The joint between the foot and lower leg can withstand loads that are 7 times the body weight
Ankylosis is a disease in which bones fuse together. In this case, partially or completely
Indications and contraindications for taking Allopurironol The main indications for prescribing the drug are the following:
What is a hypermobile joint? A joint allows movement, but it is limited by the tendons and ligaments surrounding it.
Causes of the disease Blount's disease is the second most common after rickets among musculoskeletal pathologies
Joint health and mobility are related to a person’s diet. If you feel pain or stiffness
Tenosynovitis (tendovaginitis; tendo- tendon + vagina vagina, synonym tenosynovitis) - inflammation of the synovial sheaths of the tendon.
The legs are exposed to stress every day, so everyone faces pain in this area, regardless of
Author: Grachev Ilya Illarionovich Editor: Efremov Mikhail Mikhailovich Date of publication: 05/13/2014 Date
Starting from the second and throughout the third trimester of pregnancy, many women often worry