✅10 best alkaline mineral waters for the treatment and prevention of various diseases

Alkaline mineral water is considered to be water that contains a high percentage of sulfate, lime carbonate and magnesia.
The acidity of the salts of such water should be more than seven percent. Water containing this composition has a positive effect on metabolism in the body. Alkaline mineral water is produced by adding carbon dioxide to the bottle, this is done to prevent the entry of air. Water of this type belongs to medicinal canteens; it should be consumed in doses. It is prohibited to use after the expiration date or for cooking.

Types of mineral water

Water from natural sources, called “mineral” due to its high content of substances (minerals), has special properties and can have a healing effect.
The amount of dissolved microelements varies; based on this, mineral water is divided into three categories:

  1. Canteens contain up to 1 gram of dissolved substances per 1 liter of water, they can be drunk regularly, they are similar in composition and are slightly more useful than purified drinking water from the tap.
  2. Medicinal table waters (from 1 to 10 g/l) are used for the prevention of diseases; they should not be abused, since the chances of disturbing the balance of electrolytes or provoking other undesirable processes (for example, osteoporosis) increase in proportion to the amount of microelements dissolved in them.
  3. Medicinal (more than 10 g/l) - used exclusively for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, and the choice greatly influences the presence of a positive effect, along with the correctness of administration, temperature (warm or cold), and quantity.

Classification of mineral waters
Mineral water is differentiated by:

  • The composition, which is determined by the predominant microelements (water can be hydrocarbonate, magnesium, sulfate, sodium, chloride, calcium, mixed).
  • Mineralization or the total content of all substances dissolved in it (mineralization of weak concentration does not exceed 1 g/l, low - no higher than 5, medium - up to 15, high - up to 30, brine - up to 150 g of dissolved substances per liter, strong brines - higher 150 g/l).
  • Temperature (from very cold (below 4°C) to hot (above 42°C).
  • Acidity level (can be acidic (pH from 3.5 to 6.8), neutral (from 6.8 to 7.2), alkaline (from 7.2 to 8.5).
  • The presence of gases, other microelements (carbon dioxide, iodide, bromide, arsenic, siliceous, radon), special properties (radioactive).

Usually, for gout, choose water mixed with microelements (for example, sodium bicarbonate-chloride), which must be alkaline.

What is the pH in the human body?

An acidic environment is formed by positively charged ions, and an alkaline environment is formed by negatively charged ones. This usually depends on hydrogen, since its particles are marked with a + charge. When various impurities are added to water (including dyes, flavor enhancers), the standard balance (pH 7) becomes lower. Let's look at the diagram:

Different levels of acid and alkali are maintained inside. For example, to digest food you need high acidity, while in almost all other organs the environment is slightly alkaline.

The most important indicator is blood pH, which is 7.4 +/- 0.05. And if the deviation is higher in any direction by another half unit, then this can lead to serious illnesses, including death. And the indicator for saliva is considered one of the smallest - 6.35.

Out of balance

Acidosis is found in 7 out of 10 people. This is acidification of the body, during which minerals are poorly absorbed, and cells that do not receive sufficient energy and mineral replenishment die. There are many consequences of this chronic condition - from increased blood pressure to cancer. The main reason is the predominant consumption of acid-forming foods and drinks. While you need to eat more vegetables, fruits and greens.

How to increase alkalinity at home and make alkaline water that restores pH balance

If you consume such liquid daily, it will neutralize excess acid, thereby solving the problem of acidosis. This will lead to normalization of weight and the elimination of long-term stress, and in a more global perspective will be the prevention of many diseases.

Restoring the acid level is possible with the help of store-bought drinks with a pH of 7.5 or higher. But you can prepare it yourself - we will offer several recipes below. All water is divided into 4 groups:

  • From 6.5 to 7.5 – neutral.
  • From 7.5 to 8.5 – slightly alkaline.
  • From 8.5 to 9.5 – alkaline.
  • More than 9.5 – highly alkaline.

Let's count the hydrogen ions

Silver bridges by Irina Vasilyeva for the treatment of various diseases
Among the many properties of H2O, its pH is distinguished. They measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in it.

The higher the pH, the fewer free hydrogen ions there are; the lower it is, the more their number increases. And so from 0 to 14 - this is the pH scale.

The middle, pH 7, is a neutral value, everything above is alkaline, below is acidic.

Why do you need all this math?

To the dark side

The fact is that all life on Earth has its own pH level, the one to which it has adapted. For example, fish cannot survive at a pH below 4 or above 10.

Humans also have it - the optimal value is considered to be from 7.35 to 7.45 - this is the pH of our blood, that is, it is slightly alkaline.

For the normal functioning of all internal life support systems, it is necessary to maintain the same alkaline environment in the body.

Or more precisely, make sure that the acid-base balance is in order.

Unfortunately, only in the womb, and at birth, does a person have an excellent pH - above 8. In the future, the entire life path of most people is a movement downwards, to the acidic side, towards self-destruction and illness.

But if an acidic environment constantly reigns in our body, then acidification occurs, which in turn provokes the appearance of various diseases.

Where does evil come from?

Factors that provoke acidification include

  • Food
  • pH of drinks
  • bad habits such as smoking, alcohol.
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • drug abuse
  • stress, lack of sleep and other negativity

From the above, I would like to dwell on nutrition, which plays a significant role in redox processes in the body.

Healthy and harmful products

The fact is that most of what we eat throughout our lives is sour. This is not about taste, but about the fact that when all these products are broken down in the body, more acids are formed rather than alkalis.

Constantly trying to cope with the attack of acids, our body gradually depletes all its reserves of minerals, becomes weaker, and toxic substances accumulate in it.

Acidic foods include

  • all products of animal origin - meat, milk, eggs, cottage cheese, fish
  • bakery products
  • fats and butter
  • black tea, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol
  • sugar
  • fried and spicy food

To alkaline and slightly alkaline

  • Greens, vegetables, fruits (including lemon)
  • fresh juices
  • flaxseed oil, olive oil
  • almond
  • green tea, herbal teas

If your menu is dominated by sour foods, then this is at least a reason to think about your diet. And by the way, acidification leads not only to illness, but also to excess weight. But restoring pH results in normalization of all internal systems and weight loss!

Disturbed balance of acids and alkalis is a factor in the development of diseases

An acid-base imbalance disrupts the functioning of the entire system, first causing chronic fatigue and poor night sleep, then the symptoms worsen. Frequent nervous breakdowns, rapid weight gain and the appearance of chronic diseases are the next stage and symptoms signaling an imbalance.

When the test strips show values ​​from 6.4-7, then the reasons for poor health should be looked for elsewhere, but if the readings change downward, take action. We have received confirmation from the laboratory that the pH level is too low, urgently change your diet and drink alkaline water.

Features of drinking mineral waters

Dog hair has healing properties that help get rid of various diseases.

You can take the healing drink both at the resort and outside it. The benefit of mineral water is that it normalizes disturbed metabolic processes, reduces the pain threshold, and promotes painless removal of stones. Drinking acts so that salts in the urine dissolve faster, they stop settling, which, accordingly, prevents the formation of stones in the ureters.

All mines of water differ in their composition. The presence of one or another component has a certain effect on the body, which depends on the type of stones formed in the kidneys.

The solubility of phosphate conglomerates and oxalate stones is facilitated by substances present in mineral water such as silicon, tungsten and iron. For pathologies such as high levels of uric acid, alkaline water (acidity of which is in the range of 7.2–8.5) is recommended. When calcium oxalate stones form, you need to drink water that contains little calcium. When the concentration of uric acid in the blood is increased (hyperuricemia), weak radon mineral water is prescribed. Low-mineralized water has a special effect

It relieves inflammation and has bactericidal properties, which is very important for urolithiasis.

Effectiveness of alkaline water

Most doctors advise patients with urolithiasis to drink hydrocarbonate water. They contain lime (carbon dioxide, sulfate) and magnesia, the pH of which is 7. Such products have many advantages:

  • normalize the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • reduce the acidity of gastric juice;
  • promote the absorption of nutrients;
  • remove waste and toxic substances from the body.

Acidic water

Means for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins on the legs

Acidic water, unlike alkaline water, is especially popular in the domestic sphere. Since water with a low pH level is an acidic solution, it has a strong bactericidal effect. For this reason, such water is often used to disinfect linen in medical institutions.

Also, acidic water allows you to quickly recover from various ailments. It is often used to wash wounds for disinfection, rinse the throat, mouth and wash.

Dead water is one of the main components in alternative medicine. Thanks to it, experienced healers treat high blood pressure, reduce joint pain and eliminate cold symptoms.

List of names of acidic mineral water:

  • Sulfate Narzan with a pH value of 6.3;
  • Essentuki No. 17 with a pH value of 6.6 wells No. 46;
  • Essentuki No. 4 with a pH value of 6.9, which can easily be classified as mineral water of neutral acidity.

This water has a low acidity level and is quite suitable for consumption, but healthy people should not abuse dead water, since it significantly increases acidity and can cause digestive disorders.

The most famous source of acidic water is “Kisly”, located in the Rostov region. Water from there can be consumed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

List and description of alkaline waters

Most often on the shelves you can find mineral waters taken from sources located in Russia, Georgia and Ukraine.

They all differ in the content of useful minerals, pH value and therapeutic effect.

Alkaline waters of Russia:

  • Essentuki No. 4 – medicinal table mineral water with a slightly alkaline reaction. Prescribed to improve the condition of diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines and bladder.
  • Essentuki No. 17 is a medicinal water prescribed for gout, stomach diseases and mild diabetes. Due to its high mineral content, it should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Smirnovskaya – medicinal table water with a slightly alkaline reaction, pH – 6.5. Prescribed for obesity, diabetes, stomach ulcers and salt imbalance.
  • Slavyanovskaya is a medicinal table slightly alkaline mineral water, its indications are similar to Smirnovskaya. It is not recommended to drink for people with low stomach acidity.
  • Narzan is a medicinal water used to treat the heart, digestive organs, nervous disorders and obesity.
  • Novoterskaya is a medicinal table water used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and urinary system.
  • Sebryakovskaya is a medicinal table water of slightly alkaline composition with low mineralization. It is used in the postoperative period in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, chronic diseases of the liver and urinary tract. Recommended for diabetes, obesity and gout.

Alkaline mineral waters of Georgia:

  • Borjomi - has the highest pH value >8.5 and many essential minerals for the body. Thanks to this, it is the most popular mineral water for treating the gastrointestinal tract. Used in the treatment of: gastritis, ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis, metabolic disorders.
  • Nabeglavi, while inferior in composition to Borjomi, is still a good therapeutic and prophylactic remedy for diseases of the stomach and metabolism.

Mineral water of Armenia - Dilijan perfectly quenches thirst, is a general tonic and stimulant, and is used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

Alkaline mineral waters of Ukraine:

  • Luzhanskaya - having a high pH level, is a good remedy for reducing high stomach acidity during gastritis and heartburn. This water has an immediate effect on the body.
  • Polyana Kvasova - characterized by a high level of pH-11, having characteristics characteristic of all alkaline waters, it helps to quickly cleanse the respiratory tract and stomach of mucus, and has a pronounced diuretic effect. It also helps in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.
  • Svalyava is low mineralization water with a high boron content. Has a positive effect on the liver, biliary tract and kidneys.
  • Polyana Kupel - contains a lot of fluoride, pH is 9 units. The effect on the body is similar to Polyana Kvasova water.

And this is just a small list of alkaline mineral waters located in the vast expanses of the former USSR. Almost every corner of the once vast country has its own sources of mineral waters, used both for internal use and as various medicinal baths.

You should know that almost all natural mineral waters, including those listed above, do not contain gas. When bottling mineral water, gas is added to it to preserve the composition when in contact with air.

Source discovery and development

Narzan was first mentioned in historical chronicles in the 18th century. This was due to the fact that Peter the Great visited mineral waters in Carlsbad, and was very impressed by the scale of their use for the treatment of various diseases. Returning to Russia, the sovereign immediately ordered work to begin searching for similar sources in Russia. In 1717, Peter the Great’s physician was sent to the Caucasus for this purpose, who soon wrote the following in reports to the Tsar: “There is also a fair sour spring in the Circassian land.”

Kislovodsk Narzan was first described in 1793 by J. Reinegs; subsequently the source was studied in more detail by Pallas, Batalin, Nelyubin and other scientists. Pallas wrote about it in 1798: “The water that has just been scooped up emit a large number of air bubbles with a hiss, like the best champagne wine... It stings the tongue, hits the nose and finally becomes completely light. This water sizzles with all the wines. You can drink it as much as you want without disgust or harm.”

Throughout the 19th century, active work was carried out to develop the source and improve the surrounding area. The resort town of Kislovodsk began its history in 1803, and the fame of the healing water of the Caucasian lands quickly spread beyond Russia. And in 1902, at an international exhibition in France, Narzan received the highest award.

Potential with minus sign

Knowing its oxidation-reduction potential, or ORP, helps to understand what the predominant properties of a given particular water are – oxidizing or reducing.

Indicators that are good for health (special devices called testers help to measure ORP) are marked with a minus sign, while those that are alarming for humans are marked with a plus sign.

With a positive ORP, the process of oxidation and, as a rule, destruction begins. The functioning of internal organs is disrupted, the body wears out and ages.

The Tale of Living and Dead Water

It’s good to live in a fairy tale - here, please, you have living water and rejuvenating apples. I drank one thing, ate another - so I became renewed, rejuvenated. Unfortunately, this does not happen in life. Or does it happen?

Water with a negative ORP is usually called “live”. It is an alkaline solution with a pH range from 7.1 to 10.5.

From seven ailments

Living water is characterized by a whole set of qualities that make it truly vital. The most important benefit of alkaline water

The most important benefit of alkaline water

  • She has a negative charge, the same ORP that makes her alive.
  • It is alkaline, which means it is maximally adapted to our body and its slightly alkaline environment.
  • It has a low surface tension, which again harmonizes with the surface tension of the main fluids of our body and allows it to be more easily absorbed in molecular terms.
  • In addition, negatively charged hydrogen ions are a powerful antioxidant that effectively neutralize free radicals.

The benefits of drinking ionized water are obvious:

  • Digestion is normalized
  • Blood sugar levels decrease
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels
  • Blood pressure returns to normal
  • Improves immune system
  • The body is cleansed of toxic waste products
  • Reduces the risk of various diseases, including cancer

Where can you get “living” water?

What is pH

The hydrogen index (from the Latin potentia hydrogeni - the strength of hydrogen, as well as pondus hydrogenii - the weight of hydrogen) is an indicator of the activity of hydrogen ions in a liquid or solution. This indicator reflects the quantitative value of the acidity of the solution. Its calculation is carried out using the mathematical formula: pH = -log[H+]. From this formula it is clear that the hydrogen index is the negative decimal logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions itself, expressed in moles per liter. Thus, pH reflects the quantitative ratio of H+ and OH- ions in a solution, which are formed during the breakdown of a water molecule.

Ideally pure distilled water has a neutral pH, which is equal to 7. This indicator can fluctuate when various chemical compounds are dissolved in it. If the pH is more than 7, then the solution is said to be alkaline, and if it is less, then the reaction of such a solution is acidic. As shown in the figure, every environment in the world, every food product has its own pH.

Benefits and harm to the body

Poor nutrition and stress provoke acidification of the body, which is fraught with the development of serious diseases, decreased ability to work, and disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. Alkaline water helps eliminate excess acids and restore optimal pH levels.

Beneficial features:

  1. With increased acidity, large vessels begin to become inflamed, which gradually leads to impaired circulation in the brain, the development of angina pectoris, and hypertension. Alkaline mineral water has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and helps reduce the risk of dangerous pathologies.
  2. With excessive accumulation of acid in the lungs and bronchi, the respiratory organs become more susceptible to viruses and bacteria, people begin to complain of shortness of breath, increased fatigue even with minor physical exertion, and weakness. Healing water restores the gas exchange process and improves respiratory functions.
  3. The pancreas suffers most from a lack of alkalis in the body - if the body becomes acidic, the organ cannot produce enzymes in full. Alkaline water improves appetite, peristalsis, and helps prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Due to the high content of hydrogen ions, alkaline water helps to increase the amount of antioxidants, which contributes to the health of the body as a whole, a person is less likely to get colds and flu.
  5. With an excess of acids, the functioning of the urinary system is disrupted; in order to prevent malfunction of the kidneys, the body begins to pull alkaline elements from the bone tissue - urolithiasis and kidney stones develop. Healing water restores the optimal pH level and avoids such problems.

Prevents disorders in the blood circulation of the brain

To prevent the development of dangerous and serious diseases, it is enough to drink 200 ml of alkaline mineral water every morning half an hour before breakfast. The drink should be at room temperature and should be drunk in small sips.

If medicinal water is used incorrectly and unreasonably, the pH is disturbed, in the absence of acids in the stomach, digestive problems arise, and the condition of the skin and mucous membranes worsens. An alkaline product contains many salts that can accumulate in the body and turn into stones. The main danger is metabolic alkalosis; the disease is accompanied by confusion, vomiting, tremors, and a tingling sensation in the face and hands.

Operating principle

Alkaline mineral water is intended to eliminate the deficiency of minerals and beneficial microelements in the body, restoring the optimal acid-base balance. The principle of operation is based on the interaction of alkali metals with water - as a result of the reaction, hydrogen is released, which is necessary for all cells to perform their functions in full.

How healing water affects the body:

  • regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism;
  • accelerates the process of removing waste and toxins;
  • prevents the appearance of foci of inflammation;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • thanks to magnesium, it improves memory, brain function, and heart muscle function;
  • enhances the therapeutic effect of certain medications.

With regular and proper consumption of water with a high alkali content, swelling disappears, memory improves, weight normalizes, and the aging process slows down.

Alkaline water improves brain function

General rules of application

Therapeutic measures involving the use of mineralized water are carried out in medical institutions, in sanatorium-resort complexes and independently at home. For this purpose, bottled medicinal mineralized waters of natural origin are used.

When considering in detail the question of what mineral water to drink for gout, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its use:

  • use during recovery;
  • when the disease progresses, in parallel with the use of pharmaceutical drugs;
  • before use, consult a doctor to determine whether stones or sand are found in the urinary or gall bladder;
  • It is undesirable to use it on an ongoing basis;
  • Before use, you must open the lid and release excess carbon dioxide;
  • consume slowly, in small sips;
  • It is optimal to take on an empty stomach or half an hour before meals.

The choice of natural mineralized medicinal water as a way to optimize the treatment process remains with the attending physician. It is necessary to determine the optimal dosage in each specific case. It is worth considering individual intolerance to mineralized water. Compared to other pathological processes of various etiologies, gout requires longer use of mineral medicinal waters. It is necessary to take into account not only the amount of medicinal mineral water consumed, but also the amount of fluid secreted by the body. When the amount of fluid removed from the body decreases relative to that consumed, this indicates a deterioration in the functioning of the excretory system and the cardiovascular system.

How to drink alkaline water

People who drink alkaline water for the first time may experience a short addiction phase. Most people enjoy the benefits of this water from the very beginning without an adaptation phase.

Alkaline water can be used for cooking and drinking. Cook rice, pasta, and soups with it. It optimizes the availability of nutrients.

Wash fruits and vegetables in alkaline water to keep them fresh and increase their shelf life. Water removes bitter substances from coffee and tea and enriches the flavor of these drinks.

Water in the morning on an empty stomach is especially useful. It will directly hydrate your cells and alkalize the pH of intracellular lymph.

Store alkaline water in glass, plastic or porcelain containers. Do not use metal containers.

In Japan and South Korea, water ionizers have been around for more than 30 years. In these countries, ionizers are used in hospitals and are recognized by the Ministry of Health.

Alkaline water is used to treat hyper-acidity, rheumatism, arthritis, osteoporosis, allergies...

Precautionary measures

Have we talked about the benefits of alkaline water? Could it be harmful? Are there those for whom it is contraindicated?

With the exception of rare cases of alkalosis, it has no contraindications.

If you are taking medications, take them with plain water so that their effectiveness is not reduced if the alkaline water is absorbed too quickly.

If your doctor finds that you have symptoms of alkalosis, you will have to stop drinking alkaline water. However, this dysfunction is extremely rare.

Some people recommend switching to alkaline water gradually. And alternate it with the usual one

It is also important that the PH does not exceed 10

If you drink highly alkaline water with a pH of more than 10, there may be side effects and harm to the body. As with everything, moderation is important here. But it will be difficult for you to find such water.

To be fully absorbed by the body, water must have an optimal pH value in the range of 8.5-9.5.

What is an aqueous solution with alkali

Knowing what alkalinity is, it is possible to independently increase the pH of drinking water by adding alkali (hydroxide of alkali and alkaline earth metals).

Water with dissolved sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide can react with acid, neutralizing it - this is the main beneficial property of alkaline water.

Still or with gas

When a dilemma arises about which alkaline water is healthier to drink, carbonated or not, just turn to a chemistry textbook. It turns out that carbon dioxide used for carbonation significantly increases the acidity of the liquid. There will be less benefit from carbonated alkaline water; carbon dioxide will oxidize it.

Possible Benefits of Alkaline Water

Alkaline water and health

Although anecdotal evidence suggests that water pH may affect health, there are no conclusive results yet.

But in this case, the pH of the water may not play the most important role, since the beneficial properties of alkaline water may be due to the minerals it contains, and not to the pH level itself.

Evidence shows that consuming alkaline or "hard" water can increase the overall alkalinity of the body.

However, this may not always be useful. For example, in people with kidney disease or while taking medications that alter kidney function, some minerals in alkaline water may accumulate. For these people, high alkalinity can lead to negative effects.

Alkaline water and hydration

While kidney patients should avoid alkaline water, athletes and gym goers are the only subgroup that can benefit from drinking it.

Why? Because alkaline water allows active people to retain more fluid in the vascular bed, reducing urine output and blood osmolality

This is important because high plasma osmolality is associated with an increased risk of death from stroke

However, research shows that these effects do not develop instantly, but gradually.

Thus, alkaline water may improve hydration in active people over time. And proper hydration is very important for health. But again, that's a big "maybe."

Physical activity

Physical activity and diet can change the pH balance. A diet high in fresh vegetables usually results in increased alkalinity.

Thus, the benefits of alkaline water may be more apparent in people who do not exercise or those who eat processed foods. Meanwhile, people who exercise regularly and eat healthy whole foods may not notice a significant difference in health when drinking alkaline water.

Even without noticing the changes, active people can benefit from alkaline water for reasons beyond improved hydration.

Intense exercise stimulates muscles to produce more hydrogen ions than our body can effectively remove. Fatigue is growing. Alkaline water increases the body's buffering capacity and reduces acidity, which improves performance.

Note that mineral supplements (calcium, magnesium, sodium) reduce cardiorespiratory stress and blood lactate levels, and increase endurance in athletes. This is why long-distance runners sometimes supplement their diet with sodium bicarbonate

These facts seem to confirm the benefits of mineralized water.


Tap water is disinfected to protect us from bacteria and toxins. But when disinfectants interact with organic matter in tap water, byproducts are created. They can lead to health problems and are harmful to the environment.

Alkaline water seems to break down some of these substances, keeping us out of harm's way. Alkaline urine also removes certain environmental toxins and pharmaceuticals from the body, which is another potential benefit.

Sounds good, right? But other by-products, on the contrary, “thrive” in an alkaline environment.

Thus, it cannot be said that alkaline water protects us from toxins.

Gut Health

Oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) is a measure of the ability of a medium to either gain or donate electrons when another substance is added.

Apparently, this indicator affects the bacteria in the intestines. Electrochemically activated (i.e. ionized) water has a negative redox potential, which means it can have additional disinfecting properties, protecting us from dangerous microorganisms.


Glycation is a reaction in which simple sugar molecules, such as fructose or glucose, are added to proteins or lipids without the participation of enzymes. This leads to the formation of dangerous molecules known as advanced glycation end products. They are linked to health problems such as Alzheimer's disease and diabetes.

Ionized water reduces glycation rates and reduces liver damage in rats with poor blood sugar control. Although rats are not human and it is difficult to extrapolate results directly from animal studies to humans, these data are worth keeping in mind.

How to measure pH

To understand what kind of solution you are dealing with, you can measure its pH. Modern chemistry offers several ways to determine the hydrogen index:

  1. The simplest and crudest way to assess the concentration of hydrogen ions is through acid-base indicators. They are organic dyes whose color changes depending on the pH of the environment. The most popular indicators include litmus, phenolphthalein, and methyl orange (methyl orange). The indicators change color depending on whether the medium is acidic or basic. The indicator change interval is 1–2 units.
  2. To more accurately determine the working range of pH measurements, a universal indicator is used, which is a mixture of several indicators. It sequentially changes color from red to violet (through yellow, green, blue) when passing from the acidic region to the alkaline region. This method is not suitable for determining pH in cloudy or colored solutions.
  3. A pH meter is a special device that allows you to determine pH over a wider range; accordingly, it shows this parameter most accurately (up to 0.01 pH units). Suitable for measuring the pH of opaque and colored solutions, therefore widely used.
  4. Acid-base titration is an analytical method that also gives extremely accurate results in determining the acidity of liquids and media. A titrant (a solution of known concentration) is added dropwise to the test solution. When they combine, a chemical reaction begins. The titrant is continued to be added until the equivalence point is reached, that is, the moment when there is enough titrant to complete the reaction. Next, knowing the exact volume and concentration of the added solution, the pH of the test solution is calculated using mathematical methods. This method is the most accurate, but also requires knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and a certain material and technical base. Most often it is used in medicine, in the production of medicines.

Contraindications and harm

Alkaline water is not sold in pharmacies, but gastroenterologists and nutritionists often prescribe it to their patients for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and gall bladder. It instantly “quenches” heartburn, helps get rid of strong and frequent belching, and eliminates the feeling of heaviness due to indigestion and overeating. It is recommended to drink alkaline mineral water for pathologies such as:

  • ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hepatitis, gastritis (if provoked by high acidity), pancreatitis;
  • cystitis, urethritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • acidosis in an uncompensated form;
  • VSD, moral and physical fatigue, sleep deficiency;
  • arrhythmia, hypertension or, conversely, hypotension;
  • obesity due to overeating and hormonal imbalances, gout;
  • infections in acute and sluggish form.

Origin of Narzan

Before reaching the surface, Narzan travels a very long and difficult path. It begins at the foot of Elbrus, where melting glaciers with clear water flow down from the mountains in streams and are absorbed into the ground. There, the water passes through many natural filters and is saturated with minerals, salts and various trace elements, as well as carbon dioxide. Purified and enriched water accumulates in underground lakes and then comes to the surface in the form of narzan springs. From the foothills of Elbrus to the springs gushing out of the ground, water travels about a hundred kilometers, and this process takes, on average, six years.

How to make alkaline water for drinking at home

Alkaline water is made by ionizing or adding minerals or other essential components to regular water, such as:

  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Silicon;
  • Potassium;
  • Bicarbonate.

They sell water ionizers from different manufacturers. One general requirement is that it must be made of safe material. Otherwise, they differ only in the set of functions and price.

It's easy to make your own alkaline water. To do this you will need:

  • A container with a lid, preferably made of glass;
  • Distilled or filtered water;
  • Test strips for measuring pH.

Alkaline water with lemon

Pour filtered water into a 2 liter jar.

Add a tablespoon of Himalayan (or sea) salt.

Squeeze the juice or cut into slices 1 lemon.

Close the lid tightly.

Leave for 12-24 hours at room temperature.

Drink 2 glasses in the morning on an empty stomach in small sips. At first, for several days you can drink all 2 liters instead of other liquids.

You can add mint to taste.

How to make with baking soda

Add 1/8 to 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda per glass of purified water. This will change the pH of the water from 7.0-7.2 to about 7.9 depending on the amount of soda.

They also sell alkaline drops. Prepare water according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Test the pH with test strips before drinking. Water is considered alkaline when its pH is greater than 7.3. It’s also not a good idea to make the environment too alkaline. More doesn't mean better.

Question answer

Depending on what the drug is taken with, its effectiveness changes. Aspirin (acid) does not combine with an alkaline environment; it neutralizes the effect of the medicine. Antibiotics and sulfonamides, on the contrary, are absorbed into the body more quickly under the influence of alkali, their effect is prolonged, and then the medicine is completely eliminated.

In distilled liquid there is no more than 2.3, in tap water – 4.

Methods: for 1 l. water soda and salt 1 tsp each plus sugar for taste; pH drops.

Install an ionizer on the water supply or reverse osmosis system, purchase a desktop filter-ionizer.

1/4 teaspoon per glass of pure H2O is enough.

Buy at any store, pharmacy or make at home.

Silver or copper coins and cleaned jewelry are not only ionizers, but also disinfect and enrich H2O with silver or copper ions. Leave for at least a week.

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