Leading methods of infertility treatment in Russia

Nowadays, every fifth couple faces difficulties on the way to having a child. The main activity of the medical network of the Mother and Child Group of Companies is the diagnosis and treatment of infertility throughout Russia.

Experts say that it is worth considering seeking medical help if conception does not occur within a year in couples where the woman is under 35 years old, or six months if she is over 35 years old.

At Mother and Child clinics you can get advice, conduct the necessary research and undergo a course of treatment to become parents.

According to the Mother and Child Group of Companies, over 14,000 IVF-ICSI procedures are performed annually https://mamadeti.ru/services/eko/iksi/ , which is approximately a quarter of the total number of such procedures in Russia and is the leading indicator in the national level.

In addition, the probability of becoming pregnant after the procedure exceeds 40%, which is an outstanding result in world medical practice.

To achieve these goals, a team of experienced professionals, including reproductive specialists, gynecologists, embryologists and many others, accompanies couples at all stages of treatment.

Our Center uses advanced techniques and technologies in the field of reproduction.

First, doctors determine the causes of infertility and try to solve the problem without using complex methods. If this does not bring results, a course of assisted reproductive technologies begins.

We also offer cryopreservation methods, puncture and various genetic studies, as well as donor programs and surrogacy.

We have the IVF-ICSI procedure available under compulsory medical insurance.

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