Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture at home

To help the patient quickly adapt after an injury and properly develop hypotrophied muscles, a special massage is prescribed after a leg fracture. Such therapy is also necessary to avoid new injuries to a fragile limb, as it helps restore its motor functions. The process of resuming proper muscle function is long and labor-intensive, so you must follow all the specialist’s recommendations. A massage course can be started even before the plaster is removed to speed up the process of fusion of bone tissue

Massage under plaster

To massage the ankle joint, small gaps are left under the cast while it is being applied. Holes can also be made inside.

As a rule, such a massage effect involves applying pressure with sticks to soft tissue areas. Due to this, it is possible to significantly improve blood circulation and lymph flow. Sometimes during the massage they gently tap the plaster with a small hammer.

The procedure can be performed under a cast

Immobilization stage

Once the cast is in place, the person will likely have to spend several days in bed. During this period, you can already begin to perform simple exercises. They do not relate to massage effects, but they have their own effectiveness.

While the patient is lying in bed, he can lower the sore leg from the bed to the floor. You can hold your leg down for two minutes. Before starting these simple actions, they must be approved by the attending physician, so as not to cause additional damage to your body.

Massage techniques in the early stages of recovery

Starting a leg massage after an ankle fracture is required taking into account the patient’s readiness. If there are no contraindications, the procedure should be performed before the plaster is removed. There are several stages of restorative massage, each of which has certain features:

  1. First, its main task is to eliminate swelling and restore blood flow. For this purpose, rubbing is used. At this stage, you can use cedar oil, which stimulates blood circulation.
  2. The second one helps restore leg function. In this case, in addition to massage, a load is applied to the limb, which gradually increases.
  3. The third includes all stages, taking into account the increased load on the limb that is being restored. Doctors also advise eating more foods containing calcium.

Rehabilitation program after a fracture

We developed an at-home ankle fracture rehabilitation program because:

  • Ankle fracture is one of the most common injuries. Medical statistics provide the following data: this injury occurs at least once in one person out of a hundred. People of both sexes are susceptible to it, but women during menopause are more vulnerable to it due to the development of osteoporosis. Black ice is the time of year when ankle fractures occur most often, because they occur as a result of falling on a sprained leg.
  • If your ankle is broken, you should not step on your foot. Consequently, it is extremely difficult for a person who has received such an injury to come to a rehabilitation center
  • Lack of rehabilitation treatment after an ankle fracture can lead to dysfunction of the ankle joint and the development of arthrosis.

Massage to restore tone

As the limbs recover, the task of performing massage procedures is to activate blood flow and the flow of useful elements into the ankle. All movements are aimed at increasing blood circulation in the fracture zone and supplying useful elements to the affected area to stimulate its regeneration. At the same time, the muscles receive a lot of nutrients to strengthen them.

Important! At this stage, a fairly active influence is carried out. Therefore, damage to this area should be avoided.

If unpleasant sensations appear, you need to perform lighter strokes. To relieve tension, you can use a herbal bath. In other cases, use regular zigzag movements. They are performed around the working muscles. In this case, you need to use warming movements, alternating them with restorative strokes.

Massage at the initial stages of treatment

Important: massage can be performed by a specialist or by the patient himself.

Self-massage - pleasant and useful

Fixation with plaster requires long-term wearing, which means the muscles will not work at full strength. As a result, by the end of treatment, not only bone but also muscle tissue becomes weakened. To avoid this, there are methods that make it possible to start self-massage after a fracture of the articulatio talocruralis while still wearing plaster.

Exposure at this stage will help the bones heal faster, and when it is removed, the person will have already completed the initial stage of rehabilitation. And it will take very little to return the patient to a working state.

Important: all types of massage will be more effective if they are combined with other physical therapy methods approved by the attending physician.

Rules of application

The goal of the intervention at this stage is to relax the muscles so that their excessive tension does not disrupt the correct formation of fragments of the broken bone.

Here are the basic rules for how to massage after an articulatio talocruralis fracture, even if a plaster cast is applied or skeletal traction is installed:

  1. Vibration massage relaxes muscles as much as possible. It is performed in the presence of a cast, at the exit points of the nerves that are responsible for the functioning of the limb. These places are the third lumbar vertebra. The technique can be applied to both a healthy and a diseased leg, the effect should be equal. Duration of execution – 3-6 minutes every day.
  2. In the presence of skeletal traction, you can perform not only vibrations, but also stroking. The impact should be at a distance from the source of damage, otherwise the tone may increase. Massage should be performed on all undamaged parts of the leg. Even at a distance from the injury, this will have a positive relaxing effect on all leg muscles.

Foot massage after a fracture is performed from the tips of the toes to the area that does not reach the fracture site, then above the injured area. Massage is done in the same way after an ankle fracture.


Massage for a broken foot is successfully combined with gymnastics

Tip: it is useful and pleasant to use cedar oil for self-massage; it has a pleasant soothing aroma and has an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect.

To properly perform a massage, you need to adhere to the following technical recommendations:

  1. The session begins with stroking movements towards the inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes, from the periphery to the center, for several minutes. This allows the body to warm up, preparing for the next stages. It can be performed with fingers, a fist, or the whole palm. It is advisable to adhere to the recommended direction of movement.
  2. Then you can start rubbing and kneading. They can be done in any direction. Rubbing can be done, just like stroking, with any part of the hand. The intensity of the impact is higher compared to the warming up stage. It is recommended to use kneading in the final stages of treatment, as this method has a strengthening effect and tones the muscles. When performing this massage, the movements used when kneading dough are copied.
  3. Between sets of exercises, you need to repeat the stroking movements; they will allow both the patient and the massage therapist to relax.
  4. The final complex is vibration from light pats. Performed with palms, the edge of the palm, or a fist.

Important: the video will help you understand the required degree of pressure; massage, regardless of its intensity, should not cause pain, it should be pleasant and provide relief.

Maintenance massage after plaster removal

The procedures should continue even after the plaster cast is removed. In this case, you can contact a professional or do an independent massage. When performing self-massage at home, the master must show how to do it correctly.

At the stage of supporting the limb, you need to perform enveloping movements around the ankle. However, this is allowed to be done only after its complete recovery. It will take 2 weeks for the swelling to disappear. From this moment on, you can begin more active patting and stroking.

Finally, you can perform strikes with both hands. They should be directed from the peripheral zones. Both palms should actively knead the skin. To do this, you should use warming techniques.

What types of ankle fractures are there?

The clinical classification of ankle fractures is quite extensive.

There are several main types of fractures:

  • Unimalleolar - damage to one (medial or lateral malleolus)
  • Bimalleolar - simultaneous damage to both ankles
  • Trimalleolar - damage to two ankles and the distal epiphysis of the tibia.

Initial consultation with a rehabilitation specialist



Also, with ankle fractures, damage to the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint often occurs - ruptures of the tibiofibular syndesmosis, damage to the deltoid ligament

Rehabilitation after a broken ankle consists of 5 steps

  • Examination of specialists from the rehabilitation team and drawing up an individual treatment plan;
  • Walking on crutches. Mastering this skill is necessary not only for everyday activities, but also for successfully completing subsequent stages of rehabilitation;
  • Elimination of edema. Swelling usually accompanies injury. When an ankle is fractured, swelling can persist for a long time. This is due to the peculiarity of the tissues around the ankle joint. Swelling usually limits movement in the joint and makes it painful. In addition, edema disrupts microcirculation and slows down recovery;
  • Restoring the supporting load on the ankle joint. This part of rehabilitation is the most important. Extending the regime too early can lead to re-injury, while prolonged limitation of the load, on the contrary, leads to slower bone healing and the development of osteoporosis;
  • Restoring the range of motion in the joint. This is necessary for the full functioning of the joint in everyday life.

Each stage of rehabilitation has its own objectives and treatment methods.

The basis of rehabilitation after an ankle fracture is

  • exercise therapy classes with an instructor;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

During the program, patients are monitored by an orthopedic traumatologist and a rehabilitation specialist.

As additional procedures, the program may include:

  • CPM therapy;
  • Hirudotherapy;
  • Kinesio taping;
  • Myostimulation;
  • Manual therapy and osteopathy.

Manual therapy

Kinesio taping


Amplipulse (SMT therapy)

Myostimulation (electrical stimulation)

We will also help you choose orthopedic products (orthoses or bandages) for the ankle joint and show you how to wear them correctly.

Massage after surgery

Some fractures require surgery. Most often, this situation occurs in the following cases:

  • Open fractures - in this case, primary wound treatment is required. There is often a need for open bone repositioning. Quite often, surgeons install special plates.
  • Localization of tendons between bone fragments.
  • Trimalleolar fracture. In this case, a fragment of the posterior part of the tibia occupies more than a third of the articular area.
  • The fragment is displaced by more than 3 mm.

Note! After the operation, massage begins a few days later. In this case, it is important to use the most gentle influence possible.

When can you start recovery?

After a person has a bone fracture, he is faced with two possible scenarios.

Treatment of fractures depending on the degree of injury:

Complexity of the fracturePeculiaritiesTreatmentWhen can you start a massage?
With complicationsThe bone breaks and is crushed into small fragments that need to be put back in place. There is a rupture of the skin, blood vessels and other important tissues of the body. First, an operation is performed to return the fragments to their place.
Torn and damaged soft tissues heal.

At the last stage, a plaster cast is installed.

In three weeks
No complicationsOnly a bone fracture occurs without the presence of broken fragments.After diagnosis, a plaster cast is applied.In one week

Important: at the stage of preparation for surgery or already at the rehabilitation stage, it is possible to install a skeletal traction system - the method allows you to stretch the muscles and ligaments, so sometimes bone fragments in a complex fracture return to their place on their own.

Positive effect

The main purpose of massage is to stimulate the restoration of affected tissues. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to increase blood circulation and lymph flow to the skin and bones. Also, giving a massage to an adult or child will help:

  • eliminate acute pain in ankles and heels;
  • relax the muscles;
  • prepare limbs for stress;
  • relax your legs;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • return structures to their position in case of displacement.

Important! Massage also affects nerve endings. This, in turn, has a positive effect on muscle function.

Photos before and after the procedure

After the procedure, the activity of the limb is restored. Massage helps to speed up the regeneration process.


Features of the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture

Deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body seriously affects the strength of human bones. Not only athletes and the elderly, but also children, as well as patients with degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases are at high risk of such injuries. It is worth noting that there are two main types of ankle fractures:

1. Open bone fracture. This is the most dangerous type of fracture, since in addition to destruction of the bone itself, there is the possibility of damage to nearby ligaments, small vessels and skin.

2. Closed bone fracture. This type of ankle injury involves complete or partial destruction of the bone without damaging the skin.

It is also necessary to remember about injuries with or without displacement, since each option has its own difficulties and features. But in any case, the patient should be provided with proper care and a set of restorative measures that can be provided by rehabilitation. To avoid severe complications after an injury, the first days after applying a cast, the patient should reduce the number of movements, especially the sore leg, to a minimum.

The traumatologist conducts a thorough examination and draws up an individual treatment method. This is why it is quite difficult to identify general points when recovering from an ankle injury. But it is important to understand that it is not recommended to move during the first two weeks.

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