Rice kvass for joints: benefits, harm and how to take

This article talks about how to properly prepare and drink rice kvass to treat joints.

If a person is overtaken by illness, then he cannot live a full life. The disease constrains and causes discomfort. Likewise, osteochondrosis brings a lot of suffering to patients. Due to severe pain in the joints, a person cannot continue to live normally, because the pain interferes with movement.

First of all, in this situation, you want to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. But often therapy does not provide adequate relief. Therefore, many resort to various methods of traditional medicine. One of them will be discussed further - this is the treatment of joint pathologies with kvass from rice grains.

What it is?

Kvass is a traditional Slavic drink made from the fermentation of malt and flour or dry rye bread. It has a sour taste, contains about 2% alcohol, and therefore in the 12th century in Rus' it was not only used to quench thirst, but was also the main intoxicant at folk festivals.

Rice began to be used to make this drink much later, from the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries, when it began to be grown everywhere and people appreciated the health benefits of the cereal.

Preparing a healing remedy is simple . To do this, sorted and washed rice is poured with boiled water, sugar and raisins are added, and put in a warm place to infuse, covering the dishes with gauze. Kvass will be ready in 3 days. It is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

To make the drink work, there must be 4 tbsp per liter of water. cereal without top, the same amount of sugar and 5-10 raisins. The amount of sugar can be reduced, but then you will have to add more raisins - this is necessary for fermentation. You should not disdain other additives that will make the product healthier: honey, dried fruits, ginger.

Option 1 Classic recipe for rice kvass with yeast

It would be strange to prepare kvass in liter portions in the heat, and it would be so tasty. Feel free to add a glass of rice cereal to boiling water, and only then weigh the porridge and calculate the proportions of the remaining components. Kvass is stored for a relatively short time, both according to the recommendations and for a more understandable reason.


  • one hundred grams of crumbly rice porridge;
  • gram of dry yeast;
  • a spoonful of sorted raisins;
  • a little more than half a glass of sugar;
  • water - one and a half liters.

Step-by-step recipe for rice kvass

Step 1:

Take the required amount of ready-made porridge or specially cook washed rice until tender.

It is important that it is prepared without salt and is cold at the right time.

Step 2:

Measure out exactly one hundred grams of porridge, sprinkle with a spoon of sugar and yeast in the specified amount. Add the raisins, cover the pan with an old thick towel and tie a thin cotton rag on top. Keep warm for an hour.

Step 2:

Dissolve the sugar with warm boiled water and pour it into the rest of the products, mix and cover again with a cloth. We keep the kvass in a warm place for up to five days; it is possible, but not necessary, to stir it occasionally.

Step 3:

On the fifth day, foam with fairly large bubbles should form on the surface of the cloudy white kvass. Strain the drink and pour into bottles, put two raisins in each, regardless of volume, and keep in the refrigerator for up to a day.

The benefits of rice kvass

The rice diet has been recommended as an effective way to maintain the health of the spine and joints even in old age. First of all, we are talking about boiled cereal, but a drink made from it works no worse.

  • The calorie content of kvass is on average 20-30 kcal per 100 ml versus 130 kcal per 100 g for rice - those who are losing weight or for some reason are forced to limit calories can safely include it in the menu.
  • Drinking from rice, which is a natural adsorbent, well dissolves and removes oxalates from the body - salts that settle in cartilage tissue. Traditional medicine advises using it for the following diseases: gout; arthrosis and arthritis; rheumatism; osteochondrosis. This requires a low protein diet. If the disease is advanced or severe, such treatment is carried out in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor.
  • Due to its anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, the product has a positive effect on the urinary system in case of: urethritis; cystitis; the presence of salts (sand) and small (2-3 mm) stones in the bladder and kidneys.
  • Rice kvass has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract : improves digestion with low acidity of gastric juice; normalizes intestinal function in case of disorders; quickly removes toxins from the body in case of food poisoning.
  • The drink contains a small amount of B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid) and lecithin, which are necessary for the health of hair, nails and the nervous system (including for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease).
  • Pregnant women can consume the product in small quantities (no more than a glass per day) to combat swelling.
  • Rice remedy is also used in home cosmetology : for washing - to reduce the number of acne; as a basis for baths for hands and feet - this softens the skin, helps get rid of calluses and corns; as a hair rinse - for dry skin and dandruff.
  • Rice does not contain gluten , so drinking it will not harm patients with celiac disease (allergy to grains).
  • the carbon dioxide it contains , chilled kvass perfectly quenches thirst in the hot season.


The cooking process is not particularly complicated, but still a little intricate. First, add all the components that we have named into the water. Stir them there and leave for 4 days. But this time can be reduced to 3 days if it is too hot in the room where the kvass will be stored.

Next, we filter our kvass and pour it into bottles, in which it will remain in the refrigerator. Everything is simple here. But we prepare the second portion not using this technology, that is, not from pure water, but from the remains of kvass from the first portion. These will be the sediments that will definitely remain after filtering the first portion of kvass. Pour another liter of water into this sediment, add rice (but 3 tablespoons, not 4), sugar (also 3 tablespoons), and throw in 4 raisins. As for the infusion time and further procedures, there are no changes.

When you pour the kvass for the second time, you don’t need to pour out this sediment either. We prepare the 3rd portion from it. Now add 2 tablespoons of rice, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and add only 3 raisins.

Possible harm

Despite all its usefulness, rice kvass as a healing remedy is not suitable for everyone. For some health problems, its use is likely to lead to a deterioration in well-being.

  • The drink's recipe includes sugar or honey, which means it should not be taken by those who suffer from type I diabetes . People with other disorders of glucose tolerance (type II diabetes, prediabetes, metabolic syndrome) can drink it, but in small quantities and not on an ongoing basis.
  • Kvass contains carbon dioxide , which irritates the walls of the stomach, so it is not recommended to drink it: on an empty stomach; for any stomach diseases (heartburn, gastritis, ulcers); with increased acidity of gastric juice.
  • The product should not be used with: aspirin and its derivatives - due to the negative effect on the stomach; antibiotics - alcohol reduces their effectiveness; hormonal drugs.
  • Drinking is contraindicated for large (over 10 mm) stones in the kidneys and bladder. Its diuretic property can cause stones to move and cause severe colic or blockage of the urinary ducts.
  • It is not advisable to use the product for chronic constipation due to the possible aggravation of this problem.
  • The drink washes potassium out of the body , and during the course of treatment, if you do not include vegetables and dried fruits rich in this microelement in your diet, this may cause: chronic fatigue; mood instability, irritability; muscle cramps during physical activity (especially calf exercises); arrhythmia - in severe cases.
  • Due to possible side effects, rice kvass should not be consumed by nursing mothers and children under 10 years of age .

Preventative cleaning

The entire course will require this amount of art. spoons of rice, how old you are. In the evening, pour cool boiled water over the rice and leave until the morning. Overnight, the starch will be washed out of the grains and they will become porous, like sponges. This preparation enhances the absorbent properties of rice.

In the morning, boil a tablespoon of soaked rice for 5 minutes, do not add salt and sugar. Eat cooked rice porridge.

Try to have rice for breakfast before 7 am and not eat anything else for at least 40 minutes. Rinse the remaining soaked rice and add new clean water.

The amount of cereal is calculated for a full course.

Preparing the ingredients for the drink

To prepare a high-quality healing drink, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Water for kvass should be taken purified: spring, well, filtered or melt. If you use tap water, boil it first.
  2. It is more convenient to prepare kvass in two- or three-liter glass jars.
  3. Unpeeled brown rice has the best healing properties. The shell surrounding the grain contains the largest amount of vitamins and microelements. You can use steamed rice. When steamed, up to 80% of the beneficial substances contained in it are transferred from the shell into rice grains.
  4. Kuban culture contains fewer vitamins, but more proteins that have a gentle effect on the digestive organs. It is chosen for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea and increased stomach acidity.
  5. To prepare kvass, it is permissible to use regular rice, short-grain or long-grain, which is sold in stores. But it is preferable to use a long one because it contains less starch. Broken rice is not suitable.
  6. Before preparing the healing drink, rinse the raisins and rice.

Feedback on use

If you prepare and consume rice kvass correctly, it really helps with joint diseases. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

Valentina I love kvass, I constantly try different recipes. I recently found a way to cook it using rice porridge. I tried it and really liked it. The drink turns out so sour, carbonated.

Olga I cleansed my body with rice several times. And recently I found out that you can make kvass from it. I tried it and it turned out to be a pretty tasty drink. I drank half a glass of it before meals. I began to feel better, the back pain went away, and lightness appeared. And after replacing sugar with honey, I managed to lose a little weight.

Elena I make rice kvass without yeast using raisins. The whole family drinks it from time to time. My mother especially likes it; after the first course she got rid of back pain. Now she has become active, she says that her knees don’t hurt either.

Rice kvass is a pleasant refreshing drink. When properly prepared and consumed, it has a healing effect on the body. It is especially often used as part of the complex treatment of osteochondrosis and joint pathologies.

We cook rice kvass with raisins for osteochondrosis. Recipe. How to cook

As we have already said, osteochondrosis almost always causes pain in the joints and various parts of our spine. But, if it appears in the cervical spine, then often dizziness also occurs. You can cope with it if you do exercises specifically designed for this. In addition, it would be a good idea to first remove salt deposits on the neck (here is an option on how this can be achieved). There are other ways to combat osteochondrosis, for example, various homemade ointments and infusions. I think all these links will be interesting to you. You will study all these methods of combating osteochondrosis, and choose what is right for you. But, no matter what remedy you decide to try on yourself, do not forget that a doctor’s consultation is the first thing you need to get for any alternative treatment option. The use of rice kvass also falls under this rule.

Complex action of the drink

Any doctor will tell you that for a lasting healing effect, you need to not only cleanse the joints of salts and relieve inflammation in these parts of the body, but also cleanse the body as a whole, otherwise the ailments will return. Consumption of rice kvass is a complex treatment.

Water with rice flavor normalizes metabolism, improves the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, overcomes fatigue, and sweeps away harmful deposits from everywhere, including from blood vessels. No toxins, salts, cholesterol plaques, or deterioration in the elasticity of the vascular walls will be of any concern to you if you periodically do rice cleanses for yourself. Patients of nutritionists note that rice kvass promotes weight loss.

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