Knee replacement surgery in Smolensk

Modern active life involves serious stress on the joints of the human body. The knee joint is especially often affected. As a result of the development of diseases, joint pathologies or bone deformations, motor functions are impaired and unpleasant pain occurs when walking.

During knee replacement surgery in Smolensk, the entire joint mass or part of it is replaced with an artificial implant, which fully corresponds to the anatomical structure of the natural joint. This feature allows you to restore the motor abilities of the knee in the shortest possible time.

Modern knee implants contain various metals such as chromium, cobalt or titanium. Various alloys, high-strength polyethylene, ceramics and specialized bone solution are also used.

Knee replacement in the Czech Republic: guarantees, prices, rehabilitation, reviews and statistics.

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Minimally invasive endoprosthetics in the Czech Republic: doctors, rehabilitation, terms and prices.

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Knee replacement

Replacement of the knee joint with an artificial implant is performed in the presence of serious pathological changes in bone tissue that traditional treatment methods cannot cope with. Often the main reason for endoprosthetics is the occurrence and development of arthrosis. As a result, the knee wears out or is completely destroyed.

Some other indications for surgery include:

  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • abnormalities of bone tissue growth;
  • tissue necrosis as a result of circulatory disorders.

To the above points you can add mechanical damage (injuries, dislocations, fractures) and deformations of the knee joint. The essence of prosthetics is to remove the damaged joint or part of it and install an artificial prosthesis in its place. The implant must be selected taking into account the anatomical characteristics of a particular patient.

The method of anesthesia during surgery is determined by the anesthesiologist during the examination of the patient. Both general anesthesia, when the patient falls into deep sleep, and spinal anesthesia can be used. In this case, the person being operated on is conscious, but the lower part of the body is deprived of sensitivity after an injection into the lower back.

Sometimes, in addition to this, the surgeon uses a so-called nerve block. Its effect wears off thirty-six hours after surgery. To facilitate endoprosthetics and reduce blood loss, a specialized tourniquet can be used. To prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins and vessels, elastic bandages are applied to the patient’s leg.

Joint replacement

  • unipolar, when only the head of the femur is subjected to prosthetics
  • bipolar - in this type, a replacement is made of, in addition to the head of the hip bone, also the acetabulum
  • What does the endoprosthesis consist of?

    During the manufacture of endoprostheses, the materials included in the composition of artificial joint replacements undergo careful control. This is explained by the peculiarities of the use of prostheses. In the human hip joint, hyaline cartilage provides ideal gliding. In its artificial counterpart, friction can cause rapid deformation of the prosthesis. Therefore, endoprostheses are made from high-strength polymers and metals that can ensure long-term use.

    Actually, endoprostheses are made from:

    • metal alloy
    • polymer plastic
    • ceramics

    The most common option is the combination of a metal + plastic friction pair, which has a normal service life. If we talk about the most reliable option, then the “metal + metal” pair is the leader here, providing up to 20 years of operation of the endoprosthesis.

    Hip replacement

    Before the operation, a consultation with the patient is carried out. Issues of endoprosthesis replacement, possible complications and risks are discussed, and the size of the prosthesis is carefully selected. The main risks of the operation are associated with the possibility of infection in the body, large blood losses and thrombosis of blood vessels during surgery, and there is also the possibility of dislocation of the endoprosthesis.

    A couple of days before the operation, the patient is hospitalized and fully examined. The hip replacement procedure itself takes from one and a half to three hours. Endoprosthetics is performed by a highly qualified doctor, because The operation is classified as complex. The procedure consists of removing the hip joint affected by arthrosis and installing it with an artificial implant, consisting, as already mentioned, of metal, plastic or ceramic.

    In the postoperative period, a group of drugs with analgesic anti-inflammatory action is prescribed. To fix the pelvis in the desired position, a bolster can be placed under the hip area and between the legs. Generally, some activity in the hospital bed is acceptable the day after surgery. The doctor allows you to squat and make some static movements on the second day. With the help of additional means (a crutch), the patient is allowed to move on the third day. Sutures are removed by the end of the second week after endoprosthetics.

    Rehabilitation after surgery

    The patient is discharged 10-12 days after the operation. Further rehabilitation is carried out at home, following all doctor’s instructions. The person undergoing surgery must comply with the restrictions on the load on the artificial hip joint. Typically this period is up to two months. Complications range from 5 to 15% of all operations. Every year this percentage becomes smaller, because... The technique is constantly being refined and more advanced means are being used for successful rehabilitation. After 95% of endoprosthetics operations performed for coxarthrosis, a person again gets the opportunity to move, bend, returning to normal life, even playing sports.

    The service life of the endoprosthesis is from 10 to 15 years, maximum 20 years. It should be noted that the more load the prosthesis receives, the faster the implant wears out. The service life of a hip replacement is reduced by excess weight and high mobility (applies to athletes returning to their previous lifestyle). The cost of endoprosthetics ranges from two to ten thousand dollars.

    In conclusion, I would like to add that hip replacement for arthrosis should be considered as the last resort for getting rid of a serious illness. Try not to advance coxarthrosis and treat it in the early stages without surgery.


    Contraindications for this surgical intervention include acute and chronic osteomyelitis and skin infections. As well as tuberculosis, severe forms of cardiovascular and bronchial-pulmonary diseases, psycho-neurological pathologies. You should also warn the doctor about the presence of purulent foci - tonsillitis, caries, sinusitis and otitis.

Features of the structure of the knee joint

The knee joint plays an important role in human motor function. It is the second largest in the body after the hip joint. The body of the joint consists of two surfaces: the tibia and femur. The surface is covered with hyaline cartilage. The cavity in the spaces between the ends of the articular bones is occupied by menisci - special cartilaginous formations. The sides and back of the knee are supported by ligaments and tendons. In the anterior part is the patellar ligament. When a ligament ruptures, the joint loses support and becomes unstable, making it difficult to move.

The bones that make up the joint are surrounded by a special capsule. Since the vessels do not supply the joint with nutrients, their supply is due to the presence of synovial fluid.

Surgical measures

Traditionally, surgery takes approximately two to three hours. If there are bone growths or other deformities, they are removed. If necessary, ligaments and tendons are loosened to allow the knee to return to its natural position. The damaged joint mass is removed. Moreover, this must be done as carefully as possible so that the elements of the prosthesis fit exactly into the appropriate place. The lower part of the femur is completely replaced: a prosthesis that fully matches the anatomical structure is placed in its place. The tibia or part of it is replaced with a special metal plate made of titanium and steel alloys. A polyethylene liner is installed in the middle part of the implant. It acts as cartilage: it allows bones to move freely, reducing friction. This increases the wear resistance of the product.

After completing all the necessary manipulations with the bone and joint, a test prosthesis is placed in its place. Its purpose is to check the behavior of the joint during implant placement. If everything is in order, the surgeon begins to install the endoprosthesis. It is fixed using a special bone solution or using a cementless method. Finally, the wound is sutured. A bandage or splint is applied to the leg to provide immobility.

As a rule, after knee replacement in Smolensk, the patient will have to undergo a course of antibiotics to eliminate the risk of an infectious disease. Painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain. If the knee was partially damaged, then it is sufficient to confine itself to the installation of a unipolar prosthesis. The advantage of this operation is that it involves a shorter rehabilitation period.

Reviews from doctors and patients about knee replacement

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Knee replacement is performed when the integrity and functional capacity of the joint structures are compromised. There are different reviews of the knee replacement procedure among patients and doctors. However, provided that doctors are highly professional and high-quality prostheses are used, as a rule, the result of the operation is a significant increase in the patient’s quality of life.

Let's consider the reviews of patients who decided to undergo such an operation, and the opinion of doctors about knee replacement as a method of treating degenerative-destructive pathologies of the knee.

Patient reviews

“No matter what they promise to restore the integrity of the joint elements, it is worth understanding that the knee will not become healthy again from medications alone. I was convinced of this fact by the example of my husband.

He was diagnosed with knee arthrosis more than 10 years ago. During this time, we tried a lot of different treatment methods, even turning to Chinese medicine specialists.

However, the effect after any of these methods lasted no more than six months, then the pain reappeared. We decided to have an operation. Now my husband walks independently and does not experience wild pain. The rehabilitation period was long and difficult, but all our efforts have now been rewarded.”


“I have had sore joints for about 12 years. Only 3 years ago they offered knee replacement surgery, since their deformation was already too pronounced, and there was practically no flexion.

It is worth noting that I was almost denied the operation, since a positive effect, according to doctors, was possible only in 10% of such cases. However, I still managed to find specialists who agreed to operate on me. The result exceeded all my expectations. Now I can live a full life without crutches and without pain.”


“I had my knee replaced three months ago. I can walk almost normally now, I hardly even use a cane. However, when walking for 10-15 minutes, I begin to limp a little, a slight pain appears, which extends all the way to the lower back. The doctor said that this is normal for this period after surgery.

I underwent rehabilitation together with people who did endoprosthetics abroad. For me, the only significant difference is that abroad they begin the rehabilitation period earlier, which allows for a faster recovery.”


“We had endoprosthetics surgery about 3 years ago. The range of movements, of course, increased somewhat, the pain disappeared. I can’t say that my life has now become completely normal, but there is definitely an improvement in its quality. Of course, this operation will not return your former youth, but at least it will allow you not to be a burden to your family and friends.

In addition, in our time there is an opportunity to get on the waiting list for free knee replacement for those who cannot pay for this treatment on their own.”


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“My mother had knee replacement surgery about 6 years ago. Everything was fine, there was no pain, she could even walk normally.

However, last year there was suppuration in the joint. Next, surgical intervention was performed to sanitize it, and a three-month course of antibiotic therapy was prescribed. Then a fistula appeared, for which another intervention was performed. The prosthesis was removed.

The bones of the femur and tibia were fixed with the Elizarov apparatus for more than six months. There is no movement in the knee on the operated leg. The doctor says that we got off lightly, as it could have ended in amputation.”


“I replaced both knee joints. The first operation was performed about 11 months ago, and the second - 6.5 months later. I want to say that the doctor predicted recovery of the leg after the operation no earlier than 12 months after the operation. However, I feel almost no reminders of the first operation.

The second leg also limps a little and gets tired, but the pain hardly bothers me (only slight discomfort with prolonged stress on the joint). The duration of rehabilitation depends entirely on the patient himself and the qualifications of his mentor.”


“I had surgery to replace my left knee joint about 1.5 years ago. At first I had to walk with a walker, then with crutches. However, literally after a few months I was able to move without support (at least indoors). Joint surgery is perhaps the easiest thing that awaits a patient on the path to a normal life.

A lot of effort was spent on the rehabilitation period. However, I would like to note that those who have truly experienced all the torments of knee arthrosis will definitely pass through all this.”


Video review of the procedure:

If you want to read more reviews after knee replacement, you can go to the Artusmed website.

“A successful operation is only half the success. Even with an ideal operation, it is impossible to obtain a good result without the patient’s active work on himself. Early exercise therapy classes will allow you to quickly and efficiently recover after such a complex intervention.”


“I had knee replacement about 8 years ago. Everything was great, the surgery and recovery period went well. After the operation, I was able to give up the amount of painkillers that I had taken before (zhenyami).

However, just recently I began to feel aching pain in the area of ​​the operated joint. I need to be examined again, but I’m postponing everything because I’m afraid that they will find out that the artificial joint is unstable. This diagnosis involves removal of the prosthesis. I read somewhere that an implant can only take root once. I’m not ready to give up life with an artificial joint yet.”


“I'm only 27 years old. However, in her years she managed to replace both knee joints with artificial prostheses. For a long time I did not decide to undergo surgery on my knees because I was afraid of complications and consequences. However, walking on bent legs is no fun either. I decided that if I was to live, I needed to choose something that would make my life complete at least for a while.

Yes, endoprosthetics is a complex procedure and quite risky, but in order to walk like a person, it is worth the risk. I’m happy with the operation, there’s no pain and I’m walking smoothly.”


“The decision to undergo knee replacement surgery should be made by the patient after carefully weighing all the pros and cons of the procedure. You should not resort to the procedure in the early stages of the disease or if pain occurs in the joint. As my doctor said, you should endure as long as you can.

Surgical intervention on the knee joint should be resorted to only if other treatment methods are ineffective. My time has come to decide on this procedure. It's been 8 months since then. I feel much better, I can walk almost normally, and most importantly, the pain doesn’t bother me at all.”


“For many people, knee replacement is an excellent solution to the problem of a sore joint. However, the cost of this procedure is too high for the average resident of our country. The number of surgical interventions on the knee with replacement of the joint or its elements is also strictly limited according to the quota.

Quite often you have to wait a long time for your turn for knee replacement surgery. For a patient with arthrosis changes in the joint (I know from myself), such a wait is accompanied by pain and sleepless nights.”


Reviews from doctors

“The knee joint is one of the most complex structures of the osteoarticular system. That is why knee replacement is a more complex procedure than surgery to replace a human hip or any other joint.

Considering the anatomical features of the knee, this operation may be accompanied by complications such as thrombosis, hip fracture, infection, disruption of the integrity of the ligamentous apparatus, dislocation of the artificial joint. For this reason, this procedure should be resorted to only if other methods of treating knee joint pathologies are ineffective.”


“Endroplasty is a fundamental way to treat degenerative pathologies of the knee joint. However, it is important to understand that preparation for such an operation must be serious.

First of all, care should be taken to implement a physical therapy program in the preoperative period. This will greatly facilitate the operation, and the rehabilitation period will be less long and painful.

You should also pay attention to the medications you are taking before the intervention. Thus, antidepressants should be discontinued in advance before endoprosthetics (at least 2 weeks).”


“Endroplasty quite often becomes a solution for many desperate patients.
It is worth noting that with a responsible approach to this problem, amazing effects can be achieved. Today, endoprosthesis replacement is the only effective way to treat advanced stages of arthrosis while maintaining knee function. A prosthesis, of course, cannot compare with a healthy joint. However, in case of complete destruction of the knee joint, it will restore the basic functions of the knee.”


“If knee replacement is performed correctly and all doctor’s recommendations are followed in the postoperative period, the patient’s recovery occurs quite quickly. Already on the first day after the intervention, such a patient is recommended to begin performing specially designed physical exercises.

You should also not neglect therapeutic massage and physiotherapy. Competent management of the patient in the postoperative period is the key to a successful result.”


“Knee replacement in some cases becomes the only possible way to improve the quality of life of patients with arthrosis changes in the structure of the joint. When a patient decides to undergo knee replacement surgery, it is worth choosing a clinic and specialist carefully.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the prosthesis itself. A competent doctor will tell you which artificial joint is appropriate to choose based on the patient’s age, financial capabilities and anatomical features.”


“Artificial knee replacements can wear out over time. Repeated endoprosthetics, as a rule, is not possible. The only option to save the leg after the prosthesis wears out is to completely immobilize the leg at the knee.

However, I would like to note that the current variety of artificial joints (more than 150 types) allows you to choose the best option based on the individual characteristics of the body. It is also worth noting that the main goal of knee replacement is to improve the patient’s quality of life.

Even if the operation is successful, do not forget that the operated joint should not be tested for endurance by excessive loads. If a person takes care of the operated joint, then it will serve him much longer.”


“Endoprosthetics, of course, is a good method of treating degenerative joints, but it is worth noting that in our country such treatment is not yet sufficiently developed. Hip replacement in this regard is a more studied procedure. Domestic medicine is developing extremely slowly, but I sincerely hope that in the coming years our specialists will perform similar procedures no worse than foreign ones.”


“At advanced stages of development of degenerative-destructive diseases of the knee, endoprosthesis replacement is the most effective method of restoring joint function. However, even such a radical treatment method cannot be used in many patients.

Knee replacement is a serious and complex operation. The risks of complications far exceed the expected result in such pathologies as: advanced thrombophlebitis, a focus of infection in the patient’s body, stage 3-4 obesity, lack of active extension movements in the knee due to weak muscles (atrophy).”


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Knee replacement is an operation during which damaged elements of the knee are restored. Quote knee replacement is particularly popular because such surgery is by no means cheap. Not every patient can afford such an operation at his own expense, so people strive to get a quota. Current legislation provides such an opportunity.

Receiving a quota guarantees full or partial compensation of funds spent on surgical procedures. Reviews from patients who have used this service are always filled with gratitude, because the state significantly alleviates their situation by providing financial assistance.

Procedure for obtaining a quota

How to get a quote for a knee replacement? To take advantage of this chance, you must go through certain steps:

  1. You should see a doctor for a full examination. Only if you have officially documented conclusions from a specialist can you expect that a knee replacement operation will be performed free of charge.
  2. You need to collect the necessary package of documents: a doctor’s report, a copy of your passport and identification code, a written statement from the patient, an insurance policy, proof of disability (if any). All papers must be submitted to the health authorities at your place of residence.
  3. After this, a special medical commission decides whether the patient really needs endoprosthetics. It takes about 10 business days to process the case. If the experts make a positive decision, the materials will be sent to a specific clinic.
  4. Next, the management of the medical institution studies the received documents and decides when exactly the operation will be performed. The patient is put on a waiting list and assigned a date and time for planned surgery. This information is communicated to the members of the commission, who, in turn, notify the patient.

Patients are interested in how long to wait for a quota for knee replacement. According to the rules, no more than 3 months should pass from the date of application to the date of surgery. In fact, this period can be increased several times.

Who is entitled to the quota?

According to current legislation, joint replacement free of charge can be performed in the following cases:

  • if a child or adult suffers from cancer, which negatively affects the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • if there is severe pain in the knee joints that cannot be treated with a conservative method;
  • if there are changes in the limbs after fractures or unsuccessful operations, accompanied by diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, gonarthrosis, etc.;
  • in the presence of inflammatory processes in the area of ​​a previously installed prosthesis;
  • when the prosthesis wears out, its partial or complete destruction.

But not all cases may require surgery.

There are a number of medical contraindications, in the presence of which the intervention will not be carried out:

  1. Serious disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Severe disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Diabetes mellitus, at this stage not responding to treatment.

Once the patient's condition has stabilized and the risk has decreased, surgery can be performed. For example, if blood sugar levels are equalized, this contraindication is canceled.

Quota cost of endoprosthetics

To determine the full cost of the operation, certain points must be taken into account. The total amount is affected by the choice of the clinic where the operation will be performed:

If we are talking about a public medical institution, then the fee is often taken exclusively for the prosthesis used.

In private clinics, the cost of the service includes the actual operation, food in the hospital, painkillers, and room fees. The qualifications of the operating doctor will be taken into account.

You also need to consider where the prosthesis used is made. Domestic models are cheaper, foreign ones are more expensive. If the patient needs to undergo additional examination before the operation, he must also pay for it.

Lack of quotas

Unfortunately, the number of quotas allocated by the state is limited. And a large number of people in need of endoprosthetics come to hospitals every day. There is no way to perform surgeries for everyone for free.

Quotas are distributed at the beginning of the year, and people who apply for help later will have to wait a long time for their turn

. Very rarely there are situations when the patient refuses to undergo surgery. In this case, patients who are in line behind him have a chance to receive treatment faster.

It is worth noting that not every patient has the opportunity to wait for his turn for several years. In order not to aggravate the course of the disease, people decide to undergo surgery at their own expense. After all, timely treatment increases the chances of recovery many times over.

Ekaterina Yurievna Ermakova

  • Site Map
  • Diagnostics
  • Bones and joints
  • Neuralgia
  • Spine
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  • Ligaments and muscles
  • Injuries

Rehabilitation after endoprosthetics

Restorative procedures begin already on the first day after surgery. They are performed under the supervision of a physiotherapist and attending physician. An individual rehabilitation program is developed for each specific patient, taking into account the state of his health and the operated limb.

The most common procedures are the following:

  • Exercise therapy using medical simulators, as well as a neuro-orthopedic pneumatic suit;
  • therapy in the pool using a special lifting device;
  • all types of massage;
  • acupuncture physiotherapy;
  • physiotherapy using modern hardware techniques.

In the standard case, complete restoration of motor activity of the new joint occurs within three to six months, depending on the anatomical characteristics of the patient. The primary task is to restore the strength of muscle tissue and ligaments.

Main types of spine surgeries

Unfortunately, not all health problems can be solved conservatively and very often it is necessary to resort to surgical interventions. For some patients, this is the only chance for recovery and subsequent life without pain.

Just a few years ago, spinal surgery was considered a very risky medical procedure, but today, when innovative and microinvasive intervention techniques exist, spinal surgery is at the height of its development. Modern technologies and surgical techniques make it possible to solve the problem quickly, safely for the patient and significantly reduce the recovery period.


Spinal diseases are very common among the population of various age categories and lead to serious consequences without treatment, including disability, as well as chronic back pain and decreased quality of life.

Important to remember! In most cases, pathology of the spinal column can be treated with conservative methods, and surgery may only be necessary for a small percentage of people in whom the pathological process has progressed or there are no alternative treatment methods.

Main indications for spinal surgery:

  • compression of the spinal cord or its roots, which led to disruption of their function or a high risk of such a situation (herniated intervertebral disc, spinal canal stenosis);
  • scoliosis, when the angle of curvature exceeds 40º;
  • curvature of the spine and its deformations, which rapidly progress and disrupt the normal functioning of internal organs;
  • tumor of the spinal cord, its membranes, vertebrae, blood vessels and nerves in the spinal canal area;
  • the desire of the patient, if the disease of the spinal column is accompanied by a defect in appearance, for example, a hump on the back;
  • traumatic injuries of the spine, in particular compression fractures;
  • instability of individual segments of the spine due to trauma, sequestration of hernias and other reasons;
  • intense pain syndrome that cannot be eliminated by alternative methods;
  • ineffectiveness of conservative treatment within 6 months from its start;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs;
  • cauda equina syndrome;
  • sequestration of intervertebral hernia and prolapse of the nucleus pulposus.

Types of operations

Today, there are many methods of surgical intervention on the spine and types of surgical approaches. Previously, there was only an open way to get to the vertebrae. Moreover, depending on the desired segment of the spinal column, it can be:

  • posterior, when a skin incision is made from the back;
  • lateral, when the surgeon gets to the spinal structures on the right or left side of the body (applies only to the cervical spine);
  • anterior, when the vertebrae are penetrated through the abdominal cavity (used for the lumbar region).

Each surgical approach has its own indications, advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the technique of spinal manipulation, the following main types of operations are distinguished:

  1. Discectomy, which involves removing that part of the intervertebral disc that extends beyond the spine (hernial protrusion or protrusion), resulting in reduced pressure on the nerve roots, their irritation, inflammation, and pain.
  2. Laminectomy is the removal of part of the vertebra, its arch, which limits the spinal cord canal from the back. It can be either an independent operation (as a result, the canal space expands and the pressure on damaged structures is reduced), or one of the stages of surgical intervention.
  3. Vertebral arthrodesis, or spinal fusion, is a surgical operation that is aimed at stabilizing the spine and straightening it by permanently connecting 2 or more vertebrae. Used for injuries, degenerative diseases, deformities. For spinal canal stenosis.
  4. Vertebroplasty is a surgical procedure that involves injecting a special substance, bone cement, into the damaged vertebra through the skin with a special needle into the vertebra. The main indications are compression fractures in osteoporosis, hemangiomas, metastatic tumors. In this case, local anesthesia can be used.
  5. Replacement of a damaged disc with an artificial endoprosthesis or bioprosthesis.

The type of operation and surgical approach are selected only by the surgeon, based on the specific clinical situation. Both open surgery and other modern minimally invasive techniques (endoscopic, laser, microsurgical, etc.) can be used.

Minimally invasive spine surgery

Such techniques are absolutely safe for the patient and do not require extensive skin incision and long recovery after surgery.

Laser vaporization

This minimally invasive surgical intervention is indicated for protrusion and herniation of the intervertebral disc before the onset of sequestration. In this case, a conductor needle is inserted into the disk, through which a laser LED is supplied. Laser radiation of a certain energy is supplied through it, which coagulates the inner part of the disk. As a result, the pressure inside the disc decreases, its protrusion and pressure on the nerve structures decreases.

The advantages of the procedure include:

  • low degree of trauma;
  • the operation lasts only 30-60 minutes;
  • possibility of conducting several sessions;
  • low risk of complications;
  • short rehabilitation period.


During this microinvasive procedure, cold plasma (cold plasma nucleoplasty), an electrode (electrocoagulation), and chymopapain (chemonucleolysis) are injected into the intervertebral disc. As a result of one of these options, the inner part of the disc is destroyed and the protrusion is retracted.

Among the disadvantages of the procedure is the high risk of relapse. The advantages are that it is less invasive, short-term surgery, and there is no need for general anesthesia or rehabilitation period after surgery.

Percutaneous discectomy

This technique differs from a conventional discectomy in that the spinal arch is removed through a miniature incision in the skin. This technique is not as dangerous as open surgery, and the recovery period is much shorter.

Innovative techniques

Thanks to the rapid development of modern technologies and their active implementation in medical practice, operations on the spinal column have become much safer and less traumatic. Among the latest achievements that are currently actively used in spine surgery, several techniques should be highlighted.

Endoscopic spinal surgery

During endoscopic operations, all manipulations are performed by a surgeon using modern endoscopic equipment. To insert instruments into the patient’s body and bring them to the desired area of ​​the spine, only 3 skin incisions and punctures measuring 0.5-1 cm are made. The surgeon monitors all movements of the instruments through a special monitor in the operating room.

Such operations are mainly performed for herniated discs and other degenerative changes.

Advantages of endoscopic surgery:

  • absence of extensive skin incisions and high trauma;
  • short rehabilitation period (you can return to normal life after 2-4 weeks);
  • the period of hospitalization is reduced (1-3 days);
  • the anesthesia load on the body is reduced;
  • fewer postoperative complications.

Robotic operations

Recently, robotic surgery has also been actively developing, when all interactions with the human body are performed by a special robot, and the surgeon controls it using a remote control.

The Spine Assist spinal robot has been developed specifically for spinal surgeries. Allows intervention both from open access and through skin manipulation. At the same time, all robot movements are precise, tissue damage is minimal. This reduces the time a person spends in a hospital bed and the recovery period.

Alternative options

In Russia, the situation with endoprosthetics is not the most favorable. A large number of patients experience certain problems, for example, in the Smolensk region. Many are not satisfied with the frequent lack of knee replacement surgery in Smolensk according to the quota.

In the recent past, most patients preferred German or American medical institutions. But having learned how much such an operation costs in the listed countries, they began to look for an alternative. The company Artusmed organizes treatment in leading clinics in the Czech Republic. Endoprosthetics here is carried out by professional medical personnel using modern equipment. Moreover, the cost of the operation is lower than in Israel or the USA.

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