Exercises for arthrosis of the knee joint according to Bubnovsky’s method

S. M. Bubnovsky developed an effective method for treating knee arthrosis without the use of medications. Daily exercise helps strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, and increase range of motion. Therapeutic gymnastics according to Bubnovsky for arthrosis of the knee joint is necessarily combined with deep breathing techniques, heat and cold exposure, and work with a psychologist.

Features of the disease

Arthrosis of the knee joint (gonarthrosis) is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology that affects intra-articular cartilage. The disease is most often diagnosed in patients after 40-50 years of age. The older a person is, the higher the risk of knee arthrosis due to the gradual slowdown of recovery processes. Men suffer from gonarthrosis less often than women. Doctors explain this by changes in hormonal levels during menopause and deterioration in the absorption of calcium by the bone structures of the knee.

As the pathology progresses, the joint capsule, ligaments, and tendons are involved in the destructive process. Arthrosis is often complicated by synovitis - inflammation of the synovial membrane, which aggravates its course.

The main causes of gonarthrosis.


The leading symptom of gonarthrosis is pain. It is weak at the initial stage of its development, quickly disappearing after a short rest. But soon the pain becomes constant, intensifying when walking or standing for a long time. In order not to provoke their appearance, a person deliberately limits physical activity, which leads to weakening of the leg muscles.

Another typical sign of knee arthrosis is a crunching sound when bending and straightening the joint. It is not caused by the deposition of salts, as many believe, but by the destruction of the cartilage lining. Now the bone surfaces do not slide smoothly relative to each other, but move with difficulty. Because of this, clicks, crunching, and crackling noises are heard when moving.

The most important symptom is pain!

Main stages of the disease

One of the factors determining treatment tactics is the stage of arthrosis. It is established after radiography, based on specific signs of cartilage destruction and bone deformation. Each stage is characterized by certain symptoms.

Disease on x-ray.

Stage of arthrosis of the knee joint Distinctive features
FirstThe cartilage has lost its smoothness and elasticity, and microcracks have appeared on its surface. Occasionally, aching, dull pain occurs after increased stress on the knee. In the morning hours it swells a little, swells
SecondRadiographs show consolidation of the subchondral zone and the formation of multiple bone growths - osteophytes. Movement in the joint is limited, pain can appear both during the day and at night
ThirdThe cartilage layer is completely destroyed, the bone structures are deformed, as if wedged into each other. The pain becomes constant, gait changes, knee mobility is severely limited

The healing power of gymnastics for joints

Therapeutic gymnastics for joints with arthrosis is no less popular . Doing it yourself without a special instructor is much easier than massage. And it is an obligatory component of complex treatment of the disease. It promotes rapid recovery of joints of any type of arthrosis. The main rule for its implementation is the absence of pain. Otherwise, a spasm may occur, which will lead to a complete loss of control over the general condition of the joints.

Features of the correct performance of physical exercises for arthrosis :

  • If pain occurs, you should immediately stop doing the exercise.
  • Intensive classes are not allowed. They should be gentle.
  • For effective treatment, exercises must be performed regularly.
  • For therapeutic exercises, choose the right shoes. It should have a hard sole and a soft top.

When exercising, the main thing to remember is that it is not the intensity of the exercise that will affect the effectiveness. Exercises must be performed correctly and slowly.

Features of Bubnovsky’s technique

S. Bubnovsky is a famous chiropractor, the author of the kinesitherapy method. This is a type of physical therapy aimed at eliminating all symptoms of arthrosis of the knee joint and restoring the usual range of movements.

S. M. Bubnovsky.

At the initial stage of training, S. Bubnovsky recommends that patients gradually reduce the doses of medications used, and then abandon them altogether. The main motto of kinesitherapy is movement through pain.

The therapeutic effect of the technique is based on a reasonable combination of passive and active movements, breathing exercises, physiotherapy and various massage techniques. The tactics of kinesitherapy are conventionally divided into several stages:

  • the goal of strength exercises is not to build muscle mass, but to acquire the skills to control the intensity of pain;
  • performing functional exercises allows you to develop certain motor stereotypes, which becomes an excellent prevention of painful relapses;
  • at the final stage, the use of dynamic exercises is practiced to completely eliminate stiffness of movement.

At the first appointment, the doctor explains that with gonarthrosis it is not the joint that hurts, but the muscles surrounding it. Therefore, by strengthening them and increasing elasticity, you can completely get rid of pain of any severity, thereby normalizing the functioning of the knee.

Prices for kinesitherapy services for knee pain

Services listPrice
Initial consultation with a kinesiotherapist1 600
Interim consultation with a kinesiotherapist (test session)for free
Individual lesson with a doctor3 900
Individual lesson with an instructor2 700
Subscription for 12 individual lessons with a personal instructor29 000 34 200
SUBSCRIPTION for 1 month10 000
SUBSCRIPTION for 6 months45 000

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In what cases is it recommended to follow it?

Gonarthrosis is a disease that cannot yet be completely cured. No drugs have yet been synthesized that can restore the thinned, thickened cartilaginous layer of the knee. But with the help of kinesitherapy, it is possible to return to an active lifestyle even if it is severely damaged.

S. Bubnovsky’s technique is the most therapeutically effective at the initial stage of arthrosis development. The situation has not yet been aggravated by taking analgesics, with the help of which a person can easily get rid of pain without making any effort. It is difficult to force a patient to exercise, overcoming pain, if he knows that all it takes to eliminate it is to take one pill.

Regular exercises using the S. Bubnovsky method are also recommended for the treatment of gonarthrosis that develops after injuries or surgical interventions. In the process of training, not only muscles are strengthened - ligaments and tendons become stronger and at the same time elastic.

Kinesiotherapy is the most effective way to normalize the functioning of the joint even with gonarthrosis of high severity, even with its stable deformation. Often, patients come to rehabilitation centers relying on a cane or crutches, and leave them without any hint of a previously unsteady gait.

Therapeutic massage of the knee joint for arthrosis

First of all, I would like to note that the massage technique for arthrosis requires special preparation before the session.

  • Such preparation can be done by performing special therapeutic exercises.
  • Taking a hot shower or sauna would also be a good option before session therapy. This promotes good warming up of the muscles, which will help provide a deeper effect of massage manipulation.
  • More often, to achieve maximum effect, massage is performed in water at a temperature of at least 37 degrees Celsius.
  • In order to achieve the best result, it is imperative to undergo a full course of massage.

Arthrosis - treatment with folk remedies at home

However, remember that it is best to entrust the procedure to a specialist. But today on the Internet there are a huge number of fairly accurate, step-by-step instructions on which you can successfully carry out a massage yourself. Please note that during a massage you can use a variety of special and regular oils, creams and ointments. The procedure should not be painful or cause any discomfort. Movements are carried out strictly along the lymphatic vessels. In addition to local, manual massage, specialized salons can also perform vibration movements using a sponge with attachments and spikes.

Basic requirements for performing gymnastics according to Bubnovsky

Before starting training, S. Bubnovsky recommends visiting a psychologist who practices with patients with severe joint pathologies. He will explain the principles of the upcoming treatment with movements, mobilize the patient to fight gonarthrosis, and help gain self-confidence. In order for the therapeutic effect of therapeutic exercises to be maximum, the following rules must be followed:

  • train under the guidance of a rehabilitation doctor. You can start doing exercises at home only after acquiring the skills to dose the loads that arise. Otherwise, simultaneously with the strengthening of the muscular frame of the knee, its cartilage tissue will slowly deteriorate;
  • stop using painkillers, including ointments. Folk remedies, the use of which, at best, does not harm health, are also strictly prohibited;
  • visit the bathhouse at least once a week (if there are no contraindications). Thanks to the action of hot, moist steam in the knee joint, the blood supply to the tissues with nutrients is accelerated. The psycho-emotional state of a person also improves, which is important for the therapy.

At the stage of the first training, the patient is taught proper breathing. It should be deep, increasing the effect of classes. When performing some exercises, you need to make throat sounds to enhance vibrating movements and maximize oxygen supply to the body.

Best exercises

Warm-up is required before the main workout. You need to bend and turn your head and body, walk around the hall, a little higher than usual, raising your knees, make swings and circular rotations with your arms. After breathing returns to normal, you can begin exercising. A set of exercises is compiled by a rehabilitation specialist individually for the patient after studying the diagnostic results. The following are most often recommended for arthrosis:

  • lie on your back, alternately pull your bent legs towards your body, helping with your hands if necessary;
  • sit down, straighten your legs, place your hands on the floor behind your back. Cross your bent leg over the other, trying to touch your knee to the gymnastics mat. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction;
  • get on all fours, stretch, lift up first your right leg bent at the knee, then your left;
  • lie on your back, raise your legs and perform circular rotations with them, imitating riding a bicycle;
  • sitting on a stool, alternately raise your knees as high as possible, holding in this position for 5 seconds;
  • lie on your stomach, swing your legs straight, feeling the tension in the lower back muscles. At the final stage, lift both legs and arms off the floor at the same time;
  • lie on your back, raise two legs at once, spread them to the sides, bend your knees, swing your ankles;
  • perform shallow squats, using a bar at the initial stage of training.

Classes always end with stretching. You need to get on all fours, round your back, lowering your head down, and then bend it, raising your chin. From this position, sit on your knees, without taking your hands off the floor, and stretch well.


Endoprosthetics is a very serious operation. After it, the patient will have a very long period of restoration of motor activity.

Walking on all fours will relieve knee pain

Especially for such people, Professor Bubnovsky has developed a special rehabilitation program. A few days after the end of the operation, the patient can already begin to perform effective breathing exercises. Such training will normalize your breathing rhythm. Gradually, you can add small loads on the ankle. This way you will prevent blood stagnation in the injured limb and prevent the formation of a blood clot.

If a patient with endoprosthetics has already had all drainage tubes removed and primary rehabilitation methods have been carried out, you can begin performing standard therapeutic exercises according to Bubnovsky. Such exercises must be supervised by an instructor at first. When your body is strong enough and you are discharged from the hospital, do not stop training. To make it easier to remember a set of exercises, buy a special visual video course from Sergei Bubnovsky in a store or download on the Internet.

Purpose and results of therapy

The main goal of kinesitherapy is to return the patient to an active lifestyle. Treatment of arthrosis using the S. Bubnovsky method is aimed at preventing the spread of pathology to other joints. After all, if the knee is not functioning properly, the loads when walking are redistributed incorrectly. They fall mainly on the hip and ankle joints, provoking the development of a destructive-degenerative process in them. Regular training helps to restore the previous range of motion, improve posture, and get rid of lameness.

Information about the author of the method

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is known far beyond the borders of Russia and the CIS countries. His original method of movement treatment, called kinesitherapy, has become widespread in recent years. Today, thousands of patients with arthrosis and other joint pathologies are treated in Bubnovsky’s specialized centers.

The doctor is the author of numerous publications on his technique; he has developed and implemented methods for treating injuries without surgery, as well as osteochondrosis, arthritis, gout and arthrosis.

Instead of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain, he suggests that patients practice diaphragmatic breathing, thereby protecting the body from the harmful substances contained in these drugs. Thanks to the doctor’s efforts, the principles of sports medicine aimed at treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system were introduced into the practice of Russian doctors.

For spinal fractures, patients can undergo rehabilitation using a special simulator - MTB. Its developer is also Sergey Bubnovsky.


You should not exercise if you have respiratory and intestinal infections, especially if they are accompanied by high fever, chills, fever, and gastrointestinal disorders. Complete immobilization (ankylosis) of the knee is also a contraindication - in this case endoprosthetics is necessary. Doctors prohibit training if there is acute inflammation in the joint, the presence of malignant tumors of any location, or recent surgery.


Prevention of arthrosis of the knee joint is aimed at eliminating factors that provoke its development from the usual lifestyle. These are low physical activity, increased physical activity, excess weight, smoking, deficiency of vitamins and microelements in the body. And to prevent exacerbations of pathology, doctors recommend doing physical therapy daily and avoiding hypothermia. To prevent relapses, it is practiced to wear knee pads made of sheep or camel wool with a warming effect, as well as dense elastic orthoses.

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