Front and back view
What is the human spine made of? Details about its components
The spine is the axial skeleton of the human skeleton. This bony structure is shaped like
Description of the bones of the forearm - ulna
The elbow joint belongs to the group of complex ones, since it combines three joints of three different bones:
Ointment for bruises: choosing a remedy
Serious non-serious injury: how to help with bruises
In addition to aesthetic discomfort, hematomas are characterized by pain and worsen the quality of life. This is why the desire arises
What is a compression fracture of the spine: treatment and rehabilitation after injury
3 February 2020 118711 0 4.1 out of 5 Spinal fractures account for about 2–2.5
Femoral neck fracture
Operations for hip fracture. Hip replacement.
A hip fracture is a dangerous injury, most often found in older people due to
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