The calf muscle is the most important part of the lower limb; it is used when running, walking and other activities.
Many people, of different ages and degrees of involvement in sports activity, experience discomfort in
Home > Clinic services > Orthopedics Center > Disc protrusion Protrusion of the thoracic intervertebral disc
Metabolism (metabolism) is a complex of various interrelated chemical reactions occurring in
A fissure in the spine is a serious pathology that is not much different from a full-fledged fracture.
Have you ever thought that while running you push off, land, distribute the load across
Flat feet is a serious problem that, according to statistics, everyone in our country faces
Lateral epicondylitis, also known as tennis elbow, is the most common overuse syndrome
Pain in the tailbone occurs much more often when standing up than when sitting. It's connected with
Medical statistics say: every third patient, after removing a cast from his leg, discovers swelling