Seal on the sole of the foot: Causes (treatment), Prevention

05/17/2019 Do not hesitate to visit a doctor if your heels hurt on the sides. Unpleasant sensations require urgent help, as injuries and diseases of the heel bone can lead to lameness and constant pain.

In the network of clinics “Hello!” Experienced specialists in the field of orthopedics, traumatology, physiotherapy, exercise therapy work. The high professionalism of doctors, as well as effective treatment and rehabilitation techniques, make it possible to quickly get rid of foot diseases and the pain syndrome caused by them.

How common is heel pain?

Heel pain is one of the main reasons why patients complain to an orthopedic traumatologist. This state of affairs is caused by the high prevalence of diseases causing symptoms and the multifactorial nature of the causes.

Heel pain affects overweight people, athletes, representatives of many professions who, due to the nature of their work, are forced to spend 8-12 hours on their feet (hairdressers, turners, loaders, salesmen, teachers, etc.).

Prevalence by gender is related to the cause of the underlying disease. For example, gouty heel pain occurs mainly in men after 35. Crystalline arthritis, caused by endocrine and metabolic disorders, occurs in representatives of both sexes, mainly in the elderly. Also, those suffering from diabetes and obesity automatically fall into the risk group, regardless of gender and age.

Treatment at home and folk advice


There are many tips on how to get rid of calluses. But the use of herbs and other types of natural therapy does not provide an instant effect - the result is visible only with regular, patient use.

Yarrow allows you to combine the treatment of corns with evening relaxation and a pleasant foot bath. Pour a handful of yarrow into 3 liters of boiling water, add 1 tsp. salt, cover the container with a lid and leave to brew. When the broth becomes pleasantly warm, strain it and soak your feet in it for about 20 minutes. Take a bath every day.

Acute sedum will help soften rough skin, which is the basis of the core callus. Mash its fresh leaves and apply them to the affected area. Such treatment can only be carried out during the flowering period of the plant - in July. Be very careful when handling sedum - it is a poisonous plant and should not be used internally. Also beware of contact with eyes.

Celandine has also proven itself excellent in the treatment of calluses. Rub the seal with plant sap. Carry out the procedure daily.

Other folk methods

If you decide to get rid of the skin tag yourself, try some of the following tips.

  1. Soak your foot in warm water or apply salicylic acid until the skin on the horny area turns white. Carefully remove and apply a patch to the treated area. After 4 days, remove the patch. Repeat the procedure until healing.

  2. A patch soaked in salicylic acid purchased at a pharmacy can also become a reliable assistant. Make sure that the patch has not moved - the active substance is only present in certain areas of it.

  3. Soak a slice of onion in vinegar for several hours, and in the evening stick it to the calluses. In the morning, wash your feet in warm water. Repeat the procedure until the core of the callus is removed.

  4. Try massaging the keratinized area. Gently kneading can help remove the core of the corn.

  5. Rub a jasmine flower, apply it to the calluses, and secure with a band-aid. Replace the compress after 5 days. Repeat the procedure until healing (about 3-5 times).

  6. A commonly used agent is formic acid. Buy it at the pharmacy and use it according to the instructions.

  7. You can use lemon juice and a clove of garlic to lubricate the affected area.

Home treatment methods are best combined with pharmacotherapy. Natural substances themselves most often do not cope with the task effectively enough.

What diseases can cause heel pain?

Heel pain can be caused by many different external and internal factors. For example, most overweight people are familiar with this symptom due to heavy workload; it is often encountered by those who spend a lot of time on their feet and wear uncomfortable shoes.

Also, heel pain can be a symptom of the following inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system and ligaments:

  1. Plantar (plantar) fasciitis is a heel spur familiar to many. It occurs due to inflammatory and degenerative pathological changes in the tendons in the area of ​​the heel tubercle. Under increased loads, the aponeneurosis becomes inflamed, causing severe pain when walking.
  2. Achilles (ankle tendinitis) is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. It can be caused by flat feet, anatomically irregular shape (curvature, deformation) of the ankle, traumatic injuries, prolonged compression by shoes (especially when climbing a mountain). It manifests itself as tissue hyperemia, sharp, often unbearable pain.
  3. Achilles bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa or synovial bursa in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon. It can develop against the background of infectious diseases spreading hematogenously, against the background of arthritis and arthrosis of the foot, systemic diseases of connective tissues and joints, after injuries.
  4. Gout is the deposition of uric acid salts due to impaired purine metabolism. Primary or secondary rheumatic disease. It often provokes arthritis, which also manifests itself in the talocalcaneal joint.
  5. Arthritis of the heel joint - rheumatoid or reactive monoarthritis, polyarthritis, periarthritis. Among the causes of monoarticular lesions of the heel are injuries and some forms of arthropathy, for example, it often appears with chondrocalcinosis. Periatritis of soft periarticular tissues has a rheumatic etiology; the process can be localized in the joint capsule, fascia, tendons and their membranes, entheses of the heel joint, causing severe pain in the heel.

How to recognize a core callus?

A callus can be recognized by a clearly defined thickening, usually conical in shape. It is centered around a rod growing inward. This core often presses on bone, nerves, and blood vessels, causing unpleasant pain. The longer and more intensely the affected area is subjected to pressure, the deeper the rod penetrates. Therefore, it is better to take therapeutic measures as soon as possible. The color of rough skin differs from normal skin color (from white to yellowish). Sometimes the central shaft is shaped like a black dot.

There are 3 main types of calluses:

  1. Hardened projections of keratinized skin in a small area of ​​dark color.

  2. Softer projections, "rubbery" seals, most often occur in the area between the toes.
  3. Soft reddish bumps, often painful, usually on the heels or balls of the toes.


To avoid the appearance of calluses, wear comfortable shoes. If barefoot is not suitable for you, try to avoid narrow, pointed shoes and high-heeled pumps. Try on new shoes carefully, buy only those that fit perfectly and are comfortable. Pay attention to preventive foot skin care. Regularly remove dead skin with pumice stone and lubricate your feet with an appropriate cream. Night cream will provide the greatest effect: in the evening, thoroughly lubricate your feet, put on thick cotton socks.

Scientists have found that the percentage of asymptomatic coronavirus cases is higher than expected. Only a biochemical test can show it, but the person does not go for it because he does not feel any signs of the disease. Read more in the article: “Asymptomatic coronavirus - signs and consequences.”

Why you shouldn't ignore heel pain

Heel pain can have different etiologies, but in most cases the result is inflammation of the soft tissues and cartilage of the joint. Due to the fact that the heel constantly experiences stress when walking, the symptom does not go away without adequate treatment. The disease progresses, causing severe pain, which often becomes unbearable when walking. Therefore, in most cases, medical or surgical treatment is required.

There is also the possibility of benign and malignant neoplasms, which can externally manifest themselves as monoarthritis and other diseases. Therefore, in case of any inflammatory process or pain in the heels, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the true cause.


  1. Robin A. Cook, Brian Steward, Color Atlas of Pathological Anatomy / Ed. V.P. Saprykina. Per. from English I.A. Popova, V.P. Saprykina. - M.: Logosphere, 2005. - 282 pp., ill. — ISBN 5-98657-006-5.
  2. Oncodermatology: atlas: textbook /I. A. Lamotkin. — M.: Laboratory of Knowledge, 2021, ISBN 978-5-906828-25-5.
  3. Problems of morphological classification and diagnosis of soft tissue tumors, Moscow Research Oncological Institute named after. P.A. Herzen, © G.A. Frank, 2004, UDC 616-006.36-001.33-07


Which doctor should you contact if you have heel pain?

If you have heel pain, you should make an appointment with an orthopedic traumatologist. Depending on the symptoms and external manifestations, the doctor will prescribe diagnostic procedures for examination. You may need to undergo laboratory tests, do a CT scan, MRI, X-ray, ultrasound. After this, it will be possible to judge the localization and degree of development of the process that provoked the pain in the heels.

If this symptom appears, you should not warm the sore spot yourself, apply warming ointments to the heel, or make compresses. Any self-medication can aggravate the disease and cause complications.

How to distinguish a callus from warts?

Callus can be confused with other skin formations that appear on the feet. But they most often form large lesions, representing more voluminous protrusions. In contrast, core calluses are usually smaller and have clearer boundaries. In addition, most skin lesions on the feet are less painful than corns.

Warts are raised skin growths. A significant exception is warts on the soles of the feet, which are usually flat. In addition, the wart has roots - if you carefully cut off the soft skin from its surface, you can see dark spots. If they are absent, most likely it is a core callus.

The type of problem is usually indicated by its location. Mostly common calluses and warts appear on the hands; the presence of corns in this area is unlikely. Most often they appear on the feet, in the joints, toes and heels; Their formation between the toes is also common. Remember that it is best to prevent the formation of calluses. To do this, wearing comfortable shoes and regular foot care is enough.

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