Diet for arthritis: proper nutrition for joint disease

Diet for traumatic and dystrophic arthritis and arthrosis

For arthritis caused by injuries, physical overexertion, nutritional disorders (for example, lack of vitamins), the main thing is a rational, nutritious diet containing sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The only limitation is that the diet should not contain a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates and refractory fats, since with diseased joints it is necessary to combat excess weight.

Jellied meat or bone broths, which contain a large amount of collagen, will be useful for restoring joints. Collagen provides strength to cartilage and bone tissue and is necessary for the restoration of damaged muscles and ligaments. Edible gelatin is also useful for this type of arthritis, from which you can prepare various jellies. Dairy products must be included in the diet, since, firstly, milk protein is easily absorbed by the body, and secondly, milk contains a lot of calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bone tissue. Animal protein contains lean meat and fish, vegetable protein - buckwheat porridge, beans and lentils. For more information about nutrition for arthrosis, see Diet for arthrosis

It should be noted

  1. Homemade vinegar is used for treatment. If this is not possible, then when purchasing a product you must read the ingredients.
  2. Despite its low acid content, apple cider vinegar can harm the body if consumed without moderation.
  3. To prepare the product, glass or enamel containers are used.
  4. Before treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor. For diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, or individual intolerance, apple cider vinegar cannot be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Diet for gouty arthritis

To prevent attacks of gouty arthritis, diet plays a vital role. With this type of arthritis, meat, fish and mushroom broths, smoked meats, salted and fried fish, caviar, legumes (lentils, peas, beans, beans, soy), sorrel, and spices (pepper, horseradish, mustard) are excluded from the diet. Alcohol, including beer, is strictly prohibited. The diet for gouty arthritis is recommended to be mainly vegetarian; dietary types of meat are allowed - chicken, turkey, rabbit, chicken eggs, boiled fish. For more information on nutrition for gout, see Diet for Gout.

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in the treatment of which diet is auxiliary. However, a proper diet for rheumatoid arthritis can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition during drug therapy and significantly prolong the state of remission. Diet therapy is aimed at reducing inflammation and increasing the body's immune defense.

A diet for rheumatoid arthritis should include a normal or moderately high protein content, a normal carbohydrate content while limiting sugar and foods containing it, a limited amount of animal fats and replacing them with vegetable fats (olive and flaxseed oil are especially recommended), and a limited amount of salt. The diet should contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. Meals should be divided (meals 5-6 times a day). Dishes are prepared boiled or baked. The diet for rheumatoid arthritis excludes meat, fish, mushroom broths and sauces, fatty meat and dairy products, beef, lamb, pork, cooking fats, smoked meats, canned food, pickles, marinades, savory snacks, spices and seasonings, butter dough, ice cream, strong tea and coffee, very cold or hot food. The diet can be built on the basis of diet No. 10, taking into account the considered nutritional features.

Methods of application

Apple bite is used for external lotions, compresses, rubs, foot and hand baths. The product is also used for oral administration.

Before treating rheumatoid arthritis with this remedy, you must undergo a sensitivity test to its components.

If a rash appears on the skin or difficulty breathing, it means that an allergic reaction has occurred to certain substances in apple cider vinegar. In this case, you will have to choose an alternative treatment method. The selected prescriptions are agreed with the doctor.

The appearance of a rash on the hands

It is better to carry out activities in several directions at once: for example, use apple cider vinegar for oral administration and rub it with it.

Traditional recipes for external treatment:

  1. Apple cider vinegar in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. mix with egg yolk (1 piece), add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. turpentine. The product has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood microcirculation. A few minutes after rubbing the ointment into the problem area, the patient feels the pain gradually recede, and a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body. The composition can be used before bedtime. In stages 2 and 3 of the disease, the pain syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis intensifies by 4-5 o'clock in the morning - the ointment reduces the severity of these symptoms. The only caution: you should not use the product with turpentine during exacerbations.
  2. At 2 tsp. coconut or olive oil, add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and mix thoroughly. To enhance the healing effect of the composition, you can add a few drops of essential oil, for example, fir or lemon. After rubbing the product, the joint is wrapped in film, cotton cloth and warm material (woolen scarf, shawl). The compress is applied for 2-3 hours.
  3. For ankle joints and hands, baths are recommended, which are made from 1 glass of apple cider vinegar and 6 glasses of warm boiled water. Hands or feet are immersed in water and held until it cools completely. This takes 15-20 minutes.

For oral administration:

  1. Fill a half-liter jar with apple cider vinegar, add 3 tbsp. l. powder from dried chestnut flowers. The mixture is left to infuse without preheating. The reaction between the components begins in an acidic environment on its own. After 3 days, filter the composition and consume 1 tsp. morning and evening for 1 week. The acid concentration in the solution is too high, so a portion of the product is diluted in half a glass of water.
  2. Fresh or dry crushed lingonberry leaves in the amount of 6 tbsp. l. pour apple cider vinegar (0.5 liters) and leave to infuse in a dark, cool place for 1-2 days. The composition is filtered and drunk 1 tbsp. l. before breakfast, at lunch and in the evening for 2 weeks. Before use, the product is diluted in 1 glass of water.

Chop lingonberry leaves

Diet for rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism of the joints)

For acute rheumatoid arthritis, it is recommended to take diet No. 10a as the basis of the diet. The main purpose of this diet is to reduce inflammation and metabolic disorders in the body, increase the effectiveness of drug treatment and reduce the side effects of certain medications.

The amount of proteins in such a diet is within the physiological norm, mainly dairy proteins - milk, cottage cheese, lactic acid drinks, cheese, eggs, fish. The amount of fat is limited, mainly vegetable oils are recommended, butter is allowed, and refractory fats - lamb, beef, pork - are excluded. Limit easily digestible carbohydrates (honey, sugar), but increase the amount of vegetables, fruits and berries in the diet.

In a diet for rheumatoid arthritis, the use of table salt is sharply limited. The amount of free fluid is reduced to 1 liter per day. Food is taken in small portions 5-6 times a day.

A diet for rheumatoid arthritis should provide a large amount of vitamins, so in addition to fruits and juices, it also includes decoctions of rose hips, lemons, black currants, bran decoction, and a yeast drink.

How does the product work?

Apple cider vinegar for rheumatoid arthritis is an auxiliary remedy that supplies the body with vital substances and uses the body’s hidden reserves for self-healing.

Can apple cider vinegar be used for rheumatoid arthritis, and how are its positive properties manifested?

The liquid is prepared on the basis of apple juice, which contains a lot of useful substances. As a result of prolonged fermentation under the action of yeast, it turns into vinegar.

The finished composition is used as a remedy in small doses for 2-3 weeks.

It is equally effective against rheumatoid arthritis of small bone joints, for example, fingers or large joints: knees, shoulders.

Product contains:

  • oxalic, malic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium;
  • beta-carotene;
  • vitamins A, C, E, F.

100 ml of apple cider vinegar contains a record amount of potassium – 240 mg. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels, and accelerates cell metabolism. The product compensates for the lack of calcium when it is partially washed out of the body when the patient drinks antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

The benefit of vinegar is to reduce the amount of cholesterol in blood vessels and gently cleanse the body of toxins and waste that are formed as a result of poor nutrition, carcinogens, food additives and chemicals entering the body.

Harm from apple cider vinegar can only occur if it is consumed in excess. Therefore, its dosage during treatment should be discussed with your doctor.

Apple cider vinegar restores the acid-base balance in the body and eliminates congestion.

It is known that regular use of the product promotes gradual weight loss.

Attention! Excessive consumption of apple cider vinegar can lead to kidney failure. The maximum dosage for adults is 3 tbsp. l. in a day.

Diet for arthritis - general recommendations

For people with all types of arthritis, there are a few general guidelines worth paying attention to.

Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids should be included in the diet for arthritis . These substances reduce inflammation, which alleviates the symptoms of arthritis. Most omega-3 fatty acids are found in sea fish, in its fatty varieties, but if it is contraindicated for you, pay attention to flaxseed oil. It is easier to digest and also has a healing effect due to the content of the same healthy fatty acids.

For all types of arthritis, you should give up strong tea, coffee, and reduce alcohol consumption. The diet for arthritis limits, and often completely excludes, pickles, hot seasonings and spices. But there are exceptions here. Some studies have found the positive effects of turmeric and ginger. However, you should be careful here and exclude allergic reactions.

Although there is no solid scientific evidence on this matter, some studies have shown that plants of the nightshade family - potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplants - can have a negative effect on the condition of patients with arthritis. If you notice a deterioration in your health after eating these foods, eliminate them from your diet.

The main thing to remember: the diet for arthritis should be balanced, with a sufficient content of vitamins and minerals, preferably low in calories.

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How to cook it yourself?

Stores sell bottles labeled “Apple Cider Vinegar.” People buy them without bothering to read the labels, which detail the ingredients.

Often, the orange liquid has nothing in common with real apple cider vinegar.

At best, the patient will not receive any benefit from a surrogate painted over with dye and diluted with table vinegar, and at worst, he risks developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Apple cider vinegar made at home is completely safe for health in moderation.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • apples – 2 kg;
  • fresh honey or granulated sugar – 150 g;
  • a piece of black bread – 40 g or yeast – 20 g;
  • boiled water.

Prepare apple cider vinegar in a large enamel saucepan or glass container.

Attention! Plastic and aluminum containers cannot be used for these purposes.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Grate the apples on a coarse grater or chop them in another accessible way (food processor, meat grinder) and place them in a saucepan.
  2. Mix apple pulp with sugar, put stale black bread into it or add yeast.
  3. Pour in enough water to cover the fruit mixture by about a finger.
  4. Cover the dish with a clean cloth or piece of gauze in several layers. Dust does not get into it, but air does. Under the influence of oxygen, the fermentation process accelerates.
  5. Stir the apple mixture 2-3 times a day.
  6. After a day, remove the pan to a dark, cool place and infuse the product for 2 weeks.
  7. After the specified period, strain the apple mixture and return it to its original storage location for another month.
  8. After 4 weeks, pour the vinegar into small jars or bottles. A sediment forms at the bottom of the pan - it is better not to use it, but to pour it out immediately.

The product is stored in the refrigerator or cellar. It can be added to food and drinks, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Excessive amounts of apple cider vinegar can harm the body.

Watch this video about the benefits and harms of apple cider vinegar:

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