This disease used to occur in an amount of one case per several tens of thousands of people, but
Often, pain in the joints and spine significantly impairs the quality of life. It interferes with walking, sitting,
Slouching is a worrying sign. This is a signal about possible problems in the functioning of the body. Incorrect posture
Sharp and throbbing pain that occurs in the lower back, often radiating to the buttock and leg. Painful
Scoliosis 1st degree is a deformity of the spinal column in which the lateral curvature predominates.
A lump on the neck in the spine area most often occurs in people over 35 years of age.
Vertebrogenic cervicalgia, what is it? Diseases of the cervical spine, accompanied by aching pain, are collectively called
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Anatomical features of the lumbosacral spine The spine is a complex motor system, without which it is impossible
13 May 2020 173424 1 3.8 out of 5 Sciatica is sometimes also called lumbosacral radiculitis