The benefits of exercise therapy for the musculoskeletal system of children The process of forming the musculoskeletal corset of the spine in the first place
Percutaneous puncture vertebroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that is used for destruction and compression fractures of bodies
Symptoms Everyone could feel the signs of such a disease. If they interfere with activities,
Clinical symptoms of intervertebral hernias cause excruciating pain, impaired sensitivity in the limbs, decreased amplitude
The musculoskeletal system (MSA) is the basis of the human body. It is a single complex consisting of
What is osteochondrosis, and why does the disease develop? Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine. It affects everything
When you can and cannot do a neck massage Neck massage will help relieve pain from overexertion
To correct, maintain, strengthen, we came up with a simulator for the back and spine, which you can make with your own hands
Back pain that occurs due to osteochondrosis is a common occurrence. Get rid of
Vertebro-basilar insufficiency against the background of cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed in every third patient. VBI is reversible