Vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis

Every fourth stroke develops in the posterior parts of the brain in the area of ​​responsibility of the vertebral arteries. Atherosclerosis and narrowing of the vertebral artery

can occur in any part of it and can cause ischemic stroke. Unlike narrowing of the carotid arteries, the role of which in the development of stroke has been known for a long time and methods for their treatment have been developed, the pathology of the vertebral arteries has not yet been sufficiently studied. However, modern technologies for diagnostic testing and endovascular treatment methods have opened up new opportunities for intervention in this disease.

Vertebral artery syndrome is a condition associated with obstruction of the patency manifested by symptoms of cerebrovascular insufficiency in the posterior part of the brain.

The causes of impaired patency can be very different, so the main task in the management of patients is an accurate diagnosis, so that as soon as the identification of the exact cause will allow it to be eliminated and the symptoms that are painful for patients to be removed. Every year the disease becomes younger, which is associated with an increase in the number of young people who sit for long periods at computers and have a sedentary lifestyle.

Timely diagnosis guarantees a favorable result of treatment of vertebral artery syndrome in our clinic.

Vertebral artery syndrome with cervical osteochondrosis

Vertebral artery syndrome is a pathological condition that develops against the background of impaired blood supply in the vertebral artery basin; in practice, it manifests itself as symptoms of brain hypoxia in the places that it supplies.
Most often, vertebral artery syndrome occurs in combination with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Less commonly, the disease has other causes, sometimes not even of vertebrogenic origin. For a long time, vertebral artery syndrome was a disease of older people. But in recent years the disease has become much younger, and today such a diagnosis can be found even in children. The pathological condition is unpleasant due to its symptoms, which significantly worsen a person’s quality of life. In addition, as it progresses, it acquires consequences, which in most cases cause the development of transient ischemic attacks and even ischemic stroke.

With the right approach to the treatment of vertebral artery syndrome, specialists are able to alleviate the condition of a sick person and prevent many complications of the disease. Under no circumstances should the disease be ignored in the hope that its manifestations will subside over time. It is better to treat SPA immediately after the first signs appear, which will significantly increase the chances of recovery and provide a positive prognosis for the patient’s future life.


Preventing pinched vessels of the cervical spine is much easier than treating it. To do this, it is enough to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle:

  • regularly receive moderate physical activity;
  • avoid carrying heavy objects, and if necessary, distribute the load evenly in both hands;
  • sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow;
  • avoid stress and learn to cope with it correctly;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day.

With a sedentary lifestyle, you need to accustom yourself to do light exercises. This is relevant for office workers and transport drivers. It is very useful for them to wear a Shants collar for a few minutes a day to relieve stress on the cervical vertebrae.

Pinched blood vessels in the cervical spine are a common and unpleasant situation that can be avoided. And if necessary, quickly cure using modern medicine methods.

Causes of development of vertebral artery syndrome

There are several main reasons for the development of cervical-vertebral syndrome in humans, among which are:

  • osteochondrosis and other degenerative-dystrophic disorders in segments of the cervical spine;
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the bone elements of the neck;
  • consequences of injuries in the area of ​​the vertebral artery;
  • pathological conditions that negatively affect the state of the sympathetic arterial plexus;
  • atherosclerotic lesions of the vertebral arteries and other pathologies of the vascular wall;
  • tonic muscle spasms in the neck;
  • defects in the structure of the cervical vessels.

Qualified treatment for vertebral artery syndrome of the cervical spine should be carried out regardless of the causes of the development of the painful condition. Its scope and basic methods largely depend on the nature of the disease. Therefore, when symptoms of pathology appear, you should not self-medicate them, but immediately seek help from specialists who have experience in such clinical situations.


Clinical symptoms may vary depending on whether the process is acute or chronic.

In case of acute pinching, the main symptom is severe pain in the neck. It may intensify when turning the head, or the person will complain of a feeling of numbness when it is physically impossible to turn the head. This happens when a person has suffered a minor injury (strained neck muscles) or slept in an uncomfortable position.

Arteries pass through the cervical vertebrae, feeding brain tissue and carrying out venous drainage. When pinched, this process is disrupted. As a rule, this process develops gradually; the body is able to compensate for a long time for the lack of oxygen and other substances entering the brain with the bloodstream. Therefore, the clinical picture increases progressively.

Symptoms of chronic pinching of the vertebral artery from the side of the brain are expressed as follows:

Cervical gymnastics

  • headache;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • memory loss;
  • deterioration of attention;
  • visual disturbances (floaters or spots before the eyes);
  • hearing loss, ringing in the ears;
  • fainting or dizziness.

When such symptoms are constantly present, a person’s quality of life decreases: sleep is disturbed, depression develops, and motivation for any activity disappears. Therefore, if you notice any of the described signs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Headache and dizziness are the most common symptoms of pinched vessels in the cervical spine

If the pinching is caused not by osteochondrosis, but by another disease (problems with the skeletal system of the body, pathologies of vascular origin, tumor) or injury, the clinical picture may differ. Its intensity will depend on how quickly the underlying disease develops.

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The following clinical symptoms are characteristic of vertebral artery syndrome:

  • headaches, which in the case of vertebral artery syndrome are localized in the occipital zone with a transition to the front of the head and can appear after sharp turns of the neck or after sleep (Barré-Lieu syndrome);
  • migraine pain of a basilar nature, which is often accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • sudden falls with throwing back of the head and loss of coordination;
  • loss of normal stability and ability to maintain balance along with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, darkening of the eyes;
  • development of transient ischemic attacks;
  • short-term fainting states after sudden movements of the head;
  • pain and feeling of “sand” in the eyes, dysfunction of the visual analyzer, loss of visual fields, etc.;
  • hearing loss, tinnitus;
  • hot flashes with excessive sweating;
  • sometimes pain in the heart area.

Identifying the symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome is not a problem for an experienced specialist. Therefore, when the first signs of illness appear, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, who will be able to conduct a high-quality diagnosis of the pathological condition and begin treatment on time.

Folk remedies

Therefore, together with massage, medications and physiotherapeutic procedures, various folk remedies can be used.

  1. Pine baths are good for relaxing and relieving muscle spasms.
  2. A tincture of grated garlic, honey and lemon juice improves blood circulation and thins the blood. You need to take it one tablespoon before bed.
  3. A decoction of sunflower roots helps remove salts from the body, which are often deposited on the vertebrae during osteochondrosis. A liter of this decoction is drunk per day.
  4. A compress of grated horseradish effectively relieves pain. The paste of this root is placed on a linen napkin on the neck area, covered with cellophane and wrapped warmly.
  5. Brew oregano: 2 tablespoons of herbs per liter of boiling water. Infuse all night, drink in four doses the next day. This infusion is good for dizziness.

Complications of cervical-vertebral syndrome

Cervical-vertebral syndrome is dangerous due to its complications, which often pose a threat to the patient’s life. This disease can cause the following consequences:

  • ischemic stroke in the blood supply of the vertebral artery;
  • myocardial infarction associated with dysfunction of the neurovascular bundle that supplies the heart muscle;
  • suffocation as a result of impaired swallowing reflex.

All complications of SPA can be prevented with the help of timely and competent treatment, which can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist with extensive experience.


Before treating vertebral artery syndrome, the doctor refers the patient to undergo a full diagnosis of the condition of his body. For this disease, diagnostic measures include a number of important methods:

  • X-rays in the neck area, which helps determine areas of vascular compression;
  • angiographic examination of the vessels of the neck to determine their patency, the presence of areas of narrowing of the lumen, deformations, etc.;
  • ultrasound examination of the neck and diagnosis of the condition of blood vessels, muscles, determination of the nature of blood flow, the presence of areas of atherosclerosis;
  • MRI in the neck with a more in-depth study of all the nuances and disorders;
  • biochemical blood test to determine cholesterol levels and the degree of development of atherosclerosis.


It is prescribed starting from the subacute period of the disease. Its main goal is to relax tense neck muscles, which will help reduce compression (squeezing) of the vertebral arteries.

Unprofessional implementation of massage techniques can lead to the development of very serious and life-threatening complications: pulmonary embolism, complete compression of neck vessels with the development of syncope, or even stroke.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of vertebral artery syndrome with spinal osteochondrosis and other disorders of the cervical region includes a number of medications, the action of which is aimed at restoring lost functions, eliminating pathological symptoms and preventing the development of complications. For vertebral artery syndrome the following are prescribed:

  • decongestants that help eliminate compression of blood vessels by neighboring tissues;
  • muscle relaxants to relieve compression and tension of muscle tissue;
  • drugs to improve brain nutrition;
  • vascular dosage forms;
  • neuroprotectors that protect nervous tissue from ischemia;
  • drugs for the treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • B vitamins to strengthen nerve fibers;
  • antispasmodics that relieve headaches.

Medicines for vertebral artery syndrome can be taken only with the permission of the attending physician, without changing the dosages prescribed by the specialist and without exceeding the prescribed course. It is important to understand that any self-medication and ignoring the doctor’s recommendations has dangerous consequences, which often pose a threat to the patient’s life.


The following groups of drugs are used to treat vertebral artery syndrome:

  • Drugs that improve metabolism in cells: Trimetazidine, Mildronate.
  • Anti-inflammatory. These medications are needed to treat the underlying disease (osteochondrosis, arteritis). Doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Celecoxib, Nimesulide, Lornoxicam.
  • Decongestants. With cervical osteochondrosis or a hernia of the cervical spine, not only the vertebral arteries are compressed, but also the nearby veins. This disrupts the venous outflow of blood, resulting in swelling. To relieve it, doctors recommend drugs that improve venous outflow: Diosmin, Troxerutin.
  • Neuroprotectors. They strengthen neurons (nerve cells) of the brain and prevent their death. Of the drugs in this group, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin or Piracetam are usually prescribed.
  • Improving blood circulation. They stimulate blood flow in the vertebral artery, as well as in the small arteries and capillaries of the brain. A neurologist may prescribe you Pentoxifylline, Vinpocetine, Instenon, Cinnarizine, Vincamine or Nimidopine.

They also use medications to eliminate negative signs that interfere with a normal life.


Physiotherapeutic treatment helps eliminate many problems with impaired blood flow through the vessels that supply the brain. In such pathological conditions, a specialist can decide on the advisability of prescribing UHF therapy, electrophoresis, mud applications, magnetic therapy, etc. to the patient. These modern techniques can improve the nutrition of the central nervous system, eliminate the manifestations of the disease, normalize blood flow, reduce tissue swelling and relieve local inflammation. Before physiotherapeutic treatment, you should consult a doctor. For more detailed information, you can follow the link.

Exercise therapy

Exercise therapy for vertebral artery syndrome is an effective method of eliminating the main pathological symptoms, the effectiveness of which is based on strengthening the muscular structures of the neck, which create a framework for the neurovascular bundle. With the help of special therapeutic exercises, it is possible to achieve a positive effect of therapy and prevent complications of the process. The doctor will tell the patient in more detail about the duration and scope of such treatment after studying the clinic’s problem, the extent of the disorders and the presence of complications.

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