Chondrosis of the cervical spine: causes, symptoms and treatment
Causes of cervical osteochondrosis Today our world is overwhelmed by a wave of physical inactivity or, more simply put, a sedentary lifestyle
Pain in the leg from the hip to the knee
Pain above the knee may be associated with localization of pathology in the area of ​​​​this bone articulation
Numbness of the leg from the knee to the foot: reasons, what to do
There can be many reasons why a patient has numbness in the lower leg. Doctors share them
Neurodystrophic post-traumatic Sudeck syndrome
General information Sudeck's disease is a pain syndrome caused by injuries to the extremities, which develops against the background
aloe for joints
The healing properties of aloe and the plant’s effect on joints. Recipes for preparing medicinal products
Arthritis and arthrosis are collective names that combine a number of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints. Movable
Vertebrogenic cervical radiculopathy: symptoms, syndromes and treatment of cervical radiculopathy
The term "radiculopathy" (literally a disease of the nerve) is used to designate a radicular syndrome, which includes a number of
Knee and menisci
Degenerative changes in the meniscus of the knee joint
There are 2 menisci in each knee joint. They are crescent-shaped cartilages and
What to do if your knees hurt and creak
Why do my joints crack? Sometimes the joints of the knees, legs and fingers crunch in the complete absence of any
Lower back pain when walking: causes, classification, prevention
Lower back pain is a common symptom in diseases of the spine and some internal organs. Often
Anatomy of the human Atlanto-occipital joint - information:
The atlantoaxial (or atlantoaxial) joint is the joint between the first and second cervical vertebrae, the atlas
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