Step-by-step instructions for foot massage

Massage for deforming arthrosis of the joints of the feet has become an effective component of the complex treatment of the disease. Massage has a beneficial effect on nerves and muscles. As a result of the activation of peripheral blood circulation, the trophism of the tissues of diseased joints and legs in general improves.

Foot massage for arthrosis

In order to properly massage the foot with arthrosis, it is necessary to know the stage of the disease with all acquired pathologies of the joints and bones, the severity of the pain syndrome, the state of trophism and muscle tone, the appearance of vascular disorders, the general condition of the patient and age, and concomitant diseases.

In the first stage of arthrosis of the feet, the patient’s limbs quickly tire, and support function decreases, movements are slightly limited, and mild muscle wasting appears. On an x-ray, you can notice somewhat pronounced subchondral sclerosis and narrowing of the joint space.

The second (mature) stage of arthrosis of the feet is characterized by increased pain, especially when walking, moving, and when the weather changes. During this period, the function of movement is further impaired and a crunch appears in the joints. Muscle hypertrophy increases, and the x-ray shows subchondral sclerosis with sharpening of the intercondylar tubercles and a sharp narrowing of the joint gap. Osteophytosis appears (bone growths during ossification of the periosteum, ligaments and other tissues near the bone), soft tissues become denser, and in the knee joint the patellar ligaments themselves become denser.

The third, old stage of arthrosis of the ankle joint is characteristic:

  • pain with movement and at rest;
  • painful crunching in the joints;
  • dystrophic changes;
  • a strong decrease in the motor function of the leg joints due to changes in gait with arthrosis;
  • instability of the ankle joint;
  • sharp narrowing of the joint space, hardening of soft tissues;
  • extensive osteophytosis, subchondral sclerosis, joint deformation, calcification and cystic formations in the metaepiphyses (at the ends of the bones).

Massage for arthrosis. With arthrosis of the joint, the muscles suffer the most.

Cartilage degeneration does not allow putting stress on the joint apparatus; any tension causes pain and a person is forced to provide a gentle treatment to the diseased joint. As a result of prolonged inactivity, muscle atrophy begins, known as inactivator muscle atrophy. This condition is a characteristic sign of the progression of degenerative arthrosis. Of course, muscles atrophy unevenly; the extensor muscles are most often susceptible to inactivation. Other muscles, forced to take on the work of atrophied muscles, are subject to excessive stress, hypertrophy and are in constant tension.

Joint massage provides several positive effects:

1) Increased blood circulation near the joint capsule, which means that the drugs taken are more likely to get into the affected joint, the processes of cartilage degeneration will slow down;

2) Relief of pain due to blood flow and relaxation of muscles and ligaments;

3) Improving the functioning of the muscles of the limb and eliminating their atrophy, mechanical elimination of connective tissue adhesions in muscle fibers (endomysium), normalization of muscle tone, relieving tension from hypertrophied muscles.

The main function of massage for arthrosis is to restore muscle balance. And although degenerative changes in cartilage tissue cannot be eliminated, thanks to courses of competent joint massage, it is possible to significantly slow down and completely stop the progression of arthrosis processes.

Massage of the hip joint affected by arthrosis

It is performed with the patient lying on his stomach or side. The muscles surrounding the joint should relax as much as possible. The procedure begins with the areas below and above. Classically, they begin with the use of stroking techniques (upper and lower parts of the buttock and lower back, upper third of the thigh), squeezing with the edge of the palm, kneading the hip muscles. Each technique is used 6-8 times, then proceed to circular rubbing and massaging. With each new approach, the pressure increases. Finish with the use of shaking and stroking techniques.

Step-by-step instructions for foot massage

You are in constant motion all day, and your legs, as a means of transportation, are forced to endure all the side effects of your activity. Fatigue, tension, aching pain. This happens even if your job involves sitting in front of a computer for seven hours. During this period of time, the blood in the vessels stagnates and, as a result, not only varicose veins occur, but also other leg diseases. But all this can be easily avoided with the help of lymphatic drainage or regular massage of the feet and legs.

How to properly massage your feet

With a massage you:

  1. influence active points and nerve endings that are connected to internal organs;
  2. improve blood circulation;
  3. drive away fatigue;
  4. relieve tension in all muscle tissues and relax.

It is an active prevention of various problems with the legs and the body as a whole.

Step-by-step instructions for a foot massage procedure

A massage procedure on the foot, or any other, must begin with gentle stroking. And if you have also spent the day wearing shoes with high platforms and heels, then at the moment your foot will not even be able to take the correct position. During the bending process, you will be bothered by painful sensations, which can be avoided if you apply foot massage in the correct sequence.

  • We recommend using a rich cream, maybe even a baby cream or a special massage oil. It is not only convenient, but also good for the skin. It is responsible for nourishing, smoothing and softening dry skin on the feet. Pour some into your palm and spread it all over your leg, foot, ankle and between your toes.
  • The first thing you should start with is soft and gentle stroking of the feet.
  • The massage is best performed in a sitting position, and keep the leg suspended.
  • Continue massaging your toes. First along each finger, then across.
  • Massage the space between your fingers.
  • Now you can move to the sole using smooth wave-like movements.
  • The sole can be massaged with several movements. With your fist, all movements should be wave-like and/or bend the middle phalanges of your fingers and continue the massage procedure in a circular motion. Follow from the toes to the heel.
  • Make a few pinches on the heel and rub them with your fingers in a circular motion. Continue massaging the foot in the same way and smoothly move towards the tendon and calf muscle.
  • Use soft, smooth and straight movements to stroke the ankle joint. After warming up this part of the foot, begin rubbing. Light sliding movements from bottom to top and apply light pressure.
  • severe headache goes away after these procedures.

Massage procedures for the feet and legs are very useful, but due to limited time and work commitments, we cannot carry out this procedure before the evening. To make your legs less tired, you need to give them the opportunity to relax during the day. A little exercise for the feet will relieve accumulated tension, circulate blood through the veins and relieve fatigue.

Benefits and options for foot massage treatments

Take off your shoes. You need to stand on your feet and alternately shift your body weight from heel to toe. Do this exercise for 1 minute. It will help improve blood circulation. Place a pencil, pen, or any other oblong object with enough diameter to grip your toes on the floor, and try to lift it with the toes of each foot. In addition, there is also walking on the tiptoes or on the inside and outside of the feet. Next, try doing circular rotations with your feet in different directions.

Morning leg warm-up and evening massage treatments will relieve swelling of the legs and are active preventative measures in the fight against varicose veins.
This will also prevent the bunion from enlarging. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Massage of the knee arthrosis joint

Begin by massaging the thigh muscles. Stroking and squeezing techniques are also used, but more intense with the use of combinatorial techniques, when the ribs of the palms and the ridges of the fists alternate. Knead the muscles of the front and back surfaces of the thigh, avoiding massaging the popliteal fossa. Finish with shaking and stroking and move on to the lower leg. After the leg muscles are warmed up, proceed to directly massage the knee joint. Circular rubbing techniques and “forceps” are used. Finish by massaging the thigh. The total procedure time is 15-20 minutes.

Massage for arthrosis of the ankle joints

The techniques used in this type of massage are classic, but due to the anatomical structure of the joints, the massage is carried out in “several stages” - during the session the patient’s position changes several times. At the very beginning, while lying on the stomach, the muscles of the lower leg, the Achilles tendon and the lateral surfaces of the ankle joint are kneaded, then the patient turns over onto his back and the massage therapist massages the tibia muscles. Then a cushion is placed under the ankle and moved to the muscles of the foot and the front surface of the joint. Finish with concentric stroking of the calf muscle, tibial muscles and ankle, foot. In this case, the patient lies on his back, his leg is bent at the knee.

Massage technique

Toe massage is performed:

  • superficial and deep stroking of each finger separately;
  • semicircular, enveloping rubbing of the lateral, upper and plantar sides of the toes with the thumb and index finger;
  • with transverse or longitudinal movements, without missing the interphalangeal joints, bending and straightening the toes.

Massage the sole from the side of the big toe. Use your knuckles to press firmly along one line, then stroke in the opposite direction. Pay attention to the edge of the sole from the inside, the edge of the bones and apply medium pressure outward.

Foot massage is performed:

  • superficial, deep sliding stroking with the palm from the nail phalanges towards the ankle joint to the center of the lower leg;
  • grasping circular continuous rubbing and pincer-like techniques using the thumbs and 1-2 fingers. Particular attention is paid to the ankle, heel (back surface), Achilles tendon, joint capsule on the back surface;
  • on the soles of the feet - the massage begins from the side of the big toe and is performed with forceful pressure with the knuckles in one line, and in the opposite direction - by stroking;
  • accentuate with massage movements along the edge of the sole from the inside, along the edge of the bones with medium pressure;
  • on the outer edge of the foot - massage the tissues of the upper zone using pressure: deep and stationary, alternating with stroking;
  • on the general outer surface of the ankle - using light moving pressure, taking into account the sensitivity of this place;
  • on the heel - along the inner edge, massage for arthrosis and pain syndromes is performed softly, deeply and quickly with bones or fingertips;
  • massage tendons and muscles to relieve tension, performing deep work on the ankle joints.

If you have been in bed for a long time in case of acute arthrosis, traumatic arthrosis with severe pain in the area of ​​the head of the third metatarsal bone and the development of a vicious position of the foot (emphasis on the heel and big toe) with fixation in an extended position, dorsiflexion occurs. At the same time, the muscles tense and the joint becomes stiff. In this case, massage only brings benefits, since the development of incorrect foot position is not allowed.

You can enhance the beneficial therapeutic effect of massage for arthrosis of the ankle joint with baths of a decoction of walnut leaves, bran or sea salt ( 300-400 g of salt ˚ The brine bath solution can be used several times.

At home, for pain syndromes and arthrosis of the foot, use massage oil from a mixture of base (vegetable oil - 50 ml) with essential oils: pine, lavender, cypress and coriander (3 drops each) or 10-15 drops of one of them per 10 l water.

Massage for arthrosis of the elbow joint with arthrosis changes

Position the patient lying on his stomach or side. In this type of massage, a clear sequence is important: shoulder girdle - shoulder - elbow joint - forearm. Start with stroking, rubbing and kneading. Then they move on to circular kneading with their fingertips. The total time allotted for the procedure is 15 minutes, massage of the joint itself is about 3 minutes.

To achieve the goals of massaging joints for cartilage degeneration, it is better to contact a professional massage therapist or doctor. But to alleviate the condition and maintain muscle tone, massage can be used at home. Self-massage techniques are identical to the classical one, with the only difference being that the intensity of the impact should be small and not cause discomfort or pain.

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