Arthritis and other joint diseases are very common today. Every year, more and more people are affected by these ailments. Let's look at the causes of arthritis.

Basically, arthritis occurs due to the fact that autoimmune disorders occur in the body, which, in turn, are associated with a violation of the synthesis of a number of antibodies. Next, inflammation occurs on the surface of the joints and the joint capsule. Then chronic inflammation develops, this is arthritis of the joints.

Treatment of arthritis with classical medicine

Standard treatment method of classical medicine

Treatment of arthritis in traditional medicine begins with the prescription of strong non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including acetylsalicylic acid, indomethacin, voltaren, brufen and others. This method of treatment has many contraindications; many patients eventually begin to complain of allergies and other negative effects. In addition, it is possible to be treated in this way for several years and even decades. The reason for this is that this method is not very efficient.

Treatment of arthritis with hormonal drugs

So, as mentioned above, anti-inflammatory drugs cannot bring the desired effect, and in addition, they are harmful. Therefore, over time, patients are prescribed hormonal medications, such as hydrocortisone, Kenalog and others. Unfortunately, various complications often arise with this treatment method.

Treatment of arthritis with drugs containing gold

There is another method of treating arthritis in traditional medicine. This is the prescription of so-called basic drugs containing gold. This is, for example, krizanol. However, this method has been repeatedly disputed and is considered insufficiently effective.

Arthritis and other joint diseases are almost impossible to cure using classical medicine. Therefore, an increasing number of people with such diseases are turning to homeopathic medicines.

Description of the disease

Arthrosis is characterized by a change in the metabolic process in joint tissues, resulting in the loss of cartilage structures.

Osteoarthritis affects those joints that bear the greatest load. Source: flickr (Dean)

According to statistics, about 10% of the middle-aged population suffers from this disease. The prevalence of the disease among people over 70 years of age is also noted. Arthrosis is equally common among males and females. It is also noted that the disease is often of an occupational nature. Thus, miners and people who have to work with vibration-type tools complain of arthrosis developing in the joints of the shoulders and knees. Coxarthrosis is most often diagnosed among agricultural workers.

Treatment of arthritis with homeopathy drugs

The main difference between homeopathic remedies and traditional medicines is that they allow you to eradicate the cause of the disease, that is, the pathology that led to inflammation. Whereas conventional chemical drugs only deal with the symptoms, relieving the condition for a short time.

In addition to various types of arthritis, homeopathy copes with similar diseases of the joints, including arthroplasty, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and so on.

As you probably already know, homeopathic remedies are prescribed depending on what constitutional type the patient belongs to. This approach turns out to be quite effective. As a result, almost four-fifths of patients report a significant improvement in their well-being after just three months. And most importantly, homeopathic medicines are not addictive and have no side effects. Let's talk about the most common remedies that are used in the treatment of joint pathologies.

Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of joint diseases in general and arthritis in particular

For burning pain in the joints, swelling and hyperemia, Apis is prescribed in the third decimal, third, sixth and twelfth dilutions. Apis ointment with belladonna is used as an addition to treatment.

Bryonia in the third decimal, third, sixth and twelfth dilutions is good against pain in the joints, which becomes less at rest and worsens during movement. Another symptom indicating the need to prescribe this remedy is swelling of the periarticular tissues without hyperemia. Bryonia is also used topically as ointments and oils.

If the patient complains about the localization of pain in the ligamentous apparatus, and the unpleasant sensations become stronger at rest (with movement, respectively, they decrease), then Rus Toxicodendron in the third decimal, third, sixth and twelfth dilution is recommended. It is also used in the form of oil and ointment.

The next drug that we will consider is Fitolyakka in the third decimal, third and sixth dilution. It is good for obese patients whose pain does not decrease with movement.

If the pain of gout is acute and causes inflammation, as well as joint deformation, then Colchicum in the third decimal, third and sixth dilutions is suitable.

Ledum (in the third decimal, third and sixth dilutions) is essentially a gouty drug, but it is also successfully used for other types of arthritis. The symptomatic picture in this case is as follows. The pain starts from the legs and gradually moves up. The joints swell, heat up, no hyperemia is observed. At night, as well as in warmth, the pain becomes stronger. In the cold, on the contrary, it decreases.

In case of an acute attack of gout (especially on the left side), Barberry in the third decimal, third and sixth dilution will help.

If the patient suffers from polyosteochondrosis, affecting the knee joints and joints of the feet, then Lithium Carbonicum in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions is suitable.

The homeopathic remedy Ammonium Muriaticum in the third and sixth dilutions is used similarly to the drug Kalium Yodatum in the third and sixth dilutions. Both medicines are good for deforming coxitis and pain in the legs.

The medicine Ammonium Phosphoricum in the third and sixth dilutions is used for deformation of the joints of the hands.

If there is a typical picture of deforming arthritis coupled with skin diseases, then Sulfur in the third and third decimal dilutions is suitable.

When polyarthritis and osteochondrosis of the spine are accompanied by sciatica, Ruta is prescribed in the third decimal, third and sixth dilutions.

Rhododendron in the third decimal and sixth dilution will be effective when joint pain is combined with a feeling of weakness and headaches. The drug is recommended to be combined with Rus and Ruta.

Dulcamara in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions is used in case of pain in the joints, which is aggravated by damp cold.

Calcarea Fluorica in the sixth, twelfth and thirtieth dilution is prescribed in the case of dystrophic ailments of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to take into account the constitutional type of the patient.

Calcarea Carbonica in the third, sixth and twelfth dilutions is used for osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints. In this case, the patient’s compliance with the constitutional type of the medicine is also taken into account.

Finally, homeopathic remedies such as Staphysagria in the third decimal and third dilutions, as well as the drug Teridion in the sixth and twelfth dilutions are prescribed in cases of cervical osteochondrosis and vertebrobasilar vascular insufficiency.

As it becomes clear from the above, there are a great many homeopathic medicines that help with arthritis. The use of any specific drug is determined by the attending physician after examining and examining the patient.

Reasons for the development of arthrosis

In the etiology of the development of arthrosis, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Primary, when the causes of the development of pathology remain unknown.
  2. Secondary, in which there are predisposing factors. These include: congenital disorders of the metabolic process, abnormal development of cartilage tissue, joint lesions of a traumatic or infectious nature, necrosis of bone tissue, in particular, resulting from long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids, some diseases of the endocrine system and blood.

Principles of arthrosis treatment

In the treatment of arthrosis, an integrated approach is of great importance. So, the basic principles of treating the disease are as follows:

1. Stabilization of the process and reduction of the progression of degenerative changes in cartilage tissues:

  • in order to reduce the load on the affected joint, it is advisable to minimize physical activity;
  • To improve the metabolic process of cartilage, drugs from the chondroprotector group should be used. They can be taken orally or intra-articularly;
  • inhibition of degenerative changes in cartilage structures becomes possible through the introduction of proteolytic enzyme inhibitors into the joints. However, you should be prepared for adverse reactions in the form of exacerbation of pain.

2. Pain relief and reduction of inflammation:

For this purpose, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Such medications provoke side effects in the form of retention of sodium components in the body, which can subsequently lead to gastric bleeding.

3. Reducing pain and joint swelling:

For this purpose, steroid medications are used in injection form. However, in the treatment of joints, their use should be done with extreme caution. The course of such treatment should not exceed 3 times during the year. Otherwise, systemic disorders may occur in the form of a pathological process of digestion and obesity.

4. Surgical intervention:

When treating joints surgically, osteotomy and prosthetics of the affected joints are most often used. This measure is a last resort in the treatment of arthrosis. The types of operations presented involve partial or complete joint replacement.

Note! Despite its effectiveness, surgical intervention is high cost and labor intensive. In addition, complications cannot be ruled out.

Classical homeopathy

The goal of homeopathy in the treatment of arthrosis is to restore the balance lost by the body. Before prescribing a therapeutic regimen, the patient’s general well-being is assessed by collecting facts from the entire medical history.

The modality and localization of the inflammatory process play a decisive role in the selection of a specific homeopathic remedy. Modality in homeopathy represents the conditions under which pathological symptoms appear or undergo changes, and also their intensification or weakening. The group of modalities consists of:

  • time factor;
  • exposure to physical influences;
  • physiological conditions.
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