Rehabilitation after synovitis of the knee joint

Synovitis is inflammation of the synovial membrane of a joint. It is a sheath of connective tissue that covers the entire joint. Most often, the disease occurs as one of the manifestations of various pathologies, as a consequence of injury. In most cases, the knee joint is affected, as it experiences high loads and has a complex structure.


The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. In the acute form, pain, swelling, and redness of the skin occur in the joint area. Movements are limited due to pain. In the chronic form, the same symptoms are present, but they are less pronounced. They then subside, then a new exacerbation develops. Inflammation of the articular membrane when an infection is attached can turn into a purulent form. The joint swells even more, severe pain occurs, and pus accumulates under the skin. The general condition of the patient is disturbed, body temperature rises.

At CELT you can get a consultation with a traumatologist-orthopedic specialist.

  • Initial consultation – 3,000
  • Repeated consultation – 2,000

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The main causes of inflammation of the synovium of the joint include:

  • Injuries. The disease can develop after suffering a dislocation, bruise, damage to the meniscus, ligaments, cartilage due to constant excessive physical exertion. With open wounds, infection can enter the joint.
  • Various infectious diseases and foci of chronic inflammation. In this case, pathogenic bacteria and viruses can enter the joint through the blood or lymph flow.
  • Tuberculosis, syphilis and other specific infections.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Metabolic disorders, such as gout.
  • Allergic conditions and autoimmune diseases, tumor processes.

Synovitis of the knee joint

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  • Synovitis of the knee joint

September 10, 2015

The structure of the knee joint is designed to protect it from damage. It is surrounded by a joint capsule that is flexible enough to allow movement, but strong enough to maintain joint integrity. The inside of the capsule is lined with synovial tissue, which produces synovial fluid that serves to lubricate the joint.

Inflammation of the synovium, accompanied by the accumulation of fluid (effusion) in the joint, is called synovitis.

Causes of synovitis

  • An infection that enters a joint as a result of injury (wounds, abrasions in the joint area), suppuration of a hematoma after a fracture. Microbes (staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci and others) penetrate into the joint through blood and lymph from distant infectious foci present in the body, for example, carious teeth, chronic tonsillitis, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, infectious foci on the skin.
  • Reactive synovitis develops with minor but permanent closed joint trauma associated with professional activities (among athletes, auto mechanics, construction workers, etc.)
  • Viral synovitis can develop after an acute respiratory viral infection as a result of the penetration of viruses into the joint through the blood.
  • Aseptic synovitis occurs with endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus and others), blood diseases (hemophilia), metabolic disorders (gout).
  • Allergic synovitis occurs as a result of the action of infectious and non-infectious allergens on the synovial membrane when it is hypersensitive. Infectious allergens include opportunistic microorganisms and vaccines. Non-infectious allergens - household and domestic waste, chalk, petroleum products, wool, fluff, saliva of pets, pollen, food allergens of cow's milk, fish, seafood, chocolate, yeast, hypothermia, chronic stress, etc.


According to the clinical course, synovitis can be acute or chronic. The main symptom in both cases is an increase in the volume of the knee joint, which is accompanied by heaviness, a feeling of fullness and pain in the popliteal region, the back surface of the lower leg. Local temperatures rise. Due to a swollen knee joint, a person cannot fully bend and straighten the leg. With infectious synovitis, redness of the skin over the joint, increased body temperature, and swelling of the entire lower leg are observed.


There is no need to self-medicate; this often leads to complications. The most common complication is the transition of acute synovitis to chronic; in some cases - purulent arthritis, extensive phlegmon of the lower leg, thigh, sepsis (blood poisoning).

The main therapeutic and diagnostic procedure is puncture of the knee joint, during which the color, quantity, consistency of the synovial fluid, and the presence of impurities (blood, pus) are determined. Excessive synovial fluid is removed, the joint is washed, and an anti-inflammatory drug is administered. Most often these are hormonal drugs. For serous and purulent-serous synovitis, an antibiotic is administered. The removed synovial fluid is subject to mandatory laboratory testing for viruses, microbes and sensitivity to antibiotics. A clinical and biochemical blood test is required.

A prerequisite is to create rest for the knee joint. In each case, the immobilization option is selected individually: a simple pressure bandage, kinesio tape, a soft knee brace or a plaster cast.

Further treatment is based on the patient’s complaints, data from laboratory tests of blood and synovial fluid.

To prevent recurrence of synovitis, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment, including intra-articular ozone-oxygen therapy. For chronic synovitis, magnetic therapy in combination with laser therapy, hirudotherapy, and intra-articular ozone-oxygen therapy are effective.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, an operation is performed - synovectomy (excision of the synovial membrane).

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The doctor prescribes an examination, which may include:

  • X-ray of the joint. X-rays show quite clearly many pathological changes in the bones.
  • Ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. These studies are more accurate and help to better evaluate existing soft tissue, cartilage and ligament disorders.
  • Joint puncture: a needle is inserted into the joint cavity and the contents are obtained, which can then be sent for laboratory testing.
  • Arthroscopy: an endoscopic examination method during which the surgeon inserts special equipment with a miniature video camera into the joint.
  • Laboratory methods of blood testing that reveal signs of the inflammatory process.

The multidisciplinary CELT clinic has modern diagnostic equipment with powerful functionality, and all studies are carried out by experienced specialists.

Types of disease

Synovitis is divided into two large groups - non-infectious and infectious. Among the non-infectious ones we can highlight:

  • traumatic: caused by excessive physical exertion and injuries during sports;
  • allergic: caused by taking medications, exotic fruits or any other contact with an allergen (plant pollen, animal dander);
  • neurogenic: occurs due to severe stress or neurological diseases;
  • endocrine – provoked by endocrinological pathologies (diabetes mellitus).

Infectious synovitis can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms that provoke inflammation in the synovial membrane with spread to soft tissue. It can also result from a complication of a purulent-inflammatory process already present in the body.

Depending on the nature of the course, there is an acute form, which develops rapidly, and a chronic form, with gradually increasing symptoms.

In acute synovitis, a change in the shape of the joint can be observed; it increases in volume in just a few hours or days, swelling and thickening of the synovial membrane appear. Acute synovitis is characterized by:

  • moderate increase in body temperature;
  • pain on palpation;
  • the appearance of clear or translucent fluid in the joint cavity.

A person feels aching and bursting pain, weakness and malaise. Movement in the joint is limited.

With chronic synovitis, clinical symptoms are mild. The patient may complain of fatigue, fatigue while walking, aching pain that is constant, and minor discomfort when moving. In this case, all metabolic processes and blood circulation are disrupted.


Treatment of synovitis can be different, depending on the causes of the disease and the severity of its course. For simple inflammation of the synovial membrane, conservative treatment is carried out at home or in the hospital:

  • The affected leg is tightly bandaged with elastic bandages or a plaster cast is applied, ensuring rest for the joint. It is recommended to use crutches or a cane when walking.
  • Physiotherapy is prescribed, for example, UHF therapy.
  • Anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.
  • If a lot of fluid accumulates in the joint, then a puncture is performed - a puncture with a needle - during which the pathological contents are removed and medications are injected into the joint
  • The cause of synovitis identified during arthroscopy is eliminated (therapeutic athroscopy is performed).

The high efficiency of patient treatment in the multidisciplinary CELT clinic is ensured by a combination of modern equipment, progressive treatment regimens and experienced, highly qualified personnel.

Why is synovitis dangerous?

The practice of the Canon clinic shows that in winter the number of bruises, dislocations, and bone fractures associated with falls increases significantly. Often, against the background of these injuries, victims develop a joint disease - synovitis.


is an inflammation of the synovial membrane lining the inside of the joint cavity. It produces a sticky transparent liquid, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. Firstly, this fluid nourishes the cartilage tissue of the bones entering the joint, and secondly, it acts as a lubricant, allowing the rubbing cartilaginous surfaces of the bones to slide when performing movements. When inflammation occurs in the synovium, fluid production increases, making it difficult for the joint to function. Depending on the cause of the disease, the fluid may also be purulent or hemorrhagic (mixed with blood) in nature. Along with its accumulation in the joint cavity, pain appears and swelling develops.

Among the reasons leading to the development of synovitis, one should first of all note injuries - bruises, sprains, ruptures of the capsule (connective membrane of the joint) and ligaments, intra-articular fractures, as well as heredity. In addition, inflammation of the synovium can be caused by infection. Thus, pathogens enter the joint through the bloodstream from acute and chronic foci of inflammation in the body, especially in people with a weakened immune system. By the way, risk factors include various diseases, such as tuberculosis and intestinal infections. To the list of reasons should be added such a chronic joint disease as deforming arthrosis, and, of course, rheumatism, since synovitis is an obligatory component of rheumatic damage to the body.


- a fairly common disease that occurs in adults and children in different age groups. According to statistics, with this disease, in approximately 65–70% of cases, the knee joint is affected, and much less often the shoulder, ankle, and hip joints.

Symptoms of inflammation of the synovial membrane:

  • pain that gets worse with movement;
  • swelling, in which the joint may swell like a ball and be hot to the touch;
  • the presence of an excessive amount of defective intra-articular fluid;
  • increased body temperature;
  • limited mobility of the affected joint.

There are acute and chronic synovitis.

The first of them is the most common; it often occurs suddenly and, with timely treatment, goes away in about three weeks.

A chronic process is the result of a protracted course of an acute one and occurs with frequent exacerbations. When acute inflammation is complicated by infection in the synovial membrane, purulent synovitis develops, which is manifested by a deterioration in the general condition and aggravation of local symptoms.

Diagnosis of the disease

– X-ray and ultrasound examinations, computer and magnetic resonance imaging. If necessary, the patient undergoes a puncture to extract and subsequently examine the synovial fluid.

It should be emphasized that self-medication, which some patients resort to, can only aggravate the disease and lead to serious complications in the future. These include, in particular, a decrease in joint mobility, the occurrence of a purulent process in it, which can spread in the body and cause sepsis (blood poisoning). To prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a traumatologist when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

You can make an appointment by calling the clinic +7 (351) 217-52-62

Based on the results of diagnostic studies, he will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

It is usually conservative and consists of the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and, if necessary, hormonal drugs. A plaster splint is placed on the affected joint for one to two weeks to limit mobility. When the inflammatory process subsides, the patient is shown physiotherapeutic procedures and physical therapy. The duration of treatment for acute synovitis and exacerbation of the chronic process is three to four weeks. And full recovery of the affected joint occurs no earlier than after two to three months. But in severe cases, surgical intervention is resorted to.

Prevention of synovitis

- This is, first of all, a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition and exercise and sports, but without excessive stress on the joints. In addition, it is necessary to control body weight, since exceeding it negatively affects the condition of the musculoskeletal system, and this is fraught with various ailments. Finally, it is very important to promptly treat infectious diseases and follow your doctor’s recommendations to strengthen your immune system.

Orthopedics and traumatology services at CELT

The administration of CELT JSC regularly updates the price list posted on the clinic’s website. However, in order to avoid possible misunderstandings, we ask you to clarify the cost of services by phone: +7

Service namePrice in rubles
Appointment with a surgical doctor (primary, for complex programs)3 000
MRI of the elbow joint (1 joint)7 000
Ultrasound of soft tissues, lymph nodes (one anatomical zone)2 300

All services

Make an appointment through the application or by calling +7 +7 We work every day:

  • Monday—Friday: 8.00—20.00
  • Saturday: 8.00–18.00
  • Sunday is a day off

The nearest metro and MCC stations to the clinic:

  • Highway of Enthusiasts or Perovo
  • Partisan
  • Enthusiast Highway

Driving directions

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