Chondroprotectors for arthrosis: extra expenses or salvation from disability

A large number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by the progressive destruction of cartilage tissue, which is accompanied not only by severe pain, but also by significant restrictions on mobility. As the pathological process progresses, the cartilage can be so destroyed that it will lead to the formation of bone outgrowths on the articular surfaces, called osteophytes, and ultimately the fusion of bones, which completely eliminates the possibility of movement in the affected joint. Very often, similar processes occur in the spine.

With them, patients are almost always prescribed drugs called chondroprotectors. Since they are far from low in cost, it is important to understand what chondroprotectors are and how effective their use is.

What are chondroprotectors

Chondroprotectors are a group of drugs whose main components are glucosamine and/or chondroitin sulfate. These compounds are the building blocks from which connective tissue is formed. Thus, their use helps to activate the processes of restoration of cartilage tissue, including intervertebral discs, and stop the progression of ongoing degenerative-dystrophic processes. But chondroprotectors affect not only the condition of the joints, but also our skin, making it more hydrated, elastic, and healthy.

Drugs in this group must be taken for a long time, and the first effect of their use can be assessed no earlier than after 2 months of regular use. During this time, the active components of the product penetrate the cartilage and provoke the synthesis of new cells. Also, these compounds are able to block the action of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue and normalize the physicochemical properties of synovial fluid.

Synovial fluid is a special thick fluid contained inside the joints that softens the friction of their surfaces.

Thus, thanks to the use of chondroprotectors, it is possible to stop the destructive processes in cartilage and stimulate its regeneration, which helps reduce pain and normalize mobility. But in reality, many patients do not notice a significant difference before and after using chondroprotectors, which forces them to dig deeper and figure out whether they are really effective.

Table 4. The need for continuous use of NSAIDs

Day 0Day 60Day 120
Patients constantly taking NSAIDs (%)1006050

Thus, we can conclude that the drug has a significant effect on pain and functional activity, with a lesser effect on stiffness.

Analysis of drug tolerability revealed good overall tolerability - 1 patient had a local reaction in the form of erythema on the anterior surface of the thighs, which arose after the last (thirtieth) administration of the drug, which went away on its own within two days.

Are chondroprotectors effective?

The nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the joints is organized by nature in such a way that it does not receive nutrients directly from the bloodstream, i.e. cartilage does not have its own blood vessels, and the substances they need are delivered from the blood by diffusion. Otherwise, numerous blood vessels of different sizes would envelop the joint. This would lead to their injury during movements and, accordingly, the formation of hematomas of different sizes.

Diffusion of nutrients and metabolic products is carried out due to compression of the cartilage at the time of movement. For example, intervertebral discs are compressed by the vertebral bodies with each step, which leads to the displacement of tissue fluid from them. At the moment the load is removed, there is a sharp decrease in pressure on the disc, as a result of which it straightens back and absorbs tissue fluid already enriched with nutrients.

Consequently, processes of destruction and restoration constantly occur over the entire surface of the intervertebral disc. But under the influence of negative factors, the balance between these processes is disrupted, and the cartilage tissue gradually wears out without having time to completely regenerate, i.e., arthrosis develops.

Chondroprotectors should intervene in these processes and help accelerate recovery processes. But studies conducted by European and American scientists over 11 years have shown that only about 3-5% of substances introduced into the body through the gastrointestinal tract are absorbed and distributed throughout the body. The rest of the mass of chondroitin and glucosamine is decomposed by enzymes into amino acids.

You can check the degree of absorption and distribution of any substance in the body using a simple radioisotope method, which involves treating the drug with radioactive tracers that are safe for humans and have a short lifespan and then tracking its movement in the body using X-rays.

Somewhat more effective are drugs administered intramuscularly or intraarticularly. But their dosage is not enough to obtain a pronounced therapeutic effect.

Since chondroprotectors need to be taken for a long time, and they are rarely prescribed independently, i.e., patients are usually prescribed a complex of medications, after 2 months an improvement in the condition is often actually observed. But it would be illogical to give all the laurels only to chondroprotectors.

Thus, chondroprotectors can have a truly therapeutic effect only in the initial stages of the development of degenerative processes in cartilage . In more advanced cases, taking them, especially in the form of oral medications (tablets, capsules, powders, etc.), will either have a barely noticeable effect or have no positive effect on the problem at all.

Nevertheless, the great advantage of chondroprotectors is that they do not harm the body. Therefore, they can be used for almost any disease of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by the destruction of cartilage tissue. But you shouldn’t waste your last money pinning high hopes on these drugs.

Our clinic has been using various chondroprotectors for many years; we try to choose the most proven and good drugs. There are an incredible variety of them on the market, but at the moment we have chosen the most effective - Mermaids marine collagen.

Glucocorticosteroids (hormonal)

Hormones have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, due to which pain goes away and swelling subsides. Such drugs are prescribed in tablets and ointments, and are also injected intramuscularly. But intra-articular injections work much faster and better. An additional advantage of steroids is the low risk of systemic adverse reactions, since they enter the blood in a negligibly small volume. Painkilling injections for joint pain are given with medications such as:

  • flosterone;
  • diprospan;
  • kenalog;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • celeston.

Hormones are administered either individually or in combination with vitamins and local anesthetics (Lidocaine).

Attention! Steroids are useless and even dangerous for septic – infectious – arthritis. It is treated with antibiotics, which are administered only after the joint has been washed.

Indications for the use of chondroprotectors

In the annotations for modern chondroprotectors, manufacturers provide almost the entire list of cartilage pathologies. But, taking into account the structural features of the joints, their nutrition and the above facts, in reality these drugs should be used in the initial stages of development:

  • cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral osteochondrosis - drugs help increase the rate of regeneration of cartilage tissue, which reduces pain in the affected spinal motion segment;
  • arthrosis – chondroprotectors promote the synthesis of new synovial fluid and improve its physicochemical properties;
  • arthritis, periarthritis - the drugs activate the processes of joint restoration and reduce the inflammatory process, which leads to a decrease in swelling and pain.

It is also recommended to use chondroprotectors during the recovery period after injuries.

If an active lifestyle, playing sports, walking is for you, then we recommend taking Mermaids marine collagen in courses once every six months. It will help you and your body restore the necessary reserves.

Description of the pathology

Osteochondrosis is one of the most common back diseases. The cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs wears out and cracks, as a result of which the nucleus pulposus leaks out, forming protrusions. And if the disease is neglected, intervertebral hernias may even appear.

The causes of the development of the disease are factors such as:

  • sedentary work;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of exercise;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • heredity.

Previously, people after the age of forty were susceptible to osteochondrosis, but with the development of computer technology and gadgets, the mobility of young people has decreased significantly, so young organisms are now also susceptible to osteochondrosis.

Contraindications for chondroprotectors

Since the active ingredients of drugs of this pharmacological group are compounds natural to the human body, they have an extremely meager list of contraindications. Moreover, the majority of cases in which their use is unacceptable is due to the lack of clinical trials conducted on this group of patients. Therefore, manufacturers do not have objective evidence of their safety in such situations and cannot authorize the use of their drugs for treatment:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • people who are intolerant to any component of the drug, including excipients.

Oral chondroprotectors are prescribed with caution in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


  • The drugs dissolve very slowly, up to 12 months.
  • They have a local effect on all joint tissues.
  • Almost do not enter the systemic circulation and do not affect the functioning of internal organs.
  • Thanks to the previous point, they can be used in patients with severe concomitant pathologies, when treatment with other methods is unacceptable.
  • Intra-articular injections help avoid surgery.
  • After the procedure, no rehabilitation is required; the doctor can only apply a tight bandage and warn against excessive physical exertion.


So, if there are indications for the use of chondroprotectors, but there are no contraindications, the patient will be prescribed the drug in the form of:

  • Products for oral use (marine collagen Mermaids, Dona, Structum, Teraflex, Artra, etc.) - involve the use of tablets, powders, capsules. To obtain the first results, long-term use is required, so the course of treatment can last at least 2 months, and more often 6 months or more.
  • Solutions for intramuscular injections (Elbona, Mucosat, Alflutop, etc.) are more effective and are prescribed in courses of 10-20 days, during which 1 injection is required daily. They are then replaced with oral medications.
  • Solution for intra-articular injections (Mukosat, Alflutop, etc.) – involve the introduction of chondroprotectors directly into the joint cavity, which allows for targeted effects of the drug on the affected cartilage.
  • Products for topical use (Chondroitin, Artrafik, Chondroxide, etc.) – are used for application to the skin in the projection of the affected joint. This allows the active substances to diffuse through the tissue, penetrate the joint and have a regenerating effect. But since the thickness of the soft tissues over different joints is different (especially greater over the spine), the use of such means does not always give the expected effect.

All modern chondroprotectors appeared at different times. Each subsequent drug became more advanced than the previous one (it is possible that in the near future a new drug will appear that will be effective for more serious destruction of cartilage tissue, protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs, etc.). Based on this, 3 generations of chondroprotectors are distinguished:

  1. Preparations of natural origin based on extracts of animal cartilage and plant materials: Rumalon, Alflutop.
  2. Preparations containing purified hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate or glucosamine: Mucosat, Chondrex, Dona, Artra, Teraflex, Tazan, Kondronova, Chondro.
  3. Combined products that simultaneously contain collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, as well as additional compounds (vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids): Inoltra, Honda, Gelandringk, Flexinova, Joint, Flex.

Hyaluronic acid

This substance is the basis of synovial fluid, or more precisely, hyaluronic acid is responsible for its viscosity. It is the main component of biological lubricant and one of the basic components of articular cartilage (present in it in the form of a chondrocyte).

It is important to note that in the body of a person weighing 70 kilograms, hyaluronic acid is present in a volume of approximately 15 grams, and approximately a third of this volume is constantly converted, which necessitates the need for permanent replenishment of hyaluronic acid reserves.

Features of Mermaids new generation collagen chondroprotectors

Our clinic offers the best environmentally friendly collagen available today. And we are happy to recommend it to all our patients, because we vouch for its effectiveness. Marine collagen contains 20 amino acids necessary for the body. And also its composition includes only the most natural products, such as hydrolyzed collagen from the skin of Arctic cod, beta-carotene, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12), vitamin C from acerola, zinc, organic selenium, silicon from horsetail, anthocyanins from Scandinavian blueberries.

The bioavailability of the drug that we use is significantly higher than other chondroprotectors, which means that most of the drug can accumulate in cartilage and skin within 6 hours. The low molecular weight of the drug and its use in the form of soluble powders ensures rapid absorption into the blood and easy digestibility. Also, with 6-8 weeks of use, you will be able to notice the effect - the skin will be protected from UVA and UVB rays, it will become more elastic, smooth, and moisturized.

The main and important types for maintaining health and beauty are types 1, 2 and 3 of collagen. Humans are 90% type 1 collagen. This fibrillar protein is the main component of the skin, ligaments, blood vessels, tendons, fibrocartilage, bones, sclera and cornea of ​​the eye.

Mermaids collagen consists primarily of type 1 collagen. Just by increasing collagen types 1 and 4, deep wrinkles will smooth out on the skin. In addition, our product helps women with cellulite problems improve the appearance of their skin. With long-term and regular intake (up to 2 years) of 5 g of collagen, bone mass becomes denser due to stimulation of bone cell synthesis. Marine collagen has proven itself very well as an anti-inflammatory drug for osteoarthritis; it will be a safe and effective way to treat pain, as it does not cause adverse reactions. But collagen is good not only for cartilage, bones and joints, it also helps cleanse the walls of blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques due to the presence of proline and lysine in the composition.

The marine type of collagen is the most favorable and suitable type for humans. It is very well absorbed, as it is similar to human.

Marine collagen works in different ways. For example, in older people it more often fills the joints, strengthening them. In young people, connective tissue is restored, positive changes occur in hair, nails and skin. Human life systems themselves choose where collagen is most needed and where there is damage. When the right places are saturated, collagen peptide molecules are redirected to other organs and tissues. By continuing to consume marine collagen, you can achieve your desired goal.

The very initial sensation will be an increase in energy, normalization of brain function, concentration, and excellent well-being.

For your convenience, you can purchase Mermaids marine collagen directly from our clinic or courier delivery is possible. You can also leave a request and we will contact you.

So what is collagen? Collagen is a protein that affects connective tissue, namely stimulates its synthesis. On its own, our body is capable of producing only 50% of the protein we need, the rest we must get from the outside (for example, from food). And the easiest way to supplement the lack of protein is with collagen peptide.

Another advantage of new generation collagen, in addition to its naturalness and effectiveness, is that it does not contain fat, which makes it possible for dietary use. Also, this collagen does not contain GMOs and is a halal and kosher product.

What can a lack of collagen lead to? Our body becomes depleted with age, so its ability to synthesize collagen on its own decreases. As a result, regenerative processes in organs and tissues are disrupted, which causes the development of many diseases. Externally, we can see such manifestations as dryness, uneven skin color, redness and wrinkles, followed by crunching in the joints. Collagen can be compared to the “glue” that holds our body together. Without collagen, the body “dries out.” Therefore, doctors and nutritionists recommend including it in your diet after 35 years for everyone without exception. Even small preventive courses can bring great benefits to the body.

The classic course of preventive collagen intake is 3 months of intake, a month break and 3 months of intake. The body receives the missing amount of certain amino acids to synthesize its “native” collagen molecule.

It is very important to pay attention to additional components in the composition that enhance the effect of collagen, increase its bioavailability and trigger collagen synthesis in the body.

Vitamin C. Without it, collagen synthesis is impossible. Only in the presence of vitamin C do amino acids bind and collagen fibers form correctly. In addition, in order for the amino acids to come together into a collagen molecule, B vitamins, iron, zinc, selenium, and silicon are needed.

All these elements are present in Mermaids Marine Collagen.

The main beneficial properties of Mermaids collagen include:

  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Improves sleep quality;
  • Makes the skin elastic;
  • Strengthens bones and prevents fractures, accelerates recovery after fractures;
  • Improves flexibility and mobility of joints;
  • Strengthens the intestinal walls;
  • Makes the skin elastic, thereby smoothing out wrinkles;
  • Strengthens hair, nails, teeth.

Research results and discussion

The study included 30 people (5 men, 25 women) aged 54.0 ± 6.3 years with OA of the knee joints. Among the patients, patients (18 people) with stage II gonarthrosis predominated; 12 people had stage III gonarthrosis; the duration of the disease was 7.5 + 3.2 years. All 100% of patients had a history of taking various groups of chondroprotectors, which, due to ineffectiveness, were not used for more than 6 months. At the time of inclusion in the study, all patients needed to take NSAIDs, 15 patients took Nise at a daily dose of 100-200 mg, 9 people took Diclofenac 75 mg, 3 people took Movalis 15 mg, 2 people took Arcoxia 90 mg.

The duration of treatment was more than 30 days over the last 3 months, all patients showed a sufficient effect from the therapy. Of those examined, 10 people smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day for more than 5 years, and therefore all of them were diagnosed with chronic bronchitis, in addition, 24 patients had hypertension, 4 had type 2 diabetes mellitus, all diseases were compensated by taking appropriate medications.

When analyzing the questionnaires, a significant decrease in pain, stiffness and joint functionality was revealed (Table 2).

Table 2. Assessment of the severity of pain, stiffness and motor activity of joints in accordance with the WOMAC index during the 1st. 2nd and 3rd visits

PainStiffnessPhysical activity
Visit 134,14±24,3422,52±21,639,59±23,79
Visit 213,81±13,6113,78±13,3418,96±18,36
Visit 34,03±3,813,85±9,110,83±10,51

When comparing the questionnaires, significant differences in pain were revealed. Stiffness scores differed between the patients' first and second visits, and motor activity scores differed between the first, second, and third visits; There were no differences in stiffness scores between the second and third visits (Table 3).

Table 3. Assessment of differences in pain, stiffness and joint mobility according to the WOMAC index between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd visits

Day 0 vs 2 months34,14±24,34 / 13,81±13,614,020,0006
2 months vs 4 months13,81±13,61 / 4,03±3,84,190,0004
Day 0 vs 2 months22,52±21,6 / 13,78±13,342,40,02
2 months vs 4 months13,78±13,34 / 13,85±9,10,90,3
Physical activity
Day 0 vs 2 months39,59±23,79 / 18,96±18,365,190,00005
2 months vs 4 months18,96±18,36 / 10,83±10,511,20,23

Each patient completed the Get Up and Walk functional test. As can be seen from Fig. 1, against the background of treatment with Artradol, the time required to complete the test decreased, which is an indicator of improvement in the functional state of patients.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the “Get up and go” test during the study

Figure 2. Evaluation of the treatment according to the doctor and patient

Figure 3. Dynamics of the onset of effect from the treatment

During the study, patients' need for constant use of NSAIDs decreased (Table 4), and 5 (16%) people completely stopped taking NSAIDs by the fourth month of treatment.

Features of the use of chondroprotectors

To increase the effectiveness of chondroprotectors, it is recommended:

  • reduce the load on the affected joint;
  • take measures to reduce weight if the patient is obese;
  • avoid sudden movements in the affected joint;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • perform a set of physical therapy exercises prescribed by your doctor;
  • visit the pool and take walks, unless prohibited by the attending physician;
  • give the joint rest.

Treatment exclusively with chondroprotectors without the use of other methods of treatment for existing joint pathologies is never used. In such cases, it is necessarily supplemented by the prescription of a number of other medications, exercise therapy, manual therapy, diet, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

As monotherapy, chondroprotectors can only be used to prevent the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, namely the joints.

Manual therapy sessions, which help normalize muscle tone in the muscles surrounding the joint, improve blood circulation and the speed of metabolic processes, greatly increase the effectiveness of treatment with chondroprotectors. Also, manual therapy allows you to normalize the mobility of the affected joint and restore its correct anatomical position, which is especially important in the presence of problems with intervertebral discs.

Chondroprotectors have only a minor effect on intervertebral discs. Therefore, in case of osteochondrosis and other degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the spinal discs, it is very important to increase the clearance between individual vertebrae and restore their correct position on the spinal axis. This will reduce the load on deformed discs and create optimal conditions for restoring the balance between the rate of abrasion and restoration of intervertebral discs. Therefore, manual therapy plays a significant role in the fight against various diseases of the spine and other joints.

The great advantage of chondroprotectors is that they almost never provoke the development of side effects. Only in isolated cases may the following occur:

  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • jumps in blood pressure levels;
  • arrhythmias;
  • headaches, dizziness.

According to Canadian scientists, chondroprotectors with artificial glucosamine can have a negative effect on pancreatic cells, thereby increasing the risk of developing diabetes.

Carbon dioxide (carboxytherapy)

The effect of carboxytherapy is based on the property of carbon dioxide to cause oxygen starvation in tissues. Gas injections are given through a special device, and after the injection the body strives to enrich the joint with oxygen, increasing its blood supply. Metabolism accelerates sharply, and much more nutrients are supplied to damaged structures. In a matter of minutes, carbon dioxide leaves the joint cavity, and the effect remains for a long time.

Attention! The advantage of this unique technique is the absence of side effects, since CO2 is a natural element, a product of metabolic processes.

Carbon dioxide treatment was developed by Czech specialists from the city of Karlovy Vary, where the famous sanatorium is located. It has been successfully treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system for more than a century.

Prevention of joint diseases

Currently, the goals of treating patients with arthritis and arthrosis are to increase joint mobility and reduce pain. Joint mobility is determined by the optimal sizes of collagen fibrils and proteoglycans. The renewal of the matrix in cartilage occurs after a year. Therefore, long-term and systematic use of a complex of collagen hydrolyzate makes it possible to restore and strengthen the tissue structure of human joints. Collagen peptides effectively influence both the early stage of joint diseases and prevention. Chronic human diseases due to connective tissue dysplasia begin at the embryonic stage of development and during the growth stages of children and adolescents. Collagen amino acid supplements help weakened children strengthen cartilage, bone and other connective tissues. If the effect of modern drugs is aimed at reducing inflammatory and pain symptoms, then marine collagen with a complex of vitamins has an advantage in preventing diseases.

Stages of arthrosis

Stage 1 arthrosis:

  1. Cartilage loses water, i.e. dries out.
  2. Collagen fibers are torn or destroyed completely.
  3. The cartilage becomes dry, rough and cracks.
  4. Instead of sliding unhindered, the cartilage of the articulating bones “clings” to each other.

Stage 2 arthrosis:

  1. The pressure on the bone increases.
  2. The heads of the bones begin to gradually flatten.
  3. The cartilage becomes thinner.
  4. The joint gap decreases.
  5. The joint capsule and synovial membrane “shrink.”
  6. Bone outgrowths – osteophytes – appear along the edges of the bones.

Stage 3 arthrosis:

  1. The cartilage disappears completely in some places.
  2. The bones begin to rub against each other.
  3. The joint deformity increases.

Stage 4 arthrosis:

  1. The cartilage is completely destroyed.
  2. The joint space is practically absent.
  3. The articular surfaces are exposed.
  4. The deformation of the joint reaches its maximum.
  5. Movement is impossible.

As a result of these changes, inflammation develops in the joint. It becomes swollen and the pain intensifies.

Now let's move directly to the drugs.

But first, a few basic points.

Possible alternative

If chondroprotectors are rational to use only in the initial stages of disease development, then what to do when degenerative-dystrophic processes have already gone far and provoke severe pain, limited mobility and other disorders? In such situations, patients need to find a good specialist who will not promote ineffective drugs, but will select the right treatment tactics.

For most joint pathologies, NSAIDs and corticosteroids are prescribed. These drugs have an impressive evidence base of effectiveness and help relieve inflammation and pain, i.e., they have a good therapeutic effect. Also, patients with advanced diseases may be recommended intra-articular injections of drugs that are substitutes for synovial fluid. This:

  • Fermatron;
  • Synvisc;
  • Sinokrom;
  • Vico-plus.

They contain sodium hyaluronate and are injected directly into the cavity of the affected joint. This substance is involved in the formation of collagen fibers and helps eliminate increased friction of articular surfaces. Therefore, one injection is often enough to effectively eliminate pain and crunching. But over time, sodium hyaluronate is absorbed, so injections should be repeated every 6-12 months.

Synovial fluid substitutes are typically used for injection into large, isolated joints. If a person is diagnosed with osteochondrosis, then using such drugs to restore each affected intervertebral disc will not be the most rational solution, especially if the disease has already led to the formation of a disc herniation.

Therefore, in case of spinal pathologies, in addition to drug therapy, manual therapy is highly effective. With the help of the right techniques, a qualified specialist can eliminate the prerequisites for the progression of the disease, as well as functional blocks. A chiropractor can restore the correct position of the vertebrae and increase the distance between them, which will reduce the load on the altered discs and allow natural regeneration processes to proceed more efficiently.

A little more about chondrocytes

Chondrocytes are responsible for the restoration and production of substances necessary for cartilage. But the whole problem is that there are very few of them: only 5%, and the rest (95%) is cartilage matrix (collagen fibers).

In addition, among chondrocytes there are young, mature and aged cells. The parade is commanded, of course, by the mature ones. Others either STILL do not have enough strength to synthesize the substances necessary for cartilage, or ALREADY do not have enough.

But with adequate loads and normal nutrition of the joint, this is enough.


Thus, for normal joint function you need:

  1. Mature chondrocytes receiving adequate nutrition.
  2. Normal blood supply to the joint.
  3. Adequate functioning of the muscles surrounding the joint.

Recommendations for patients

Any medicine should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. In order for chondroprotectors to have a beneficial effect on joints, they must be used at an early stage of the development of the disease. The patient must comply with the following recommendations:

  • there is no need to put too much stress on the damaged joint;
  • a person should not be too fat; with a decrease in body weight, joint pain also decreases;
  • do not make movements that place stress on the damaged joint;
  • do not overcool the lower extremities;
  • carry out physical therapy;
  • do not forget about rest;
  • good for hiking.

By following these recommendations and using chondroprotector drugs, you can achieve the expected result. What drugs are classified as chondroprotectors and what diseases do they cure?

Diseases for which it is used

The following pathologies can be treated with these drugs:

  1. Osteochondrosis. To treat the disease, chondroprotectors are used for oral administration (Dona, Honda Evalar, Teraflex, Artra, etc.). They restore damaged cartilage tissue and relieve pain. In combination with other means, their effectiveness increases.
  2. Arthritis. They use drugs (Chondroxid, Dona, Structum) along with anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Systematic treatment helps reduce swelling, pain, and joint stiffness. If large joints (knees) are damaged, intra-articular injections are used.
  3. Arthrosis. Effective chondroprotectors for the treatment of arthrosis (Artron Flex, Dona, Honda Evalar, Alflutop) stimulate the production of intra-articular fluid and normalize its lubricating effects.
  4. Coxarthrosis. It is better to choose medications that contain glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate (Teraflex, Chondroxide), they activate the renewal of cartilage and improve metabolism.

How to use?

You can see the positive effect of using these drugs only when the therapeutic course is long (about six months at least).

You also need to know that in conjunction with these medications you need to use anti-inflammatory drugs, do massage, physiotherapy, follow a diet, and monitor your weight.

Numerous studies have confirmed the high safety of chondroprotectors when consuming the recommended dose. They have no side effects, except for possible allergic reactions. Drugs are excreted through the kidneys, regardless of the route of administration.

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