Treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis at home

Periarthritis is a disease that affects all elements of the joints with degenerative and inflammatory processes. Some methods of treating this disease can be carried out at home, which is what the article is devoted to. It is worth noting that treatment with natural ingredients is effective in the initial stages of the disease and is based on decoctions, infusions, compresses, and rubbing.

Description of the pathology

Humeral periarthritis is a degenerative-inflammatory disease localized in the shoulder joint. The first signals of inflammation are manifested by minor pain. They often make themselves felt after overload of the shoulder joint or injury. The pain syndrome increases with the complication of the disease and its transition to the next stage of development.

Localization of the disease

According to medical research, the main factors in the development of pathology are:

  1. Osteoarthritis.
  2. Joint injuries.
  3. Systematic overstrain of the joint.
  4. Osteochondrosis of the neck.
  5. Stroke, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Insufficient development of connective tissues.
  8. Lung diseases.
  9. Spondylosis.
  10. Climax.
  11. Hepatitis.

A signal that you need to see a doctor is the manifestation of the following symptoms:

  • pain in the neck;
  • discomfort when moving the shoulder;
  • swelling or swelling of the joint;
  • pain in the shoulder when moving your arms;
  • increased pain intensity at night;
  • limited joint movements.

Treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis

Treatment should also be aimed at eliminating these causes. Suggested conservative methods, such as a gentle motor regimen, unloading of the upper limb with a soft supporting bandage or plaster splint, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, novocaine blockades in the shoulder area, dimexide applications, especially frequent and uncontrolled periarticular administration of corticosteroids, muscle relaxants, angioprotectors, metabolic and chondroprotective medications and various physiotherapy only relieve symptoms and do not solve the underlying problem. Time also works against you, reducing the chances of a good result every day.

Most often, it can be solved with the help of low-traumatic endoscopic surgery , solved radically, restore all damage and relieve the patient from pain and dysfunction. Modern surgical technologies at the Medical Center for Diagnostics and Prevention make it possible to do this.

Recommended Foods

A healthy, balanced diet is the most important part of home treatment. The main rule is that the body must receive a sufficient amount of protein foods, vitamin products and minerals in order to saturate tissue cells with useful microelements.

Fruit jellies should be present in the patient’s diet

A necessary natural component for building joints is gelatin. Its effectiveness is undeniable for strengthening cartilage tissue. Therefore, it is useful to include gelatin-containing dishes (fruit jellies, jellies) in your diet. This component is also found in recipes for tinctures and compresses.

Exercises and exercise therapy

Swimming and moderate muscle training are effective helpers for the treatment of glenohumeral periarthritis. Physical activity is indispensable for restoring the mobility of joint mechanisms and improving the functionality of the circulatory system in the affected areas. Gymnastics classes should be done regularly 1-2 times a day. It is recommended to set aside a certain time of the day and continue the course for at least a month. The main rule of competent gymnastics is a gradual increase in load, preventing pain.

Exercise options

Therefore, it is recommended to start doing exercises with simple movements of the shoulders and arms:

  1. In a sitting position, you need to keep your hands on your belt and spread your elbows to the sides. Then smoothly move your shoulders forward and back. Also do approaches with shoulder rotation movements.
  2. Passive exercises: bend the affected arm and place it on the opposite shoulder. With the healthy arm, the elbow of the other arm is raised up, without lifting it from the body using a sliding technique.
  3. The hand on the side of the diseased joint is placed behind the back and grabbed with the healthy one. Pull towards the buttock until the first signs of pain appear.

A noticeable effect is achieved by performing the exercises daily up to 5 times a day, increasing the repetitions further up to 10 times, 2 times a day.

Gymnastic practice and exercise therapy also recommend special exercises to restore the mobile functions of the shoulder joints. You can choose the most appropriate options yourself, listening to your doctor’s recommendations. Classic exercise options:

  1. Clasp your hands in a “lock” behind your back.
  2. Alternately swing your arms up.
  3. Circular rotations around the shoulder joint.
  4. Exercise "mill".
  5. Drawing a circle in the air with your hands, gradually increasing the diameter of the circle.
  6. Light jerks.
  7. Reaching with your fingers behind your back to the shoulder blade with the opposite hand.

A set of classical exercises
One of the proven ways to restore joint mobility in 15 sessions is post-isometric relaxation - performing exercises to stretch the muscles, fixing them in a certain position in a stretched state and relaxation.

Features of disease diagnosis

If you suspect periarthritis, it is recommended to consult an orthopedic doctor. An experienced specialist will prescribe a series of studies that will help confirm or refute the diagnosis.

These include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • Ultrasound examination of the shoulder joint;
  • CT scan;
  • arthrogram;
  • MRI of the shoulder joint;
  • X-ray.

Based on these studies, the orthopedist can make a diagnosis of periarthritis, treatment methods for which will depend on the advanced stage of the disease, the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Herbal medicine for periarthritis

For scapulohumeral periarthritis, as a treatment with folk remedies, herbal medicine is an excellent addition to medications - the use of herbal infusions. This method consists of preparing decoctions and infusions for drinking or compresses.

There are a huge number of healthy recipes made from natural ingredients. The only contraindication is intolerance to the ingredients of the medicine. Traditional medicine perfectly complements the overall effectiveness of treatment, helps slow the progression of the disease and is often recommended by a doctor.

Before using traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Recipes for medicinal preparations

Among the variety of decoctions and infusions of traditional medicine, you can pay attention to the following options:

  1. Decoction of willow bark: to 2 parts of the main component add 1 part each of stinging nettle, tricolor violet and silver birch leaves. Next 4 tbsp. spoons of the crushed mixture are poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The semi-finished decoction should be left to brew overnight and then boil the drink in the morning for no more than 5 minutes and let sit for half an hour. It is recommended to use strained 100 ml 4-5 times a day.
  2. Infusion of St. John's wort: brew 1 tbsp in 200 ml of boiling water. spoon of dry herb and infuse. After half an hour, the infusion is ready for use. Recommended dose – 2 tsp. 4–5 times a day.
  3. A decoction of currant leaves: a few black currant leaves (2 parts) are mixed with lingonberry, raspberry leaves, and brown rose hips in a proportion of 1 part of all ingredients. The collection of herbs in crushed form (4 tablespoons) is brewed with boiling water (1 liter), left overnight, then boiled for no more than 5 minutes. The broth is allowed to sit for half an hour, filtered and drunk 80 ml up to 5 times a day.

Decoction of black currant leaves


Herbal compositions for rubbing have a good decongestant, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect:

  1. Infusion of calendula flowers.
  2. Herbal infusions in a combination of mint, buds and leaves of birch, plantain, chamomile, plantain root and burdock, coriander.
  3. Pepper infusion.

An infusion of calendula flowers is used for rubbing.
The proper rubbing technique involves smooth, measured movements. To improve warming, you can wrap the sore joint with a warm scarf or cover it with a blanket. Doctors recommend repeating the procedure no more than three times a day until the painful spasms stop completely.


Compressotherapy will help provide additional assistance with the development of joint pathology and relieve swelling. Among the compresses that are recommended to effectively relieve inflammation, the following are the most effective:

  1. Compress made from grated horseradish root.
  2. Chamomile compress based on sweet clover and marshmallow.

You can make compresses from grated horseradish root.
It is recommended to do compresses all night, removing them only after cooling. To preserve the effect of the warm composition for as long as possible, you can wrap the sore spot with film. Treatment methods can be used daily, and the duration of the course depends on the condition of the joint tissues and the doctor’s prescription.


A honey compress is often used to combat inflammation in the body. A small layer is spread on the skin of the affected area and adjacent areas. Cover with cellophane and wrap in warm wool fabric. It is better to apply the compress at night, remove it in the morning, wipe the skin with a warm damp cloth and wipe dry.

If allergies occur, you can dilute the concentration of honey by combining it with flour or potato starch. This will reduce the effects of an allergic nature and preserve the medicinal properties of the component.

Recipes with salt

The use of salt helps relieve swelling and strengthen joints due to sodium chloride. You can use table and sea salt. In addition to the main substance, sea salt contains essential microelements:

  1. Magnesium – prevents the destruction of nerve cells.
  2. Calcium is responsible for bone strength.
  3. Manganese – increases protective properties.
  4. Iron – improves nutrition of joints.
  5. Selenium – destroys tumor cells.

Sea salt in a compress will help relieve swelling
. To prepare the salt dressing:

  1. 150 g of salt are dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  2. A clean gauze cloth is immersed in a saline solution for 4 hours, which is later heated.
  3. The soaked fabric is taken out, wrung out and applied to the sore shoulder.
  4. The gauze compress is wrapped on top with a cloth made of warm material.

The effectiveness of treatment is achieved after 10–14 days.


The application method is similar to compresses, but they are done dry. For rheumatic diseases and arthritis, using fresh burdock will help greatly. The leaves are washed, kneaded and heated in hot water. Afterwards it is applied to the area of ​​the affected joint and wrapped in a scarf or wool scarf. The application can be done throughout the night.

Burdock is known for its ability to remove uric acid salts. Also, its main beneficial effect on joints is the reduction and suspension of inflammatory processes and pain.


Periarthritis of the shoulder joint can be acute or chronic.

  1. Acute periarthritis: occurs after injury. It is characterized by the sudden onset of pain in the shoulder, which intensifies at night. Because of this, a person cannot move his arm. Externally, swelling in the joint area is noticeable. The disease lasts for several weeks, after which the pain becomes less intense and movements are restored.
  2. Chronic periarthritis: characterized by dull, aching pain in the shoulder joint, which intensifies at night and in the morning. As the process progresses, ankylosing periarthritis may occur.

Therapeutic baths

To improve the general condition of joints, ligaments and cartilage, you can perform procedures based on herbal baths. An example of a remedy for periarthritis is hay dust. It’s easy to prepare a bath solution:

  1. Bring 500 g of hay dust to a boil in 10 liters of water over medium heat.
  2. Immediately after boiling, the solution is removed from the heat and left for 40 minutes.
  3. Pour the filtered infusion into a heated bath (37–38 degrees) and take it for 20 minutes.
  4. Baths with hay dust are recommended to be carried out daily for 7 days.
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