema using the latest medical technologies and modern medications that are highly effective and have minimal side effects. The clinic has created all the conditions for a comfortable stay for patients in a hospital setting. Therapeutic tactics are selected strictly individually for each patient, taking into account the diagnosis and characteristics of his body.

When swelling is a sign of disease

It happens that edema is a consequence of heart or kidney disease.

As a result of a violation of the contractility of the myocardium, the veins of the systemic circulation become overfilled with blood, the pressure inside the capillaries increases, sodium salts and water are released into the tissue and retained there.

  • According to the physical laws of gravity, edema with weak myocardium is concentrated in the lower part of the body and appears in the evening - the heart, tired during the day, performs its functions worse.
  • On the contrary, with inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, the face often swells first, and then the torso, arms, legs, and swelling can appear both in the morning and in the evening.

Eliminating this cause is to take cardiac glycosides. Renal edema is eliminated by taking diuretics, if, of course, the kidneys are functioning normally. Otherwise, treatment must be aimed at eliminating the pathology of the corresponding organ.

If you cannot eliminate swelling by limiting the liquid you drink in the evening, you should consult a urologist. The doctor will order an ultrasound of the kidneys and urine tests. This simple examination is enough to identify most pathologies, the signs of which are swelling.

You can make an appointment by calling the toll-free phone number 8-800-707-15-60 or filling out the contact form. In this case, we will contact you ourselves.

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