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The largest medical portal dedicated to damage to the human body. Consultation with a doctor.
When a shoulder is fractured, the integrity of the humerus is compromised. Medical assistance must be immediate. In this article we will look at the main methods of fixing the shoulder joint during a fracture.

The incidence of shoulder fracture is 48%

  • General information Main types of shoulder fracture
  • Complications of a shoulder fracture
  • How to properly fix a fracture?
  • Wearing a retainer
      Degree of clamp rigidity
  • Types of fasteners
  • Wearing a bandage
      The best shoulder braces
  • Features of wearing the design
  • The best orthoses
  • Treatment of complicated fracture
  • How to speed up the healing process?
  • Conclusion
  • General information

    A shoulder fracture is accompanied by bone deformation and severe pain

    The humerus refers to the long bone of the arm, including the epiphyses and diaphysis. About 9% of all injuries in traumatology are fractures of the humerus. The main reason is a strong blow, a fall on the hand.

    A shoulder fracture is accompanied by:

    • deformation;
    • pain syndrome;
    • mobility of the damaged section;
    • pronounced swelling.

    Main types of shoulder fracture

    Doctors distinguish 4 types of shoulder fractures. Detailed information is presented in the plate.

    Table 1. Types of shoulder fracture.

    Type of fractureDescription

    Proximal fracture.

    Can be intra-articular or extra-articular.

    Diaphysis fracture.

    There is a fracture of the lower, middle or upper third of the shoulder.

    Supracondylar fracture of the humerus.

    It can be flexor or extension.

    Transcondylar fracture of the humerus.

    This type of injury is rare. This is an intra-articular fracture; a bone fragment is located in the articular cavity. The line of injury runs transversely from one condyle to the other.

    Banding at the Innovative Vascular Center

    Performing a gradient bandage is a real art, which the massage therapists of our center have mastered to perfection. Correct execution of the bandage guarantees stimulation of lymph outflow from the distal to the proximal level, that is, from the hand to the shoulder. We use only special low-stretch bandages and sponge pads in areas of excess swelling and bony protrusions. We apply the bandage only after performing gentle manual and hardware lymphatic drainage.

    There are a number of commonly used arm ligation techniques for lymphedema, but they all employ the principles of multi-layer packing and pressure gradient. The layers help protect the skin from irritation, distribute compression evenly over wide areas, and provide high operating pressure and low resting pressure to stimulate lymph flow and prevent constriction.

    Complications of a shoulder fracture

    If left untreated, dangerous complications can develop.

    Table 2. Main complications of the fracture.


    Dysfunction of the deltoid muscle.

    Nerve damage.Movements are partially impaired. A person moves his shoulder to the side with great difficulty and cannot lift the injured limb high. In the worst case, there is complete paralysis of the limb.

    Arthrogenic contracture.

    Pathological changes in the shoulder joint.There is destruction of the articular cartilage and the growth of scar tissue. The density of the joint capsule increases, its elasticity is lost.

    Habitual dislocation of the shoulder.

    Fracture dislocation.Dislocation occurs even during simple movements.

    Contracture of the shoulder joint.

    Failure to see a doctor in a timely manner.Movement in the affected joint is limited by 80-90%.

    Traumatic osteomyelitis

    Occurs with open fractures. The main reason is the penetration of microbes from the wound into the bone. Severe infectious inflammation of bone tissue, bone marrow and periosteum.

    Note! A fracture of the humeral neck is complicated by injury to the neurovascular bundle. The main reason is considered to be incorrect reposition. In this case, the patient is prescribed an operation, the purpose of which is to restore the function of the hand.

    How to properly fix a fracture?

    In order to completely immobilize the shoulder bone, a thoraco-brochial bandage is applied

    An analgesic solution is administered to relieve pain. In order to calm the victim’s nervous system, it is necessary to give him any plant-based sedative. It is best to opt for motherwort or valerian extract.

    A thoracobrochial bandage is used to completely immobilize the humerus.

    The instructions for applying it are as follows:

    1. Place the victim on a high stool or table. Retract the injured limb at an angle of 70-80 degrees.
    2. Bend your shoulder at an angle of 45-80 degrees. Apply a layer of cotton wool to the body and secure it with an elastic bandage.
    3. Place a cotton pad on the area of ​​the joints of the shoulder, elbow, shoulder girdle, as well as on the crests of the iliac bones.
    4. Place plaster splints horizontally on the body. Longitudinal splints are placed on the sides.
    5. On the injured side, place a long splint over the forearm. A healthy shoulder should not be fixed.
    6. Secure the splint with a bandage. You need to start bandaging from the torso, end on the arm. 3 rounds are enough.
    7. Starting from the shoulder girdle, a plaster splint is applied. All important areas are affected, including the hands of the heads of the metacarpal bones. In order to prevent sagging of the corset, a spacer stick is plastered in place.
    8. An abduction fracture in children is treated using a Whitman-Gromov bandage. The injured arm is abducted to an angle of 100-145 degrees. The plaster splint used is transferred to the torso. In this case, the position is maintained at which a correct comparison of the fragments is achieved.
    9. To immobilize the forearm, a splint is applied to the back of the hand, the outer back surface of the shoulder and the forearm. The splint is secured with an elastic or plaster bandage.

    Fractures of the forearm bones are treated on an outpatient basis. After applying the plaster cast, the doctor monitors the injured shoulder for 48-72 hours.

    Product care

    Forearm wraps used for sprains are washable. But do it carefully. It is recommended to wash the bandage by hand in warm water. Use detergents suitable for silk or other delicate fabrics. After washing, do not wring out completely. Dry cleaning and ironing of the headband is strictly prohibited.

    When washing the product, do not use detergents with bleaching properties. Chemicals may damage the dressing material. The product must be dried on a flat surface, away from direct sunlight and heaters.

    Wearing a retainer

    The type of fixator depends on the type of fracture and its severity.

    To relieve some of the load from the muscles and ligaments of the shoulder, wearing a brace is prescribed. Against the background of complete immobilization of the injured shoulder, the pain syndrome gradually subsides, and the affected tissues recover faster.

    Note! Wearing a brace after a fracture reduces the risk of re-injury.

    The rigidity of the clamp is set individually. The main criteria are the “freshness” of the fracture and the general condition of the victim.

    Degree of clamp rigidity

    The main degrees of rigidity of the clamps are presented in the table.

    Table 3. Degrees of rigidity of clamps.

    Hardness degreeDescription


    This brace is worn during the rehabilitation period after a shoulder fracture, when recovery processes are taking place.


    Wearing is prescribed for a fracture of the neck of the shoulder joint. The orthosis is also worn after surgery. The main purpose of wearing is to stabilize the shoulder joint.


    Wearing such a design is prescribed for paralysis of the injured arm. The main task is to eliminate the possibility of bone displacement under any load.

    Types of fasteners

    The table shows the main types of shoulder braces.

    Table 4. Types of fixators for shoulder fractures.

    Type of lockPurposeDescription


    A simple shoulder fracture.
    The purpose of wearing is to maintain joint mobility. While wearing the structure, pain decreases, muscle activity decreases, and the injured limb becomes less mobile.
    Tissue retainer that fits tightly to the body. Intended for strong fixation of the injured limb. This helps to distribute the load evenly.


    Prescribed for various degrees of fracture. The main task is to immobilize the injured limb and regulate the range of movements. A retainer made of elastic fabric, having in its structure “ribs” made of metal or plastic.


    Prescribed for severe fractures.
    The main task is to completely immobilize the broken shoulder and protect the injured area. Wearing a splint helps relieve pain.
    A discharge bus is used. It is attached to the body through rings and straps.


    Prescribed for mild fractures.For treatment, a splint made of plastic is used, as well as a hygroscopic bandage.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The device is simple and easy to use. The bandage is used in emergency situations as a means of temporary immobilization.

    The use of an orthosis allows you to reduce the time required for wound treatment. When twisted tightly, the product can replace a hemostatic tourniquet.

    Disadvantages include low fixation strength of the device and fragility.

    Rules and technique of overlay

    There are no clear and strictly defined medical criteria for the use of a bandage. The list of requirements that must be taken into account when using first aid includes:

    • Sterility of the material.
    • Strength and elasticity of the fabric.
    • Correct position of the angle of the bandage (in the uninjured area of ​​the arm).
    • The product should not put excessive pressure on the hand or squeeze the blood flow.

    There are two options for applying a bandage: on an open wound and on a closed injury. Damaged skin is pre-treated with an antiseptic, dried and bandaged with a sterile bandage.

    To prevent pinching of the skin and hair on the neck, soft material is placed under the bandage.

    • From a scarf

    The piece of fabric is folded diagonally to form a triangle. The size of the scarf is determined by the purpose of use and depends on the height and constitutional characteristics of the victim. Excess material is trimmed or tucked in. The material must be elastic and resilient.

    • From a bandage

    Used for prophylactic purposes or in the postoperative period. The bandage provides partial immobilization for dislocated joints and isolation of open wounds from external influences.

    Wearing a bandage

    Conditions accompanying a shoulder fracture, which are indications for wearing a brace, are presented in the table.

    Table 5. When is wearing a bandage prescribed?

    Pathological condition% occurrence

    Muscle pain










    The best shoulder braces

    The table presents the best models of bandages recommended for wearing in case of shoulder injury.

    Table 6. Best shoulder braces.


    Shoulder bandage art.BSU 213.

    Fractures of all types, hypermobility, habitual dislocations. Wearing the structure prepares the joint for stress. The cuff is made of heat-saving material. This helps improve blood supply to soft tissues in the injury area. 2500 rubles.

    EVOLUTION BPPS fixing.

    Fractures of all types, rehabilitation after surgery, inflammation and degenerative-dystrophic processes.The model is made of breathable, lightweight and durable material.2180 rubles.

    Shoulder bandage art.ASR 206.

    Complex fracture, habitual dislocations.Has a warming and micromassage effect.2850 rubles.

    The photo shows Medi SHOULDER SLING.

    Stable subcapital fractures of the humerus, postoperative immobilization, damage to the ligaments of the shoulder joint and acromioclavicular joint.Lightweight design that does not interfere with exercise therapy.4400 rubles.

    Acro Comfort art.5055.

    Damage to the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder girdle, habitual dislocations.The design is made of thermoregulating material ComforTemp.8100 rubles


    Fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus, fractures of the diaphysis of the humerus in the i/z and s/z, fractures of the humeral head.The outer part of the structure is made of polyester, the inner part is made of hypoallergenic cotton jersey.3899 rubles.

    Reinforced bandage art.TSU 232.

    All types of fractures.The structure is strengthened by a simulated stiffener.2325 rubles.

    OMOMED art.819L.

    Proximal fracture of the humeral head.The model is made of highly elastic, breathable and moisture-wicking Clima Comfort fabric.5800 rubles.

    Omo Immobil Sling Abduction.

    All types of fractures.The design is made of hypoallergenic “breathable” material, equipped with shoulder and waist belts.4400 rubles.

    Deso bandage.

    All types of fractures.The model is made of three-layer breathable knitted material, providing maximum comfort during use.1410 rubles.

    Features of wearing the design

    The mode of wearing the structure is determined individually. Elastic bandages prescribed for rehabilitation after mild injury are not recommended to be worn around the clock. The structure is removed at night.

    It is recommended to wear the Deso bandage and bandage scarf for 45-60 days.

    Why do you need a support bandage?

    A scarf-type bandage allows you to immobilize an injured limb until medical attention is provided. A triangular fabric orthosis reliably fixes the injury and prevents further injury and reduces pain.

    The scarf is used when installing antitumor compresses and applying medications in the form of ointments.

    A homemade immobilizing device effectively fixes a dislocated shoulder, damaged elbow joint or hand. Immobilization promotes accelerated healing of the skin and soft tissues.

    When is it appropriate to use a bandage:

    1. Reducing mechanical load during post-traumatic rehabilitation for tendon injuries.
    2. Dislocation of the joint. Immobilization of the problem area until a medical examination. Reduces pain, prevents the spread of edema and the increase of hematoma.
    3. Severe bruises. Maintenance of the limb until x-ray diagnostics.
    4. Sprained ligaments and tendons. Restriction of mobility stops the inflammatory process.
    5. Compresses. Fixation of external agents in the damaged area.

    It is allowed to apply a scarf bandage not to the entire limb, but to a separate area.

    The best orthoses

    The plate lists the recommended models of orthoses.

    Table 7. Which orthoses should I wear?


    ORTEX 013.

    Designed to secure the shoulder joint and the proxial end of the humerus.
    Intended to be worn during the rehabilitation period, replacing the Glichrist bandage.
    2500 rubles.

    OppO 4089.

    Designed to secure the shoulder girdle.
    Purpose – all types of fractures. The model is made of high quality cotton.
    2729 rubles.

    Deso P-1901.

    Designed for reliable fixation of the shoulder and forearm to the body in a functionally advantageous position. The forearm is held at a 90 degree angle. 3423 rubles.

    ORTEX 08.

    Unilateral fixation of the shoulder girdle and upper limb.
    Semi-rigid orthosis equipped with a perforated knitted base. Can replace the Dessalta bandage.
    4379 rubles.

    RB-5065 Omo Neurexa OttoBock.

    The design helps reduce pain, maintain the shoulder in a physiologically correct position, and improve balance. The orthosis also helps restore body symmetry. Fixation is semi-rigid. 17849 rubles.

    FS-3902 Fosta.

    Designed to secure the forearm, limb in a bent position and limb to the torso. Mobility of the shoulder joint is completely eliminated. Fixation – average. 1149 rubles.
    ORTEX 014.Intended for the functional treatment of fractures of the diaphysis of the humerus and the proximal third of the humerus. The design is made of multilayer textile material. Fixation is semi-rigid. 2099 rubles.

    Forearm 2.50.1 Push med Shoulder Brace.

    Designed to immobilize the arm in a neutral position or with slight adduction of the shoulder. Indications: all types of fractures. Fixation is rigid. 5569 rubles.

    Indications for using the bandage

    The shoulder bandage is used for the following diseases:

    Chronic shoulder pain

    • Chronic pathologies of the joints of the upper extremities. These primarily include: osteoarthritis, arthrosis and osteoarthritis;
    • surgical interventions in the joint area;
    • neurological disorders accompanied by deterioration of the function of the shoulder joint;
    • Pain and discomfort in the lower extremities.

    This bandage is also widely used for sprains and subluxations of the forearm.

    Important: the product should not be applied immediately after applying medicated creams to the skin. The product should be completely absorbed into the skin.

    Treatment of complicated fracture

    The Ilizarov apparatus is prescribed for complex fractures and is worn for 4-8 months

    In case of an open fracture of the body of the humerus, the patient is prescribed to wear an Ilizarov apparatus. This is a complex structure consisting of knitting needles and rings.

    The wearing period of the device is up to 4-8 months. The main advantage is that joint movements are possible from the first weeks of wearing the structure.

    How to speed up the healing process?

    Even while wearing the brace, the doctor may recommend that the patient perform simple physical therapy exercises.

    Note! Exercises are prescribed only after undergoing a repeat X-ray examination.

    Recommended simple exercises are presented in the table.

    Table 8. What exercises should you do?

    ExerciseNumber of repetitions

    Raising the Shoulders


    Retraction and retraction of the shoulder blades


    Flexion and extension of the forearm


    Shoulder flexion and extension


    After 30 days, you are allowed to perform more complex exercises. Movements are performed by raising the limb to a horizontal level.

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