To help the patient adapt faster after injury and properly develop hypotrophied muscles, a special
Which ankle ligaments are torn? What to do if you have a sprained ligament? How to massage knee ligaments
One of the most severe injuries to the pelvis is considered to be a fracture of the acetabulum. Incorrectly provided assistance or
Definition: Axial vertebral tooth displacement is one of the malformations in the upper cervical region,
Causes and pathogenesis of cervical spine injuries Trauma to the cervical spine can be caused by a blow
The rehabilitation center provides rehabilitation services after an ankle injury. We have modern equipment and qualified
Greetings, dear friends! In this article we will tell you about rehabilitation after fractures, and
Ankle sprain is a common sports injury, and 20% of patients with acute
Subluxation of the radial head in children under three years of age is a fairly common occurrence, and
Sprains of the wrist joint occur quite often, since the hands are the main tool