CT scan of joints: what the study shows, indications for it
CT scan of joints: what the study shows, indications for it
Computed tomography of joints (CT of joints) is the most modern and fastest method of studying this
X-ray of the hand: preparation for the procedure, interpretation and normal indicators
X-ray of the hand at the German Family Clinic: examination and interpretation of the image. Record
Ultrasound-guided shoulder joint puncture technique
A shoulder puncture is a surgical procedure during which the doctor inserts a needle into the
Joint puncture: features, indications, contraindications
Joint puncture is a diagnostic procedure during which the doctor inserts a thin needle into the joint.
Ultrasound of the knee
MRI of the knee joint: preparation, contraindications, cost
The doctor studies the patient's medical history. Then, asks for his complaints. Only after this does an inspection
What is more effective for examining the knee: MRI or CT?
Modern diagnostic techniques allow a detailed and painless assessment of the condition of the knee joints. The patient may not
Osteoscintigraphy or skeletal scintigraphy. Diagnosis of bone cancer and other diseases.
Scintigraphy is an advanced imaging technique used to evaluate certain skeletal abnormalities. He uses
Ultrasound of hand joints
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the wrist and hand joints
Stoparthrosis » Treatment methods » Ultrasound of hand joints Orthopedist T. V. Kholikov 22
Pelvic bones
How is the pelvic bone, the main support of a person, arranged?
Common factors that provoke the development of this pathology also include: High body weight. She leads
Ultrasound of joints: what does it show, when is it prescribed, how is it done?
Author Posysoeva Margarita Alekseevna Leading doctor Ultrasound diagnostics doctor until October 31 Doctor’s appointment
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