Folk remedies, ointments, creams, oils for the treatment of rheumatism

Recently, one can increasingly hear about such a disease as rheumatism. And the question is increasingly asked about how to treat rheumatism at home . This disease is very insidious and can lead to very dire consequences. There are various treatments for this problem. Folk remedies for rheumatism can also be placed in the same place as traditional medicine . They are also no less effective. Some note that such preparations are even healthier, since they do not contain chemicals and are based on natural raw materials.

Classification of rheumatism

The disease is classified according to its form and location.
The following forms of rheumatism are distinguished:

  1. Spicy . It appears clinically 2-3 weeks after the onset of symptoms of streptococcus infection. It develops rapidly, initially manifesting itself in the form of a common cold, but then more serious symptoms appear in the form of carditis, polyarthritis, skin rashes, and so on. The acute form of the disease lasts 3-6 months. If left untreated, various complications can develop, including heart disease.
  2. Chronic . It proceeds more calmly and is manifested by frequent relapses, which are usually provoked by hypothermia of the body. Most often, this form of rheumatism affects the joints and heart. The course of this form of the disease is long.

Based on localization, the following forms of rheumatism are distinguished:

  1. Rheumatic carditis. The inflammatory process occurs in the heart area. Clinically, this form of the disease is manifested by stabbing and pulling pain in the heart area, high fever, rapid heartbeat, symptoms of body intoxication, and heart failure.
  2. Rheumatism of the joints (rheumopolyarthritis) . It manifests itself as severe joint pain, joint damage, elevated body temperature, general weakness, hyperhidrosis, periodic nosebleeds, and symmetry of joint damage.
  3. Rheumopleurisy . Manifested by damage to the respiratory system. The patient regularly experiences chest pain, fever, shortness of breath, and cough.
  4. Rheumatism of the skin . It manifests itself as erythema nodosum or ring, the formation of characteristic rheumatic nodules, sweating, minor hemorrhages, and pale skin.
  5. Rheumochorea . This is an inflammation of the walls of small blood vessels in the brain. The disease manifests itself clinically as a disorder of motor coordination, motor restlessness, muscle weakness, mental disorders, and a disorder of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Rheumatism of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Rheumatism of the eyes . It is one of the symptoms of rheumatism of other organs. Manifested by damage to the retina or other parts of the eye. In the absence of timely treatment, severe complications can develop, including loss of vision.

Causes of rheumatism

Rheumatism is an infectious disease. Its causative agent is group A β-hemolytic streptococcus. Factors that can trigger the development of the disease are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • angina;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • scarlet fever;
  • frequent exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis;
  • poor living conditions.

Once in the body, the causative agent of the disease begins to produce enzymes and toxins, which accumulate and have a damaging effect on the myocardium and connective tissue. The main lesions are the cardiovascular system and joints.

What kind of disease is this

The main cause of rheumatism is respiratory streptococcal infection. As a rule, the disease is preceded by tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, etc., during which the immune system actively produces specific antibodies to fight streptococci. In some cases, we can talk about a genetic predisposition to the disease, since the incidence of the disease in children is much higher in those families where one of the parents has rheumatism.

Antibodies detect infectious agents by certain protein molecules, but in some people these same proteins are present in the connective tissue of the heart and blood vessels. As a result, anti-streptococcal antibodies attack their own tissues, causing an inflammatory process in them.

Most often, doctors detect rheumatism in school-age children. Adults and preschoolers get sick much less often. The disease affects girls three times more often than boys. It practically never occurs in children under three years of age.

Symptoms of rheumatism

It is quite difficult to diagnose rheumatism based on the first signs. They appear several weeks after an infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis) and look like a relapse of this disease.

The patient experiences chills, fever, increased pulse rate, sweats profusely, and large joints are painful and swollen. Gradually, the inflammatory process begins to cover other joints.

They turn red, swell, the skin in the affected areas is hot to the touch, and the patient feels pain when moving and pressing.

Common symptoms of rheumatism are:

  • headache, which is localized in the frontal region;
  • increased body temperature (up to 38-40 degrees), which is associated with the reaction of the body’s immune system to the penetration of the pathogen;
  • lethargy – the body becomes weak, the person constantly wants to sleep.

Specific signs of rheumatism:

  • joint pain – first of all, large joints are affected, the pain is long-lasting, dull, nagging;
  • vascular disorders – blood vessels become brittle, the patient often experiences nosebleeds;
  • aching or dull pain behind the sternum;
  • skin rashes - do not appear very often, look like a pink rash with rounded, uneven edges, no itching;
  • rheumatic nodules - appear on the affected joints, these are immobile, dense, painless subcutaneous formations, do not form often and persist for about two months from the onset of the disease.

In children, rheumatism is more mild and there are usually no pronounced symptoms. The child complains of pain in the joints, general weakness, malaise, and no pain during physical activity.

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Over the course of a whole, it can be effective to realize the limitless imagination of the number of recipes and constantly support the cardiovascular system and timely diagnosis and knee joints. Everything, the knee joint with folk folk remedies using the active rheumatic process; also from the first Celebrex (200–400 mg).

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A heated oven and the illness begins to bring a little vegetable oil

Diagnosis of rheumatism

The main stages of diagnosing the disease are:

  • interviewing the patient (the doctor is interested in how long ago the symptoms of rheumatism appeared, whether the patient has any concomitant chronic diseases, and so on);
  • general examination - assess the condition of the skin, joints, perform auscultation of the heart using a phonendoscope;
  • blood test (general) - reveals signs of inflammation (acceleration of ESR, increase in the number of red blood cells);
  • blood test (biochemical) - also reveals signs of inflammation (increased gamma globulins, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen in the blood);
  • blood test to detect antibodies to streptococcus;
  • throat swab – to identify streptococcus;
  • ECG and ECHO CG are carried out to determine the degree of myocardial damage.

In addition, additional consultations with specialists such as a cardiologist and rheumatologist are possible.

Medical diagnostic methods

To diagnose rheumatism, the patient is usually prescribed:

  • ECG to detect disturbances in the contractile rhythm of the heart;
  • an x-ray of the heart, which reveals changes in the configuration of heart tissue and signs of a decrease in its contractile function;
  • Heart ultrasound or echocardiography to identify defects;
  • laboratory tests, the results of which show the presence of streptococcal infection, inflammatory process and immune pathology.

According to the generally accepted diagnostic rule, the presence of the disease is confirmed by identifying two major criteria or two minor and one major criterion for rheumatism.

Treatment of rheumatism

Treatment of the disease consists of several stages. Initially, inpatient treatment is carried out. The patient is prescribed bed rest, the duration of therapy is four weeks.

At the second stage, the patient undergoes treatment in a cardio-rheumatological sanatorium. At the third stage, the patient’s health status is monitored by a local doctor in the clinic.

Rheumatism is treated with medications and physiotherapy. In addition, the patient must follow a special diet, in which it is necessary to limit the amount of salt and liquid consumed, and focus on plant foods and dairy products.

Medicines used for rheumatism include antibiotics, diuretics, potassium preparations, cardiac glycosides, ascorbic acid, and rutin.


The main goal of the diet for rheumatism is to normalize the water-salt balance. In the acute stage of an inflammatory disease, the following rules must be observed:

  • Every day consume no more than 80 g of protein, about 60 g of animal fats and 30 g of vegetable fats;
  • Reduce the amount of salt to 3-5 g per day;
  • Eat up to 5-6 times a day in small portions;
  • Reduce the amount of liquid consumed to 1-1.5 liters per day;
  • Exclude fatty, fried, canned foods, sweets, spices, alcohol, carbonated drinks. Limit the consumption of foods that provoke the development of an inflammatory process in joint tissues (legumes, radish, sorrel, spinach);
  • All products must undergo preliminary thorough heat treatment; preferably boiling, stewing, steaming.

Therapeutic nutrition for rheumatism of the joints should include the following products:

  • Lean varieties of meat and fish, beef and pork liver;
  • Fermented milk drinks and low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Vegetables and fruits in the form of stews, salads, compotes, decoctions and jellies;
  • Soft-boiled eggs and steam omelettes;
  • Nuts, vegetable oil;
  • Whole grain bread, cereals, pasta.

In the inactive phase of the disease, it is recommended to carry out fasting fruit and vegetable days with the permission of the doctor. To prevent exacerbations, you should include in your diet foods rich in potassium and vitamin C (bananas, black currants, citrus fruits, rose hips).

Folk remedies for rheumatism

Now many doctors are opting for natural medicines, which are an excellent alternative to complex operations and potent chemicals. And although there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this treatment method, these remedies can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

The most effective folk remedies to combat rheumatism


The substance “curcumin” extracted from this plant has a therapeutic effect on patients with rheumatism.

Propolis for rheumatism

  • You will need propolis, from which you need to make a cake. It is applied to the sore spots while you sleep. To keep the resulting cake from cooling, you will need to wrap it with a scarf and secure it securely.
  • As an option, you can purchase propolis ointment or a ready-made tincture in our herbal pharmacy.


Omega-3 polyunsaturated acid is an excellent solution for relieving joint inflammation. Moreover, the acid is effective not only for rheumatism, but also for arthritis and arthrosis. In addition to relieving joint pain, Omega-3 effectively relieves inflammation

pine needles

Prolonged chronic and often recurrent rheumatism can now be treated with pine tincture. It is made from May pine needles and medical alcohol. To prepare, you will need a full liter jar of pine needles, which should be filled to the top with alcohol. The contents of the jar must be closed with a tight lid and infused in a dark but warm room for three weeks, remembering to shake. As soon as the period has passed, the resulting product will need to be filtered and taken eight drops per lump of sugar 30 minutes before meals. The product must be taken three times a day before each meal for four to six months.

Folk remedies

You can also mention the following recipes that are effective in treating the disease:

  • Birch leaves . Having collected as many birch leaves as possible, you will need to collect them in an old cast iron bathtub or a large wooden tub, placing them in the sun. You need to wait a few hours, during which the leaves will ripen, after which you can undress and bury yourself in them up to your waist for about an hour.
  • Salt . Regular table salt (sea or iodized salt is recommended) is an excellent remedy for relieving joint pain. You need to stir a tablespoon of salt in a glass of not very warm water, after which you need to moisten gauze in the resulting solution, apply it to the sore spot, wrap it in cellophane and a scarf for several hours.
  • There is also a fairly old method of dealing with rheumatic pain: swollen joints must be rubbed with salt moistened for 15 minutes, repeating this operation three times a day. At other times of the day it is necessary to resort to salt compresses:

Folk recipes

  • One tablespoon of bearberry is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water. After a couple of hours, the contents will need to be strained. For successful treatment of rheumatism, it is recommended to consume the infusion a day.
  • Pour 20–30 g of lingonberry leaves into three glasses of boiling water. The boiling process lasts 10 minutes, after which the resulting liquid can be filtered. You need to take it three times a day.
  • The milky stems of the blooming dandelion will prove very useful in the treatment of rheumatism. In addition to the stems, another proven remedy is used in treatment - dandelion juice.
  • For compresses, a tincture of one tablespoon of white lilac flowers and half a liter of vodka is also suitable.
  • For this decoction, one glass of boiling water will require two grams of fragrant violet herb. You need to take 2-3 tablespoons three times a day at a time. For treatment, it is permissible to mix violet with bean leaves, corn silk, birch leaves and other effective ingredients.
  • For this recipe, one glass of boiling water will require 30 grams of raspberries. The tincture will be ready in twenty minutes. It should be consumed at night as a diaphoretic - two glasses at a time in case of chronic rheumatism.

One glass of boiling water will require 20 grams of dried clover leaves. The resulting tincture will need to be filtered. You can take two or three tablespoons up to 1/2 cup 3 times a day for chronic rheumatism.

  • Powder from calamus rhizomes (no more than six grams) must be consumed with water; it can be consumed on an empty stomach. The recipe is effective for joint pain, rheumatism, and arthritis.
  • Grind fresh onion to a pulp and apply to sore joints for half an hour three times a day.
  • Also, an effective solution for rheumatism will be the external use of potatoes with the parallel intake of raw potato-based juice - at least half a glass per day for a month. In some cases, a repeat course may be necessary.


What you need: wild rosemary herbs 25.

How to take: place the herb in a container and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Infusion time: 8-10 hours in the warmest place (oven). Take 0.5 cups after meals - 4-5 times a day.


What you will need: 1 tbsp. crushed leaves.

How to take: place in a glass and pour boiling water over it. Infusion time – 1 hour. Take 1 tbsp. – 4-5 times a day.


Recipe No. 1

What you will need: 1 tbsp. chopped lingonberry leaves.

How to take: place the leaves in a container and pour a glass of boiling water. Infusion time is 30 minutes. Cool and take 1-2 tbsp. – 3-4 times per knock.

Recipe No. 2

What you will need: 1 tbsp. chopped lingonberry leaves.

How to take: place the leaves in a container and pour a glass of water, boil. Boiling time is 10-15 minutes. Take portions throughout the day.

Recipe No. 3

What you will need: 1 tbsp. fresh lingonberry leaves.

How to take: Place the leaves in a container and add 2 glasses of water. Take 0.5 cups – 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 months.

Recipe No. 4

What you need: lingonberries.

How to take: no more than 3 glasses per day of fresh or soaked berries.

Burdock will come to the rescue

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Prevention of rheumatism

The main measures to prevent the disease are:

  • rejection of bad habits;
  • proper nutrition;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • hardening the body, strengthening the immune defense;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases that can lead to the development of rheumatism;
  • regular sanitation of foci of chronic infection in the body;
  • giving up a sedentary lifestyle - physical exercise, daily walks in the fresh air;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • wearing loose shoes and clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • normalization of work and rest regimes;
  • timely consultation with a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear - this will help identify rheumatism at an early stage, which will significantly facilitate subsequent treatment and improve the prognosis.

Preventive measures

When the disease becomes inactive, it is necessary to begin taking preventive measures so that the disease does not worsen again. To do this you need:

gradually harden the body; exercise regularly; cure all infections completely; pay attention to the condition of the teeth and nasopharynx; prevent the development of inflammatory and purulent processes; try to avoid dampness and drafts; prevent hypothermia of the body.

Rheumatism is a disease that tends to worsen and progress. And in its active form it is difficult, accompanied by painful symptoms. Therefore, as soon as such an illness begins, you should immediately consult a doctor and promptly begin drug treatment, which should include physiotherapy and home therapy.

Where can I buy

You can find folk remedies for rheumatism and ingredients for them in our Russian Roots online store. In the Moscow region, courier delivery is available, while in other regions of the country delivery is carried out by mail. You can also visit one of our Moscow herbal pharmacies, where you will find suitable products.

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