Elbow hurts on the inside: causes, treatment methods and advice from doctors

What to do if your elbow hurts on the inside? If you experience pain in your elbows, you should consult a doctor - this may be a sign of the development of a pathological process. Thanks to a thorough medical examination of the patient, the doctor will find out the factor that provoked the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the elbows. Treating elbow pain is a long and complex process. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, the patient may become disabled. To prevent this, it is important not to self-medicate. It is necessary to consult an orthopedist and rheumatologist.

Tennis elbow

Why does my elbow hurt on the inside? This pathological condition occurs due to overload. The same type of repetitive movement is the main cause of pain in the elbows. Controlling a computer mouse, working on a plot of land, performing gymnastic exercises - these are the factors that provoke muscle tension.

Tennis elbow is a disease that manifests itself as:

  • severe painful sensations - severe discomfort appears in the process of feeling the place where the tendons are attached;
  • pain when bending the wrist;
  • pain with active extension of the arm;
  • discomfort in the forearm;
  • limited movement in the elbow joints.

With this diagnosis, sometimes the bend of the elbow on the inside hurts. In the process of treating a pathological condition, it is important:

  • eliminate stress on the elbow joints;
  • carry out physical procedures - thanks to laser treatment, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis and ultrasound, it is possible to eliminate the syndrome and restore the patient’s health.

Self-medication is not recommended. The dosage of drugs and the treatment regimen are determined strictly by the doctor. What treatment does the doctor prescribe if the elbow hurts on the inside? In the chronic form of the disease, therapy is carried out using the shock wave method. Since treatment must be complex, it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory drugs. Using Celebrex, Movalis, Nimesil and Nise, inflammation can be eliminated. The doctor selects special therapeutic exercises that will help normalize the patient’s condition. If the described treatment methods are unable to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the pathology, then patients undergo a blockade at specific pain points with an anesthetic and glucocorticosteroid. In rare cases, surgery is performed.

Preventive measures

Prevention of diseases that can provoke this pain syndrome will help prevent the occurrence and development of pain in the elbow joints. It is important to reduce the risk of accidental injury or protect yourself from epicondylitis.

Professional athletes will benefit from adjusting their training program to reduce stress on joints and the risk of injury.

Eliminating the habit of resting your chin with your hands for a long time or leaning on a bent elbow while reading or watching movies while lying down will help combat the risk of pinched nerves (carpal tunnel syndrome).

Because the bones of the forearm are firmly connected by the annular and interosseous ligaments, they tend to dislocate together.
Most often, posterior dislocations occur; lateral dislocations occur somewhat less frequently. In isolated cases, anterior and isolated dislocations of the radius and ulna are recorded. The elbow can be most severely damaged during a fall, when, due to loss of balance, the half-bent arms instinctively stretch forward and serve as a kind of shock absorption. It is the emphasis on the elbows that most often leads to dislocations and fractures. It should be noted that elbow injuries require timely diagnosis and treatment to avoid complications in the future.

Most often, the consequences of injuries occur due to scar-fibrous formations in the tendons. Untreated dislocations are diagnosed somewhat less frequently, and in isolated cases, improper fusion of bones after a fracture.

  • The elbow is swollen and hurts: causes, symptoms and methods of treating injuries and diseases

Sprains can occur during sports training or when performing heavy work. Sudden movements of the shoulder or forearm sometimes lead to partial or complete rupture of the ligaments. Damage to the ligamentous apparatus is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain and swelling;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhage (bruise);
  • pain increases with touch and movement;
  • motor ability decreases.

The stronger the pain, the more serious the damage: with a normal sprain, the pain is mild or moderate. Severe pain indicates a rupture of one or more ligaments, and may also be a sign of a dislocation or fracture.

X-rays are taken to rule out more serious injuries and determine the extent of damage. Treatment consists of immobilizing (immobilizing) the affected arm and taking anti-inflammatory drugs. To limit involuntary movements, the arm is fixed with an elastic bandage or secured with a scarf.

To reduce swelling and prevent extensive hematoma, it is recommended to apply cold compresses. It is advisable to do this only on the first day after the injury.

A dislocation in the elbow joint is accompanied by severe pain, as well as difficulty flexing and extending the arm. The elbow is visually deformed, the soft tissues are swollen, movements are severely limited. It is impossible to either bend or straighten the arm, which depends on the location of the dislocation.

It is worth noting that pain when bending and extending a joint can also occur for other reasons, which you can read about here.

When bones are displaced relative to each other, nearby structures are often damaged - nerve endings, blood vessels, cartilage tissue and periosteum. The synovial capsule, ligaments, and tendons may also rupture. Serious dislocations sometimes result in fractures of individual bones or condyles.

A dislocation in the right or left elbow requires immediate attention to a traumatologist. Self-alignment of bones is strictly prohibited! First you need to find out what kind of dislocation occurred, since there are several types - anterior and posterior, external and internal, as well as divergent. In the latter case, the radius and ulna bones of the forearm are displaced so that the distance between them increases.

Only after determining the type of dislocation, the doctor performs its reduction using local anesthesia. X-rays may be taken using a contrast agent to reveal damage to the joint capsule and surrounding ligaments.

Fractures occur in different situations when the arm is subjected to strong mechanical stress. Most often these are road traffic accidents, sports competitions, walking on icy sidewalks, as well as domestic and work injuries.

The fracture can be open or closed. With a closed fracture, the pain increases with palpation, the joint swells, and the skin becomes bluish. It becomes impossible to move your hand.

With an open fracture, bone fragments are visible on the surface, and a wound occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the skin. Open fractures can be complicated by bleeding, infection and painful shock.

Therapeutic tactics depend on the type of fracture, which can break one bone or several. In addition, the fracture can be comminuted, when the bone is literally crushed, and mixed, combining a simple and comminuted fracture. To assess the severity and nature of the damage, x-rays and computed tomography are performed.

If a simple fracture is diagnosed, not accompanied by displacement of bone fragments, the patient is given a cast for 1-2 months. Healing takes place at home, after which the plaster is removed.

If there is displacement, the bones are surgically repositioned in an anatomically correct position.

Epicondylitis refers to degenerative-dystrophic pathologies and develops at the sites of attachment of muscle tendons on both the outer and inner sides of the elbow. The cause of occurrence is the systematic performance of similar movements. With external epicondylitis, this is extension of the elbow and external rotation of the forearm. Internal epicondylitis is caused by flexion movements and inward rotation of the forearm.

A characteristic symptom of the disease is pain when putting stress on the arm. The pain intensifies when lifting and carrying heavy objects, and also interferes with activities that require rotational force, such as difficulty turning a wrench, a tight water faucet, or working with a screwdriver for a long time.

Pain during exercise is not only characteristic of epicondylitis; it also accompanies other disorders. To find out which ones, click here.

It should be noted that at rest there is no pain and motor ability is completely preserved. There are also no external signs of inflammation or deformation. However, there is another typical symptom: with epicondylitis, the bone in the elbow joint hurts. These are the so-called condyles of the humerus - bony protrusions on either side of the joint that serve as attachment points for muscle tendons.

The lesion with epicondylitis is usually unilateral - right-handed people usually complain of soreness in the right arm, and in left-handed people it occurs in the left elbow.

The presence of characteristic signs suggests epicondylitis; an x-ray or computed tomography is prescribed to confirm the diagnosis. The main principle of treatment is the exclusion of traumatic movements, not only of the elbow, but also of the wrist joint. Patients are advised to wear a fixative bandage, apply cold compresses and use anti-inflammatory ointments based on Diclofenac and Ibuprofen.

If the elbow joint is painful, red, and enlarged, pyrophosphate arthropathy may be the cause. This condition occurs against the background of systemic pathologies and metabolic disorders. Characteristic signs appear due to deposits of calcium salts in the joint, which is more common in older people.

Pyrophosphate arthropathy can occur periodically or cause constant aching pain. Attacks of the disease usually begin unexpectedly, and the pain intensifies within several hours. Having reached its peak, the pain gradually passes and disappears completely after a week or two. However, after a while she returns again.

The clinical picture has some similarities with gout, in which uric acid salts are deposited in the tissues of the joints. The difference is that the progression of arthropathy leads to joint deformation and the appearance of bone spurs, causing pain and limiting movement.

Diagnostic measures are carried out by a rheumatologist who refers the patient for an X-ray examination or computed tomography. A joint puncture may be prescribed, which is necessary to identify calcium pyrophosphates in the synovial fluid and exclude infection.

In some cases, arthroscopy is performed to assess the condition of the joint cavity and carry out differential diagnosis with other diseases. During the procedure, biomaterial is also collected for cytological examination, through which the presence of pyrophosphate crystals is determined.

The main focus of arthropathy therapy is correction of the underlying disease. To relieve pain and inflammation, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, and the anti-gout drug Colchicine are prescribed.

Why else can cubital tunnel syndrome occur? There are several reasons:

  • intense sports training, in which the main load falls on the upper limbs;
  • joint pathologies – arthritis, arthrosis, hemarthrosis, synovitis;
  • previously received fractures of the bones of the shoulder or forearm;
  • monotonous activity in which the same type of hand movements are performed repeatedly.

A characteristic sign of the syndrome is pain and numbness in the arm caused by compression of the ulnar nerve. Patients complain that their arm ache in the wrist joint, the pain syndrome spreads to the shoulder and hand area. At first, symptoms appear only after appropriate loads, when the elbow remains in a bent state for a long time, as well as when pressing on it. Subsequently, the pain becomes constant, weakness is felt in the hand, making it difficult to hold objects. Over a long period of time, cubital tunnel syndrome leads to muscle atrophy of the hand.

To make a diagnosis, functional tests are performed, sensitivity in the hand and fingers is checked. When lightly tapping with a neurological hammer along the nerve, a sensation of lumbago occurs in the last two fingers. This means that Tinnel's diagnostic symptom is positive.

In most cases, the presence of external signs is sufficient, but to clarify the diagnosis, studies such as x-rays, magnetic resonance and computed tomography, and electroneuromyography may be prescribed. Treatment is carried out mainly by conservative methods. If there is no therapeutic effect within a year, the problem is solved surgically.

The operation consists of partial removal of the walls of the cubital canal and dissection of the tendon arches. If it is not possible to expand the canal, a more radical method is resorted to, and the nerve is moved from the canal into the soft tissue.

Pain in the joint itself can be caused by rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis deformans, gout and intermittent hydrarthrosis. With these pathologies, several joints are often affected - elbow, knee, etc.

Intermittent hydrarthrosis is characterized by stretching of the synovial capsule from the inside, which is a consequence of fluid accumulation. With hydrarthrosis, bones, cartilage and other elements are not damaged, which distinguishes it from other joint diseases. After removing the pathological fluid and confirming the preliminary diagnosis, treatment is carried out using anti-inflammatory and, if necessary, hormonal agents.

Read about the treatment of pain in the elbow joint in various pathologies here.

Thus, pain in the elbow can occur for various reasons, and it is unlikely that you will be able to determine them yourself. The exception is injuries, which in most cases also require medical supervision. To get rid of pain in a short time and prevent complications, you should consult a doctor as early as possible.

You can also read: Inflammation of ligaments and tendons

Features of osteoarthritis of the elbow joint

Sometimes osteoarthritis of the elbow joint occurs as an independent disease. Polyarthrosis is the most common cause of pain in the elbow area. With this diagnosis, the pain increases significantly when lifting a heavy object. During movement, the patient's joints hurt and a crunching sound is heard. During therapy you should:

  • limit physical activity;
  • provide therapeutic massage;
  • take anti-inflammatory medications;
  • carry out magnetic therapy or electrophoresis;
  • Perform regular therapeutic exercises.

For osteoarthritis, the doctor prescribes chondroprotectors, which have a positive effect on metabolic processes in cartilage tissue. Thanks to Structum and Alflutop, the pathological condition is treated.

Diagnostic features

The elbow joint is easily accessible for examination and research, so diagnosis usually does not cause any particular difficulties for doctors. First, the doctor examines and collects anamnesis. Sometimes this is even sufficient, but additional examination is required to clarify. Typically, the doctor will order a blood test and refer you to:

  • ultrasound;
  • X-ray of the spine and joints, radioisotope scanning;
  • MRI;
  • CT;
  • electromyography;
  • biochemistry, general blood test, rheumatic tests;
  • joint puncture.

Inflammatory diseases

If your elbow hurts on the inside, you should visit a specialist - this may be a sign of inflammation. During the development of gout, infectious arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, the elbow joints may become inflamed. Under such conditions, severe pain develops in the elbow area. The pain intensifies even with slight movement and becomes more intense during rest. In a half-bent position, discomfort decreases, but stiffness of the elbow joint develops. Additional symptoms of the inflammatory process include:

  • redness of the skin;
  • stiffness of movement;
  • a specific nodule is formed - tophi.

How are inflammatory processes in the elbow joint treated? First of all, the doctor identifies the disease that provoked the development of the inflammatory process - the underlying disease is treated. The specialist prescribes an anti-inflammatory medication and recommends avoiding intense physical activity. Laser therapy and magnetic therapy are used to treat the patient. For purulent arthritis, the doctor prescribes an antibacterial drug to the patient. After the inflammation is relieved, the patient should perform therapeutic exercises and take chondroprotectors.

Human body: hands

The images show external signs of the human upper

A. Frontal or front - the front side of the body; ** IN
. Rear and/or rear side:

By the way, the terms on the lips of the people do not always correspond to scientific (anatomical) terminology.

: 0. The shoulder area of ​​the back (in ancient Rus', an executioner - a master of shoulder cases, tearing heads off shoulders, was called “kat”); : 1. Shoulder girdle with lower part of the neck; : 2. Shoulder with shoulder joint; : 3. Shoulder blade; : 4. Armpits; : 5. Forearm; : 6. Clavicle; : 7. Biceps; : 8. Triceps; : 9. Elbow with elbow joint - outer side of the elbow; : 10. Elbow cavity or fossa - the inner side of the elbow; : 11. The pre-ulnar part of the arm with the radius and preulna bones - 2/3 of the part from the elbow joint of the arm to the hand or five (as in ancient times, legs - basically the part from the knee and below was called, and the parts from the elbows to the arms were called brushes); : 12. Wrist - 1/3 part from metacarpus to elbow; : 13. Hand or metacarpus; : 14. Fist; : 15. Back of the hand; : 16. Tendon ligaments; : 17. Protruding veins of a gray-bluish color - clearly visible under light skin without pigmentation ("from which the expression arose about the class of "blue bloods" - different from the "common people" with dark skin and / or tan"); : 18. Palm; : 19. Fingers: :* 19a. Thumb; :* 19b. Forefinger; :* 19c. Middle finger; :* 19d. Ring finger; :* 19e. Little finger; :: 20. Phalanges of fingers; :: 21. Articular parts of the fingers; :: 22. Muscle pads of the fingers; : 23. Skin articular folds and lines; : 24. Hairline; : 25. Interdigital membranes - interdigital relatively thin folds of skin; : 26. Nails: :* 26a. The root base of the nail is the lower part of the nail with a lighter color in the form of a semicircle; :* 26b. The main central part of the nail is the entire keratinized surface in conjunction with soft tissues; :* 26c. The edge of the nail is the part of the growing nail that is trimmed; : 27. A hangnail is a frequent damage to the skin at the nail hole of the base of the nails when they connect with soft tissues.

Parts of the hands as a measure of length

* Inch - the width of the thumb at the articular part; * Vershok - the top of the phalanx of the thumb, bent when placed on the end of the index finger; * Small span - the distance between the thumb and index fingers extended at an angle; * Span with somersault - like the small span, with the addition of a forward roll of the nail phalanx of the index finger; * Great span - the distance between the ends of the thumb and little finger set apart; * Palm - distance to the length of the palm with fingers; * Elbow - from the edge of the fist to the elbow joint (so, - for example, - the size of trousers is checked by inserting the elbow into the waistband of their inner part); * Arshin - from the end of the thumb of the thing held in the hand, to the shoulder - at arm's length; * Simple fathom - from the thumb to the thumb, things held in the hands - arms spread to the sides; * Measured fly fathom - the distance from the tip to the tip of the middle fingers, between the hands spread in opposite directions; * Small fathom - from a horizontally outstretched arm to the surface of the earth; * Swing oblique breech fathom - from the raised end of the arm, at an upward angle, to the ground; * Great oblique fathom - from the foot of one side of the body, to the raised - obliquely upward - arm, on the other side.

Cubital tunnel syndrome

Many people do not know why their elbows hurt. This pathological condition occurs due to compression of the ulnar nerves in the area where they pass. Among the main reasons that provoke the development of the disease are:

  • frequent flexion and extension of the elbow;
  • injury;
  • bone growth.

Painful sensations with carpal tunnel syndrome spread to the forearm and radiate to the fourth and fifth fingers of the hand. In addition, the skin at the site of the pain becomes numb. In order to identify the presence or absence of the disease, a medical worker hits the elbow with a hammer, as a result of which the patient begins to tingle in the forearm - the painful sensations radiate to the little finger. To cure the disease, you must:

  • limit physical activity or fix the joint with an orthosis;
  • take anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants and anticonvulsants;
  • take B vitamins.

Why do elbows hurt and how to eliminate severe pain? In rare cases, surgical manipulation is performed. For intense pain, a blockade with an anesthetic and glucocorticosteroid is performed.

Other causes of pathology

In addition to the listed diseases, there are many other causes of pain, for example, problems of innervation, pathology of muscles and other tissues:

  • Chondrocalcinosis is a joint disorder caused by salt deposits. The patient suffers from severe pain, there are mobility impairments, fever, redness, and the joint swells.
  • Osteophytes - the formation of outgrowths on bone tissue. With activity, tissue injuries occur and the problem intensifies.
  • Synovial chondromatosis. It is also associated with metabolic failures; pathological cartilaginous structures appear in the joint. Characterized by pain, swelling, difficulty bending and straightening the arm. Pain appears during activity, and then may be present at rest.
  • Gout is an inflammation caused by deposits of urate salts. This, in turn, provokes a burning sensation and aching sensation.
  • Tumors that can manifest themselves as mild nagging pain. As they grow, the malaise intensifies to the point of requiring the use of drugs to suppress them.
  • Tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendon, a disease of athletes. It happens due to constant overload, injuries and infections. The elbow area is swollen, hyperemic, and the joint is very painful.
  • Synovitis is an inflammation of the joint capsule in which fluid accumulates, which leads to compressive pain.
  • Diffuse fasciitis is a disease of the fascia (ligaments) and the tissues closest to them. The pain is mild at first, but intensifies as the pathology develops. The skin on the hand looks like an orange peel, and a lump can be felt underneath it.
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome associated with ulnar nerve entrapment. This pathology is caused by constant injuries resulting from prolonged monotonous movements, autoimmune diseases and inflammation. At the same time, stiffness is felt, it is difficult for the patient to hold objects, the hands and fingers, especially the little fingers, become numb.
  • Neuritis is an inflammatory process of the ulnar nerve, in which severe pain appears, the hand begins to go numb, sensitivity disappears, and paralysis may even develop.
  • Blood diseases (hemophilia), when internal hemorrhage causes pressure on the nerves, causing pain.
  • Neurotrophic Charcot arthropathy is a sign of disorders of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The hand swells, its sensitivity decreases.

Joint pain

Signs of ulnar nerve neuritis

The ulnar nerves become inflamed due to hypothermia, injury or joint deformation. The painful sensations are aching in nature, the fingers on the hands go numb - the strength in them decreases. Thanks to medication, the unpleasant symptoms of the disease can be eliminated. If your elbows hurt on the inside, the doctor prescribes to the patient:

  • vascular drugs;
  • diuretics;
  • analgesic;
  • B vitamins;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

After pain relief, therapy is carried out using massage, therapeutic exercises and electrophoresis.

Blood supply

In the structure of the human elbow, the role of feeding all elements is assigned to the circulatory system. The arterial network in this area is formed by 8 branches, they are located along the articular capsule.

Branches arise from large arteries (radial and ulnar). In anatomy, this structure is called an anastomosis. The network is able to provide sufficient blood supply to the joint at moments when any artery stops functioning.

At the same time, the anastomosis has its own weak point: its structure increases the likelihood of significant blood loss when the integrity of the mesh vessels is violated. Stopping such bleeding is much more difficult than in other areas.

The outflow is carried out through the veins. Their name coincides with the arteries that supply vital elements to the elbow.

Symptoms of bursitis

At the top of the elbow joints there are subcutaneous bursae, which are filled with synovial substance. Due to injury to this area, the bag becomes inflamed. With rheumatoid arthritis and gout, this pathological condition often occurs.

How to diagnose the disease if your elbows hurt on the inside? First of all, it is important to visit a doctor. Only a qualified medical professional can make an accurate diagnosis. If, when you bend your arm, round formations that have a soft consistency appear on the joint, you must undergo a thorough medical examination - this is a common sign of bursitis. In the purulent form of the disease, the patient experiences unbearable pain in the elbow area, the skin turns red and swells at the site of the lesion.

Principle of therapy:

  • it is necessary to apply a fixing bandage;
  • the specialist prescribes a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • a local compress with dimexide or alcohol is applied;
  • Antibiotics or glucocorticosteroids must be administered to the site of inflammation.

When the inflammatory process is eliminated, the therapist treats the patient using physiotherapy. If bursitis recurs systematically, surgical manipulation is performed.

Intervertebral hernia

Elbows hurt on the inside, the bone is inflamed - what disease provokes the pain? If a hernia appears in the spine, pain in the elbow may occur due to pinched nerve root. Under such conditions, the pain is aching in nature. After lifting a heavy object, the discomfort intensifies. Severe pain occurs when bending the arm. Problems with skin sensitivity in the forearm area develop. Intervertebral hernia therapy is carried out using:

  • steroidal anti-inflammatory drug;
  • blockade with anesthetic;
  • B vitamins;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • massage;
  • therapeutic exercises.

If such treatment methods do not help improve the patient’s health, then surgery is performed.

Recommended Treatments

The treatment regimen will depend on the pathology identified by the specialist.

If it is a dislocation/bruise or sprain, the doctor will prescribe a therapeutic course, accompanied by the use of ointments, painkillers, traditional recipes, physical therapy and physiotherapy.

Necessary procedures to help establish the diagnosis:

  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound;
  • laboratory tests (urine and blood tests).

In case of inflammatory processes (development of arthritis, bursitis or epicondylitis), the specialist’s task is to quickly eliminate the focus that is causing dangerous changes, that is, stop the inflammation, and at the same time reduce pain. Used: NSAIDs, various glucocorticosteroids, essential vitamins with antibiotics.

Stages of recovery: chondroprotectors, courses of physiotherapy, regular physical therapy, massage, manual therapy. Traditional methods: natural herbal decoctions, compresses (burdock or cabbage leaves are used), clay wraps, treatment with homemade ointments, honey.

With degenerative-dystrophic changes (development of gout, osteoarthritis or arthrosis), the inflammation is weak, there are no acute signs. The main problem is the destruction of cartilage, so the goal of therapy is to stop the process of abrasion and destruction of cartilage tissue and restore cartilage. Treatment: use of chondroprotectors, NSAIDs, development of a diet.

For gout, uricosuric and uricodepressive drugs are needed to eliminate acid accumulation. Various dietary supplements and multivitamins, special mineral complexes that can improve the condition of cartilage will be useful. Physiotherapy with exercise therapy will be mandatory, preferably sanatorium-resort treatment. Folk remedies will be a good help.

In case of neurological pathologies, consultation with a neurologist and rapid elimination of the factors that caused the pinched nerves are necessary. Recommendations include immobilization of the most damaged joint, the use of special exercises and drugs that can normalize neurohumoral regulation, and the prescription of painkillers (Analgin, Ibuprofen and other drugs). B vitamins (via injections) will be helpful. Severe injuries may require surgery.

If an injury occurs (fracture, crack), then examination by a traumatologist or orthopedic surgeon is mandatory. Fixation of the affected joint is required: the use of a plaster, an elastic bandage or an orthosis. The patient is prescribed anesthetics, a course of NSAIDs, the necessary antibiotics and muscle relaxants, vitamins, and chondroprotectors.

Severe injuries may require surgery.

Rehabilitation period: special exercises, vitamins, anti-inflammatory drugs, useful physiotherapeutic procedures.

Treatment is prescribed after diagnosis by a specialist.

Elbow injury

If the elbow bone on the inside hurts, this may be a sign of injury. Due to a bruised elbow, dislocation of the forearm, bone fracture, or rupture of the biceps tendon, severe pain in the elbow joint may occur. If the joints are deformed and severe pain occurs in the elbow area, then you need to seek help from a doctor. The specialist will carry out a thorough medical diagnosis of the patient and make an accurate diagnosis. X-rays can reveal the presence or absence of pathology.

Therapy for elbow joint injury is carried out individually, depending on the specific clinical picture, but often includes:

  • reduction of dislocation;
  • in case of rupture of the biceps tendon, surgical manipulation is performed;
  • the doctor compares bone fragments manually in case of a displaced fracture;
  • complete immobilization of the joint is carried out;
  • the patient is prescribed analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

To quickly restore the patient’s health, the medical worker prescribes massage, therapeutic exercises, and physiotherapy to the patient. If your elbow hurts on the inside when you exercise for a long time, you should visit a doctor - this is a sign of joint disease.


Fracture of the olecranon: 1 – without displacement;
2 – with displacement Trauma is a violation of the integrity of any tissue in the area of ​​the elbow joint (bone, connective, muscle, nervous).


  1. Injury.
  2. Hit.
  3. Push.
  4. A fall.
  5. Rotate your wrist inward or outward.

The more serious the injuries, the brighter and more acute their symptoms. Fractures, cracks, ruptures of ligaments, tendons and capsules, displacement of joint bones are accompanied by:

  • acute, unbearable pain that radiates to the forearm, shoulder and wrist;
  • severe swelling;
  • hematoma in the area of ​​damage (hemorrhage from ruptured vessels).

Any movements are severely limited and cause intense pain, including on the inside of the arm.

Minor and moderate injuries (bruises, sprains of muscles and ligaments located on the inside of the arm) are accompanied by less pronounced symptoms. The pain is quite severe immediately after the injury, gradually subsides, movements in the joint are almost unlimited, and the condition does not always require treatment.

The first stage of treatment of any injuries and injuries is first aid:

  • an ice compress is applied to the site of injury (on the first day - for 15 minutes for every hour);
  • the limb is immobilized with a fixing bandage thrown over the neck, or with a splint (if the joint is not deformed);
  • the patient is given an anesthetic (Nimesil, Ketoprofen).

Treatment in traumatology:

  1. If necessary, excess fluid is removed from the joint capsule.
  2. They combine articular surfaces, bone fragments, and restore tissue integrity (if there are no contraindications).
  3. A plaster cast is applied to the limb until complete recovery.
  4. Painkillers (for pain) and physical therapy are prescribed until complete recovery.

Prognosis: minor and moderate injuries heal in 90% of cases without consequences for the limb.

Treatment of severe injuries does not always end successfully. In most cases, they are complicated by various disorders of joint mobility and hand functions - from minor limitations to complete loss of ability to work.

Charcot arthropathy

During the development of this pathology, not only the elbow joint is affected, but also the joints. If a systemic disease (syphilis, diabetes, syringomyelia) is not treated in a timely manner, this disease may occur. During the development of Charcot arthropathy, the elbow joints become deformed. During treatment of the disease, it is necessary to limit the mobility of the elbow joint - for this, a rigid orthosis is used. If the symptoms of the disease cause severe discomfort and interfere with leading a normal lifestyle, then therapy is carried out using endoprosthetics.


The structure of the elbow joint determines its capabilities. It connects 3 bones:

  • proximal end of the ulna;
  • distal edge of the humerus;
  • proximal end of the radius.

The connection of these bones forms three joints, which are located in a common sac.

Anatomy of the elbow joint bursa:

  • humeroulnaris (humeral-ulnar joint);
  • humeroradialis (humeroradialis joint);
  • radioulnaris proximalis (proximal radioulnar joint).

The last joint is the antagonist of the distal joint. Functioning together, they form a combined joint.

Symptoms of hemophilia

Poor blood clotting is the main symptom of the disease that is observed in people diagnosed with hemophilia. If, after a bruise, your elbow hurts on the inside during exercise, you should immediately consult a doctor. Under such conditions, hematomas often form and fill with blood. As a result, severe pain is felt, the elbow joint swells, and discomfort occurs during movement. To prevent the development of such a pathological condition, it is important to aspirate blood from the joint cavity in a timely manner and minimize the risk of injury.

Chondromatosis synovial

What pathologies cause pain on the inside of the left elbow? Chondromatosis is a disease of cartilage tissue. As medical practice shows, most often the disease begins to develop in childhood. Among the main symptoms of the disease are:

  • bone deformation;
  • shortening of limbs;
  • in the process of bending and straightening the arm, the patient feels a strong aching pain that is constant.

With this diagnosis, the elbow hurts from the inside, the joints swell and become stiff. Pathology therapy is carried out using surgical manipulation. Drug therapy will only temporarily improve your well-being and eliminate pain.

Tumor disease

During the development of a tumor, pain in the elbow may appear suddenly, is short-term in nature and disappears without the intervention of a medical professional. But as the pathology develops, the symptoms cause a lot of inconvenience, and the pain becomes more intense. Even analgesics do not help eliminate discomfort. Why does the elbow bend on the inside hurt? Additional symptoms of a tumor disease include:

  • weight loss;
  • severe weakness;
  • slight increase in body temperature.

Tumor therapy is carried out only through surgical manipulation. The choice of surgical method depends on the location of the tumor and its size. Systematic pain in the elbow often indicates that a serious pathology is developing. At the initial stage of the onset of the disease, therapy is carried out much faster and more effectively. Only a doctor who fully examines his patient can find out why the elbows hurt on the inside. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis at home. Medical professionals recommend visiting a doctor promptly and undergoing thorough medical examinations - this will help prevent the development of serious complications. The duration of therapy is determined strictly by a specialist. Depending on the form of the disease, the doctor will determine an individual treatment regimen.

An effective pain reliever

After arm wrestling, my elbow hurts on the inside - how to eliminate severe pain? You should know that painkillers only mask the symptoms of the disease, but do not affect its development.

Ketorolac is a powerful painkiller. If you urgently need to relieve acute pain, then this drug will help solve the problem. Available in the form of tablets and solutions for injection. The drug weakly eliminates the inflammatory process. It is not recommended to carry out long-term treatment with Ketorolac, since the medication impairs the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The drug is prescribed to patients with caution, as it often provokes the development of side effects. It is prohibited to treat with medicine:

  • while carrying a baby;
  • for serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney diseases.

Medicine "Ibuprofen"

If your elbow hurts on the inside when doing pull-ups, you should visit a doctor. Only a doctor can find out the cause of discomfort. The pills will temporarily make you feel better. The drug rarely causes side effects. Has the following actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretic;
  • painkillers.

For rheumatoid and joint diseases, Ibuprofen is often prescribed. The medication helps relieve pain - this is one of the most effective drugs that helps temporarily eliminate pain. If your elbow hurts very much when bending on the inside, you need to take a painkiller and go to the hospital. Ibuprofen is not recommended for use if:

  • stomach diseases;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • renal failure;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • pregnancy.

Before carrying out therapy, you should visit a specialist.

Medicine "Diclofenac"

This is a well-known medicine that will help relieve joint pain. Available in the form of tablets, ointments, and injection solutions. Effectively relieves inflammation and relieves pain. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the identified disease and the severity of unpleasant symptoms. It is prohibited to administer medication if:

  • serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pregnancy;
  • hives;
  • allergies to one of the components of the drug.

Effective gel for joint pain

If the inner side of the elbow hurts when straightening, it is necessary to begin therapy based on the doctor’s recommendations. “Fastum gel” is recommended to be used 2 times a day. The gel effectively eliminates pain and relieves inflammation. It is prohibited to treat with the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Before applying the product to the skin, you should make sure that there are no abrasions, wounds, dermatoses or other manifestations of skin diseases. After using the medicine, you must wash your hands thoroughly.

Accelerating the recovery process: recommendations from experts

During the treatment of any disease, it is important to eat properly. Thanks to a balanced diet, you can significantly reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis and other joint diseases. You should exclude the following foods from your diet:

  1. Tea and coffee. Such drinks contain large amounts of caffeine - this substance washes calcium from the bones. Under such conditions, the disease will only worsen.
  2. Store-bought meat is harmful to health because it contains harmful substances that slow down the patient’s healing process.
  3. Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks lower immunity and reduce potassium levels in the blood. Under such conditions, swelling occurs. Due to alcohol poisoning, the cartilage tissue of the joints becomes thinner.
  4. Salt provokes the development of edema, increases pain and provokes the development of the inflammatory process.
  5. It is not advisable to eat eggs, tomatoes, eggplants and sour cream if you have arthritis.
  6. Sweets and store-bought crackers are those products that are not recommended in the treatment of joint diseases.

Products that are recommended to be included in the diet for arthritis include:

  • fatty fish - sardine, mackerel, tuna;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • turmeric and ginger;
  • fruits and vegetables - cabbage and onions.

Thanks to proper nutrition, the body's protective functions will increase - this will have a positive effect on the patient's recovery process. Healthy foods will saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of drug treatment.

Controlling your weight

Quite often, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases develop as a result of obesity. To cure the disease, you need to lose weight. Obesity negatively affects joints and cartilage tissue.

Thanks to exercises, you can eliminate pain and prevent serious joint diseases. Swimming, yoga, walking and cycling can improve your overall health. Such sports not only improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but also have a positive effect on the joints. Strength training can strengthen your muscles and bones.

Classification of pain sensations and features of their manifestation

If pain occurs when pressing near the elbow bones, moving and loading the arm, then the cause is most likely due to too intense training or physical work.

The pain may also be:

  • Aching and pulling (the joint pulls) - symptoms of neuritis, oncology, arthritis, cubital tunnel syndrome, bone tuberculosis.
  • Sharp, high intensity, indicating injury. Any inflammation also gives a similar reaction.
  • Acute, which occurs with arthritis, epicondylitis and any injuries.
  • Burning, which can signal angina or heart attack.
  • Permanent – ​​a symptom of joint deformation, untreated injuries or oncology.
  • Shooting is an indicator of nerve compression.
  • Chronic (aches in the joints) with periodic deterioration and improvement. Characteristic of gout, arthrosis and arthritis.

How to protect your joints?

After doing pull-ups, my elbows hurt on the inside - how to prevent the development of joint disease? If you follow the following recommendations from doctors, you can maintain the functioning of your joints for a long time.

  1. You should listen to your body. If you experience any discomfort in your joints, you should consult a doctor. At the initial stage of pathology development, therapy is carried out much faster.
  2. If a person feels pain and fatigue, he needs to rest. If the pain does not go away after sleep, you should consult a doctor.
  3. Joint injury should be avoided. Even a minor injury can trigger the development of osteoarthritis. If possible, it is necessary to avoid injury, but if this happens, visit a doctor immediately.
  4. Avoid repetitive movements - the same movements provoke the development of joint diseases. It is necessary to diversify your activity and warm up regularly - this will help strengthen your muscles.

Note to patients

If the inside of your elbow hurts after training, you should seek help from a specialist. At home, it is impossible to carry out a thorough diagnosis of the body and identify the factor that provoked the appearance of an unpleasant symptom. Only after a thorough medical examination and passing all the necessary laboratory tests will the attending physician be able to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an individual treatment regimen.

If your elbow hurts on the inside, how to treat it? It is not recommended to systematically take medicinal painkillers in order to temporarily relieve pain - this only masks the disease, but does not affect its development, which can cause the development of serious health problems.

Medicines should be prescribed strictly by a doctor - depending on the identified pathology, the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient’s body. During the treatment of the disease, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right - this will help speed up the healing process. Traditional methods of therapy should be used strictly according to the doctor’s recommendations. Herbs and infusions have exactly the same strong effect as potent drugs - there is no need to risk your health.

What is the side of the elbow: (definitions are given in the nominative case)

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Sentences containing the phrase “elbow side”

  • I have no idea how she managed to notice the marks of blows on the inside of her elbow.
  • With their elbows spread out to the sides, they jumped awkwardly in their saddles and opened their mouths wide in a silent scream.
  • He filled the electric kettle with water, sat down on a stool and waited, resting his hands on his knees and putting his elbows out to the sides, for the water to boil.
  • (all offers)

Quotes from Russian classics with the phrase “elbow side”

  • This is what Laevsky thought, sitting at the table late at night and still continuing to rub his hands. The window suddenly opened and slammed, a strong wind rushed into the room, and papers flew off the table. Laevsky locked the window and bent down to collect papers from the floor. He felt something new in his body, some kind of awkwardness that had not been there before, and did not recognize his movements; He walked timidly, pointing to the sides with his elbows and twitching his shoulders, and when he sat down at the table, he again began to rub his hands. His body lost its flexibility.

Meaning of the word "side"

SIDE, -y, wine.

sides, -ron, -am,
1. Space, place located in some place.
direction from something, as well as this direction itself. Sides of the horizon.
From the field side. Towards the forest. Go in different directions. (Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

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