Walking on your knees is an element of physical therapy and has a general healing effect. It is used to prevent certain joint diseases - patients note that it really helps in reducing pain.
Taoist kneeling was given to the world by Chinese healers - the exercise has been used in the Celestial Empire for hundreds of years. Modern world medicine has given the exercise a complex term - kinesitherapy, but the essence of the practice with the name has not changed. Let's look at the benefits or harms of walking on your knees, what diseases it helps to cure, and how to do it correctly.
Positive aspects of exercise
Therapeutic walking on the knees improves fluid circulation in the joint.
Eastern training combats joint problems by helping the fluid in the joint capsule to circulate better and fully wash the joint. It is worth turning to medical practice for diseases:
- arthrosis (bone damage to joints and adjacent cartilage);
- arthritis (inflammatory process in the area of the joint capsule);
- varicose veins (expansion of veins).
The main effect of Taoist technique is to improve blood circulation. There are other positive effects:
- improving the circulation of interarticular fluid;
- burning fat cells;
- massaging the hip area;
- improvement of kidney condition;
- improved coordination and increased skin sensitivity;
- rejuvenation;
- skin renewal.
When the exercises are performed correctly, the functioning of the whole body improves, and against the background of this, the condition of the legs significantly improves, they hurt less. The main advantage of therapeutic walking is that it can be performed by children, adults and even the elderly. It does not require any financial costs. All you need is space to walk and some free time.
How to properly do the Taoist practice of walking on your knees is described in detail in numerous videos.
Taoist walking for weight loss
Taoist knee walking not only helps relieve joint pain and improve overall health, but is also one of the most moderate and relaxing forms of fitness. Many representatives of the fair sex prefer this practice, as it helps burn excess calories and get rid of excess weight.
Some time after you start training, you will be surprised to notice that your legs have become slender, and the extra centimeters in the waist and hips have disappeared without a trace! If during normal walking only the calf muscles are used, then when walking on your knees, as when running, the muscles of the back, chest, hips, shoulder girdle and buttocks are involved in the work.
The effect of walking on your knees for joint diseases
Arthritis is characterized by inflammation of the soft tissue around a joint. First of all, the joint capsule and the fluid that fills it suffer. A person feels pain, discomfort when walking, and suffers from periodic pain in the knee area.
The Taoist method actively affects the soft tissues of the legs. While walking, a person constantly massages the knee area. The blood vessels dilate, but remain within the acceptable size. Blood circulates faster, without delays. Some plaques and blood clots dissolve. Oxygen starvation of tissues decreases, they become healthier and more vibrant. As a result, arthritis subsides.
The technique will bring a therapeutic effect only in the first stages of the disease.
The extreme stage of arthritis is arthrosis. It is expressed in the destruction of bone and cartilage tissue. First, the cartilage wears off. The distance between the joints decreases, they begin to rub against each other and become deformed. Against this background, the pain intensifies. The special joint lubricant dries out, which accelerates the corrosion of bone tissue.
If you combine therapeutic walking on your knees with medications, it can lead to positive changes even in osteoarthritis. The main thing is to follow the technical rules and follow the doctor’s recommendations. Taoist technique will restore the supply of joint lubrication. The liquid will begin to wash the cartilage as before, and its destruction will slow down. This will significantly extend the active period of the patient’s life.
Walking on your knees with arthrosis of the knee joint will no longer allow you to fully recover.
Video: If your knees hurt - Ancient Taoist practice
Remember that there are no universal exercises. Change the technique to suit you, experiment, combine walking with other elements to put more stress on your hips and buttocks (for those who want to lose weight and get in shape). Don't expect stunning results after the first weeks of training: the effect will definitely come if you put in the effort, don't skip classes and follow the basic rules. Share your impressions with other people, give advice and encourage someone to continue exercising. Your personal experience can be very important.
Action against varicose veins
Varicose veins are characterized by impaired blood flow. Edema and other pathological processes form in the lower extremities. The patient suffers from pain, fatigue, and discomfort.
Therapeutic walking on your knees helps to cope with the root cause of the problem - impaired blood flow. Blood circulation improves significantly after a month of walking. A person suffers less pain, and over time, varicose veins disappear completely.
To achieve a complete and quick result, it is recommended to use additional ointments aimed at eliminating varicose veins.
Possible harm from kneeling
The exercise of walking on your knees can bring benefits and harm. Pain and discomfort may appear with increased stress on the joints. Therefore, physical exercises are introduced gradually. To begin with, minimal loads will be useful. In the first days, allocate a few minutes for walking. Gradually this period is increased.
To avoid harm to the musculoskeletal system, it is important to perform the exercises correctly. The following tips will help make walking on your knees easier and more rewarding:
- Exercises do not start immediately. Stand on your knees for a few minutes to get used to this position. First you can add pillows. Then they are removed and begin to move. At first, take 2-3 steps. With daily increased load, it is more difficult to harm your joints.
- They walk on their knees every day. Then the benefits of exercise will become noticeable much faster. You can achieve a positive result only with regular walking.
- It is better to lay a blanket or a special rug on the floor. Knee pads and gloves may be used. This way the body will quickly get used to the stress.
- Compliance with directions. First they move forward, then back. They take long steps. You can walk in a circle, a perimeter, or a figure eight.
- Execution speed. Exercises are performed at a slow pace. Try to avoid sudden movements. Before walking, rub your legs to warm up your muscles.
- Rest. After completing the walk, you need to lie on your back, raise your legs and arms up, relax and shake them. This relieves tension from joints and muscles.
- Loads after training. To maintain the healing process, take a walk of 20-30 minutes every day.
Complications may occur after intense walking. They manifest themselves in the form of relapses of osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other diseases. Then you need to stop exercising and consult a doctor. You should start walking after recovery.
In the first weeks, it may seem that walking is harmful: pain and discomfort in the knees intensify. If chronic diseases do not worsen and the pain is moderate, then you should continue the exercises.
Burn fat with knee walking
Excess weight is a problem that negatively affects the condition of the legs. A person suffering from disorders of the kneecaps and joints should pay great attention to maintaining a correct weight. Walking will help you burn extra pounds without extra effort.
During exercises, not only the knees are involved, but also entire muscle groups:
- calf;
- lumbar;
- knee;
- press;
- femoral
As a result of exercise, muscles are significantly strengthened, and fat in the areas adjacent to them is burned. Excess weight no longer creates additional stress on sore joints. Strong muscles help get rid of problems with coordination and increase a person’s endurance when walking.
The benefits of Taoist walking for the body
Taoist practice helps to get rid of knee pain because it increases not only blood flow, but also the flow of Qi energy into this part of the body. The Zu San Li point is responsible for the condition of many internal organs. Its regular stimulation will help prevent disruptions in the normal functioning of these organs and improve their functioning.
Walking on your knees not only significantly alleviates the symptoms of arthrosis and arthritis, but is also an excellent prevention of the occurrence and development of these diseases. During the exercises, not only the knees are involved, but also almost the entire musculoskeletal system, due to which the ligaments and muscles become stronger, and their level of endurance increases noticeably. With gonarthrosis and arthrosis of the knee joint, it is necessary to regularly walk on your knees, as this will help relieve pain, improve blood supply, strengthen the joint and increase the flow of synovial fluid into its cavity, which prevents drying out.
This type of walking normalizes metabolic processes occurring in the body and has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, teeth and bones. This Taoist practice also has a positive effect on vision if you do the exercises with your eyes closed for some time.
Walking on your knees has a beneficial effect on the spine and strengthens the heart muscle. It improves blood circulation, thanks to which you can get rid of congestion that negatively affects our body. Thanks to this practice, the complexion improves, the limbs become more obedient, strong and flexible, and the performance of the brain, which begins to receive additional nutrition, increases significantly.
During the exercises, the lower back, pelvic and abdominal organs are involved. This has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys, bladder, digestive and reproductive systems. Thanks to walking on your knees, you can get rid of intervertebral hernia, kidney and gallstones, many acute and chronic diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.
After the first or third workout, you will feel much better, and your body will receive a noticeable surge of strength and energy.
Improved sensitivity and coordination
Due to oxygen starvation of the tissues, the legs may become “woolly” and difficult to respond to brain signals. This phenomenon is characteristic of insufficient blood supply. Nerve cells die, resulting in poorer transmission of signals both from the legs to the brain and from the brain to the legs.
Nerve cells can be restored by improving tissue nutrition. Lymph, blood and joint fluid quickly restore proper circulation when performing a set of knee exercises. As a result, the nerve pathways begin to work with greater force.
Coordination improves as a result of improved tissue nutrition and strengthening of muscles. Trained legs follow signals from the brain more accurately.
Legstand “Golden Rooster”
The starting position is standing on your feet, lowered along the body, relaxed arms, and closed eyes. Raise the first leg and freeze in this way. You cannot open your eyes while performing the exercise. The absence of a visual image will make it difficult to maintain a balanced position, and the brain will have to restore balance so that you can cope without vision.
When maintaining balance and supporting one leg, all points of the foot are affected, which are associated with the six main internal organs. This has a positive effect on the operation of various systems. The “Golden Rooster” practice should be done immediately after waking up, starting with standing for 2 minutes on each leg. As you gain experience, the duration of the exercise should be increased.
Gives a good effect when:
- radiculitis, gouty symptoms;
- diseases of the thyroid gland (progress is noticeable if the pituitary gland and hypothalamus are the source of the problem);
- cerebellar atrophy;
- manifestations of osteochondrosis;
- diabetes;
- tinnitus, attacks of dizziness, hearing loss, Meniere's disease (difficulty maintaining balance);
- reduced immunity;
- emotional breakdowns and stress.
It is not surprising that Easterners live much longer than many of our compatriots. The success of their longevity lies in competently performed exercises, which are required to improve overall well-being and strengthen the health of the entire body. You can learn how to do such basic exercises. They can be performed at any time that is free for you, right at home. In just a few days you will be able to notice the first good results.
Negative effects of exercise
It is forbidden to walk on your knees on a hard surface.
Exercises performed incorrectly can lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. The practice of knee walking is not recommended in extreme stages of arthrosis and other destructive processes in the joint area. Constant load in such a situation will only accelerate bone destruction.
Negative consequences result from:
- Walking on a hard surface. This will cause bruising and soft and hard tissue problems.
- Lack of training. You need to prepare for this procedure by gradually increasing the load.
- Exceeding the daily norm. Doctors recommend that trained patients take 400 steps a day. If this figure is exceeded, the muscles and bones will be overloaded.
- Injuries and inflammations of the knee joint or patella. If you can still do exercises with arthritis, then infectious lesions, bruises, fractures, sprains are a strict contraindication to starting training. By performing the technique during an injury, the patient only aggravates it and delays tissue restoration.
The exercise is contraindicated in hemophilia, as a simple bruise can lead to significant blood loss.
People with heart failure may not be able to withstand the load and experience a micro-seizure if the patient exceeds the permissible daily step limit.
A few more benefits
- Ease and accessibility. Even people with severe knee pain can do it with maximum effect.
- Unpretentiousness. You don't need a lot of space: sometimes even a simple bed will do, and ideally a floor with a rug
- The exercise can be started in any state of health, at any age (even if you are under 90 - this is about you!). The main requirement is daily. Unlike the exercises of traditional practices, which can be repeated twice a week, you need to walk on your knees every day, for at least 5 minutes. As S. Bubnovsky says: “more and more often is better.”
- You will feel a great surge of energy immediately after your first workout - try it after reading the article and see for yourself!
- Women and girls can effectively use this type of walking to lose weight in their legs as an aerobic exercise.
Note! If you are aiming to improve your vision, do the exercise with your eyes closed.
I really hope that the described exercise will help you restore your health and, even at 80, climb the steps to Moses Mountain or Victoria Peak without a cane. Or maybe take a run along the Great Wall of China: who knows, maybe the wise Tao will whisper to you some other secret of longevity?
How to do the exercises correctly
Before walking on your knees, a warm-up is necessary.
Walking on your knees must be done strictly according to the rules. The main focus should be on preparation. It consists of two conditions:
- mandatory training before each exercise session;
- gradual increase in daily load.
The workout should consist of small warm-up exercises. You can simply walk before starting class or kneel for a few seconds. Be sure to stretch the joints of the ankle and knee. To do this, twist the ankle (focus on the toe, the heel is pointed) and the knee (knees together, hands on the knees, legs move clockwise and counterclockwise). After this, you can start walking directly. The knee warms up during preparation, reducing the risk of sprains.
A gradual increase in load is especially important for the elderly, children, and untrained patients. The recommendation is mandatory for patients with arthrosis. At first, it is enough to take 4-5 steps a day. Every day this figure needs to be increased by at least 4 more. When the number of steps reaches 400, you should stop.
Exercises should not be monotonous. They can be performed in various forms:
- figure-eight movements;
- walking forward and backward;
- writing letters with your feet;
- side steps left and right.
Do not exercise on a hard surface. Wooden floors, linoleum, concrete or tiles are not suitable for classes. You must choose one of the following coatings:
- soft carpet;
- mat;
- a yoga mat on which your foot will not feel the hard floor.
To soften the friction of your knees, you can use knee pads, and also wear protection on your elbows and palms. Dr. Bubnovsky recommends using bags of crushed ice. The torso should remain straight during training. A half-bent position will only lead to worse posture.
Execution technique
So, we've looked at the benefits of walking on your knees for women and men, and now let's move on to the most important thing - analyzing the correct technique. You must understand that the benefits of walking on all fours for the spine, vision, joints and other vital systems appear only if it is performed correctly.
- It is important to practice regularly, without skipping;
- Constantly increase the load. Start by simply kneeling, then try walking for 1 to 2 minutes. Gradually increase the interval to 30 minutes;
- You need to walk both forward and backward;
- If you feel a sharp pain, you should interrupt the lesson and give your legs 2-3 days of rest;
- Get on all fours and freeze for half a minute;
- Begin to shift your body weight one by one, then to the other;
- Place your hands on the floor and start moving;
- Straighten up and try to walk without using your hands. Keep your back straight;
- Move in a circle, diagonally, forward, backward, to the sides.
- Finish the workout like this: lie on your back, lift your bent legs up, and shake them. Relax, stretch, do some light stretching.
Next, we will look at what the exercise of walking on your knees (all fours) gives, based on the reviews of people who practice it.
Actions after finishing exercises
Walking to Reduce Muscle Tension
A tense body needs rest after exercise. However, you can't just lie down or take a shower. It is necessary to speed up the blood and reduce muscle tension with simple exercises.
The person lies on his back, stretches his arms and legs up. There is no need to strain the knee joint too much; it is enough to keep the limbs almost straight. You should shake them slightly. Shaking should be repeated for several seconds until the feeling of muscle stiffness goes away. After this, you can take a shower and continue doing household chores.
Walking on all fours in ancient and modern China
They walked on all fours in Ancient China, it seems like it started during the Han Dynasty, in the second century AD. Then doctors advised their patients, with a variety of ailments, to walk in this way, imitating the way animals move.
Due to such walking, muscle tension is perfectly eliminated, and the muscles themselves are strengthened.
At the same time, the trainee forgets about back pain and his other ailments.
The Chinese still actively walk on all fours today, escaping from illness in this way. They do this collectively, in parks in the morning. Moreover, in the walking groups there are people who are well over 80! An acquaintance of mine recently traveled to China and witnessed such activities.
Reviews of Taoist practice
Reviews about walking on your knees are mostly positive. Patients note an improvement in their overall body condition, weight loss, and increased physical activity. Only in rare cases do negative changes occur. They are typical for people who have violated the indications for performing the technique.
With the right technique, men suffer less from gout and the kidney disorders that cause it. In women, problems of the hip joints, which negatively affect the entire leg area, are smoothed out.
The benefits and harms of walking on your knees can be the same. Everything depends on the patient's actions. The technique is effective in the early stages of the disease, especially when there are no symptoms yet.
Why do my knees hurt and what to do?
The knee joint is subject to high stress, especially during physical exercise. As a result of a sedentary lifestyle, the ligamentous apparatus weakens. This is how pain appears when bending the knee, walking and other physical activity.
Recommended reading: Benefits of walking
To determine the cause of knee pain, consult a doctor. The specialist will evaluate the patient’s lifestyle, the nature of his activities and take tests. If the cause of pain is a disease, then urgent measures must be taken. If treatment is not started in time, it can cause harm to the entire body.
Important! With severe pain, the disease progresses, then the only solution is surgery.
The main causes of knee pain:
- prolonged physical activity causing damage to joints and ligaments;
- bruises from accidents, unsuccessful jumps or other injuries;
- sudden weight gain, which led to increased workload;
- development of rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis and other destructive processes;
- infectious diseases leading to joint inflammation;
- rachiocampsis;
- flat feet.
To maintain physical activity for a long time, perform useful physical exercises. One option is walking on your knees. It is used on the recommendation of a doctor or to prevent joint diseases.
Walking on your knees: Taoist practice heals kidneys, promotes weight loss and improves vision
Acts on many meridians simultaneously! And at the same time it does not require much time, which is important given our rhythm of life. And today I will tell you about another practice from the Taoist arsenal - walking on your knees. Why do my knees hurt, many subscribers ask me? Chinese medicine gives the following answer: most often, the amount of qi and blood energy entering the knee joint decreases. This results in a decrease in the amount of lubrication in the joint. There is no lubrication - the parts of the mechanism (bones in the joint) rub against each other and wear out. In this case, severe painful symptoms occur. Especially if you still have cold knees and let cold qi into the body. With additional stress on the joints, especially if these are long walks with ups and downs, it will become even worse. So what to do? It is necessary to ensure a sufficient flow of fresh blood and qi energy into the knees. How? Read in the article. Best exercise: Taoist practice “Walking on your knees” . This exercise also works your lower back. And this also stimulates the functioning of the kidney channel. In Chinese medicine there is a saying about knees: “Knees are the Palace of Tendons.” And according to the Wu Xing theory, tendons and ligaments belong to the liver channel. That is, by strengthening our knees, we also strengthen our liver. There are many points of the stomach channel in the knee area, which means that by acting on them, we strengthen the stomach. Features of performing Taoist practice for different conditions If your knees are very swollen, then first you need to normalize the outflow of fluid and work with the spleen channel point San Yin Jiao. In addition, it is also useful to work on the Zu Yang Guan point of the gallbladder channel (in some sources it is called Xi Yang Guan), trying to set the direction of the pressure down. You can press the points for 30 seconds, or until the pain goes away. And only after working with these two points, walk on your knees. If you have very sharp pain when kneeling, then just start kneeling on pillows. Don't move around, just stay on your knees as long as you can. Then, after a while, remove the pillows and try standing on your knees on the bed. When the pain gets less, start moving around the bed. If you are in a weakened state, you can sit on your heels on the bed and simply shift from foot to foot. Look at the drawing! Taoist practice of walking on your knees for weakened people It is very important to do this exercise every day. And it doesn’t matter how long it takes – as long as you can. If you do the exercise on the floor, be sure to lay down a thick blanket or do it on a soft carpet. When is it beneficial to perform this Taoist practice? 1. For weight loss, especially if fat is stored in the thighs. I doubt that the Taoists needed this, but our women are very useful. You just need to walk on your knees for 20 minutes every day to get sweaty. And to stimulate yourself, measure your hips before you start, and then take measurements every week. You can write your results in the comments. 2. Walking on your knees improves your vision. Where are the eyes and where are the knees, you say. How could this be related? At the beginning of the article, I already wrote that the knees are called the palace of tendons. The tendons are connected to the liver channel, and “the liver manifests itself in the eyes,” that is, it is responsible for vision. By improving the condition of the liver, we improve vision. There is only a small “trick” (the East is a delicate matter). To improve vision, you need to walk on your knees with your eyes closed (look at the photo on the right). Taoist practice - Walking on your knees 3. Strengthen bones, hair and teeth. This practice works the lower back, which is the kidney channel. The kidneys are responsible for bones, hair and teeth. That is, this exercise is also a prevention of osteoporosis, loose teeth and hair loss! 4. Improve blood supply to the head and legs. This exercise stimulates blood circulation in a large circle, that is, blood will flow to the legs and head. Head: In addition to improving your vision, you will improve your complexion and, again, the condition of the hair on your head. Legs: It is useful to do Taoist practice before the Golden Rooster standing on one leg exercise. There is a gradual flow of blood and qi energy to the knees, and then further down to the feet. In general, Chinese experts recommend the following sequence of practices for insufficient blood circulation in the legs:
- belly massage “Tuyfu”
- walking on your knees
- "Golden Rooster"
That is, first the blood rushes to the stomach, and then descends further. 5. Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach canal passes through the knee area. Improving the patency of the gastric canal means excellent digestion and appearance. 6. Improve the condition of your knee joints Now do you understand what a miracle this exercise is? When starting classes, be sure to formulate the intention “What do I want to get from this exercise”, in a positive way, without the particle “not” and the words “get rid of, avoid”. Not like this: “I want to get rid of knee pain.” And, for example, like this: “I have healthy, flexible knees,” or “Every day the condition of my knees is improving,” or “I bend my knees freely.” Formulate your intention, what exactly you want! Enjoy this exercise. You can sing or move to the music. I like to walk on my knees in a square, back and forth, write figure eights, walk sideways, just write letters, moving back and forth. By doing this practice regularly, you will forget where your knees are.
Conservative treatment methods
With gonarthrosis of the first stage, initial degeneration of cartilage, inflammation of the synovial membrane and mild disturbances in its functioning occur. The second stage is characterized by even greater destruction of cartilage tissue, the appearance of osteophytes and problems with the membrane.
An effective treatment in this case would be to administer drugs into the joint by injection. The third stage of gonarthrosis requires endoprosthetics. This type of surgery is complex and expensive.
In order not to bring the situation to a state of complete immobilization of the joint (ankylosis), it is important to identify gonarthrosis as quickly as possible and begin its treatment. It is better to immediately contact qualified specialists who will monitor the course of the pathology and adjust treatment measures as necessary.
The initial stages of gonarthrosis require complex conservative treatment, which includes:
- special diet;
- taking medications;
- physiotherapeutic methods;
- manual therapy;
- special exercises.
These therapeutic measures are designed to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation, activate metabolic processes in the cartilage by improving blood circulation, and strengthen the muscles in the immediate vicinity of the joint.
Diet for arthrosis of the knee joint
Nutrition for gonarthrosis should be fractional. Food should be consumed 4-5 times a day in small portions. Since excess weight significantly aggravates the pathology, the patient needs to create a diet that excludes:
- sweets;
- bakery;
- mayonnaise;
- fat sour cream;
- chips;
- soda;
- fat meat;
- fast food;
- semi-finished products;
- sausages.
In addition, it is necessary to limit salt intake to 1 tsp. per day, drink more water. It is recommended to consume lean meat and dairy products as a source of amino acids. Such patients urgently need collagen; its intake into the body will be ensured by dishes with a high content of gelatin.
Sulfur and selenium, which are beneficial for joints, are found in beef, eggs, chicken, cabbage, apples, legumes, and cereals. Essential fatty acids are present in herring, mackerel, and vegetable oils.
Most often, patients with gonarthrosis complain of pain in the knee. To relieve pain, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . This group includes: Diclofenac, Piroxicam, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin and others. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, so taking them for a long time is not recommended.
For patients with gastritis and ulcers, tablet medications are replaced with ointments and creams. They can be used for a longer time. Physiotherapy, manual therapy and exercise therapy are prescribed after the use of medications.
Chondoprotectors and preparations with hyaluronic acid play an important role in the treatment of arthrosis. They qualitatively improve the structure of cartilage tissue, restoring cartilage and preventing its further destruction. Chondoprotectors are taken in long courses from 3 to 5 months, after which they must take a break. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the joint.
Manual therapy and physiotherapy
Manual manipulation of the sore knee should only be performed by a qualified specialist. For knee arthrosis, two main techniques are used: mobilization (smooth stretching of the bone joint) and manipulation (reduction of the joint). If the procedure is performed correctly, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. After the first session, the joint becomes more mobile, pain decreases.
Physiotherapeutic methods include:
- laser treatment;
- paraffin therapy;
- cryotherapy;
- oxokerite applications,
- mud therapy.
All these procedures improve local blood circulation, and hence the nutrition of the cartilage. To achieve the effect, it is important to use them regularly.
Often patients with gonarthrosis try to move less and avoid the slightest load on the joint. But physical inactivity, on the contrary, contributes to the destruction of cartilage, since only during movement is cartilage tissue able to absorb the substances it needs from the synovial fluid. For knee arthrosis, moderate physical activity is necessary.
They help strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and maintain joint mobility.
For each patient, exercises are selected individually, taking into account the age and general condition of the patient, as well as the stage of arthrosis. When compiling the complex, certain rules are followed. The load on the sore knee should be increased gradually, movements should be smooth and slow, and the joint should not be overloaded. While performing the exercises, a person should not experience pain. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, exercise therapy is contraindicated.