Hamstring muscle[edit | edit code]

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Hamstring muscle

  • Lateral femoral condyle, posterior horn of the lateral meniscus (posterior meniscofemoral ligament), arcuate ligament (part of the knee joint capsule)

Attachment[edit | edit code]

  • Proximal third of the posterior fascia of the tibia, superficial to the origin of the soleus muscle from the line of the soleus muscle

Innervation[edit | edit code]

  • Tibial nerve, L5-S1

The structure of the muscles of the human legs

Actually, let's move on to the main thing. The human legs represent 5 muscle groups:

  • anterior thigh;
  • back of the thigh;
  • inner thigh;
  • calf muscles;
  • buttocks.

The general picture of the leg muscles looks like this:

The structure of the leg muscles

Now let's look at each group separately. Let's find out what functions this or that muscle performs. Let's learn how to control it during the exercise. We will also learn the best ways to “pump up” each muscle group.

Muscles of the anterior thigh

The exact name is the quadriceps femoris muscle (or quadriceps). The strongest muscle of the lower extremities. It occupies the entire front surface of the thigh and part of the outer one.

The quadriceps consists of:

  • broad lateral;
  • medial broad;
  • intermediate wide;
  • rectus muscle.

In the picture version it looks like this:

Muscles of the anterior thigh

The quadriceps is the main muscle of the thigh, but not the only one. At the top of the legs are the tensor fasciae lata and the sartorius muscle, which runs diagonally from the outside of the hip joint to the inside of the knee joint.

Interestingly, the sartorius muscle is not involved in extending the leg at the knee, but is related to the quadriceps.

The main functions of the muscles of the anterior thigh group:

  • shin extension (leg extension at the knee joint);
  • hip flexion (bringing the thigh closer to the stomach);
  • shin flexion (bending the leg at the knee);
  • abduction and external rotation of the hip.

Hamstring muscles

The hamstring muscles are the name given to the muscles on the back of the thigh. Anatomically, they are represented by 3 separate muscles:

  • biceps femoris (biceps muscle);
  • semitendinosus;
  • semimembranous.

The photo below shows the structure of the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Muscles of the posterior thigh

The main functions of the muscles of the posterior thigh group:

  • shin flexion (bending the leg at the knee joint);
  • hip extension (pulling the hip back or straightening the torso from a tilted position);
  • maintaining body balance.

Muscles of the inner thigh

These muscles are usually called adductors, since their main function is to bring the femur inward. Anatomically, the inner thigh is represented by 5 small muscles:

  • thin;
  • comb;
  • long adductor;
  • adductor brevis;
  • adductus magnus

I give a clear example in the photo.

Adductor muscles of the thigh

Functions of the adductor muscles of the thigh:

  • hip adduction;
  • shin flexion (bends the leg at the knee);
  • hip flexion (pulls the thigh toward the body);
  • turning the shin inward;
  • external rotation of the hip.

Calf muscles

The main volume of the lower leg is created by the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. They work together. The anatomical atlas of the lower leg is represented by the following muscles:

  • gastrocnemius (biceps muscle);
  • soleus;
  • flexor digitorum longus;
  • flexor pollicis longus;
  • extensor digitorum longus;
  • extensor pollicis longus;
  • popliteus muscle;
  • anterior tibial;
  • long fibula;
  • short fibula;
  • plantar

In a visual example it looks like this:

  • Muscles of the posterior leg group
  • Muscles of the anterior group of the leg

Main functions of the lower leg muscles:

  • flexion of the foot and ankle;
  • shin rotation;
  • extension and supination of the foot.

Gluteal muscles

The buttocks are the most frequently trained area among women working out in the gym. Anatomically they are represented by three muscles:

  • big;
  • average;
  • gluteus minimus muscle.

In the picture version, our “fifth point” looks like this.

Gluteal muscles

Functions of the buttock muscles:

  • abduction of the hip back;
  • hip abduction to the side;
  • movement of the hip joint (torso straightening).

Now that we've sorted out the theory, let's move on to the second part of the article.

Participation in sports[edit | edit code]

As one of the most important internal rotators of the lower leg, the popliteus muscle plays a large role in the movements of alpine skiing when maneuvering and straightening the skis.

Kind of sport Movement/hold Function Load Types of abbreviations
Ballet, figure skating Rack Support leg stabilization Strength endurance Static
Skiing Maneuvering Internal rotation of the leg Fast, explosive, strength endurance Dynamic concentric and static

The best exercises for developing legs and buttocks

As promised, I present the best exercises for girls to develop the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

Exercises for the buttocks

Wide Leg Squats


  • set the desired weight on the bar;
  • go under the barbell, placing it on the trapezius;
  • spread your elbows to the sides and bring your shoulder blades together;
  • take a step back from the racks;
  • place your feet wider than your shoulders, turning your hips to the sides;
  • as you exhale, slowly lower yourself down, moving your buttocks back;
  • When your thighs are parallel to the floor or slightly lower, inhale and return to IP.

Repeat the specified number of times. You can perform this exercise in a Smith machine, which will allow you to more accurately concentrate the load on the buttocks.

What to pay attention to:

  • while lifting, push through your heels;
  • go down slowly, go up quite sharply;
  • at the top point, tighten your buttocks;
  • keep your back straight, slightly arched at the waist;
  • pull your stomach in and constantly keep it tense;
  • watch your knees, they should be directed along your toes;
  • the gaze is directed forward.

High-stance platform press


  • set the working weight on the simulator;
  • take the right position;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart at the top of the platform;
  • push the stop platform with your toes, removing it from the racks;
  • slowly, while inhaling, lower the platform to an angle of 90 degrees at the knees and below (to a safe depth);
  • As you exhale, straighten your legs, pushing the weight with your heels.

What to pay attention to:

  • during movement, the knees should move in one line;
  • the lower back is pressed against the back of the machine;
  • push through your heels;
  • when lifting, do not straighten your knees completely;
  • keep your whole body tense at all times.

Glute bridge exercise


  • set the desired weight on the bar or Smith;
  • take the “bridge” position on the bench under the working weight;
  • place the bar on your hips above your buttocks;
  • place your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • remove the retaining stoppers on the racks (if you are doing it in Smith);
  • while inhaling, lower your pelvis as far as possible;
  • as you exhale, return to the top position;
  • hold the position for 2 seconds, squeezing your buttocks.

What to pay attention to:

  • do not perform the exercise by inertia;
  • go down slowly, go up fast enough;
  • tense your buttocks at the top;
  • lift your pelvis as high as you can;
  • change the position of your feet every week (narrower, wider, toes to the sides).

The glute bridge is the best isolation exercise for the buttocks. You can read more about this exercise here.


Leg extension in the simulator


  • set the working weight on the simulator;
  • sit in the exercise machine, press your back firmly against the support;
  • put your feet under the roller, grab the handles with your hands;
  • as you exhale, straighten your legs completely;
  • fix the position for 2-3 seconds;
  • slowly return to IP.

What to pay attention to:

  • do not linger at the lowest point;
  • do not bend your legs completely in the lower position, leaving the load on the quadriceps;
  • at the top point, on the contrary, fix the position for 1-2 counts.

Walking lunges with dumbbells


  • find a free space in the hall;
  • pick up dumbbells of the required weight;
  • accept the IP: your back is straight, your stomach is pulled in, your legs are slightly narrower than shoulder width;
  • while inhaling, step forward with one leg and lower yourself down;
  • pushing with the heel of the bent leg, exhale and return to IP;
  • take a step with your other foot.

What to pay attention to:

  • Always maintain a 90 degree angle at your knees throughout the movement;
  • knees should not extend beyond the toes of the feet;
  • do not touch the floor with your knee during a lunge;
  • keep your back straight (a slight tilt is allowed);
  • As you come back up, push through your heel.

Biceps hamstrings

Romanian deadlift


  • set the working weight on the bar (or pick up dumbbells);
  • Place your legs shoulder-width apart, place your feet parallel to each other;
  • grab the bar with a regular grip slightly wider than shoulder width;
  • take IP: arms slightly bent, back straight, shoulder blades pulled together, pelvis directed slightly forward;
  • while inhaling, we begin to move the pelvis back, bend down to the level below the knees (until it feels comfortable);
  • arch your back throughout the movement;
  • as you exhale, we return to the IP, due to the work of the back of the thigh;
  • The height of the barbell lift to IP is slightly above the middle of the thigh.

What to pay attention to:

  • the bar (dumbbells) should move as close to the legs as possible (almost or touching the legs);
  • at the top point, bring the pelvis forward, squeezing the buttocks;
  • do not round your back when lifting/lowering;
  • rise not with your back, but through isolated work of the thigh biceps;
  • fix the position at the lowest point, feeling the stretch in your thigh.

Leg bending while lying down in a machine


  • set the weight in the simulator and adjust the position of the roller taking into account your height;
  • lie on your stomach with your legs under the cushion at ankle level;
  • the knees should hang from the bench, and the bend of the bench should be under the waist;
  • press your pelvis tightly against the bench, grab the handrails with your hands;
  • inhale and, without lifting your hips from the bench, pull the rollers towards your buttocks;
  • While moving, hold your breath and exhale when you pass the most difficult point;
  • fix the position at the top point for 1-2 counts;
  • Slowly, while inhaling, lower your legs into the IP position.

What to pay attention to:

  • bend your legs as much as possible, almost touching your buttocks;
  • do not completely straighten your legs at the lowest point (the muscles remain tense);
  • keep your feet relaxed (if your toes are pulled towards you, the load will shift to your calves).

Inner thigh

Leg abduction in the simulator


  • set the weight on the machine and adjust the width of the support rollers for the legs (until the adductor muscles are slightly stretched);
  • sit in the exercise machine, grab the handrails with your hands;
  • place your legs behind the supports, resting your knees;
  • spread your legs to the set width;
  • keeping your back straight, as you exhale, begin to bring your hips together;
  • at the end point, hold for 1-2 seconds;
  • As you inhale, slowly but not completely spread your legs, keeping your muscles tense.

What to pay attention to:

  • slowly return to the IP without reaching the set width;
  • do not use inertia during the exercise.

Plie squats


  • pick up a dumbbell with an overhand grip on the weight plate;
  • place your feet wider than your shoulders, turning your feet at an angle of approximately 45 degrees;
  • place the dumbbell between your legs;
  • as you inhale, begin to lower the dumbbell down until your thighs are parallel to the floor;
  • As you exhale, return to the top position.

What to pay attention to:

  • throughout the movement, keep your back straight and the dumbbell close to your body;
  • knees should not extend beyond the toes of the feet;
  • knees should always be directed along the line of the feet;
  • for greater squat depth and buttock training, use a step platform under each leg.


Standing calf raises


  • set the weight on the machine and adjust the shoulder height according to your height;
  • place your shoulders under the supports, and stand with your toes on the step of the simulator;
  • unlock the simulator;
  • As you inhale, lower your heels as far as possible, stretching your calf muscles;
  • as you exhale, rise high on your toes due to the work of the lower leg muscles;
  • delay for 1-2 counts;
  • slowly return to IP.

What to pay attention to:

  • use the full range of motion;
  • always keep your back straight and your legs fixed;
  • perform the exercise with heavy weight and with a large number of repetitions (even girls’ calf muscles are very strong and resilient).

So we come to the end of the note. Now you are theoretically prepared for leg training. Knowing the anatomy of the muscles of the lower extremities and the best exercises to “pump” them, you will be able to build a beautiful harmonious body.

Muscles of the pelvic girdle[edit | edit code]

The pelvic girdle is almost motionlessly articulated with the sacral spine, so there are no muscles that move it. The muscles located on the pelvis move the leg at the hip joint and the spine.

Front group[edit | edit code]

Iliopsoas muscleConsists of two muscles: the psoas major and the iliacus muscles.The psoas major muscle attaches to the lateral surfaces and intercostal discs of the 12th thoracic vertebrae and the 4th upper lumbar vertebrae.
The iliacus muscle originates from the iliac fossa and the anterior iliac crest (superior and inferior)
To the lesser trochanter of the femurFlexes the hip joint until the thigh touches the anterior abdominal wall; rotates the hip outward. With a fixed hip, flexes the lumbar spine
Psoas minor muscleMay be missing.
Sometimes isolated as part of the iliopsoas muscle
Adjacent to the psoas major muscleIliopubic eminenceTenses the fascia iliaca and is involved in flexion of the spinal column

Back group[edit | edit code]

Gluteus maximus muscleExternal (gluteal) surface of the ilium, thoracolumbar fascia, lateral parts of the sacrum and coccyx and from the sacrotuberous ligamentThe anterior part of the bundles passes into the fascia lata of the thigh.
The posterior part of the bundles is attached to the gluteal tuberosity of the femur.
Extends the leg at the hip joint; with fixed legs, extends the torso
Gluteus medius muscleExternal (gluteal) surface of the iliumApex and outer surface of the greater trochanterAbducts the femur at the hip joint. By contracting only the anterior fibers, the thigh rotates inward, and by contracting the posterior fibers, it rotates outward. With a fixed leg, the pelvis abducts (tilts to the side)
Gluteus minimusExternal (gluteal) surface of the iliumAnterior surface of the greater trochanterAbducts the femur at the hip joint. By contracting only the anterior fibers, the thigh rotates inward, and by contracting the posterior fibers, it rotates outward. With a fixed leg, the pelvis abducts (tilts to the side)
Tensor fascia lataSuperior anterior iliac spineTransition into fascia lata of the thighStrains the fascia lata; participates in hip flexion and pronation
Piriformis musclePelvic surface of the sacrum (II-IV sacral vertebrae)Apex of the greater trochanter of the femurRotates the hip outward
Obturator internus muscleInner surface of the obturator membrane, edges of the obturator foramen, obturator fasciaMedial surface of the greater trochanter of the femurRotates the hip outward
Superior and inferior gemellus musclesIschial spine/tuberosityGreater trochanter of the femurRotate the hip outward
Obturator externus muscleOuter surface of the obturator membrane, outer surface of the pubis and ramus of the ischiumTrochanteric fossa of the greater trochanter, capsule of the hip jointRotates the hip outward
Quadratus femorisIt lies downward from the inferior gemellus muscle under the lower edge of the gluteus maximus muscle.Intertrochanteric groove of the femurRotates the hip outward
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