The use of Karipain drugs for the conservative treatment of intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis and joint diseases.

Impact of electrophoresis on the body

With electrophoresis, the main routes for introducing medicinal substances into the patient's body are the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as the mucous membranes. The skin of the face, abdomen and armpits, lower leg, thigh, lumbar region and forearm has the greatest permeability. The electrophoresis treatment process is based on the fact that the drugs that enter the body during the procedure then penetrate the lymphatic and blood vessels and are then distributed to all tissues and organs.

Medicines that are introduced into the body through electrophoresis are less toxic, but retain their therapeutic effect for a longer time. This method can have a softening effect and reduce the patient's exposure to allergic substances that are introduced into his body by another method. You can find out prices for electrophoresis on the price page.


Based on the medical history, patient complaints, as well as a neurological examination (study of deep tendon reflexes, muscle testing, sensitivity study ) doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. Neurological examination can detect sensory disturbances, decreased muscle strength, and decreased or absent deep tendon reflexes. If the necessary data is available, the doctor may prescribe instrumental research methods.

X-rays can detect structural changes in the bone tissue structures of the spine, but this research method is of little information in diagnosing disc herniations.

The most informative in terms of diagnosing disc herniations (including those with sequestration) is an MRI study, which allows not only to visualize a disc herniation, but also to detect the presence of compression of nerve structures.

ENMG allows you to determine the degree of damage to the nerve fiber and, to a certain extent, predict the effectiveness of treatment.

In some cases, CT or scintigraphy may be necessary for differential diagnosis.

Physical principles of electrophoresis

The physical principle of this method is based on the interaction of atoms and molecules, which move to the opposite pole within a galvanic field. Compared to applications and ointments, this method allows a larger amount of medicinal substance to penetrate the skin.

An important condition: the medication used for treatment must conduct electric current and it must be placed under an electrode of the same polarity. The recommended exposure time of the medication to the body using electrophoresis is 15-30 minutes.

Cervical protrusion

Causes of protrusion | Symptoms | Treatment at Doctor Ost |

Protrusion of the cervical spine as a diagnosis among patients may not be heard for the time being. But its accompanying manifestations are well known. These are constant headaches, numbness of the hands, “goosebumps” on the skin. Patients complain that their eyes are blurry, their ears are noisy, others have weakened vision, memory, and disturbed sleep. This is a good reason to consult a neurologist rather than buy medications on the advice of a pharmacist.

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When dealing with such complaints, an experienced neurologist first examines the spine, because these are typical signs of problems in the cervicothoracic region: protrusions and osteochondrosis. If you only remove the symptoms, the disease will progress, and as a result, the patient risks ending up on the operating table with the most severe diagnoses: intervertebral hernia, paralysis, stroke.

Doctor Ost MC specialists have unique methods of treating the spine that have proven highly effective. Cervical protrusion requires especially careful treatment; its treatment cannot be trusted to random specialists!

Cervical protrusion occurs when the intervertebral disc dries out, becomes deformed, and the vertebrae are “squeezed out” by its own weight. Not without the help of tense neck and shoulder muscles. When part of the disc extends beyond the boundaries of the spine, protrusion of the cervical vertebrae is diagnosed. This does not happen overnight, the painful process occurs gradually. Just 2-4 mm is enough to shake a healthy balance! If a displaced intervertebral disc begins to touch the nerve endings, it becomes unbearable to endure the pain and turn your head.

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  • The 1st and 2nd vertebrae do not have intervertebral discs, which means that cervical protrusion of the spine in the occipital area is impossible;
  • the vertebrae of the neck are the highest, and the discs between them are especially flexible and provide maximum range of motion;
  • there is a narrow spinal canal;
  • The spinous processes of the vertebrae protect the large arteries leading from the heart to the brain.
  • fast fatiguability.


The first signs are noticeable on MRI even in young patients aged 25-27 years, regardless of gender.
By the age of 30, many are already diagnosed with protrusion. The causes of cervical disc protrusion accumulate throughout life:

  • vessels pinched by spasmed muscles; · atherosclerosis, narrowing of the lumen of veins and arteries;
  • disorders in the blood composition.

Factors accelerating the development of protrusion:

  • sedentary lifestyle, excess weight;
  • habitual incorrect postures, for example, the favorite banana pose at the desk or while driving: hanging elbows, neck stretched forward, slouching;
  • curvatures in the cervicothoracic segment;
  • heavy loads: sharp turns of the head, rough exercises for warming up with cervicothoracic protrusions, illiterate massage.


The disease may be asymptomatic. If the protrusion does not touch the nerve endings and does not compress the blood vessels, the patient may not feel it at all. He attributes chronic fatigue and headaches to workload and stress. But sometimes protrusion of the discs of the cervical spine can be quite noticeable:

  • pain in the neck at rest, when turning the head;
  • headaches, migraines, dizziness, increased intracranial pressure;
  • decreased visual and hearing acuity, tinnitus;
  • pain in the shoulder girdle with protrusions of the lower intervertebral segments of the cervical spine;
  • limitation of the amplitude of arm movements and head turns;
  • "goosebumps;
  • decreased sensitivity and numbness of hands and fingers;
  • cervicothoracic protrusion is manifested by pain in the heart, arrhythmia, a feeling of lack of air or “incomplete inspiration”;
  • fast fatiguability.


Expert opinion

Commented by Kuzina OV, founder, neurologist, reflexologist, author of patented techniques.

It is well known that any impact on the cervical spine requires special care and qualifications on the part of the doctor. Therefore, treatment of cervical protrusion must weigh the possible risks and benefits. Until now, this has significantly limited the capabilities of doctors and all that medicine has offered is to only slightly slow down the degenerative process of destruction.

Blockades, manual techniques - all this has a very weak effect. In fact, such appointments can be compared with medical observation of the natural transformation of cervical protrusion into a hernia with all the ensuing consequences. A patient with a more serious pathology predictably ended up with a surgeon either with a hernia itself or with another concomitant diagnosis. This is in the best case, if surgery and anesthesia are permissible for health reasons.

I do not hesitate to say that “Doctor Ost” at one time made a revolutionary attempt to radically change the approach to the treatment of protrusions of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine and other pathologies in the cervical spine. Having studied the experience of foreign colleagues, we introduced our own patented treatment technology. Today we successfully cope with cervical protrusions and even hernias without a surgeon’s scalpel. Modern robotic technologies make it possible to organize the treatment process as carefully and safely as possible and correct pathological changes in the spine in just a few sessions. Practice proves that it is possible to significantly alleviate the patient’s condition already during the first treatment session. After the full course, patients with intervertebral disc protrusion do not present with recurrent pain for up to 8 years. The effectiveness of our technology for treating cervical protrusions exceeds 96%.

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The principles that guide the Doctor Ost MC in the treatment of cervical protrusion:
Do no harm.

No questionable manual techniques or group exercise therapy classes. Only an individual approach! Only gentle, locally targeted impact on the pathologically altered intervertebral disc under the continuous and impartial control of artificial intelligence. We get rid of cervical disc protrusion without a scalpel, using DRX and ExtenTrakElit robotic systems.


First, you need to relieve the patient of acute pain caused by protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine. A natural continuation will be the identification and elimination of negative factors that provoke the development of the disease and its symptoms. We relieve pain, swelling, inflammation and spasm with high-intensity HILT laser.

A complex approach.

Having diagnosed the reasons why protrusion of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine and associated diseases occurred, we not only relieve the patient’s well-being for a while, but help us forget about the disease forever. We remove future risks of degenerative changes in all areas, not only in the neck. We involve a team of specialists in the treatment of cervical intervertebral disc protrusion. Neurologists, physiotherapists, reflexologists, otoneurologists, chiropractors, rehabilitation specialists, and kinesiotherapists work together.

“I went to Doctor Ost with a full set of hernias, protrusions, spondyloarthrosis.
The pain was terrible, but Kuzina O.V. She prescribed a very effective treatment, now I feel like a full-fledged healthy person!” Read full review No side effects.
From a wide arsenal of available modern technologies, we are ready to individually select the optimal prescription scheme for each person.
Age and chronic diseases are not a problem. Drug treatment, prostheses and a surgeon’s scalpel are the last thing we will consider to correct the pathology of the cervical spine due to protrusion of intervertebral discs. We use modern
regenerative medicine technologies that stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself: alloplant, catgut, PRP and plasma lifting.

With an eye on the future.

To prevent the disease from returning again, we thoroughly restore the healthy biomechanics of the spine and prevent weaknesses in the patient’s health. We form a strong muscle corset and healthy motor patterns using modern kinesio simulators with biological feedback.

how much does it cost? Treatment of protrusions of the cervical spine at Doctor Ost is carried out by a therapist and neurologist. Find the cost of a specialist consultation in the “Consultative Appointment” section of our price list. Follow the promotions, don't miss out on the best price!

Indications for electrophoresis

Indications for electrophoresis are:

  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia, etc.);
  • injuries;
  • diseases of the central nervous system (spinal and cerebral circulation disorders, encephalitis, vegetative dystonia, neurasthenia, etc.);
  • hypertension and hypotension;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • atherosclerosis (initial stage);
  • angina pectoris;
  • eye and respiratory diseases;
  • various chronic inflammatory processes;
  • chronic osteomyelitis;
  • chronic arthritis and polyarthritis.

Electrophoresis (electrophoresis with Karipazim)

Medicinal electrophoresis is a complex method of electrotherapy in which the patient’s body is exposed to a unidirectional current and a medicinal substance introduced into the body through this current. The main routes for the penetration of drugs into the body during electrophoresis are the excretory ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands or mucous membranes. The permeability of the drug substance depends on the area of ​​administration. The most permeable skin is the face, armpits, abdomen, then the forearm, lumbar region, thigh, and lower leg. This is due to different electrocutaneous resistance, the state of the excretory function of the skin and the pH value of its individual areas.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissue, the drugs received during the procedure gradually diffuse into the lymphatic and blood vessels and are delivered to all organs and tissues.

In electrophoresis, 90-92% of drugs are administered due to electrogenic movement, 1-3% due to electroosmosis and 5-8% due to diffusion.

Physical principles of electrophoresis

Charged atoms and molecules move to the opposite pole within the galvanic field. This method allows a fairly large amount of medication, compared to ointments and applications, to penetrate the skin.

The medication accumulates in the skin, from where it spreads and acts for a long time. Due to this, the frequency of applications depends on the half-life of the medication

The medication must conduct electric current and be applied under an electrode of the same polarity - positive ions under the anode, negative ions under the cathode.

The recommended treatment time is 15-30 minutes to ensure that more ions of the substance penetrate the skin.

Advantages and types of electrophoresis

Medicinal substances introduced into the body by electrophoresis retain a specific effect for a long time and are less toxic, while electrophoresis can in some cases reduce the allergic setting from medicinal substances administered by another method.

Electrophoresis is divided: according to the type of electricity (galvanophoresis, electrosonphoresis, aeroiontophoresis, etc.); according to the method and place of exposure (through the skin, intracavitary, carried out mainly through the mucous membranes: intranasal, intraocular, intravesical, etc.). Interstitial or intraorgan drug electrophoresis has now found effective use.

At the moment, almost all hospitals use intrapulmonary and interstitial electrophoresis - the combined use of pharmacological drugs introduced into the body through the mouth, subcutaneously, into the pulmonary artery and other routes. The increased supply of medicinal substances to the tissues located in the interelectrode space is due to an increase in the permeability of the vascular wall, cell and tissue membranes, improved blood circulation, interpolar movement of ions and charged molecules and increased adsorption activity of tissues.

Depending on the location of the electrodes, there are: transverse, longitudinal and segmental electrophoresis.

Indications for electrophoresis

Currently, the most common disease that is treated with interstitial electrophoresis is osteoarthritis deformans. Almost every fifth patient who goes to the hospital has this disease. Diclofenac in combination with electrophoresis gives a good treatment effect. Electrophoresis is also successfully used in the treatment of various diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, a number of gynecological diseases, scarring of the skin, stroke, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Electrophoresis has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, absorbable, antibacterial and other effects.

Contraindications to the use of electrophoresis

Contraindications to the use of electrophoresis are skin damage, allergies to medications, dermatitis, bleeding tendency, severe bronchial asthma, and oncology.

The most commonly used types of electrophoresis
Aloealoe extract liquid+
Ascorbic acid5-10
Vitamin B12-5+
Diphenhydramine0,25 — 0,5+
Lidaza64 units in 30 ml buffer solution +
A nicotinic acid1
Penicillin600-1000 units. for 1cm spacers +
Platyfilnn0.2% -1 ml+
Streptomycinlike penicillin+
Streptocide white0.8 in 1% Na bicarbonate solution+

Electrophoresis with Karipazim

This type of electrophoresis has proven itself positively in the non-surgical treatment of herniated intervertebral discs, protrusions, and Schmorl's hernias. Karipazim and electrophoresis itself have a restorative effect on the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc and thereby reduces irritation of the spinal cord roots, reduces pain, and has a positive preventive effect on the discs.

The initial positive dynamics of treatment are usually observed after several sessions of electrophoresis with caripazim.

Typically, the course of treatment for a hernia with karipazimos drug consists of 15-20 electrophoresis procedures. Depending on the type and condition of the hernia, additional preventive sessions may be required at intervals of 1-2 months.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, therapeutic exercises are recommended, as well as several sessions of detensor therapy. Read more about detensor therapy... .

Karipazim (papain) is administered by electrophoresis, always from the positive pole. Before the treatment procedure, 1 bottle of Karipazim (papain) is dissolved in 5-10 ml of saline solution. 2-3 drops of Dimexide are also added there. The dimensions of the electrode gasket are 10x15 cm. The temperature of the electrode gaskets is 37-39C, and the current strength is from 10 to 15 mA. The procedure time should gradually increase from 10 to 20 minutes.

Electrode gaskets can be positioned both longitudinally and transversely. With a longitudinal arrangement, a positive electrode with caripazim (papain) is applied to the neck area, and a negative charge through an electrode with aminophylline is directed to the lumbar area or to the shoulder area (bifurcated electrode). If the electrode with caripazim (papain) is directed to the lumbar region, then the negative one is applied to the hips (bifurcated). When positioned transversely, the positive electrode (karipazim (papain)) is applied to the lumbar region, and the negative electrode (aminophylline) is directed to the abdominal area. The treatment procedure for a herniated disc consists of 2-3 courses of 15-20 procedures with a break between courses of 1-2 months

Want to learn more about electrophoresis? To search for materials, use the terms: electrophoresis with karipazim , medicinal electrophoresis, electrophoresis treatment, electrophoresis effects, electrophoresis reviews, Bibirevo, Altufyevo, Otradnoe, Timiryazevskaya, Medvedkovo, Babushkina, Moscow, Khimki, Dolgoprudny, Mytishchi.

Karipazim with electrophoresis

Karipazim is a drug that is used in neurological, orthopedic, traumatological and neurosurgical practice. It is a complex of proteolytic enzymes chymopapain, papain and proteinase in combination with the mucolytic enzyme lysocin.

This drug makes the electrophoresis procedure very effective. Excellent results can be achieved in the treatment of spinal osteochondrosis, various forms of herniated intervertebral discs, and post-traumatic contractures. Electrophoresis with Karipazim effectively affects keloid scars of various origins, treats neuritis of the facial nerve, tunnel syndromes, and arthrosis-arthritis of large joints.

Surgical treatment, removal of disc herniation. When and how?

In most cases, a herniated disc can be treated without surgery. Conservative treatment helps most of our patients. The indication for surgery is the presence of severe neurological disorders (paresis of the limbs, bladder, intestines) and there is a risk of developing irreversible changes in the spinal cord and its roots. In these cases, we will not take risks.

How surgical treatment and removal of a herniated disc are performed. There are several methods of surgical treatment of disc herniation. We recommend operations using endoscopic technology, which preserves all the bone structures of the spine. After such an operation, independent walking is allowed within 3-4 days, and further recovery is much faster.

If necessary, we will refer you to highly qualified neurosurgeons with whom we have been successfully cooperating for many years. In the future, we will provide you with postoperative rehabilitation and prevention of hernia recurrence. Recurrence of a disc herniation may be associated with its ongoing overload , so sessions of manual therapy and therapeutic exercises are necessary.

Advantages of electrophoresis

The use of electrophoresis allows:

  • painlessly deliver the medicinal substance to the desired area of ​​the body;
  • influence the body for a long time;
  • slowly remove the medicine from the body, which prolongs its effect;
  • maintain normal tissue structure when administering the drug;
  • gives a low risk of side effects.

The combination of medication and electric current allows you to reduce the dose of the drug - even a small concentration of the drug has a therapeutic effect. If the medicine is administered intramuscularly, intravenously or orally in such low doses, it will not have the necessary therapeutic effect on the body.

More details about the problem

Sequestrated hernias are those in which the shell of the prolapsed disc nucleus breaks through and its fragments separate. The situation becomes especially serious when the fragments end up in the intervertebral canal, compressing the spinal cord.

With a sequestered hernia, all the symptoms of the disease appear more acutely than with an uncomplicated hernia. Signs of pinched nerves come to the fore: acute pain, sensory disturbances in the lower extremities, the so-called “cauda equina syndrome.” Freely moving, the disc fragment is capable of completely compressing the nerve roots in the area of ​​the hernia and below.

Contraindications to electrophoresis

This method, despite its availability and uniqueness, has a number of contraindications. The main ones:

  • heart failure;
  • increased body temperature;
  • tumors of various localizations;
  • inflammatory processes in the acute phase;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • bleeding disorders, bleeding tendency;
  • intolerance to electric current;
  • allergy to a drug that must be administered using electrophoresis.

What is Schmorl's hernia

When the nucleus pulposus of the vertebral disc moves up or down, penetrating the vertebral body, a Schmorl hernia occurs. Read more about Schmorl's hernias here

1 – Normal discs 2 – Schmorl’s hernia 3 – Schmorl’s hernia and wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebra.

The formation of a Schmorl's hernia is accompanied by inflammation , which leads to increased blood flow. The blood washes away calcium, the vertebra becomes softer and, under the influence of body weight, becomes deformed, forming a wedge-shaped deformity of the vertebra.

Most often, Schmorl's hernia occurs in the thoracic spine, less often in the lumbar spine. Then a kind of “chain reaction” of the degenerative-dystrophic process occurs: the part of the spine affected by Schmorl’s hernias becomes inactive and when moving, the vertebrae above and below work for it; due to this double load, after a few years, new hernias may appear in them disks. Damage to the intervertebral discs is caused by increased mechanical stress on the vertebrae. It is usually possible to stop this process with the help of exercises, osteopathic treatment and medications .


Above are instructions for Karipazim, which is produced in Moscow, more precisely, in the Moscow region: Serpukhov district, Obolensk village, Industrial site, building number 9. There is also a Georgian Karipazim. For obvious reasons related to the deterioration of international relations between the Russian Federation and Georgia, since March 2007, the Georgian-made drug has ceased to be supplied to Russia.

There is unverified information that since April 2021, Georgian-made Karipazim, from the Kutateladze Institute of Pharmacochemistry, has again been supplied to Russia. This is an official drug, cleared by customs, with the required registration certificate.

But in 2021, in various pharmacy chains you can buy Karipazim produced by the pharmaceutical company, which is none other than Medflorina LLC, which produces this drug in the Serpukhov region, the owner of the registration certificate. In 2021, lyophilisate for external use with a dosage of 350 PE can be purchased at an average price of 113 rubles per bottle, and for a package of 10 bottles you need to pay 1,438 rubles. This is a rather unusual situation when a small wholesale costs more than the retail price for one bottle. Karipazim ampoules are not produced, and the product is not sold in solution.

There are also local preparations with papain (ointment, gel), but they will be discussed in other articles.

Composition, release form and official indications

According to the official instructions, the drug is available in bottles in two different dosages: 350 PE and 700 PE. This corresponds to a twofold difference in enzyme concentration. One of them is more concentrated, the second is weaker. But currently, in the retail network you can only buy a dosage of 350 PE in pharmacies. According to the instructions, the product is used externally only. Karipazim is indicated only for deep burns (IIIa), in order to lyse dead or necrotic tissue. As a result, the burn wound is cleaned and granulation, or healing, occurs more successfully.

According to the instructions, the contents of the bottle must be dissolved in an isotonic solution (0.9% NaCl) or in a solution of novocaine (0.5%), in an amount of 10 ml. The result is solutions containing 35 or 70 PE per milliliter. They impregnate napkins that are applied to the burn surface. Wipes are changed daily, and before replacement, surgical treatment of the wound is performed. The drug facilitates the removal of necrotic tissue. There are no other indications, as well as other methods of use, in the official instructions.

Will electrophoresis help get rid of a hernia?

Galvanization is prescribed for hernias as an auxiliary or primary method of treatment. It is not able to get rid of advanced forms of the disease. Its main action is aimed at stimulating the natural regenerative abilities of tissues and relieving pain in the initial stages of the disease.

The use of electrophoresis for hernia leads to:

  • changes in the permeability of cell membranes - cells become more sensitive, regenerative capacity increases;
  • dilation of blood vessels, which promotes blood flow and the supply of more essential nutrients;
  • increased lymphatic drainage - decomposition products are removed more quickly;
  • the occurrence of local and general reflex reactions.

Thanks to this, the affected tissues are restored faster, the foci of inflammation are reduced, and the pain syndrome is weakened.

After treatment, most patients experience a decrease in the volume of the hernia by 50% or more, its structure becomes more homogeneous and less dense. In the case of small hernias, in some patients their complete disappearance was recorded.


Can electrophoresis be used for children?

Galvanization is often used in pediatrics. There is no need to be afraid of this procedure. It does no harm, is non-invasive, absolutely painless. But only a doctor should select the necessary medications, frequency and amplitude of the current.

Is it possible to combine electrophoresis with other procedures - acupuncture, massage, paraffin baths?

Electrophoresis is compatible with many other procedures, such as acupuncture, various therapeutic and cosmetic massages, and paraffin baths. But a complex treatment regimen is developed by a doctor, since between some manipulations it is necessary to take a break from several hours to several days.


  1. ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases).
  2. L. O. Neuropathology. - M.: Education, 1982. - P.307-308. Bogolyubov.
  3. Medical rehabilitation (manual, 3 volumes). // Moscow - Perm. - 1998. Popov S. N.
  4. Physical rehabilitation. 2005. - P.608.
  5. State Register of Medicines (GRLS) of the Russian Federation.

Intervertebral hernia, Spine, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 12/23/2020 Date of update: 01/11/2021

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