about the problem Torticollis (torticollis) is a disease that is characterized by an inclined position of the head with its rotation
We relieve pain in the heel area in 1-2 sessions We use the “gold standard” for treating heel spurs
Anatomy of the foot The foot is the last section of the lower limb and consists of: Tarsus - dorsal
The knee and elbow joints are the most mobile parts of the body. No one is immune from damage
2 February 2020 59264 0 4.1 out of 5 A spinal fracture can happen to a person
Osteochondropathy of the calcaneus is a disease characteristic of the female half of humanity. In particular, they suffer
13 July 2020 39499 0 4 out of 5 Pregnancy - happy and together with
What is knee tendonitis? Tendinitis of the knee is quite common among the population, in
Pneumonia or pneumonia is a viral disease that affects the lung tissue and prevents normal
Back pain - how to get rid of it? This question comes up sooner or later