Since the time of the beautiful Nefertiti, a swan's long neck has been an undeniable sign of beauty and a woman's pride.
Constant pain in the joint makes habitual activities unbearable. Many people search day after day
How to remove a bump on your finger. Bumps on the knuckles: causes, symptoms and
Knee pain - causes With age, the vast majority of people face this acute problem.
Medical editor: Zemereva N.Yu., physiotherapist November, 2020 When one or more
A rigid orthosis is made from composite materials or plastic and is used to provide rigid fixation.
Lower back pain in women can occur for a variety of reasons. Among them
Growths on the spine cause a lot of inconvenience and cause severe pain. They may contribute to disruption
Connective tissue dysplasia in the practice of a pediatrician Translated from Greek as “deviation in formation” Topics
One of the recommendations in the treatment of arthrosis and osteoarthritis of the knee joint is to immobilize the knee. WITH