Hemarthrosis of the knee joint - symptoms, consultation, diagnosis, treatment

Hemarthrosis of the knee joint is an internal hemorrhage into the joint cavity that occurs as a result of mechanical impact on tissue structures. When blood vessels are damaged, causing excessive internal bleeding, a person experiences severe pain. Hemarthrosis most often occurs in people with hemophilia, a rare inherited disorder of poor blood clotting.

Causes of hemarthrosis

The following factors can provoke hemorrhage into the joint cavity:

  • severe soft tissue bruise;
  • meniscal damage;
  • rupture or separation of the capsule (bursa) of the knee joint;
  • dislocation or subluxation;
  • fracture in articulating joints;
  • rupture or sprain of ligaments.

In addition to people suffering from hemophilia, athletes and people whose profession involves traumatic activities are at greatest risk. Failure to comply with safety rules on ice, during repair and installation work and other conditions can provoke hemarthrosis.



Hemarthrosis is a disease characterized by hemorrhage into the joint cavity of the human body. The disease can occur in both the wrist and elbow joints, but most often hemarthrosis occurs in the knee joint.

The disease can occur as a result of the development of certain systemic diseases in the body, as well as due to injury. Hemarthrosis is most often observed in people aged 25-40 years. At this age, a person is most susceptible to acquiring various joint injuries, which can be caused by heavy physical labor or playing sports. In older people, the risk of hemarthrosis is also quite high. This is due to the fact that at this age the bone and muscle system of the body becomes very weak.

So, one of the main causes of hemarthrosis of the knee joint is trauma. Hemorrhage into the joint cavity can be provoked by: subluxation, dislocation; rupture, separation of the capsule; fracture of bones connected in one joint; meniscus injury; damage to blood vessels; ligament rupture or sprain; tissue bruise.

Such injuries most often occur in athletes. Not far behind in these statistics are everyday situations, such as falls or bruises due to negligence or in the winter, non-compliance with safety rules during work.


The most obvious signs of hemerthrosis are : hematoma in the knee joint, severe pain and low mobility.

The following symptoms of hemarthrosis : over time, there is more blood in the joint cavity, which leads to increased pain, increased temperature in the area of ​​damage, the knee swells and roundness of the contours appears. The joint increases in size and becomes soft and wobbly to the touch. If small vessels are damaged, the skin becomes purple, and if large vessels are damaged, it becomes bluish. The joint bulges on the inner or outer side of the injured limb.


The main threat to the human body when hemarthrosis occurs is the process of cell decomposition with the formation of harmful substances, which can lead to negative changes in cartilage tissue. The consequence is often bursitis, purulent synovitis, and infectious arthritis.


For diagnosing hemarthrosis, the most optimal method is MRI. If an MRI is not possible, an ultrasound examination of the knee is performed. An X-ray of the joint in two projections may also be additionally prescribed. Among the diagnostic measures, puncture of the joint cavity is mandatory. If the punctate contains elements of fat, then this is a sign of a fracture, and if there is blood, it is a sign of hemarthrosis.

It is also worth noting that during the procedure, part of the fluid accumulated in the knee joint is eliminated, which in turn leads to a decrease in swelling and pain, and the knee itself becomes more mobile. The obtained materials are used to exclude arthritis and infectious synovitis.

If, when examining a joint, small fragments are found in its cavity, then experts recommend performing diagnostic arthroscopy, with the help of which it is possible to more accurately determine the cause of hemarthrosis, as well as remove small fragments of bones.


The first thing to do when hemarthrosis is to provide rest to the affected joint by immobilization. You can use a plaster cast for this. It is also necessary to apply an ice pack or some other cold object to the damaged area. To treat hemarthrosis, the following measures can be prescribed:

  • electrocoagulation of a damaged vessel
  • magnetic therapy and other physiotherapy
  • antibacterial treatment
  • arthroscopy
  • plaster application
  • hormonal treatments
  • avoiding support on the affected leg
  • aspiration of blood using a puncture, washing the joint


There are several home methods to improve the condition of a patient with hemarthrosis. Among them, the most effective are the following.

  • 1 tbsp. Mix the herbs of nettle, yarrow, oregano, then pour in about 700 ml of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. This infusion should be consumed 30 minutes before meals, three times a day, 50 ml per dose.
  • Take 100g of garlic, 3 lemons, 250g of nettle or celery. All products are passed through a meat grinder, mixed and poured with 3 liters of hot water. Then leave for 12 hours, strain and consume 70 ml once a day. Treatment is carried out with a course of 9 liters of infusion drunk.
  • To eliminate bruises and swelling on the knee, you need to take dry or fresh arnica herb, then pour boiling water over it and leave for a while. After the grass has swollen properly, it must be applied as a compress for 1-1.5 hours and secured with a gauze bandage. If you don’t have this plant at hand, then arnica can easily be replaced by pharmaceutical clay or wormwood herb.
  • At night, crushed heated horseradish root is tied to the knee.
  • Baths with a decoction of malt and senna herbs are also recommended, which should be taken several times a week.

It is important to understand that traditional treatment methods will help temporarily eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but they will not eliminate blood from the joint.

Symptoms and course of hemarthrosis

General symptomatic signs in which hemarthrosis of the knee joint occurs directly depend on the severity of the affected area of ​​the skeletal system.
At first glance, even a minor bruise can cause severe swelling and cause unbearable pain at the site of the injury. With a more serious traumatic impact on the knee, bruising and local swelling occur, the size of which depends on the amount of accumulated blood in the joint cavity. Any physical activity when damaged causes unbearable pain, making it impossible to walk. After some time, the patient experiences hyperthermia of the skin, resulting in an increase in overall body temperature. All of the above signs of the disease require urgent medical attention. Degenerative disorders in the tissue structures of the articular surface can further provoke the occurrence of osteoarthritis.

Depending on the stage of the disease, we choose one or more treatment methods:

Therapeutic massage, osteopathy, manual therapy

Helps bones and joints take the correct physiological position, relieves pain and spasms, relaxes muscles.


Work on biologically active points. It affects the affected area and the body as a whole. Eliminates the cause of the disease and removes the symptoms.

In addition, according to indications, the following are used: taping, pharmacopuncture, FormTotix insoles, exercise therapy with an instructor and other methods. The choice of procedures depends on the current condition; taken together, they act faster and give a more lasting result.

good chiropractor, massage therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, rehabilitation specialist

Providing first pre-medical aid

Before a person comes under the supervision of medical workers who will provide qualified treatment, it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid. To do this, several conditions must be met:

  1. Completely immobilize the limb using an elastic bandage or splint.
  2. The injured leg must be kept elevated.
  3. Apply cold to the damaged area.

It is strictly forbidden to give any painkillers or other medications until the patient has been examined by a doctor.

Diagnosis and treatment of hemarthrosis of the knee joint

When tissue structures in the knee joint are damaged, the development of hemarthrosis is first suspected.
To confirm the diagnosis, modern medicine has high-quality diagnostic equipment. At the initial stage of establishing a traumatic injury, X-ray examination is used. For more accurate confirmation, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound (ultrasound) are used. All treatment and preventive measures must be carried out in an inpatient setting of a medical institution. The first stage of treatment (after a definitively confirmed diagnosis) is the removal of blood from the joint cavity. In case of hemarthrosis of the first severity, it is enough to wash the joint capsule and relieve inflammation with the help of analgesics and antispasmodics. The application of a plaster cast ends the treatment of mild (first) degree hemarthrosis.

Hemarthrosis: treatment with folk remedies and preventive measures

Home treatment methods with folk remedies in combination with medications recommended by the attending physician give excellent results. Various herbal compresses and rubs will improve blood circulation, tone the muscular system and promote a speedy recovery. Here are some of the most effective and efficient recipes based on herbal medicinal preparations:

  1. 20 g each of oregano, yarrow and nettle are thoroughly mixed. After this, you need to add 50 ml of alcohol. Let it brew for 90 minutes. Rub the damaged area 2 times a day. The course of treatment lasts two weeks.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water over dry arnica herb (100 g) and let it brew for 2 hours. Drain the water, and apply the remaining herb to the knee (for 1.5 hours) and secure with a bandage. This procedure must be performed before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.
  3. A homemade ointment made from bee honey will be an excellent pain reliever. Ingredients - honey (100 ml), medical bile (5 g), ammonia (1 tsp). Mix all medicinal ingredients and apply to the sore knee. You need to coat your knee well, but do not rub the product in. After 1 hour, you need to wash off the healing ointment.

It should be noted that some patients may experience a certain allergic reaction to some traditional medicines. Therefore, consult your doctor before using them.

Rehabilitation and restoration of the functions of the affected joint should become a prerequisite after treatment of hemarthrosis. For this, there are various physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic exercises and massage. A balanced diet, which must contain a sufficient amount of mineral and vitamin components, plays a significant role in restoring the body’s skeletal system. All recommendations for a corrective diet can be obtained from a nutritionist.

Take care of yourself and always be healthy!

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