Mumiyo has a highly effective stimulating effect on the healing process of fractures, healing time is reduced to 16-20
Are all diseases caused by nerves? Is it possible to get sick due to “bad” emotions? What is a psychosomatic disorder?
Pain in the anterior knee joint Pain in the anterior knee joint means
Styloiditis of the wrist Styloiditis is an inflammation of the styloid process (from the Latin processus stiloideus) radial or ulnar
Paget's disease is a dangerous pathology in which the restoration of bone tissue slows down, and
Mostly, an orbital fracture is a unilateral injury; only in approximately 5% of cases do they occur.
The ankle joint is a hinge joint that can move through one plane of motion - the sagittal plane. Inside
Home > Directory > Treatment of the spine > Kyphoscoliosis Kyphoscoliosis is a pathological curvature of the spine, combining
What is it? The ankle joint performs the most important supporting function in the human body, and its
Pain between the shoulder blades is not a typical location for back pain.