Medicinal herbs for gout and gouty arthritis

The flora of our planet is so diverse that we do not always know about all the beneficial qualities of its ingredients. The most common disease is gout. It carries a basis that is based on a violation of metabolic processes. Excessive amounts of uric acid contribute to the accumulation of salts on the joints. To eliminate the negative consequences, synthetic agents are used. But unlike them, medicinal herbs for gout do not have side effects. They can help strengthen the immune system and heal the body completely. The most important thing is to choose the right ones that will help solve your particular problem.

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Medicinal herbs and their effects on gout

What herbs treat gout ? To answer this question, you should clearly know what properties this or that plant material has. It is advisable not to start taking any fees or individual components on your own. the influence of one plant can have a positive effect, but in the second case it will have a negative effect on the concomitant disease. Therefore, it is initially worthwhile to be examined by a doctor and undergo certain tests. After which they can advise you on exactly the list of plants that will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The use of herbs helps remove urates from the body. All medicinal plants in this case can be divided into two groups:

  • The first is drugs that are called “natural aspirin”. Their effect against inflammation cannot be compared with any antibiotic. Most often these are: peony, meadowsweet, kiva.
  • The second is that they have steroid properties. These include: currant leaf, licorice, wild rosemary. They are also powerful diuretics and pain relievers.

Other active herbs for gout on the legs and other parts of the body include nettle, lingonberry, lilac, string, birch, and tansy. Using the preparations will improve your well-being within just a few weeks. And in order to consolidate the positive result obtained, you can take this liquid as a drink for a long time. During exacerbations, you can increase the dose, but remember that everything should be in moderation.

Gout symptoms

The most common place where an acute attack of gout occurs is the small joint that is located at the base of the big toe. In addition, gout can affect the joints of the elbows, fingers, knees, hands, and ankles.

An acute attack of the disease develops quickly . Severe pain occurs in the affected joint, the skin in the area of ​​the lesion is hyperemic and painful. The pain can be so severe that even touching a blanket to the skin over the affected joint will be unbearable for the patient. In addition, an increase in body temperature is possible.

An attack of gout goes away after a few hours or days, as a result of treatment or on its own. Sometimes the duration of an attack can reach several weeks.

Over time, uric acid crystals are deposited in small, fluid-filled bursae around the joints, which can lead to inflammation and the development of bursitis, which causes swelling and pain in the affected joint.

If left untreated, gout causes chronic inflammation of the joints, in which uric acid crystals are deposited in the form of nodules (tophi) in the soft tissues of the body. Tophi can appear on any part of the body, but most often they are localized in the fingers, the area around the big toe, and the tips of the elbows.

Herbal Recipes and Applications

Traditional medicine has extensive experience in eliminating this problem. From the list of drugs, you can choose the one that will provide the greatest benefit. Raw materials should be used fresh if possible, but if this is not available, then dry ones will do.

Healing collection

To prepare a collection of herbs for gout, take three parts each of nettle, sweet clover and wild rosemary, tricolor violet and St. John's wort. Add two mint leaves and two flaxseeds. 4 more string herbs and the same amount of lingonberry leaves. Separate a small amount into a thermos, cover with 500 ml of boiling water. Let it sit for a day. Drink a glass 5 times a day. Everything will take you 1/5 of a year.

Prefabricated decoction

Use a herbal decoction for gout from the following ingredients:

  • 20 g each of Veronica officinalis herb, wheatgrass roots and string;
  • 25 g burdock;
  • 30 g violets.

Combine and separate 40 g of the mixture. Pour a liter of water and place on the stove. Let it boil and keep it like that for 15 minutes. Dose 20 ml 3-4 times. Fixing the problem takes approximately a quarter of a year.

Diuretic collection

Another option for preparing diuretic herbs for gout is to mix an equal amount:

  • St. John's wort,
  • bearberry,
  • knotweed,
  • bay leaf,
  • kidney and Kuril tea,
  • yarrow,
  • licorice.

Pour a couple of spoons of all the ingredients into a thermos and cover with boiled water. Let rest for at least 6 hours. Use a tablespoon 4-5 times. The duration of the appointment is a quarter. If desired, repeat after some interval.

Complex collection

useful herbs for gout and high uric acid . It includes:

  • 4 parts birch and St. John's wort;
  • 3 each of chopped horse chestnut, Jerusalem artichoke, violet;
  • 2 each of linden, calendula, chamomile, pine needles, parsley, amaranth, nettle;
  • as well as part of the centaury.

Take a handful. Cover with 1/4 liter of boiled liquid. Let it rest for half an hour. Drink between meals. The minimum course is a quarter of a year.

Tincture of galangal with cinquefoil

The alcohol tincture of marsh cinquefoil and galangal performed well. The most optimal is 100 g per 200. Transfer to a jar and pour in 3 liters of alcohol. Leave for a month in a room darkened from sunlight. After the allotted period, pass through the filter and drink three times, 1⁄2 - 1 tbsp. l. Dilute in 100 ml of water for a month. At the end of the period there is a one-week pause. If the disease has reached a chronic stage, then 5-6 repetitions may be required.

Treatment of gout

Complete recovery from gout is difficult to achieve. But you can stop the development of the pathological process, relieve inflammation and pain.

The main stages of gout therapy are:

  1. Quick pain relief. For this purpose, the patient may be prescribed:
  2. glucocorticosteroids - indicated when NSAIDs are ineffective or it is impossible to prescribe them, they are taken orally or injected into the joint; only the attending physician can prescribe glucocorticosteroids; self-medication is unacceptable and can lead to the development of a number of serious complications.
  3. Preventing complications and preventing recurrent gout attacks. This goal is achieved by reducing the level of uric acid in the body. There are two types of medications that lower uric acid levels:
      drugs that inhibit the synthesis of uric acid;
  4. drugs that promote the excretion of uric acid through the kidneys.

The attending physician should select medications based on how the disease progresses and the individual characteristics of each patient’s body.

With proper therapy, the prognosis is favorable . If left untreated, complications may develop (renal failure, urolithiasis, arterial hypertension).

External products

In addition to using plant-based medicinal products internally, traditional healers advise that in order to achieve maximum effect, they can also be used externally: rubbing, compresses, baths.

Baths with salt and chamomile

A combination of 100 g of chamomile and a glass of salt is a good option for treating gout with herbs at home . These components are poured into 0.25 liters of water and allowed to boil, cook for 30 minutes. This way the solution for the baths is ready. They should take no more than 20 minutes. The liquid should be warm.

Chamomile compress with elderberry

You can also use compresses made from chamomile and black elderberry flowers. Fill everything with purified aqua and boil. As soon as the process begins, remove it immediately. Cool to an acceptable temperature and soak the cut in it. Apply to the area of ​​concern.

Massage with resin

Regular massages using turpentine balm based on cedar resin can help improve the well-being of patients. They are carried out 10 sessions every 2 months.

To prepare this substance, it is necessary to grind the resin. Preferably as small as possible. Take 5 g and put it in a saucepan. Pour in 100 ml of vegetable oil. Place in a water bath and let everything turn into a homogeneous mixture. Next, pour into a clean container through several layers of gauze. The shelf life corresponds to the shelf life of the vegetable oil included in the composition.

But in order not to bother yourself with preparation, you can buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy.

Remember that effective herbs for gout will increase their beneficial qualities several times in the case of an integrated approach to solving this problem. This includes both feasible physical activity and proper nutrition.

Diagnosis of gout

Diagnosis of the disease includes the following steps:

  • collecting anamnesis, interviewing and examining the patient;
  • blood test (general, biochemical);
  • urine analysis (general, biochemical);
  • bacteriological analysis of joint fluid, as well as the contents of tophi.

To clarify the preliminary diagnosis, instrumental studies may be prescribed:

  • radiography of the affected joints;
  • MRI;
  • scintigraphy;
  • Ultrasound.

It is very important to carry out a differential diagnosis, since gout is often confused with arthrosis and arthritis.

With gout, the following picture is observed:

  • very severe paroxysmal pain in the affected joint;
  • When a gout attack develops, the symptoms increase very quickly;
  • At first, damage to one joint is observed;
  • there is no pathogenic microflora in the synovial fluid;
  • The big toe of one foot is affected, which looks very swollen and hyperemic.

Prevention of gout

The main measures to prevent the disease are:

  • proper nutrition;
  • giving up a sedentary lifestyle - daily walks in the fresh air, physical exercise;
  • wearing comfortable shoes;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • weight control, preventing the development of obesity;
  • timely treatment of diseases that can lead to the development of gout;
  • refusal of uncontrolled use of certain medications (for example, aspirin);
  • normalization of work and rest regimes;
  • avoiding stress;
  • compliance with the drinking regime - you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, this helps the kidneys more intensively remove accumulated uric acid from the body;
  • Regular preventive examinations will help identify gout in the early stages, which will significantly facilitate subsequent treatment and improve the prognosis of the disease.

Should you self-medicate?

A certain category of people prefer home treatment. Let's look at how this can be dangerous:

  • incorrect choice of medication - if you make a mistake in prescribing medication for yourself, the disease will continue to progress and complications are possible;
  • the development of drug-resistant microorganisms is one of the most common problems, in which further treatment becomes more difficult;
  • side effects of drugs - it’s no secret that most tablets from the pharmacy “treat one thing and cripple another” and one cannot help but remember this;
  • unknown cause of the disease - sometimes diseases return because their cause has not been eliminated, which only a doctor can determine.

Using medications recommended on our website

We want you to know what effect you can expect when taking our drugs. All health products on this site, in most cases, speed up or ensure complete recovery and even improve the general condition of healthy people. This happens because they actually contain very useful and necessary components for humans. By taking them, you can be sure of a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals, a normal acid-base balance, improved metabolic processes, treatment and strengthening of the body.

However, there are also hereditary, infectious and a number of other diseases that may not be treatable in this way. Especially if we are talking about a highly developed disease that requires drastic medical measures. In such cases, our products can only speed up your recovery, but not ensure it!

Conclusion: in order to defeat the disease, you need to know its cause, which you can accurately determine if you consult a specialist. If the disease has become chronic or you are not sure how to self-medicate, don’t hesitate to visit a doctor at least once!

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